
Re: I am surprised this does not have more likes
johnjohnxxx69 18 Reviews 428 reads

Don't be surprised, babe. This board is pretty much dead.

We all know screening can be a pain for both the provider and client however, it has to be done and done properly.  If someone can't satisfy my screening requirements, I don't call them names or get rude.  I simply thank them for their interest and let them know when they can be screened, I'll be happy to see them.  No hard feelings.  Most gentlemen understand and are polite and respectful back.  About half come back and can be properly screened.

There's always the few who saw a lady with very poor or no screening and get upset when I don't lower myself to the same risk.  Recently I had a guy that got all nasty with me for not meeting him in public and seeing his driver's license instead of screening.  He wasn't willing to give me any screening info so...NO.  All I can tell from this is you can behave for the short time while in public and you can legally drive a car.  There is no information to tell me your safe.  Also, this requires at least an hour with you of my time, a great little game to get out of a dinner date rate.  When I screen, I don't just look at your info, I verify it.  

I had another gentleman with 4 BP girls for references.  I couldn't verify that any of these girls were legit, currently active and professional.  There's no info on them.  1 shared her phone number with other girls, a HUGE red flag.  Although I don't doubt he saw these ladies, if I can't contact them and get a reference, I can't see him. I can't contact them until their verified.  BP girls are hard to verify.  BP girls very seldom do any REAL screening if they do it at all.  This gentleman wasn't rude but did tell me that not everyone can pass my screening.  I know...that's why we do it.

Of course there's always the guys who tells you their professional and can't  give their info out due to their occupation or some kind of status in the community they define themselves by.  I don't care about your status or occupation or any other reason you can't be screened.  I've seen professional athletes, politicians, celebrates and others that also have a certain social status they deem important.  Everyone of these people were properly screened.  I don't do social statuses, I find them ridiculous.  Their certainly not a reason for me to lower my safety standards.  I don't care who you are, I will take the same screening precautions with anyone, I don't care if you work at WalMart or are a CEO or whatever box you put yourself in.  I don't do boxes.  I get to know the person as a person.  We all have things in our lives that are important to us.  It doesn't matter what it is, I treat everyone with respect.  

I can go on and on about the nonsense we hear for people to get out of screening.  The bottom line is, I don't care who you are, what your perceived social status is, how much money you make or what you do for a living.  These things tell me absolutely nothing for screening and even less about you as a person.  When you see a lady that doesn't screen or doesn't do real screening, that should be a red flag. She's probably not running her business like she should and your ass could be at a bigger risk than if you saw a lady that respected herself enough to screen properly.  Drug addicts, pimps and LE don't screen. Low hanging fruit doesn't screen. Any "professional" anything can still hurt me.  What kind of "professional" are you?  I'm a professional provider, mom, musician, cook, gardener and a few other things.  The term "professional" really doesn't mean anything.

We all make choices and we are all responsible for our choices.  I choose to protect myself with real screening and have never saved or abused anyone's screening info.  I take pride in what I do and I do it well. The number one thing I need to protect is my safety.  Life is to be enjoyed, I wouldn't enjoy seeing a bad client or getting hurt by one.  I do enjoy my clients and make sure I'm at my best when I see them.  I cooperate with references when ladies ask for one.  If safety isn't your number one goal in this hobby, you are asking to get hurt, you are low hanging fruit.  That goes for the providers and clients.

We are all worthy of safety and happiness.  We are all responsible for our own safety and happiness.  Choose your providers and clients wisely.  Give yourself the best because we all deserve it.


This new sense that people are entitled to everything is just a bad deal. How hard is it to be a gentleman or even try to understand that if you are choosing to see a provider, acting like God's gift to the world isn't going to them anywhere. You shouldn't have to deal with these...little brats is what I call them. The whole part is to make both parties feel like they made a safe choice. You have every right not to see them. Your safety is your priority, and if they don't get it, avoid them, they never will understand that part. Just my 2 cents. Not all of the people were  raised to understanding. Becca, don't let them get to you and do what you know is right for you.

