60 and Over

For heavens sake
Dr. joe 32 Reviews 343 reads

Why are you telling US this rather than your physician? There are many alternatives to most of the meds we need. Give your doc a chance to change things to suit.  Some times you have to try off one med then the next before you can figure it out. And when I say try "off" I mean use a substitute.  

All drugs have side effects, often kidney & liver damage can happen with long term use. Would be better to focus on diet & exercise to get off the drugs.

do you take a beta blocker? they are notorious for causing ED problems. mention to your doctor, he may be able to change your meds

My heart attack was just over 2 months ago.  Only one 100% blockage & got a stent.  Working on lifestyle changes.        

DAVEPHX356 reads

Diet & exercise is great but will not be enough for many heart conditions that require beta blockers.  

For example, there can be electrical irregularities but no real physical cause such as from PVCs, PAC's the most common forms of arrhythmias, etc. where beta blockers like Metoprolol should be taken forever to lessen the potential strain of on the heart. In the majority of cases, PACs occur in normal healthy individuals - especially older - without any evidence of heart disease.

 The surgical possible "fix" of killing the tissue sending out the premature electric pulse is usually not recommended unless the symptoms (palpitations etc) interfere with everyday life.  

In some cases, exercise can increase the arrhythmias which is why patients often have stress tests to see if they increase or not during exercise.   Of course, good diet and exercise is beneficial but not the full answer and won't help much for common heart arrhythmia issues.  

Yes, I have had these PVC/PAC's for years but very rarely feel them.  Had all the extensive heart tests and nothing is wrong physically just an electrical problem that many have.  

To the main issue of drugs and "performance", I have been lucky.  In my 70s with some help from Viagra have not had any issues other than the normal lack of "force" and lower output :)  I have been on Metoprolol for years.  Other medications may interfere more and different men react differently based on individual situations.

I been on lisinopril for HBP since may 2009.  Doc put me on 10mgs and if no side effects bump to 20mgs. I lost 80% of my sex drive and for 12 days had 100% ED. Hand on groin either felt nothing or like sticking your hand in a ice bucket. Went back to 10mgs and in 3 days off the ED.  I went on a medical site and there was 1400 + comments on lisinopril some good some bad.  Lots of talk on sexual disfuntion.  When I go jogging despite working out my whole life, the first 4 minutes I feel like I'm going to pass out. After 4 minutes I can jog the same as if I didnt take the pill. The Doctors say it should make your sex life better because it increases the blood flow and supposely the best HBP drug for your sex life.  Today I'm on 30mg, I do take cialis for insurance. I wake up with erections so supposely I'm back to normal. My sex drive is not what it use to be. What use to take 30 seconds to get hard now take 3 minutes. Orgasms are not as intense but overall I function ok.  I can tell when I forgot to take lisninopril I feel better. So its not just old age everytime was perfect before. Work with your doctor on your sexual disfunction side effects.

Years of a healthy lifestyle and a "textbook" 120/80 BP reading while living in Arizona went to hell after moving to Oregon - I was ALLERGIC to damn near everything! My body responded to a reduction in O2 by bumping up the BP and so my docs put me on Lisinopril. BP now at 105/70 but my erections are about 85-90% of what was normal in AZ.

I've been on lisinopril for about 4 years now and have learned to cope with increased exercise -- I was in the gym 3 days a week with some light cardio & core before lifting. Now I'm light cardio and lifting 3 days a week, with higher levels of cardio and core work 2 days a week.

So now my erections are about 95% of normal with the added bonus of increased endurance. I'm still having issues with achieving an orgasm through the usual penetrative acts alone, but I can cross the finish line with a combo HJ/3BJ with an enthusiastic playmate.

One further note -- I've noticed that when I need to take prednisone to battle oncoming sinusitis, my erection levels get back to almost 100% normal and I'm ready to go with a much shorter refractory period. The other side effects are no fun but at least there's one positive to good ol' pred!

I aquired 4 new heart meds & huge increase in Lipitor 10 to 80 mg, between the afib in October & HA in early Dec.    The lisinipril is the only one with sexual side effects listed & I'm only on a low 5mg dose.  
I have tried with Cialis, Viagra, & without.  100% failure to finsh.  I have a call in to the Cardiologist now.  There seem to be alternatives.  

Dude, you are pushing your luck.
Give yourself another 30-60 days to get back to normal.
You keep trying to push it this fast and you're going to experience consequences you're not going to like.

Why are you telling US this rather than your physician? There are many alternatives to most of the meds we need. Give your doc a chance to change things to suit.  Some times you have to try off one med then the next before you can figure it out. And when I say try "off" I mean use a substitute.  

Posted By: Dr. joe
Re: For heavens sake
Why are you telling US this rather than your physician? There are many alternatives to most of the meds we need. Give your doc a chance to change things to suit.  Some times you have to try off one med then the next before you can figure it out. And when I say try "off" I mean use a substitute.  
I appreciate the thoughts  

Yes, venting.  As I posted earlier, I have been in touch with the cardiologist.   I'm not happy with this guy.        

-- Modified on 2/11/2018 5:17:58 PM

The cardiologist got back to me & has prescribed a different medication.  He wasa little slow but unimportant in the larger scheme of things.  

Really glad you got your cardiologist tp focus on your total needs.  Hope your hobbying days are many and happy ones/

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