Washington DC

Re: I don't think he's had bad luck exactly ...
Rayen See my TER Reviews 721 reads

OK.  5 of 9 of his reviews are less than 8.  That is not a good track record.  He has given 5's and 6's.  7 or less is not ideal.  My purpose was to let other women know he seems difficult, whether it is his bad judgement or not doesn't matter.  He scores BADLY. EOM.

Will be in the DC area this Wednesday 3/5 and Baltimore area Thursday 3/6 and I'm in the mood for someone exotic.  East Indian or middle eastern would fit the bill nicely but I would be open to other ideas.  I love Samia she's an ATF, but she wont be in own until Friday, would love to meet Mya Prema, but alas also not in town until Friday.  Zoey Zaquery...not in town either.  I've looked quite a bit and the best I can seem to come up with is Gamila from DCBunnys but I'm always hesitant about blurry face pics.  

Any hobbyist suggestions or providers who think they might fit the bill?

is it his bad luck with choice or just a hard scorer?  Proceed with caution.

YES he has.  How astute of you.  I never said he didn't hand out any good scores.  He has given a 50% rating that is good---but is that good?  Who is at fault?  He makes dumbass mistakes or should his intended targets simply ask questions why he gives out a lot of 5-7 scores

That's why I said mixed luck if he has given some positive scores and for performance anyways he can't be that hard of a scorer if he managed to give out a few pretty good scores (again at least for performance).  
8 or better are positive/very good scores.  
I see if they were all shitty but they aren't.  
I've seen guys which straight 4's to 6's in their review history and he might've given a 7/7 as his highest score....that looks more like a hard scorer or someone will really bad luck to me. OP's doesn't seem all that bad.
It's not a great track record but it's not like all of the ones he's given are terrible. When I read your response I expected to see worse than what I did tbh.

-- Modified on 3/2/2014 7:57:34 PM

OK.  5 of 9 of his reviews are less than 8.  That is not a good track record.  He has given 5's and 6's.  7 or less is not ideal.  My purpose was to let other women know he seems difficult, whether it is his bad judgement or not doesn't matter.  He scores BADLY. EOM.

.....  I'd think difficult or hard scorer (or could simply just be mixed luck). He's obviously not piss-poor to everyone.  
I honestly don't think the alarm needed to be sounded on him either but eh.  
Good luck to the OP ... if any lady has issues with his mixed history i'm sure they'll get it sorted out vs assuming he might kind of a dick ... errr sorry "prince".

Beg2differ569 reads

First time I've ever seen a provider throw up a PSA under a "looking for" post about the posters "reviews."

FYI, client's cannot post something like you just did under the ad board section as it is considered against the rules.

BTW, I have seen you in the past, so try not to flame to hard.

-- Modified on 3/3/2014 2:50:31 AM

ICanDoThisToo629 reads

I don't know the guy, but did you actually look at the other reviews and averages of the ladies he's seen before issuing your "warning"? In the following list the first pair is what he gave and the second is the provider's averages.

1. 6/7  Looks 6 / Performance 7
2. 6/8  Looks 6.3 / Performance 7.7
3. 7/7  Looks 6.55 / Performance 6.64
4. 5/5  Looks 6.23 / Performance 6.27
5. 6/8  Looks 7.44 / Performance 8.28
6. 7/8  Looks 7.45 / Performance 7.68
7. 9/9  Looks 8.75 / Performance 8.56
8. 7/7  Looks 8.29 / Performance 8.58

Other than number 8 in the list, which was his first review, and I guess number 4, these don't look horribly out of line with the ladies' other scores. Looking at it using some simplistic averaging, you see that the average looks score he gave is 6.6 while the average of the looks scores for the ladies he reviewed is 6.3, and the average performance score he gave is 7.4 while the average of the performance scores for the ladies he reviewed is 7.6. I can't figure out why this warrants a Public Service Announcement warning, it really doesn't look unreasonable. Yeah, he doesn't give out a lot of high scores, he just tends to give pretty average scores.  

Did you have some sort of bad interaction with him? You seem pretty worked up about it.

Yes.Well.Hisreality.   I haven't had a bad interaction with him but according to his reviews he sees shitty women and yes, that warrants a "heads up".  A decent woman might see him and get a 5,6, 7 where it isnt warranted.  According to himself, he doesn't come to TER much.  So not fair if he gives a crap score and disappears.  You guys are quick to jump all over a woman with bad scores so it's fair to warn other women about a guy who is judging on his warped terms.  I dont worry about that since I have a following and haven't had a review in almost a year.  Yeah, that comes with time and smarts, like not seeing asshats who think you should shit gold coins to get good scores.

