
Me tooregular_smile
SirSmiley 49 Reviews 58 reads

I got one too! Seen her before, and would repeat. Likes to the term "king", and also has nice protruding.....

I received a text from a person alleging to be a provider who was well known in the Atlanta area. I've spent time with the provider on more than a few occasions. She had retired, and then returned for a fairly short time. Then just disappeared. That was about a year or two ago. The text says the provider has since taken a professional job and doesn't want anything written using her name. The text is to give me her new number. There is a short video attached. The video seems real. All the provider's information has been deleted from TER. She had a ton of great reviews. Everyone who wrote a review raved about her, and for good reason! I'm honoring the preference not to use the provider's name. But in the text there is nothing to verify who's sending it, and there's no information about meeting information. To be honest it feels a little tricky. I'm wondering if others have received anything similar. I'm not really sure how safe it is to respond.

situation, I reached out to a current provider that I have seen a few times.  She was kind enough to contact the lady and it was indeed her.  It ended up setting up a nice arrangement for me, she did not want to come back to the business fulltime but did want an extra income stream.  I hate third party verification on websites, computers, and such however the world we live in is crazy these days.... Happy Fucking

I got one too! Seen her before, and would repeat. Likes to the term "king", and also has nice protruding.....

OlympicGold42 reads

Without seeing it, I can’t respond with accuracy  

Overall I would say steer clear

I think the lady was wanting to be DISCRETE!! And wouldn't want someone posting the video! Please don't post.  

If she wanted everyone to know, she would have posted it herself. She obviously sent the information to a limited number of former clients.

I think the contact she has initiated is 100% legit.

OlympicGold46 reads

And went on to question whether it was safe.

How can you have an opinion one way or the other without seeing the video?

My thoughts.... If it is the same lady that sent me a video, there is no doubt in my mind who it is. She has been an Atlanta fixture for quite a long time. She is over 40 and I suppose her life is ready for her next career, but not ready to completely give up what really, really enjoys!  

Don't trust it? Delete it and forget it!  

If any "clients" are asking questions, or even discussing it..... And she DID NOT send it to YOU, then she doesn't care to see you. Her reasons are her own. If you have never dated the lady, then I'm sure that you won't.

OlympicGold38 reads

I was replying to Randy but thanks for your response

Say thanks to everyone who responded, both here and in private. Everyone offered honest and thoughtful feedback. I responded to the original text message with some innocuous messages to see what response I would receive. I’ve not scheduled a meet up yet, but I’m convinced the original text is legit. Oh, and I would never share video or pics sent discreetly. Thanks to all, and nothing in this message should read as negative toward anyone.  I thank all of you!

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