Washington DC

Re:Join Me for a Hurricane Katrina Relief Drive....
macbelvedere 22 Reviews 1790 reads

You didn't read carefully, so you missed the point... I wasn't talking about her current special offer.  I was talking about a time before when she tried something similar for the victims of the Asian Tsunami.  The point I was making was that she was inconsistent with that special, then made me feel like I was a jerk for asking about the inconsistency.  The post was intended to relay my poor experience trying to take advantage of her past offer as a heads-up to those looking to take advantage of her current offer.  Many of us simply don't need the attitude when there are plenty of great gals to see.

Other than she was inconsistent about the offer before, and pretty nasty to me, I also applaud her efforts to help out.

BTW, I wish I made $100K a year...  But mostly, because I have a SO who tracks our spending pretty closely, an offer like this appeals since it brings the provider into a price range that I can more easily mask and/or explain away.

Also BTW, I already donated to the Red Cross through the iTunes Music Store, which makes it very easy to do, especially if you already have an iTunes account setup.

SexyCurvesDC2479 reads

Well, I've already donated what I am able to afford out of pocket, but I am feeling driven to do more.  And, full of pent up energy, as I took last week entirely off!  So in the interest of my sanity and helping as many people as possible, I'll be hosting a Hurricane Katrina Relief Drive... please visit my website for the information in detail! (As always, puh-lenty of detail! LOL!)  

For once, I don't feel like babbling... just cum cum cum see me!  It's for so many good causes, after all! :)


Tamara is a well-reviewed provider with a stellar reputation for professionalism and good customer service, which is why I was so surprised when she went all ghetto attitude on me when I tried to take advantage of her last special to help Tsunami victims.  She was offering a $100 discount off any service if you made a $50 donation to the Humane Society, who were helping the animal victims of the Tsunami.

I wanted to do her "Let's Go to the Movies" fantasy, which she charges $400.  So I expected to make the $50 donation and pay $300.  But she told me I would pay her $350 after the donation.  I wrote back to ask if I had misread the offer as this seemed inconsistent with what I read.  She wrote back, with a quite nasty tone, that if "I wanted to negotiate maybe I should find a provider that enjoys that sort of thing."

Well, I was obviously flabbergasted, as asking her to clarify the inconsistency in her own offer did not seem to be negotiating on my part.  But, being the gentleman I am, I immediately wrote back and apologized for any misunderstanding, and said I still wished to see her.  She did not respond and ignored a second inquiry as well.

What really bugged me about this was her hair-trigger, knee-jerk response.  For a gal with her reputation, I expected better.  It is not my intention to trash her; I still would like to see her and would like to hear from her why she has treated me so poorly over what was a relatively minor misunderstanding.

If her reputation is deserved, it is my hope that she will give me a second chance to come see her, and apologize, as I did, for the misunderstanding.

I saw her ad, and I applaud her efforts.  She is quite clear that this is for charity.  400-50=350.  The math is clear and I see her point that cheap people should not call.  Give me a break, $50 less, for a man who probably makes 100,000?  That would piss me off also.  Again I applaud the efforts of someone who doesn't make that much, but who is willing to donate 33% of her earnings to help those in need.  Why would you even try to save the 50 dollars?

You didn't read carefully, so you missed the point... I wasn't talking about her current special offer.  I was talking about a time before when she tried something similar for the victims of the Asian Tsunami.  The point I was making was that she was inconsistent with that special, then made me feel like I was a jerk for asking about the inconsistency.  The post was intended to relay my poor experience trying to take advantage of her past offer as a heads-up to those looking to take advantage of her current offer.  Many of us simply don't need the attitude when there are plenty of great gals to see.

Other than she was inconsistent about the offer before, and pretty nasty to me, I also applaud her efforts to help out.

BTW, I wish I made $100K a year...  But mostly, because I have a SO who tracks our spending pretty closely, an offer like this appeals since it brings the provider into a price range that I can more easily mask and/or explain away.

Also BTW, I already donated to the Red Cross through the iTunes Music Store, which makes it very easy to do, especially if you already have an iTunes account setup.

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