Posted By: ICanDoThisToo
I don't know the guy, but did you actually look at the other reviews and averages of the ladies he's seen before issuing your "warning"? In the following list the first pair is what he gave and the second is the provider's averages.  
 1. 6/7  Looks 6 / Performance 7  
 2. 6/8  Looks 6.3 / Performance 7.7  
 3. 7/7  Looks 6.55 / Performance 6.64  
 4. 5/5  Looks 6.23 / Performance 6.27  
 5. 6/8  Looks 7.44 / Performance 8.28  
 6. 7/8  Looks 7.45 / Performance 7.68  
 7. 9/9  Looks 8.75 / Performance 8.56  
 8. 7/7  Looks 8.29 / Performance 8.58  
 Other than number 8 in the list, which was his first review, and I guess number 4, these don't look horribly out of line with the ladies' other scores. Looking at it using some simplistic averaging, you see that the average looks score he gave is 6.6 while the average of the looks scores for the ladies he reviewed is 6.3, and the average performance score he gave is 7.4 while the average of the performance scores for the ladies he reviewed is 7.6. I can't figure out why this warrants a Public Service Announcement warning, it really doesn't look unreasonable. Yeah, he doesn't give out a lot of high scores, he just tends to give pretty average scores.  
 Did you have some sort of bad interaction with him? You seem pretty worked up about it.

"according to his reviews he sees shitty women" - feel free to message them and let them know how shitty you think they are.  I'm sure they would appreciate it.

"A decent woman might see him and get a 5,6, 7 where it isnt warranted" - a woman who sees me will get the score she EARNS (and within TERs guidelines), its called an HONEST review.  

"So not fair if he gives a crap score and disappears." - where have I gone?  Where am I going?  

"I dont worry about that since I have a following and haven't had a review in almost a year." - or maybe its because you only see guys who exclusively give out stellar reviews.  Or maybe since 50% of your last 4 reviews are less than stellar (by your own estimation of the value of a 7) you dont get new business and therefore have a complex about reviews?  Or maybe you are friends with the lady, who is the subject of one of my reviews, who has an axe to grind about getting a less that perfect score, even though she got the score she earned.


First of all, my review history here on TER in no way is anyway near my total history, its cool you think you know me, but you dont know jack.  I come to TER rarely.  


Lets talk about the reasons a guy writes a review, in no particular order...

1.  To relive the moment for himself.  Not something I do.
2.  To gain VIP access to read other reviews.  Yep I do that.
3.  To inform other guys about either positive or negative aspects about a provider.  Yep I do that to.
4.  To do a newer lady a favor by giving her positive press.  Yep I've also done that.

Take MsMocha for example, she has history everywhere and tons of positive reviews.  If I saw her tonight and had a very similar experience to what has already been posted about her numerous times, then the only reason for me to write a review of the session on TER would be to gain 14 days of VIP access.  However, if I saw her tonight and had either a much more or much less favorable time with her than her previous reviews indicate, then I would have a second reason to post a review, to make other guys aware of that either good or bad info.  Since I dont review here often, I typically choose to do a review that accomplishes 2 things rather than just one.  Call it my good deed for the day.  Since I dont often see newbies, if I am doing a review here and looking to not only gain VIP access but repay the favor countless guys have done before me and provide the hobbyist community with some intel, then I am going to pick a lady to review who I have some insight on that hasnt been mentioned before here.  And yes sometimes that can be negative intel.  Lets face it, 70%+ of the reviews here or anywhere else are Penthouse Forum fantasy BS.  Guys are afraid to post an honest review for exactly the reason I am sitting here typing this novel now.  If you post a negative review, chances are a lady is going to bash you for it.

Also, due to TERs guidelines I cannot review every girl I see.  I can only review a girl with a personal website or a girl advertising on P411 or BP.  I cant do a review of a girl who is active and well known if she doesnt have an additional online presence.  That limits who I can and cannot review here.


Next lets discuss TER's review guidelines.  And I quote -  

"In order to keep our performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she is willing to perform one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, and Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are offered, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum.

