Los Angeles

You're completely wrong. Voyeuristic lurkers have no need...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 312 reads

...for VIP.  If they are not real hobbyists, they don't need VIP to lurk.

Real hobbyists need VIP to read the Juicy Details.  No way could there be that many voyeuristic lurkers who would take the trouble to write fake reviews just to be able to jerk off to the Juicy Details.

The reviewer in this situation is new - he wrote six reviews in June.  To get free VIP, he'd only have to write two reviews.  And if he wanted to blend in with fake reviews, he wouldn't have given lower scores as he's done.

The most fake reviews are written by guys who are too cheap to pay for VIP.  You know who I'm talking about: K-fanboys.  In addition to the good service, they're attracted like moths to a flame because of the low, low price.  K-girls have so many reviews that it's easy to sneak fake ones in.  I've caught guys who wrote the exact same review, word-for-word, about different K-girls and just changed the name of the K-girl in order to get free VIP.

I recently had a fake review posted by FijiAlex56.  I never saw him.  He wrote "I asked in advance for a parking spot" in his review.  I live in a house where street parking is never an issue. Can only guess that he is getting free VIP months by writing fake reviews.  I reported the problem to TER twice.  So far noting.  Once again us ladies have a hard time defending ourselves against bad guys who can post anything. Any suggestions?

Hi There Loverly

Why do these guys get off doing this and destroying our rep. It really makes me angry and I really hate working here in US. So many loop holes and scammers.

I have a list of wanna be bookers and left me high dry cause I don't conform to there ways. Its my body and I don't need to listen or take YOUR orders.

Hang there and stay focus.


Alley, if you don't like the US go back to Australia. (E)

Posted By: Alley-Syd
Hi There Loverly  
 Why do these guys get off doing this and destroying our rep. It really makes me angry and I really hate working here in US. So many loop holes and scammers.  
 I have a list of wanna be bookers and left me high dry cause I don't conform to there ways. Its my body and I don't need to listen or take YOUR orders.  
 Hang there and stay focus.  

Posted By: needdaty
Alley, if you don't like the US go back to Australia. (E)
who are you, donald trump?

ally's got some legitimate gripes about bookers; gotta say imo (some) bookers are an unnecessary pain in the ass, i prefer direct contact with my ladies in establishing appointments.

and madison has a legitimate point too.  in her case i think she's right, the guy is just writing reveiws to get free vip status.  but many ladies i know have had fake and very negative reviews posted b/c the guy either (a) is just a cranky woman-hater who can't even deal with p4p or (b) had a lady deny him what he asked for, usually fsbb or anal or something she didn't feel comfortable doing and so the guy is getting his "revenge."

i wish ter had stricter standards by which they allowed reviews to be published, ie, proof (corroborated by both) that the two people actually saw each other.

otoh i know of many women who won't white list or will threated with black list if they get low scores (and by low i mean 8 or less).

i have no solution, only a lamentation that numerical scores are used.  i think reviews alone should suffice in giving info as to whether or a not a lady is worth your while and provides what you are looking for.

...thread is about a fake review.  If Ally wants to complain about bookers, she should start her own thread. Ally shouldn't use Madison's OP to get her name out there, as she does with most of her worthless posts.

guess i've been hanging out too much on the gd board where everyone uses any excuse to bitch about anyone and anything else!

then why not at least be respectful enough to at least score the visit at her average rating and make it representative of a typical visit.  Sometimes I suspect these are revenge reviews since guys don't have a separate black list system to report providers that piss us off in other ways.  But in this case, based on his review history, it does appear he was trying to simply built up a bunch of VIP credits fast.   Or it could be that he reviewed the wrong lady or that some other error had caused the review to be attached to the wrong lady.  I have had that happen twice, once was my screw up (some K-girls look at lot alike) and the other time was a mistake at the TER end.  That second occurance was someone who had not been reviewed before and TER accidentally attached the review to the wrong lady who had been reviewed before, looked a lot like who I saw, plus was with the same agency.  But in both cases I quickly got the errors fixed.

and some of u providers are fucking bitches.And you sound like one. Its life baby, there are good and bad everywhere. And if u dont like it here then go back to where you came from. However you dont seem to hate American dollars or the freedom to say what you want. Get it together lady and watch your mouth about America.

...couldn't make it here.  I can't wait for her to go back to Australia again.  I'll even drive her to LAX myself.

...of the week than see you.  In fact, I'd stick my dick in a glory hole before I'd stick it in your hole.

You've been bitching about this country for almost three years.  Why don't you get the fuck out of here if it's so bad?

"Australia here I come"


"This is a really tough country to work in. I get paid less and work double. Australia here I come."

"Its suxes (in the States). Looking forward to going home."

-- Modified on 7/24/2016 4:00:45 PM

Fake hobbyists with real hobbyists. Many of the guys writing fake reviews are not real hobbyists either, just voyeuristic lurkers scamming TER for free VIP.  You should not give the impression that this type of thing happens in large numbers among legitimate hobbyists.

thanks for clearing this up !! it pisses my off big time.

cheers mate.

...for VIP.  If they are not real hobbyists, they don't need VIP to lurk.

Real hobbyists need VIP to read the Juicy Details.  No way could there be that many voyeuristic lurkers who would take the trouble to write fake reviews just to be able to jerk off to the Juicy Details.

The reviewer in this situation is new - he wrote six reviews in June.  To get free VIP, he'd only have to write two reviews.  And if he wanted to blend in with fake reviews, he wouldn't have given lower scores as he's done.

The most fake reviews are written by guys who are too cheap to pay for VIP.  You know who I'm talking about: K-fanboys.  In addition to the good service, they're attracted like moths to a flame because of the low, low price.  K-girls have so many reviews that it's easy to sneak fake ones in.  I've caught guys who wrote the exact same review, word-for-word, about different K-girls and just changed the name of the K-girl in order to get free VIP.

Dumbwhiteguy322 reads

An inaccurate review warrants defending yourself and he is a bad guy? Odd that the next reviewer gave almost the same score but that was probably just another fake...huh?

...Do you play music?  Do you light candles?  Along with the parking, that's about it - the rest is pretty generic.

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