Washington DC

OK, Following Your Logic Here
ILoveSexyWomen 57 Reviews 736 reads

Please explain how ISO posts help fellow hobbyists?

I thought the removal of photo threads on Regional Boards was a TER decision. I don't know of anyone that agreed with that change, but we were not asked (at least that I saw) and it obviously wasn't our call (we are guests of TER here, nothing more, nothing less). Lots of people seem to like the "Photo Board" though, so take the change for what it's worth.

I would love to know how you think ISO posts help fellow hobbyists though.

Last time I looked, the name of this site was "The Erotic Review", not "Get Me a Date Because Im Too Lazy to Do Any Work For It Myself.com".

I was wondering how many people here look at the in search of board?  I know it's been talked about where people are getting annoyed by the ISO posts on here.  I put something up there and wanted to see if DC ladies and visitors to DC browse that board.


is the number of views it gets. As you can see there is plenty of activity there.

How many of those views are from the same market?
The idea of a national ISO board seems a little silly to me, but I guess if it works it works.

I wonder though, which ISOs result in more actual dates, the ones on the national ISO board, or the ISO posts on the regional boards?

And I have no answer..lol..

However, what I disagree with is that.."..national ISO board seems a little silly to me".. remark.. The original purpose of regional boards was not to serve as a repository for ISO posts, however, that's what it has devolved into. Sadly, most of the great guys who used to post here are long gone..  

If you go back a few years, you would see a stark contract between today's DC board and the then DC board as it relates to the percentage of ISO posts. Up until couple of years ago, anyone making ISO posts that could be researched using the Search Function, were schooled to do so. These days, most people, including myself just don't care anymore.

-- Modified on 11/25/2014 9:50:46 PM

I don't care too much either way, because I don't do the ISO thing, as my rate, height, natural vs implant, and other criteria pretty much gets me down to less than 10% of ladies anyway.

But if it's only a few a day here, they don't bother me.  If it was two PAGES per day of ISOs, that would be annoying.

As it would create so much clutter. Just more boards for TER Management to manage and moderate. Back in the day when there were regional Mods, it was different ball game for TER. But now everything is managed by TER Staff. There are already plenty of dead boards already.

That was my main point in my post.  How many ladies who are from DC or frequent DC check that board.

I personally don't meander over to the ISO board that much. But I do check out the ISO posts here. If I happen to be available or the guy seems cool I might reply or reach out to him privately. I have met some GREAT people this way and have had some awesome times thru the ISO posts.  

 I understand they annoy some but everyone isn't going to be infatuated with every type of post on here. There is something for everyone on here. Plus it's not that hard to scroll down. ;-)

  Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Everyone!

It would be like the Ad Boards from the hobbyist's perspective.  The National ISO Board gets a lot of views but few, if any, helpful responses.

I also agree that the ISO boards need to be regioanl. What good is it if someone in Atlanta with a particular fetish or desire finds a match who resides in Seattle, Washington?

If you don't like the ISO posts, just ignore them.....I have found them very useful.

I'm partially new on here. I had no clue that there was a section where you guys would post for us ladies to respond. I have been following the flow of things. So, if this isn't the right way I'll check out the 'In search of' for now on...and everywhere else too.

If the ISO posts annoy you that much, why not just ignore them? If you guys continue to complain about all the different types of posts on here, pretty soon the DC board will be dead because no one will be allow to post anything. Whats next? Are you guys going to call for the removal of Lamont's Eros breakdown? Anything that helps fellow hobbyists should be allowed on the board and if you don't like it...just scroll down. You already had the photo threads moved, and I enjoyed looking at DC's sexy ladies.

ignore the posts yourself

Posted By: HenryWilson
If the ISO posts annoy you that much, why not just ignore them? If you guys continue to complain about all the different types of posts on here, pretty soon the DC board will be dead because no one will be allow to post anything. Whats next? Are you guys going to call for the removal of Lamont's Eros breakdown? Anything that helps fellow hobbyists should be allowed on the board and if you don't like it...just scroll down. You already had the photo threads moved, and I enjoyed looking at DC's sexy ladies.

Please explain how ISO posts help fellow hobbyists?

I thought the removal of photo threads on Regional Boards was a TER decision. I don't know of anyone that agreed with that change, but we were not asked (at least that I saw) and it obviously wasn't our call (we are guests of TER here, nothing more, nothing less). Lots of people seem to like the "Photo Board" though, so take the change for what it's worth.

I would love to know how you think ISO posts help fellow hobbyists though.

Last time I looked, the name of this site was "The Erotic Review", not "Get Me a Date Because Im Too Lazy to Do Any Work For It Myself.com".

it's like a switch flipped and once a few started doing it more piled on.

why not just get rid of the national ISO board then?

Posted By: ILoveSexyWomen
Please explain how ISO posts help fellow hobbyists?  
 I thought the removal of photo threads on Regional Boards was a TER decision. I don't know of anyone that agreed with that change, but we were not asked (at least that I saw) and it obviously wasn't our call (we are guests of TER here, nothing more, nothing less). Lots of people seem to like the "Photo Board" though, so take the change for what it's worth.  
 I would love to know how you think ISO posts help fellow hobbyists though.  
 Last time I looked, the name of this site was "The Erotic Review", not "Get Me a Date Because Im Too Lazy to Do Any Work For It Myself.com".

We have an ISO board per Region?

Me thinks that would be better but most likely too costly and therefore not prudent.

TER needs to realize that so many ISO posts keep people from posting other things because it will be pushed off the page faster and therefore not read by many.

Oh well, as a guest here, I am just waiting to see what they have in store for us next....LOL!!

Posted By: ILoveSexyWomen
We have an ISO board per Region?  
 Me thinks that would be better but most likely too costly and therefore not prudent.  
 TER needs to realize that so many ISO posts keep people from posting other things because it will be pushed off the page faster and therefore not read by many.  
 Oh well, as a guest here, I am just waiting to see what they have in store for us next....LOL!!
  When people post despite how many people post anything period, it's gets seen. By many. ISO posts don't push the other posts off the page any faster then any one else's posts. The boards are here for many reasons and everyone gets plenty of spotlight. There's room for all. ;-)  

 I for example post my ads on the ads board and they quickly get moved down and then to the next page and to the next but they get seen. If I thought they didn't it would just be myself worrying about it. About nothing really. ;-)

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