This does not mean she earns extra points for offering the service(s); just that she is now eligible for a higher score. Her maximum eligible score is based on what is offered, not what is performed during your session with her. You may or may not be interested in the “extra” services she offers, but the fact she offers them makes her eligible for the higher score.

If your review rates a provider higher than her maximum score, the score will be adjusted down to her maximum."

Therefore considering I dont care if she's bi, I'm not really into anal and I dont bring other guys on appointments with me, the MAXIMUM score I can give a lady is an 8, or a 9 if we DFK.  Thats the MAXIMUM, because I dont do a Q&A session with ladies I see about services I'm not interested in  Perhaps you would like me to carry a little survey to my dates and ask them to fill it out so I know the highest score they are eligible for?.  "Excuse me Miss Provider, while I am freshening up, could you please fill out this brief survey so I know the maximum performance score you are eligible for on TER"  She would either laugh me out of the room, or throw my sorry ass out.  So my giving a lady an 8 or a rare 9 (if we tongue kiss) is really my giving her a 10 because thats the highest I am allowed to give her.  By using math, one can deduce that my giving a lady a performance score of a 6 is more like giving her an 8.  I would direct you to my reviews of Samia, whos performance I rated a 9 and Desiree, whos performance I rated an 8.  In both cases those were the MAXIMUM scores I could give them under TERs guidelines based on my time with them.  Read both reviews, as far as performance goes, they are about as glowing a recommendation as it gets.  Yet I cannot rate them a 10 because of TERs guidelines and I assure you, BOTH of their performances were absolute 10's in my book.

Finally lets discuss expectations and reality.  If I see a girl whose rate is $300/hr+, I expect to receive an 8 or better in performance.  Granted everyone has a bad day and people dont always click, but that is the expectation in that price range.  So if you are charging $300/hr+ you had better have a file full of reviews with 8 or better.  Not every girl I see is a $300/hr+ girl.  If you notice the rate portion of my reviews you will see I have reviews for $200/hr girls,  $300/hr girls, $350, $150, etc..  When I see a $200/hr girl, I go in expecting a 6 for performance, 7 tops.  Thats one of the reasons why she's charging $200 and not $300+.  Thats not scoring BADLY, that is scoring in REALITY.  What percentage of girls do you really think actually earn 8+ scores on their appointments on a regular basis???  I can tell you that number is a lot closer to 50% than it is 100%.  Again, thats not scoring BADLY, that is scoring in REALITY.  

I hope you now better understand TERs review system and why so few guys write HONEST reviews anymore.

Never said I knew you.  According to yourself, I can only know you through your crap reviews here.  Maybe you give reviews on other sites--yeah, less credibility already.  I immediately dismiss those who give reviews on multiple sites.  Yuck.  Your detailed answer here is enough to throw up red flags about how you view any kind of encounter.  

