60 and Over

Re: One day after I started this thread ...
Black-Panther 235 reads

Dang dude, very sorry to hear that. But, she is no longer in pain. I think in a weird way she was glad to hear that she couldn't be 'replaced'. You were taking care of your physical needs, but emotionally you were with her; which is very important to women. They are psychologically built differently than men.  

Thank you for posting, appreciated

--- and I have been her primary care-giver for the last 7 years.  

She is expected to pass away in the next six months - maybe in the next six weeks.

Many years ago we reached a "Don't Tell, don't ask" agreement about my participation in the hobby.

Today she wanted to talk about my future after she is gone. She wanted to know what I planned to do. I told her that I do not plan to get remarried. She agreed - and she said "It is best that you just shack up with a lady now and then."

I love my wife.

To lose such a realistic and understanding woman

she passed away in her sleep.

She was a tolerant and accepting woman of remarkable generosity.  

While my daughters and I were mourning our loss, one said "Well, now you can get a girlfriend" and the other replied "Or a mistress."

WICardinalfan232 reads

I lost my first wife at the age of 29, a long time ago.  Not a day goes by that I do not think about her.  Tragic what you are going through.  Feel free to PM me if you ever want to vent.  You are not alone.

I’m so sorry for your loss.  

Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Grief can cause an incredible stress on your mind and body.  

All the best to you.

Black-Panther236 reads

Dang dude, very sorry to hear that. But, she is no longer in pain. I think in a weird way she was glad to hear that she couldn't be 'replaced'. You were taking care of your physical needs, but emotionally you were with her; which is very important to women. They are psychologically built differently than men.  

Thank you for posting, appreciated

of your wonderful wife.  There aren't many out there like you describe her.


Steve_Trevor271 reads

Two caring, generous people, and you had many good years together. I hope those memories will give you and your daughters some comfort.  And your daughters seem like sensible young women also.  

I’m very lucky to also have married a considerate and generous woman, who’s always thinking about how to help other people, especially her family.  Like with your situation, mine couldn’t be intimate with me in recent years but didn’t want me to go without it, even if it meant with another woman.  She just told me to be discreet, not to bring anything home, and not to fall in love.

I just lost mi Papi this year & I will never be the same. Your wife sounds, like a phenomenal woman. My heart & prayers go out to you.

I lost my wife of 40 years to cancer 4 years ago. I had a tough time and it took a toll on my health. I finally came to grips with it. I started to hobby and luckily connected with a 30 year old lady. I visited her weekl until Covid-19 hit. We always spent an hour talking then 30 minutes of activity(I have ED). She really helped me come to grips with my new life but I still miss my wife.  
Bottom line is life is like the weather. There’s NOTHING  
You can do about it so you better adapt.

a massive stroke.  She only lasted three days in ICU, but never regained consciousness. I can't even imagine how devastating it would be to watch someone you love deteriorate slowly over 7 years.  My sympathies, BB.  

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