Washington DC

Just to expand a little on my logic/rationale...
Imperatio 420 reads

Here are some of the pros of why this type of arrangement may exist / be successful:

1. there is continuity between provider and hobbyist (can build a mutually beneficial relationship over time, and learn likes/dislikes)
2. repeat hobbyist = less chance of random new face/time spent on screening process
2. there is a steady/predictable source of income for a provider
3. it is pretty efficient in (provider has better time-to-fee ratio & faster pleasure for busy hobbyists)
4. it is (relatively) safer

-- Modified on 6/29/2015 3:22:53 PM

Imperatio939 reads

... setting up an arrangement with a local provider to blow off some steam on a weekly/biweekly basis (not FS)?

Does this longer-term type thing exist, or is it just wishful thinking on my part?

And if so, my PM is open to suggestions/recommendations!

Imperatio421 reads

Here are some of the pros of why this type of arrangement may exist / be successful:

1. there is continuity between provider and hobbyist (can build a mutually beneficial relationship over time, and learn likes/dislikes)
2. repeat hobbyist = less chance of random new face/time spent on screening process
2. there is a steady/predictable source of income for a provider
3. it is pretty efficient in (provider has better time-to-fee ratio & faster pleasure for busy hobbyists)
4. it is (relatively) safer

-- Modified on 6/29/2015 3:22:53 PM

And she's free to take it or leave it. Yes, there are plenty of participants in this world who have unique, ongoing arrangements. I wouldn't necessarily bring it up on the first visit, but if you've seen someone a couple of times and think that she would be a good candidate, feel free to present your indecent proposal.

Imperatio325 reads

I guess I'm looking for personal experience more than anything else.

Building a good relationship with the provider first before suggesting. Many guys will probably "promise" to be repeats with a girl, only to never be heard from again after the first appointment. Make her feel as if you will continue to come around and she may be willing to look out for you as well.

DC is so interesting. There is no continuity in this market, how can there be when there are a lot of great local and visiting ladies! There is always a "promise" of return visits, some returns from great clients come maybe once a month to every other month since he probably has 3-5 ATF's he is simultaneously seeing. Frequent, but not frequent enough for any lady to pay her bills. LOL!

There are always outliers at any price point, and some ladies are more willing to work with you once they get to know you and your pattern of hobbying. I think most ladies here would agree, see us at our current rate, and if the chemistry and rapport is established, let your needs be known and then let her decide if she can work with you. It is not in your best hobby interest to offer her a lower rate and an empty promise. Disaster.  

If you like to chase, generally some guys like SB/SD dates because they get more for less, ideally.  

Personally, I have no issue with arrangements, but I cater toward exclusivity. There are guys I offer special rates to, less than what is listed or a customized package, but it is clearly on a case by case basis and at my discretion. Good luck!

Imperatio266 reads

That makes sense - unfulfilled promises would be a major con that I didn't really anticipate.

I don't think I'm like most hobbyists -- and yes i know everyone says that -- and this arrangement would actually be ideal for my lifestyle and level of need

Are many unsaid "arrangements" made between hobbyist/provider that have chemistry and see each other often  

Stephanie S

-- Modified on 6/29/2015 1:22:43 PM

That happens ALL the time. I know other providers and they had regulars. When I was working a lot more, I had 3 or 4 weekly regulars. What was great about it is I was pretty much set for the week, and I was crazy about them. You get to know them really well. The hard part is you do bond a bit, and you have to tell yourself after every appt. that it could be the last one and don't set up expectations for yourself (as a provider) on the income stream or even the friendship that inevitably develops.  

As a provider, I found the challenge was -- how do I keep this interesting? There are superficial ways, like different hairstyles and outfits, and glasses one day and no glasses the next time, different moods. I used to do some fun stuff, just to surprise them. I used to move the bed around the room so it was in different, unexpected places. Or I added lights or something. It kept me on my toes, trying to come up with stuff :)

However, I thought the sessions were really special. One aspect that I think made it special was their attitude about the hobby. They were generous with themselves. Feeling good was important to them. They made time in their schedule for it. Because of this, they were also generous in their spirits, and to me. Really kind. I still think about those guys.

You can't take it for granted he'll come back. One guy I saw once a week -- and *poof* one day he was just gone. It stung a bit, but I got over it. And of course, he will see others (some said they saw only me, but who knows? I just considered it pillow talk), so you have to be thick-skinned about that. The first year, I know I had to get used to that. Everything happens in the appt., don't color outside the lines :) Really not that hard to do, though. It just takes practice and determination. The boundaries keep things clean and keep people from getting hurt.

The rate was always the same. I think there was extra time and sandwiches thrown in :)

It's always flattering to have a repeat client. It does make me try a little harder to please them.

I always write a book, don't I? You should go for it! But I agree, find a woman you click with first, and then just keep making those weekly appts. Nothing really has to be said, formal-like.

Posted By: Imperatio
... setting up an arrangement with a local provider to blow off some steam on a weekly/biweekly basis (not FS)?  
 Does this longer-term type thing exist, or is it just wishful thinking on my part?  
 And if so, my PM is open to suggestions/recommendations!

You would be perfect for me if you lived in Nashville.


I am delighted to offer such arrangements.  I know several others are, as well.



Youll find you often get extra accomadation such as more flexibility on meeting times, places and often get an extended time.   I had one regular ATF for several years and she got so comfortable that she let me come to her home - saved her the cost and time and she was very flexible with scheduling.  But i never tried to get a discount fee - rather i let her extras serve as the discount.  UnfirtunTely she retired and moved away

I can only speak for myself as a provider when I say this: but having an arrangement with a hobbyist is awesome! Others above have stated the pros, but from my perspective it's so much easier to be low-volume and focus on one friend. That way I can fully understand the needs and desires so that it would be fulfilling for both parties...There's nothing worse than a superficial relationship and not even knowing your friend's favorite color, etc..

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