Posted By: vrooom1zero
First of all, my review history here on TER in no way is anyway near my total history, its cool you think you know me, but you dont know jack.  I come to TER rarely.    
 Lets talk about the reasons a guy writes a review, in no particular order...  
 1.  To relive the moment for himself.  Not something I do.  
 2.  To gain VIP access to read other reviews.  Yep I do that.  
 3.  To inform other guys about either positive or negative aspects about a provider.  Yep I do that to.  
 4.  To do a newer lady a favor by giving her positive press.  Yep I've also done that.  
 Take MsMocha for example, she has history everywhere and tons of positive reviews.  If I saw her tonight and had a very similar experience to what has already been posted about her numerous times, then the only reason for me to write a review of the session on TER would be to gain 14 days of VIP access.  However, if I saw her tonight and had either a much more or much less favorable time with her than her previous reviews indicate, then I would have a second reason to post a review, to make other guys aware of that either good or bad info.  Since I dont review here often, I typically choose to do a review that accomplishes 2 things rather than just one.  Call it my good deed for the day.  Since I dont often see newbies, if I am doing a review here and looking to not only gain VIP access but repay the favor countless guys have done before me and provide the hobbyist community with some intel, then I am going to pick a lady to review who I have some insight on that hasnt been mentioned before here.  And yes sometimes that can be negative intel.  Lets face it, 70%+ of the reviews here or anywhere else are Penthouse Forum fantasy BS.  Guys are afraid to post an honest review for exactly the reason I am sitting here typing this novel now.  If you post a negative review, chances are a lady is going to bash you for it.  
 Also, due to TERs guidelines I cannot review every girl I see.  I can only review a girl with a personal website or a girl advertising on P411 or BP.  I cant do a review of a girl who is active and well known if she doesnt have an additional online presence.  That limits who I can and cannot review here.  
 Next lets discuss TER's review guidelines.  And I quote -  
 "In order to keep our performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she is willing to perform one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, and Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are offered, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum.  
 This does not mean she earns extra points for offering the service(s); just that she is now eligible for a higher score. Her maximum eligible score is based on what is offered, not what is performed during your session with her. You may or may not be interested in the “extra” services she offers, but the fact she offers them makes her eligible for the higher score.  
 If your review rates a provider higher than her maximum score, the score will be adjusted down to her maximum."  
 Therefore considering I dont care if she's bi, I'm not really into anal and I dont bring other guys on appointments with me, the MAXIMUM score I can give a lady is an 8, or a 9 if we DFK.  Thats the MAXIMUM, because I dont do a Q&A session with ladies I see about services I'm not interested in  Perhaps you would like me to carry a little survey to my dates and ask them to fill it out so I know the highest score they are eligible for?.  "Excuse me Miss Provider, while I am freshening up, could you please fill out this brief survey so I know the maximum performance score you are eligible for on TER"  She would either laugh me out of the room, or throw my sorry ass out.  So my giving a lady an 8 or a rare 9 (if we tongue kiss) is really my giving her a 10 because thats the highest I am allowed to give her.  By using math, one can deduce that my giving a lady a performance score of a 6 is more like giving her an 8.  I would direct you to my reviews of Samia, whos performance I rated a 9 and Desiree, whos performance I rated an 8.  In both cases those were the MAXIMUM scores I could give them under TERs guidelines based on my time with them.  Read both reviews, as far as performance goes, they are about as glowing a recommendation as it gets.  Yet I cannot rate them a 10 because of TERs guidelines and I assure you, BOTH of their performances were absolute 10's in my book.  
 Finally lets discuss expectations and reality.  If I see a girl whose rate is $300/hr+, I expect to receive an 8 or better in performance.  Granted everyone has a bad day and people dont always click, but that is the expectation in that price range.  So if you are charging $300/hr+ you had better have a file full of reviews with 8 or better.  Not every girl I see is a $300/hr+ girl.  If you notice the rate portion of my reviews you will see I have reviews for $200/hr girls,  $300/hr girls, $350, $150, etc..  When I see a $200/hr girl, I go in expecting a 6 for performance, 7 tops.  Thats one of the reasons why she's charging $200 and not $300+.  Thats not scoring BADLY, that is scoring in REALITY.  What percentage of girls do you really think actually earn 8+ scores on their appointments on a regular basis???  I can tell you that number is a lot closer to 50% than it is 100%.  Again, thats not scoring BADLY, that is scoring in REALITY.  
 I hope you now better understand TERs review system and why so few guys write HONEST reviews anymore.  

You immediately dismiss those who give reviews on multiple sites?  Really?  Are you posting drunk?  

I guess us guys should immediately dismiss any ladies who advertise on multiple sites and tell them that's yuck?

joecarter553 reads

seems to me that the "Red Flags" relate to you Rayen - as it does to any provider who flips out in public.  The OP's comments were logical.

I am sure that you have been crossed off many a "to-do" list by your attacks on the OP and the girls he chooses to see.

Guys, be sure to be all 10/10's before you contact this one - my guess is that her scores aren't what they seem . .

You come to TER rarely?!  So we are honored you take the time to post such nice reviews.  You seem really focused on how much a girl charges.  That is YOUR reality.  Good for you.  Again, you can score how you want and I can come on here and comment on it.  Letting other women know that you see low priced women and score accordingly is not ok?  LOL.  You reviewed, I commented on said reviews.  End of story.  Other providers can proceed accordingly.  Some will thank me.  Others won't.  That is how this site works.

