Politics and Religion

Q: "Where Willy Wonka went?" A: "He was hoist by his own post-tard."
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 3565 reads

See what I did there? ;-)

to call laffy out for what he is. In stark contrast to the rest of the whiny lefttards here.

YOU did'nt like that and bitched about something that had everything to do with me and NOTHING whatever to do with you but YOU whined about it and lobbied to get him kicked off.

Yeah, I saw what you did there.

Leftys are THE WORST at stifling speech they don't like.

...He was deliberately trying to invade posters' privacy.  That's okay with you.  You love the Patriot Act too, don't you?  Look who's talking about Nazis.

Also, you don't have a fucking clue what "free speech" means.  It only applies to government stifling speech.  A private organization like TER can make whatever rules it wants to regarding "speech" and if you flout the rules, you pay the price.

followme1121 reads

Thay you and laffy are not man enought to take it.

You're Welcome
GOP = For God and Country = Truth

if willy was invading anyone's privacy it was mine, so who the fuck are you to act like the BigNarc?

You just could'nt stand the fact that willy, AS A LEFTY HIMSELF was willing and quite able to articulate what a moron your buttbuddy laffy is.

Could there be anyone dumber than a obama pompom girl like yourself talking about the Patriot Act? A law that YOUR BOY put on sterdoids???? YOU pompomed the statist nazi not me so GFY.

YOU are the one who does'nt have a fucking clue what "free speech" means. You're talking about the 1st amendment dumbfuck. I'm talking about being able to voice your point of view without some censor like you nitpicking the rules to get someone kicked out, or your stupid attempts, just like your new BFF laffy, to label people racists to shout them down.

Yup, BigNarc and DaffyDuck, 2 peas in a pod.

BTW, this is who you're cozying up to hamster, how bad do you want to "win"?

...may be gone (maybe not), but his posts are still there, you twit.

No, dumbfuck, the actual expression is "hoist by his own petard."  That's the phrase BP was referring to and you are the one who has quoted it inaccurately.  I am not even going to help you by posting a link.  Go look it up yourself, asswipe.  Then come back and admit you fucked up, if you have the balls, which I doubt.
You da bitch.

Since bug-fucker is too big a weasel to admit he lectured incorrectly about proper language, I will provide a link proving it.  Now, buggy, be a good little weasel and say you're sorry.

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
you outta start by cleaning up your own game first, imbecile.

so fucking what? I was wrong. There, feel vastly superior now? WOW! You really got some game there trannygirl!

BTW, since we're talking about weasels and admitting being wrong, here's the Weasel in Chief owning up to his Shovel Ready, Shovel Ready, Shovel Ready jobs bill.

I'm certain the shovel ready jobs did'nt materialize because he's black.


I already felt vastly superior to you before your weak-assed "apology."  What's the matter, don't like it when you call someone out and find out you're wrong?  I don't blame you.  Must suck to be such a dumbass and get outed before the entire board.  What a pathetic, loud-mouthed fuck-up you are. Also shameless.  Anyone who's been knocked around so badly as you, snowy and swallowme would have run for the hills if they had any common sense.
I guess you three are just masochists who like to get smacked.  I can only imagine what a scene it must be when the three of you visit your local gloryhole together.  I guess the late, unlamented nugay is the cleanup "man."

I say what I think.  Like Harry Truman said when someone asked, "Why do you give 'em hell, Harry?"  He said, "I don't give 'em hell.  I tell them the truth and they think it's hell."  Personally, I have long been a fan of Willy, even when I didn't agree with him (I am not that far to the left, in fact, I just don't like you knee-jerk rightTards), which was at least half the time.  And I don't even know what happened.  All of you guys, both left and right, folllowing all the inside shit here have your heads up your asses.  Someone explain to me what happened.  Exactly what he did.  Then I'll tell you what I think.  And some of you will think it's hell.

-- Modified on 11/23/2012 8:19:31 PM

You flame the rightys and suck up to the lefttards.

You would'nt know a principle if it kicked you in the nuts.


Bwaaaaaahahahahaha!  You can't possibly believe the shit you write.  Righties don't flame?  Go read your own fucking posts.  The only thing that's true is, righties don't flame very well.  And you talk about principles?  You are the biggest hypocrite on this board and wouldn't know a principle if it bit you on your fat ass.  You badly need a hiatus and go the way of Priapus, nugay and that idiot Officer Cartman.

You both EXCEL at putting words in other peoples mouth and then "obliterating" them for what they did'nt say!!!

"""""Righties don't flame?""""""

I did'nt say those words you fucking freak.
Looking forward to either you showing where it is in my post OR you admitting you exaggerated and put words in my mouth I never said. Frankly, I hold out NO HOPE for THAT happening as you are a gutless liar with ZERO courage. You just talking the talk but at the end of the day we all know you're a benchwarming third stringer.

