60 and Over

For me, it was always upset stomach (eom)
Imabigfan 345 reads


ATLDAWG1564 reads


In reading about Cialis it appears that the expectation is that 10 mg of Cialis should take effect in a hour similar to 20 mg Levitra or 100 mg Viagra.  Anyone have experience with that dosage ?

-- Modified on 10/2/2016 2:57:53 PM

I feel Cialis takes effect more slowly but has a long lasting effect.  Cialis builds up in your system & has effect for more than 24 hours.  C daily is only 5mg.  But to your specific question, yes 10 mg should have full effect in an hour.            

Viagra starts taking effect very quickly...  I feel it's noticeable at 15 minutes.  The V doseage does not matter to effective time...  it comes in 25, 50, 100 mg doses.  They taste bad but that's the only reason for the coating & my MD Rx'd the 100mg dose & instructed me to buy a pill cutter.  I was cutting 100 mg to ~12.5 or 25mg, "more bang for the buck".  

My experience is that more doesn't make it better...  take the smallest dose necessary to be effective.

"My experience is that more doesn't make it better...  take the smallest dose necessary to be effective."

Yep. These drugs are PDE5 blockers. Once that effect is saturated, you get no increase in effectiveness, only an increase in side effects. I find 25-50 mg is enough.

ATLDAWG558 reads

Thanks for the input-My Doc gave me a sample package of 15  5 MG tablets and said that 2 would work like Levitra -so obviously I wanted to get some real life field research results -  therefore the reason for my post !  If they work that well-I have 7.5 trips paid in advance for free !    

If anyone has had a conflicting experience I would like to know about  it as well !!!!

Again-Thanks !

Imabigfan440 reads

Tried 20mg and then 10mg cialis (never levitra or viagra) and it worked well, including taking effect in an hour or so, but the side effects were always there, sometimes worse than others.
Then I started cutting the 10mg in half and only taking 5gm and, voila, no side effects. So I got my prescription changed to the 5mg daily version and still only take it when I need to. An additional benefit; it ends up being about $7-8 a dose instead of $20-30.
Just wish the patent expiration would happen and generic was available

ATLDAWG337 reads

Thanks for the input-I think I will go with 10 mg's the first go around and see how it works.  I am sure there will be the usual side effects-but all  in all-it's worth it !

Tippecanoe415 reads

Half a bagel with cream cheese does the trick for me.  Headaches, though, are kind of random.  Some days just shoot me others not so much.

ATLDAWG390 reads

Plus a headache-key is to take Advil or comparable right after the session.

I had a pretty intense headache and general flu-like symptoms.  I read in another thread that 20 MG of C = 100 MG of V.  I'm already cutting 100 MG V's in half and will try the same thing with C.  I might even try quartering each pill and see what happens.  Like all of you, I'm interested in performing like a 20-year old without the side effects.

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