Posted By: vrooom1zero
First of all, my review history here on TER in no way is anyway near my total history, its cool you think you know me, but you dont know jack.  I come to TER rarely.    
 Lets talk about the reasons a guy writes a review, in no particular order...  
 1.  To relive the moment for himself.  Not something I do.  
 2.  To gain VIP access to read other reviews.  Yep I do that.  
 3.  To inform other guys about either positive or negative aspects about a provider.  Yep I do that to.  
 4.  To do a newer lady a favor by giving her positive press.  Yep I've also done that.  
 Take MsMocha for example, she has history everywhere and tons of positive reviews.  If I saw her tonight and had a very similar experience to what has already been posted about her numerous times, then the only reason for me to write a review of the session on TER would be to gain 14 days of VIP access.  However, if I saw her tonight and had either a much more or much less favorable time with her than her previous reviews indicate, then I would have a second reason to post a review, to make other guys aware of that either good or bad info.  Since I dont review here often, I typically choose to do a review that accomplishes 2 things rather than just one.  Call it my good deed for the day.  Since I dont often see newbies, if I am doing a review here and looking to not only gain VIP access but repay the favor countless guys have done before me and provide the hobbyist community with some intel, then I am going to pick a lady to review who I have some insight on that hasnt been mentioned before here.  And yes sometimes that can be negative intel.  Lets face it, 70%+ of the reviews here or anywhere else are Penthouse Forum fantasy BS.  Guys are afraid to post an honest review for exactly the reason I am sitting here typing this novel now.  If you post a negative review, chances are a lady is going to bash you for it.  
 Also, due to TERs guidelines I cannot review every girl I see.  I can only review a girl with a personal website or a girl advertising on P411 or BP.  I cant do a review of a girl who is active and well known if she doesnt have an additional online presence.  That limits who I can and cannot review here.  
 Next lets discuss TER's review guidelines.  And I quote -  
 "In order to keep our performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she is willing to perform one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, and Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are offered, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum.  
 This does not mean she earns extra points for offering the service(s); just that she is now eligible for a higher score. Her maximum eligible score is based on what is offered, not what is performed during your session with her. You may or may not be interested in the “extra” services she offers, but the fact she offers them makes her eligible for the higher score.  
 If your review rates a provider higher than her maximum score, the score will be adjusted down to her maximum."  
 Therefore considering I dont care if she's bi, I'm not really into anal and I dont bring other guys on appointments with me, the MAXIMUM score I can give a lady is an 8, or a 9 if we DFK.  Thats the MAXIMUM, because I dont do a Q&A session with ladies I see about services I'm not interested in  Perhaps you would like me to carry a little survey to my dates and ask them to fill it out so I know the highest score they are eligible for?.  "Excuse me Miss Provider, while I am freshening up, could you please fill out this brief survey so I know the maximum performance score you are eligible for on TER"  She would either laugh me out of the room, or throw my sorry ass out.  So my giving a lady an 8 or a rare 9 (if we tongue kiss) is really my giving her a 10 because thats the highest I am allowed to give her.  By using math, one can deduce that my giving a lady a performance score of a 6 is more like giving her an 8.  I would direct you to my reviews of Samia, whos performance I rated a 9 and Desiree, whos performance I rated an 8.  In both cases those were the MAXIMUM scores I could give them under TERs guidelines based on my time with them.  Read both reviews, as far as performance goes, they are about as glowing a recommendation as it gets.  Yet I cannot rate them a 10 because of TERs guidelines and I assure you, BOTH of their performances were absolute 10's in my book.  
 Finally lets discuss expectations and reality.  If I see a girl whose rate is $300/hr+, I expect to receive an 8 or better in performance.  Granted everyone has a bad day and people dont always click, but that is the expectation in that price range.  So if you are charging $300/hr+ you had better have a file full of reviews with 8 or better.  Not every girl I see is a $300/hr+ girl.  If you notice the rate portion of my reviews you will see I have reviews for $200/hr girls,  $300/hr girls, $350, $150, etc..  When I see a $200/hr girl, I go in expecting a 6 for performance, 7 tops.  Thats one of the reasons why she's charging $200 and not $300+.  Thats not scoring BADLY, that is scoring in REALITY.  What percentage of girls do you really think actually earn 8+ scores on their appointments on a regular basis???  I can tell you that number is a lot closer to 50% than it is 100%.  Again, thats not scoring BADLY, that is scoring in REALITY.  
 I hope you now better understand TERs review system and why so few guys write HONEST reviews anymore.  

ICantQuit574 reads

Rayen, you need to be aware this is NOT a good look for you and if I was ever considering see you that is now out of the window.  Looks like you have the Bitter B syndrome.  It may time for you to consider another line of work.

The TER rating rules are clear but that obviously does not matter to you.  Bottom line, if you're not GFE you don't above a 7.  The OP was clear, he sees some $200 and $150 ladies who tend to be BP types and who tend to NOT provide GFE.  Hence, they get a 7.  I'm with the OP, if one is charging $300+ I expect GFE level service.