And BTW, no "halfassed" admission will do, I want you on your kness sucking my dick for forgiveness.


That'll keep your ass busy...puppetboy! Now go find it. Don't doubt for one minute I won't remind you.



I mean, wow!  Look at you spew like a fucking loser.  Was your head spinning around like Linda Blair when you wrote this?  Thanks so much for proving beyond all doubt that I've gotten so far into your head you may actually be going nuts.  I just love it when you and your righty friends declare yourselve the winner of a pissing contest. Then again, I hear you like golden showers, which explains a lot.
As for the righties don't flame, every post you make implies it.  And if you think I'm going to waste my time searching your lame posts to find the evidence (which is surely there), well, I've got better things to do.  Enjoy your miserable, narrow, empty and pathetic life, loser.

I already felt vastly superior to you before your weak-assed NON "apology."  What's the matter, don't like it when you call someone out and find out you're wrong?  I don't blame you.  Must suck to be such a dumbass and get outed before the entire board.  What a pathetic, loud-mouthed fuck-up you are. Also shameless.  Anyone who's been knocked around so badly as you, Daffy and BigNarc would have run for the hills if they had any common sense.
I guess you three are just masochists who like to get smacked.  I can only imagine what a scene it must be when the three of you visit your local gloryhole together.  I guess the late, unlamented JeffyPoo is the cleanup "man."

juliewantsu1026 reads

Yourself included. So how many brownie points do you receive, daily, for sucking new management dicks? Now report me because you can't deal with dissention. Fuck cheese

followme924 reads

dirty liitle snitch. hit the report this post button then run like a little sissy boy and hide behind mommy's skirt.

yeah you are a real man.......NOT

You're Welcome
GOP= For God and Country=Truth

Snowman39811 reads

How fucking embarrassed would you be if the board you were on suddenly became over run with people who sounded like middle school kids unable to carry on a conversation without using words like "fucktard" or telling people they are gay.

And for willy, the real insult is all of these people supposedly are liberals like himself.

I miss Willy for the simple fact he could actually carry an adult debate. We did not agree on really anything, but I kind of thought that is what this board was about.

Willy is smart enough to know  every time one of these childish liberals post his side takes a hit.  

As for me, I will so continue to post for several reasons.

1) Seeing these weak minded liberals get so upset about this stuff just makes me laugh. They are the occupy crowd freezing their ass off in a tent while I ride by in my expensive import, giggling at them while I go to meet a client for lunch at a high end restaurant

2) Since they mean nothing to me, the name calling means nothing. They really make me laugh when they try to get me upset by calling me names. It really does not bother me, like it would all true adults. Of coure, that explains why they can not understand that.

3) While I enjoy the Debate, in the end I know I have already won the argument. It really does not matter who wins here elections. The same group of people have been the top income earners for years and will continue to be so. Winning elections is just laughable when they think it will really change a thing.  When these guys leave office, I will still be playing golf and paying unskilled labor cut my grass, clean my house and wash my car.  

Exhibit A: Right-wing slime slinging.  Courtesy of your pal buggy.
Exhibit B: Your pal followme.
Exhibit C: snowball himself claims he fucked a lib poster's mother.
You really win the Grand Prize for Hypocrisy.  It will look great on your awards shelf along with your prize for being Biggest Tool On The P&R Board.

-- Modified on 11/24/2012 6:27:28 AM

ass fucked by x?

Those would surely wrest the prize for the biggest tool from snowman.

Or is it "fool". LMAO! You got so much "game".

Now tell us about how much "game" you've got, so the rest of us can laugh at your pathetic, sorry ass.

Snowman391183 reads

But to try to use others to excuse your own behavior is pitiful on your part.  

As for mine, it was an obvious joke to being referred to as a motherfucker.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are intelligent enough to get it, so...

as the old saying goes, if they can't take a joke, fuck'em....

"It was only a joke."  The clear intent of your post was that only liberals flame.  Then I exposed that to be a blatant lie.  You and buggy and your ilk lie and distort all the time but don't have the balls to cop to it.
On the other hand, I freely admit I flame the shit out of you righties because I enjoy watching you squirm.  Bug-fucker is especially easy to tweak into a frenzy of incoherent spewings, so he's the most fun.
Snowball, the only joke around here is you and your assinine friends.  It's just not an especially funny one.

-- Modified on 11/24/2012 7:36:25 AM

FistFullOfFifties912 reads

They are registered with Crate and Barrel. But that doesn't mean you can't still have man crushes on them.

You pretended that I outed someone when all you have to do is search Buggy's comments here from a year ago and see me addressing him by a different handle.

Well, well played, sir.

Of course, I've shown here that I can come back if I want to. But what this means is that between bullshit like this, and the trolls staying on the board, I really don't.

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