Posted By: beccablossoms
We all know screening can be a pain for both the provider and client however, it has to be done and done properly.  If someone can't satisfy my screening requirements, I don't call them names or get rude.  I simply thank them for their interest and let them know when they can be screened, I'll be happy to see them.  No hard feelings.  Most gentlemen understand and are polite and respectful back.  About half come back and can be properly screened.  
 There's always the few who saw a lady with very poor or no screening and get upset when I don't lower myself to the same risk.  Recently I had a guy that got all nasty with me for not meeting him in public and seeing his driver's license instead of screening.  He wasn't willing to give me any screening info so...NO.  All I can tell from this is you can behave for the short time while in public and you can legally drive a car.  There is no information to tell me your safe.  Also, this requires at least an hour with you of my time, a great little game to get out of a dinner date rate.  When I screen, I don't just look at your info, I verify it.    
 I had another gentleman with 4 BP girls for references.  I couldn't verify that any of these girls were legit, currently active and professional.  There's no info on them.  1 shared her phone number with other girls, a HUGE red flag.  Although I don't doubt he saw these ladies, if I can't contact them and get a reference, I can't see him. I can't contact them until their verified.  BP girls are hard to verify.  BP girls very seldom do any REAL screening if they do it at all.  This gentleman wasn't rude but did tell me that not everyone can pass my screening.  I know...that's why we do it.  
 Of course there's always the guys who tells you their professional and can't  give their info out due to their occupation or some kind of status in the community they define themselves by.  I don't care about your status or occupation or any other reason you can't be screened.  I've seen professional athletes, politicians, celebrates and others that also have a certain social status they deem important.  Everyone of these people were properly screened.  I don't do social statuses, I find them ridiculous.  Their certainly not a reason for me to lower my safety standards.  I don't care who you are, I will take the same screening precautions with anyone, I don't care if you work at WalMart or are a CEO or whatever box you put yourself in.  I don't do boxes.  I get to know the person as a person.  We all have things in our lives that are important to us.  It doesn't matter what it is, I treat everyone with respect.  
 I can go on and on about the nonsense we hear for people to get out of screening.  The bottom line is, I don't care who you are, what your perceived social status is, how much money you make or what you do for a living.  These things tell me absolutely nothing for screening and even less about you as a person.  When you see a lady that doesn't screen or doesn't do real screening, that should be a red flag. She's probably not running her business like she should and your ass could be at a bigger risk than if you saw a lady that respected herself enough to screen properly.  Drug addicts, pimps and LE don't screen. Low hanging fruit doesn't screen. Any "professional" anything can still hurt me.  What kind of "professional" are you?  I'm a professional provider, mom, musician, cook, gardener and a few other things.  The term "professional" really doesn't mean anything.  
 We all make choices and we are all responsible for our choices.  I choose to protect myself with real screening and have never saved or abused anyone's screening info.  I take pride in what I do and I do it well. The number one thing I need to protect is my safety.  Life is to be enjoyed, I wouldn't enjoy seeing a bad client or getting hurt by one.  I do enjoy my clients and make sure I'm at my best when I see them.  I cooperate with references when ladies ask for one.  If safety isn't your number one goal in this hobby, you are asking to get hurt, you are low hanging fruit.  That goes for the providers and clients.  
 We are all worthy of safety and happiness.  We are all responsible for our own safety and happiness.  Choose your providers and clients wisely.  Give yourself the best because we all deserve it.  

I think you have an excellent point...this sense of entitlement out there is just ridiculous.  I see it more with the younger generations however, some older adults are bowing to the entitlement god as well.  I see it in the youngin's that contact me.  When I politely tell them I don't see anyone under 30, they beg, swear their "mature for their age", say "age is just a number", etc.  Didn't their parents teach them that when someone tells you no, to be respectful of their choice?  Honestly, it's not possible to be raised with no competition, everyone wins for showing up, don't hurt their feelings and turn out respectful.  We have a generations of kids that are lost beyond their comprehension and can't understand why the world isn't giving them what they were raised to believe their entitle to.

Regardless what anyone's problem is, I'm not here to fulfill anyone's entitlement needs, I'm here to have good times with great people in a safe way :

Makes me sick that just because they say that they have what you require and have a tantrum when it isn't the right information. All I know is stick to what you believe, otherwise they have won. I mean your not asking for the world, just a little piece of mind.when meeting some one new. If it means anything Becca, you have my respect in just doing what makes you feel safe.

This is a common problem I see everyday. I have had three gentlemen this week do the same stuff, giving unreliable references, refuse to give work verification etc... There is almost no way around it. It's getting to the point where I will only accept requests from P411 or Rs2k Gents. I work a full time job, and don't have always have the time to continue calling, texting or emailing other providers to verify clients. Sometimes it's weeks before they even get back to me with verification. Guys, do yourself and us ladies a favor and get verified by a screening service such as P411 or RS2K, It will save you and a us a lot of time and way less trouble.