TER ADMIN:  As noted earlier, is Rayen's post really allowed here WTF?!?!?!

Of course I'm focused on how much a girl charges.  Its called value for the dollar and unless you are willing to spend $100 for a Big Mac, you are no different.  

Oh wait, here's a quote from your website - "I'm disgusted with the hotel prices in Fort Myers, 300+ a night for crap hotels I would never normally step foot in".  You seem pretty focused on price there.  Perhaps we should send out a PSA alert on you to hotels ahead of your visits to let them know what kind of guest you are.

If I pay for steak, I expect steak.  When I pay for a Big Mac I expect a Big Mac.  That doesnt mean that I dont like Big Macs, but I'm not giving a Big Mac the same score I'm giving a steak from Mortons.

about 10 posts back.
Going after a member re his review scores in this manner?  Really bad form IMHO.

And just to make a point, I TRIED to give Samia a performance score of 10 and here is the message I got from TER:

"Thank you for submitting a review. Unfortunately we couldn't approve it, because according our policy, her performance score according her profile ads up only to a 9, and your score is 10."

I'm about a week and a day late but can I just say thank you vroom1zer for the kind words even if they were just in your defense.  

Speaking of defense my time with you did not ever feel like I should be concerned about reviews nor that you were either. We just made happy ;)  

On the flip side as far as clients go I'd give you a 10!!!
I felt comfortable respected and sexy allowing me to let loose.

I don't know what this thread is about, don't much care just searched my name.

I believe you reviewed me because I didn't have many at the time and no matter the reason I appreciate it immensely.

If only you would have arrived in DC a couple days earlier, this thread would never have existed in the first place because I would have been booked with you!  Since I was leaving DC before you got here, but I was excited to see you but frustrated that I couldn't, I decided to look for your "stunt double" so to speak.  Then some drunk felt the need to flap her gums about a subject she knows squat about.  And the words I spoke about you, while in my defense, were entirely true.  Next time we meet you need to tell me that you are really bi and enjoy multiple guys in a session so I can force TER to let me give you the 10 rating you so righteously deserve!!!  I reviewed you because you didnt have much info out there and you deserved the praise you earned.  I would review you again anytime you wished for any reason you wished.  Its like I said in my review, instant ATF

I'll be in Baltimore the first weekend of April hint hint lol

ICanDoThisToo441 reads

I couldn't figure out why you reacted so strongly, it just didn't make sense. His reviews just aren't outside the other scores being given for the ladies he's seen, but then I reread your response to my post (you know, the one where you call me an ass hat for stating the facts of the scores involved), looked at your website and your reviews, and it hit me. You received a couple of 7s a year ago and it really pissed you off.

In your reply to me you state "A decent woman might see him and get a 5,6, 7 where it isnt warranted"; but what's your basis for saying any of the scores he's given aren't warranted? The provider he gave the 5/5 has other 5s, a couple of 4s, a 3 and even a 2. I don't know the lady, I'm not passing judgement on her, I'm just saying his review is not a single low data point among a list of otherwise stellar scores. Likewise the 6s he's given are not unique when you look at the other scores for those ladies. And the lady he gave the 7/7 to only has a couple of reviews that are higher, she has a couple of reviews that are basically equivalent to his score and all the other reviews are lower than his score.

I think it's telling that you make the statement that your purpose is to "warn other women about a guy who is judging on his warped terms", followed up with "I dont worry about that since I have a following and haven't had a review in almost a year." I think this tells us what's really behind your rant. Last April you got your first 7s in several years, and after that you have no more reviews. Are you now asking clients to not submit reviews? I don't know why else reviews would just stop otherwise if you are still seeing clients.  

Asking all clients not to review is certainly better than pushing and threatening clients to only give high reviews, I'll give you that. But its still pretty disingenuous if what you are doing is trying to hide the fact that you're afraid your scores might be slipping a little as you get older. Don't get me wrong, I love mature providers. I almost exclusively see MILFS and what I suspect might be a few GILFS. I personally think that's where the best talent is, at least the best fit for me. And I think their beauty transcends any shallow, physical comparison with a 20 year old. But I think it worries you when even an 8 review for looks contains what I suspect you take as a backhanded compliment: "doesn’t look anywhere near the age of 40 as she claims." Ouch, he really liked your looks but isn't completely convinced you're not older than you claim to be. If you're really obsessed with these things, that's got to sting. And your website has a number of statements like "I’m in my 40’s with an age defying face and body.  My face is very beautiful.  I have heard that a million times over the years and simply state it as fact."

