60 and Over

ATLDAWG 390 reads

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While we enjoy the opportunity for being with a female companion, there are other times when we resort to manual stimulation to address our desires.  How many times a week does the average male self stimulate?  In their sixties?  In their seventies?  Are there eighty year olds or above who still do it? Does it decrease desire or add to it?

and that was with having sex with a gal almost every week.

That fell off to weekly after 50, and by 60 not even monthly.  I have been having sex weekly however till recently, so I suspect it will come back, but that remains to be seen

at least once a day sometimes twice. with fixed budget can't afford good provider. so I  can only treat myself once a month
to the ladies

so I would often masturbate an hour before I had an opportunity for the real thing. Today, I don't have that problem lol

When I was younger I'd jack off once or twice a day, sometimes 3 times.  Now it's down to twice a week.  If I have a date scheduled I'll abstain for at least a few days prior.

Here is to hoping that you have a very happy 69,  for your very happy birthday!!!!!!!!!  smoochies to you !!!!!!!

If I have a date scheduled within the next few days.. I abstain.. if not, I do..I'm 66

On a regular weekly basis I would quickly run out of special resources and opurtunities to enjoy the company of many very fine ladies! Like others I do abstain when meeting a new friend! As we get older we need to work harder at being our best not only for ourselves.

I'll turn 60 in May, but I still masturbate several time per week depending on my mood.  When I'm seeing a provider, I usually don't masturbate 1-2 day before my appointment.

When I was in my teens, it was more frequent, sometimes at least twice per day, then started decreasing through my late 30s or so.  I think I sorta leveled off at that age and it's been about the same so far.  

I also heard that having sex and/or masturbating regularly is suppose to be good for your prostate and supposably reduces ones chance of developing prostate cancer ...so there's an added benefit to seeing providers regularly and masturbating. LOL

WICardinalfan596 reads

In my teams till 52, twice to three times a week plus one romp in the hay.  

Now once a week.  

I can only hobby once a month.  I will stop my self pleasure a week before my date.  Makes my orgasms more intense and increases my load.

62 here... When I have time, still 1-2 times per day, but it goes in spurts (no pun intended). There are weeks that are busier where my frequency goes down. When I was really young, I used to go 4-5 times per day. I was a bit addicted - then again I still am!

-- Modified on 3/15/2016 2:53:34 PM

63 here...
Same story, Used to go 3times a day(Morning, noon, nite)
I still do it before I go to sleep, I think it helps...Who am I to deny myself.
I will however, abstain a few days before what I call my "Therapy Sessions"  
Hoping to keep Prostate Problems at bay!
I LOVE THIS HOBBY...Wish my father had told me about this!!
Old Guys Rule!

The day I can't pleasure myself is the day I pack it in... It's one of life's most amazing activities! Hell, I discovered dry orgasms when I was 4 and haven't stopped since! I remember the first time cum came out and I essentially freaked out. I thought I was sick or injured. My Dad had to explain to me how it's normal. Back then, there was no sex ed and my "education" never warned me the day would come when it would no longer be "dry"... Maybe it's my memory playing tricks on me, but I do recall my prepubescent orgasms were as strong, if not stronger than the ones that happened after puberty.

ATLDAWG391 reads

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Posted By: ATLDAWG
It Looks Like This Post Has Been Beat To Death !!!
That's the best comment yet!

62 and 3 times a week.....doesn't affect desire one way or the other....

vibrator! Or one of you is going to have to come over and take a minivacation at Adelle's!!!

...I have an upcoming date then like others I abstain for 3 or 4 days.  Doesn't affect my desire at all.

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