Washington DC

LMBO! eomteeth_smile
ScarletJewell See my TER Reviews 301 reads

What's your most unusual date setting with a provider. For example, I've had weekends away camping in Vermont, sporting events with family members present, Dark Arts gallery exibits while having to dress for the Goth scene, private 'tarts and vicars' swinger parties, S&M theme parties...  

I think most guys in this area seem to stick to dinner and behind closed doors sessions.  

I know there have to be some interesting sessions worth remembering out there somewhere!



noagenosage587 reads

Not at all bizarre, but maybe the most unusual:  A provider friend loves classical music and on Sundays in season the Washington Cathedral has great Sunday afternoon organ concerts on their massive organ.  She didn't know the territory, so she asked me to take her.  I did, and she loved it, wondered why the massive church tower didn't have apartments to boost church income, and had other interesting comments.  Best of all, she was demurely dressed as a churchgoer, which she is, and felt right at home among regular faithful and tourists.  She looked great and afterwards I took her to dinner at an upscale restaurant and she questioned the quality of the wine I ordered.  I called the sommelier over and he checked it, and sure enough it was "corked" and the restaurant gave us a free bottle.  I was impressed to see my friend fit in so naturally, even though she regularly goes to concerts and good restaurants with customers.

this summer it was on a nearby mountaintop that is frequented by other climbers,  under a waterfall,  on a sailboat,  in the darker corner of a romantic restaurant.   I'm fine with 'behind closed doors' and with a dinner date - but I am particular about food and especially about wine....

Quick little background info about me.  I studied culinary arts in France and have worked as a cook and pastry chef in some pretty big name kitchens.

I met with a provider once, who learned about my culinary past through our initial chat.  She was feeling hungry and wanted to go to dinner.  We looked up restaurants and decided on a place, but at the last minute she threw out the idea that I should cook for her.  We drove to the grocery store, got some ingredients, and went back to the hotel where I cooked us up a meal.  Food was delicious, and everything that happened after was a great memory which I'll never forget.

A lady (now retired) friend of mine, asked me to be her guest at a silk and skin swingers party one night. It was pretty exciting.

!!!!!545 reads

If the provider and client became friends, then whatever they do would not be unusual.

For example, I cook for and go shopping with providers all the time. I go on vacations with one of them and we play at casinos and go hiking together. I compete at master and senior levels track meets. One "date" that was somewhat unusual was that she attended one of the events, we then went out for lunch. She was running late and had to go, so we didn't get to go back to my room to play

!!!!!442 reads

Recently, after play and having lunch together, she decided that she wanted a massage. She started calling massage places and asked me if I wanted to come. I thought "what the heck" and went with her.

During the massage, the masseuse kept referring to her as my wife. I didn't correct her. What was I supposed to say -- "No, she's my carpool"?

Best experience ever...and strange.  There is a huge room with porn on the big screen - theater size, not big screen.  There is a bar area, outdoor area with swimming pool and chaise lounges.  Teak steam room and teak sauna.  The place is huge.  Women of all sorts and sizes, but all stunningly beautiful walking around in high heels only.  Buffet with drinks (alcoholic and otherwise), in a dining area.  Tons of rooms of all types and mirrors everywhere in a two story building.

You can pretty much stay there all day if you want, and just pick a girl - any girl - at any time.  In the adult theater, there its pretty much all mattresses - as in solid floor of mattress on different levels, and guys and gals having sex in the open....crazy.

And yes, I will go back.

die Klubs  are definitely happy places - I think that the entire 'free body culture'  is a very healthy not to mention fun experience....   so many of the different klubs have unique personalities as well....

This happened on my birthday in 2012. I had booked a session with a wrestler lady and at that time I did not know that she was also a FS provider. She said that for wrestling she would need mats. This meant that I would have to meet her in her personal-training studio as she was also a personal trainer. When I got to her studio I realized that it was a fully equipped mini gym. She told me that testosterone levels really go up if you do a heavy set of squats and dead lifts and sex after those is always great.  We worked out together with heavy weights until both us were sweaty and pumped and glistening with sweat. There was something extremely arousing about that moment for both of us. There were mirrors all over and I loved looking at her as she lifted. Then we wrestled playfully on the mats and she asked if I wanted FS. I told her I had no idea she was into FS and she told me that it was a very well kept secret. What followed was the most slippery and sweaty sex I have ever had.  

Another mention: This one provider I dated had extremely large natural breasts. I took an ice cube in my hand and caused it to melt in the warmth of my palms. When it started to melt, I held it a few inches above her massive breasts and allowed the ice water droplets to drip on her breasts one by one. As they found their way down her chest she would gasp and hold her breath. I would then capture the droplets with my mouth. This game went on for a good half an hour and her nipples became so hard with ice water trickling all over them and she was breathing so heavily. After half anhour of this I had run through many cubes of ice. To see a woman so aroused and breathing so heavily was extremely arousing for me. The sex after this was one of the most intense of course

Wow you really sound like an exciting guy and let's suck on ice cubes together....

was being stopped in the street to be interviewed for a local TV news story - while I was with a lady.
I'm single, so if family or friends saw it, I could just say it was a Match.com date or something.
But since she didn't back away from being interviewed, neither did I (though I didn't exactly try to give them the best sound bites either!).

One client of mine is fun and open minded and we both are into and appreciate good horror films. I was at Va Beach and he and to see me and that was fun of course but afterwards we went to a Haunted House ride. As it was going around in the dark I went down on him and got on top of him for a quickie. It was pretty late and we were the only ones on the ride. It was all in good scary fun. ;-)

Last year I was in DC, and an older gent scheduled a first date with me... when he showed up, he had a full, white beard and a Santa Claus hat perched jauntily on his head.

After I got over laughing, I learned that one old axiom isn't true...

Christmas doesn't come just once a year!

laughing all the way,


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