Posted By: beccablossoms
We all know screening can be a pain for both the provider and client however, it has to be done and done properly.  If someone can't satisfy my screening requirements, I don't call them names or get rude.  I simply thank them for their interest and let them know when they can be screened, I'll be happy to see them.  No hard feelings.  Most gentlemen understand and are polite and respectful back.  About half come back and can be properly screened.  
 There's always the few who saw a lady with very poor or no screening and get upset when I don't lower myself to the same risk.  Recently I had a guy that got all nasty with me for not meeting him in public and seeing his driver's license instead of screening.  He wasn't willing to give me any screening info so...NO.  All I can tell from this is you can behave for the short time while in public and you can legally drive a car.  There is no information to tell me your safe.  Also, this requires at least an hour with you of my time, a great little game to get out of a dinner date rate.  When I screen, I don't just look at your info, I verify it.    
 I had another gentleman with 4 BP girls for references.  I couldn't verify that any of these girls were legit, currently active and professional.  There's no info on them.  1 shared her phone number with other girls, a HUGE red flag.  Although I don't doubt he saw these ladies, if I can't contact them and get a reference, I can't see him. I can't contact them until their verified.  BP girls are hard to verify.  BP girls very seldom do any REAL screening if they do it at all.  This gentleman wasn't rude but did tell me that not everyone can pass my screening.  I know...that's why we do it.  
 Of course there's always the guys who tells you their professional and can't  give their info out due to their occupation or some kind of status in the community they define themselves by.  I don't care about your status or occupation or any other reason you can't be screened.  I've seen professional athletes, politicians, celebrates and others that also have a certain social status they deem important.  Everyone of these people were properly screened.  I don't do social statuses, I find them ridiculous.  Their certainly not a reason for me to lower my safety standards.  I don't care who you are, I will take the same screening precautions with anyone, I don't care if you work at WalMart or are a CEO or whatever box you put yourself in.  I don't do boxes.  I get to know the person as a person.  We all have things in our lives that are important to us.  It doesn't matter what it is, I treat everyone with respect.  
 I can go on and on about the nonsense we hear for people to get out of screening.  The bottom line is, I don't care who you are, what your perceived social status is, how much money you make or what you do for a living.  These things tell me absolutely nothing for screening and even less about you as a person.  When you see a lady that doesn't screen or doesn't do real screening, that should be a red flag. She's probably not running her business like she should and your ass could be at a bigger risk than if you saw a lady that respected herself enough to screen properly.  Drug addicts, pimps and LE don't screen. Low hanging fruit doesn't screen. Any "professional" anything can still hurt me.  What kind of "professional" are you?  I'm a professional provider, mom, musician, cook, gardener and a few other things.  The term "professional" really doesn't mean anything.  
 We all make choices and we are all responsible for our choices.  I choose to protect myself with real screening and have never saved or abused anyone's screening info.  I take pride in what I do and I do it well. The number one thing I need to protect is my safety.  Life is to be enjoyed, I wouldn't enjoy seeing a bad client or getting hurt by one.  I do enjoy my clients and make sure I'm at my best when I see them.  I cooperate with references when ladies ask for one.  If safety isn't your number one goal in this hobby, you are asking to get hurt, you are low hanging fruit.  That goes for the providers and clients.  
 We are all worthy of safety and happiness.  We are all responsible for our own safety and happiness.  Choose your providers and clients wisely.  Give yourself the best because we all deserve it.  

full of common sense. You are right and your behaviour will attract the right people simple good luck x

Becca, I agree with you 100%.  Screening is very important not only for your safety but ours as well.  I have no problem with your screening process and I would most definitely not trust a BP PROVIDER AS A REFERENCE. Spend the extra $50 and get rs2k verified, things go so much easier....

Logged in for the first time in months just to post this. This is sad, but not surprising -people not being able to respect others time or boundaries on such a basic level. Tori and Becca, couldn't agree more! Ladies, stay safe and keep screening.

Raybird, couldn't agree with you more. That 50 quid with rs2k was the best deal ever. I cannot believe more don't do it! Technical challenges I can understand, but with the cost compared to time with the ladies... (shakes head in disbelief)

smurf out!

I think at some point every lady has felt this way. If not, there was probably little to no screening involved which is unfortunate. I do understand some gents are weary because of this new bullspit website escort busts and the whole Ashley Madison thing, but the majority of us gals are trustworthy ladies who just want to play safe.  

Who knows, maybe one day screening will be the norm for ALL providers, BP or not, and everything will be much smoother. Until then I just chalk it up to an "occupational nuisance" and move on to the respectful and mature gentleman who provides proper information and makes my day much smoother ;

Don't be surprised, babe. This board is pretty much dead.

Thank you for sending this post Becca!  I feel that some men simply don't care about our rules.  Us true professional ladies deal with men like that too often.  What I don't understand is that if they don't trust us with their screening information, why are they trying to see us?  Not giving personal information, not giving place of employment information, not giving recent references are getting them nowhere and then complain it's nothing but a hassle.  I truly appreciate the clients I meet from P411 because they understand and it makes everybody's life a little bit easier.

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