60 and Over

my bio age is 54...not bad for a guy in his late 60s
bocabuster 19 Reviews 349 reads


NoYellowEnvelope2087 reads

Ever take one of those "biological age" tests?  See the link for an example. That one says my biological age is 38.  Which makes me younger than my 40-something ATF. ;)  'Course maybe her biological age is less than her chronological age also.

Anyway, I won't tell a provider my biological age until I've met her, in case she prefers older guys.  :)

I thought I was married to a much younger woman (she is 61 and I an 75) but it turns out it says I am only 60 biologically.  I wonder how old she is biologically and I wonder why I even care what that quiz says.

Mine came out as 50, so I'm 10 yrs younger.  My current favorite is in her late 20s (chronological age), so I'm still way older that her. LOL

My chronological age is 64, but my MD scores me at 50.  This exam scored me at 45, so I guess my MD is a stricter scorer.

In any case, mature providers love a young stud now and then, so you don't have to worry about with that

...and it says my biological age is 42. Not bad for an old guy whose actual age is 63. I'm seeing two providers this week while on vacation, so I'll ask them about the age issue when I show up at their in calls. One is 33 and the other is 28; we'll see if there are any age-related concerns and I'll mention those in my reviews.

GaGambler370 reads

I may go back and retake the test, but this time I will lie about my alcohol consumption. I put the truth which is 6 or more drinks a day, I wonder how young I would score if I were a teetotaler

GaGambler402 reads

I went back and retook the test a couple of times, but chose the answers I thought they wanted to hear and not the actual truth.  

The best I have done so far was to knock my biological age down to 29, down from my previous "best" score of 30 by changing from teetotaler to one drink a day.  

The other things I changed when "cheating" was to claim I was in a "happy partnership" and that I NEVER felt stressed, also a lie, but a "real" score of 39 isn't too bad I suppose.

noagenosage344 reads

I'm in my early 80s, answered the quiz honestly, and came out with a 52, so I have to conclude this exercise is BS, despite   the ego boost it gives.  What does the biological figure actually signify -- life expectancy?  I doubt it.  
Probably more to the point is a comment from my comely ATF a while back, who castigated me for lamenting my advanced years.  She said, "You don't look like 80s, more like late 60s or early 70s...Besides I like everything about you...hair, eyes, smile..." and proceeded to comment charmingly on other aspects of my creaky bod. People like that who have a natural knack for making making their customers feel good are worth an army of statisticians, as necessary as the latter folks are.

if I could just that information across to my pecker

Shocked.. i could do 9 push ups..

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
Ever take one of those "biological age" tests?  See the link for an example. That one says my biological age is 38.  Which makes me younger than my 40-something ATF. ;)  'Course maybe her biological age is less than her chronological age also.  
 Anyway, I won't tell a provider my biological age until I've met her, in case she prefers older guys.  :)

I'm in my 50's, hugely overweight, and live on restaurant and fast food... yet it says my "biological" age is 43. While it's true that I have never smoked and have a stress-free life, I don't exercise at all and eat everything wrong. The last time I ate a salad was about the time someone invented croutons.

Eating foods high in preservatives will keep you alive forever.

Saves on mummification costs too, if you're into the Egyptian after-lifestyle.

I think I answers 4 questions and realized there was no reason to think it would produce any reasonable result -- especially given that the 4 or 5 respondents at the time were all saying they were about half their real age. Perhaps a fun game for some but seemed too silly to me.

-- Modified on 1/20/2017 7:05:35 PM

It said I am 51, 13 years off my age.  but since I'm 69 that should be 18 years off.  WTF?

will someone PLEASE tell my cock ...  
however, there are certain gals that
have no problem getting junior
rockin and rollin!

-- Modified on 1/26/2017 1:12:35 AM

Age and Sexy are simply states of mind! Yes the body has certain limitations with each trip around the sun but seriously...does an O feel less amazing at 30? 40? 50? 60? 70? NO....just different. How about the connection and sensual touch? Last I checked this was amazing at any interval in life.  

I have never dated anyone younger than myself in my personal life and truly enjoy and cherish sessions with more seasoned gentleman who tend to know what they like, want, need, and aren't afraid to respectfully say so. i can think of several wonderful older gentleman who contacted me concerned their age would be a deterrent and my response then as it is now is....age is just a number. In the scheme of things....why do we care about numbers? Isn't connecting and feeling terrific more about living in the moment and enjoying life to the fullest?  

Growing older is required....growing up is optional. Playing is fun no matter what your biological, chronological or emotional age may be! Have fun and hobby on!

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