60 and Over

Re: Try to leave my burdens behind
theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 130 reads

Sounds like a good attitude. Thanks!

Bringing this up here as I think we are mostly a bit more seasoned here, have been knocked around a bit, maybe have a little more understanding of the wayward paths we sometimes find ourselves on.

I've read on these boards more than once not to expect a provider to heal a broken heart. And, yes, absolutely I am clear on the main reason to see a provider. But you know--the next appointment I make, and probably many more afterward, I'm going to be bringing a broken heart to the session. Because that's what I have. I'm hoping my hour or hour and a half with a charming and attractive woman will help me take my mind off my troubles for a while, but the truth is I'm going to bring my whole self into the room, sorrows and all. The older I get, the less able I am not to do that.

Surely I'm not the only guy who sometimes brings pain and sadness into the room, along with the requisite horniness, am I? What have your experiences been, either as client or provider? Does it ruin the experience, or can it sometimes bring a bit of connection and healing?

Here_I_Go162 reads

Sounds like you are dealing with some tough stuff.  At our stage in life, we are all likely dealing with difficult problems.  However, I work very hard to not bring any of my problems into a session.    

I want a respite and an escape.  I find it easy to do, when the clothes start flying and we begin attacking each other.  I regularly have providers reach out and express how much fun they had with me.  Just yesterday it happened again, with someone I have not seen in over a year.  That is the impact I want.  

With that said, I have one woman who has become a friend.  It probably took a dozen visits for her to finally ask 'what my deal was'.   Which I took to mean, why I was seeing providers.  She is seriously perceptive.  I felt I owed her an honest answer on my 'not great' situation in my marriage.   That conversation got deeper in subsequent visits, so now she has a full understanding of me and my situation.   I will likely keep repeating with her until the bitter end.

But beyond that, most providers think I live an amazing and 100% positive life.  Which I think helps lead to great encounters and enthusiastic repeat visits.  Providers aren't the only ones who act in this business :-).  

EDIT - One more thing.  On business travel, I see this ridiculously hot Russian - 25 years old.   Truly DDG.  A couple of days ago, I started getting texts from her on how she is going to kick my ass for something I have done.  The next time we meet.  She speaks to me with zero respect or deference that one would expect due to our age difference.   If I wanted to be, I could be offended.   But I love it.  I chalk this up to working hard to keep the sessions fun.  I toss the odd insult at her too.  Humor and levity are hot.  

-- Modified on 9/7/2017 6:03:16 PM

-- Modified on 9/7/2017 6:47:59 PM

so why not for a broken heart?

The funny thing is, the hobby has broken my heart more times than it's healed it, but I've got so accustomed to it, that it doesn't bother me.   It's just another form of BD/SM.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: The hobby was certainly something I took solace in during my divorce...
so why not for a broken heart?
Why not indeed--that makes sense.
The funny thing is, the hobby has broken my heart more times than it's healed it, but I've got so accustomed to it, that it doesn't bother me.   It's just another form of BD/SM.
Ha!  I may have to start looking at life that way.

a glass is half full (rather than half empty) attitude, things will be fine. Assumption being you have done your homework and are meeting a well-reviewed GFE lady.

Yes--I like that--an open mind and a glass-half-full attitude--and yes, I have less of a budget and less unscheduled time than I did on my former forays years ago; that along with feeling kind of beaten up these days does make doing my homework more important.

Actually, I'm saving up these weeks to meet a very special lady for the first time. Maybe the only time as she's above my usual financial range. But we've corresponded a bit and I've read her reviews and website, and I think she will do me good. :-)

Posted By: theoldcavalier
Actually, I'm saving up these weeks to meet a very special lady for the first time. Maybe the only time as she's above my usual financial range. But we've corresponded a bit and I've read her reviews and website, and I think she will do me good. :-)
She did!

I don't understand why you can't have a connection with a provider and tell her about your sadness and your troubles. I for one enjoy listening and having a connection with my friends. We are all humans and are not always happy! I believe that I am supposed to give you pleasure mentally as well as physically and if I can give you comfort and help in mending your heart then why not ! There is no rule book in doing this business at least imo and I am new at this but I still have a big shoulder to cry on and am a great listener. Who knows might even heal your heart ! Pleasure , passion and eroticism has helped heal my heart! I also am very good at these things I have been told.
Cherish O'Riley

You do sound as if you would be very good at these things! I am just starting to get back into the scene after some years' absence. I was lucky enough to meet some wonderful providers with whom I had that human connection before. They are all retired or relocated now, but maybe it can happen again. As you say--there is no rule book--beyond the usual matters of safety, discretion, and respect--best just to go in with an open mind and heart.

I had not had sex with anyone other than my wife in decades, I felt I was missing out on the one thing I really craved, namely sexual variety, and I had started to become bitter and angry about it.  Hobbying healed me!  My entire attitude was improved by the therapy I received from the many professional angels I dated.  I became a happy satisfied person.  Totally turned my life around!  More recently I had a year long affair with a semi-pro girl who I wisely/foolishly fell in love with.  When she broke it off, I was heartbroken, but just got back on the horse as the saying goes.  It's hard to stay sad about a lost love when you're having a great time in bed with lots of new hotties.

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