So you see the OPs posting and look at the scores he's given without looking at how they compare to the other scores given to those ladies, come to the conclusion that the scores he gives are unwarranted and decide that you need to send out a warning to all the other providers out there. Wow, talk about an unwarranted judgement

Just no.  

First of all, girls with a 7 average are not "shitty" girls. They may have a menu that doesn't let them be scored higher, or they may not be as young, or have the body type that is sought after in their area, but most of them are trying. If you're going to try to "save" your sister hos from a bad review, at least don't insult them at the same time.  

Second of all, with aaaaalllll the talk of grade inflation, and aaaalll the girls who have to defend the tens they earned as legitimate, is this really the way you want to go? Making it obvious you won't see people who grade honestly?

Firstly, OhCharlie is spot-on.  Girls who are in the body-parts rental business have the absolute right to decide what part of their bodies are for rent and under what circumstances.  If they want to limit their services, they are free to do so and if it does not get them above the 7 level of services, it does not make them an outcast.  Much the same with the guys.  While I sometimes break my own rule, I have a floor of 30 years old - I like 40 better but, they are hard to come by.  There are some definitional issues with the rating system but, it is what it is.  

The train wreck that Rayen started is the reason I don't take sides in matters such as this: however, I do know which side I am on.  If a guy is blackballed for giving a 6 or 7, what is the point of the review system.

I don't write many reviews nor post for a couple of reasons: I have slowed down and I don't like getting beat-up on the boards.  The dangers notwithstanding, here goes.

Regarding appearance, most of the 9s, i.e. "Model Material" are not in fact "Model Material".  Most models are 5'9"+ and 115 lbs+/-.  Kate Upton at 5"10" and 134 lbs is borderline "over-weight" and her tits are too big for the modeling world but, the camera treats her so well in terms of being able to pump out sexuality that she can be borderline over-weight, have a nice pair and still get lots of modeling work.  In short, if, for example, you are 5"7 and 130 lbs with a a B+ cup...you don't make the cut for in the modeling world.   As for 10s? Some guys are serial 10-givers, which makes me wonder if how many lifetimes they have had....how can you have more than than one "once in a lifetime"?  The 7s?  Absolutely nothing wrong with a 7.  Most of my repeats are 6/7s.  Yeah, some are up a notch because I did not want to damage their reputation.  When I look at a review, I usually give it a mild haircut.

Performance?  If certain services such as DFK, BBBJ or bi services are important to a guy and he only sees women who provide those services, the ratings are likely to be above 7.  I have given a couple of 9s but, that was very generous.  Since I do not do drugs, drink before a session and am not delusional, I was always aware that it was a service.  OhCharlie is absolutely right (IMHO), the 7s performers are not "shitty" girls, they just choose to limit their menus.  OhCharlie has an extensive menu so; there is a lot of opportunity to get high reviews.  However, if a woman did not want to provide CIM or other services that are important to the customer, which is her prerogative, a 7 may be appropriate....it does beg the question: if she is reviewed and the service that is important to the customer is not in the profile, what is he doing there?!

Anyway, that is my 2¢...and no, no one has to defend their 9s and 10s.  The rating system is what it is.


lets not forget plus size models that deserve a 10, bruh!


Personally my preference is J.LO in her prime thick as a 10 so to speak. skinny runway girl that have measurements of a 12year old boy ain't no model to me and neither is precious. #no offense

Hence, we read the reviews and you have to read them with a bias on body type. I'm sure we all have the ability to reason to some degree. ie If ya not into BBW don't even read the reviews because you don't know how to rate her properly. A 10 to the BBW lover ain't a 10 to the runway model lovers.  And if you have diverse taste ya scores may be average across the board unless you are really blown away

ICanDoThisToo631 reads

The Bruins played yesterday, they beat the Rangers 6 - 3. Game time was 7pm, her frst post was at 6pm; during her own pre-game warm up? Then there's a group of three posts around 8pm, which should coincide with the intermission between periods 2 and 3. But then she really hits her stride with three more posts around 3am ... the result of an all night victory celebration? The last block is when the ass hat, crap reviews and shitty women comments fly.

Remember, friends don't let friends drive drunk, or email, text or post to forums. It's amazing how much of your true personality comes out when the brain is lubed up by liberal amounts of alcohol.

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