Washington DC

I've said it before and I'll say it again
Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 487 reads

The reviews tell you more about the reviewer than the one reviewed

.... and she has tons of fantastic ones, how seriously do you take that 1 bad review? Its bound to happen.... be it bad chemistry, 2 clashing personas, stress factors, ect. Its gonna happen, we are human. Just curious as to if guys are going to overlook the dozens of fantastic reviews and focus on that one negative?

     I ask this because I think its human nature to do so. I find myself, at times, focusing more on 1 or 2 negative things(whatever they may be)than the countless more positive things sometimes. Even with reviews and I notice girls sometimes do that as well. We'll get all flustered over a bad review or a bad encounter when we have so many other awesome encounters/reviews.  

     Just wondering. Thanks for input. Kisses all.


I don't pay much attention to some dude that left a bad review when a girl has many good ones.
Actually I just ignore it
Pretty much figure the dude was an ass & reason he left bad review is more on him then the provider with excellent reviews.
He probably expected too much & may have been a demanding bad customer.
Is some dude that couldn't get laid any other way then pay for it & is upset due t his low self esteem.
Looks so grotesque that not even the best provider could bear to service him.

One bad review among many fantastic ones is surely to be weeded out by any experienced hobbyist & taken for what it is...Worthless write up by some pissed off jerk!

A few bad reviews vs a sea of good ones does little to deter me from seeing a girl.  I usually check the bad reviewer's other reviews to see their credibility.  9 times out of 10, they're newbies.

Getting a bad review does stress the brain and ego. Especially if you are used to glowing reviews. Some post fake reviews, good or bad just to get freebie VIP days. Some  post average reviews after they have told you how wonderful you are and seen you several times. They are trying to be a hard grader or come off as Mr. Personality to their peers on the board. One or two bad reviews are bound to happen. As much as they bother the mind, it should be looked at as a mathematical average, where the normal person throws out the highest and lowest scores. Then looks at the majority of the scores. I have been told that some ladies here barter for better scores. Some even intimidate the guys. Some of us prefer that we don't get anymore reviews as we have a well established base of regulars.

joecarter634 reads

Of course one bad review in a large group of good ones doesn't carry too much weight but it can be a flag.
I look at the other reviews by the reviewer to see if he seems reasonable and consistent.  I lend more credibility to some reviewers.  I also weigh more heavily a ladies recent reviews to see if there is any sort of trend that can be observed.
Unfortunately, I have  had a few disappointments with highly rated girls and have started to read more clearly and better between the lines.
I am now focusing more on the few gems I have been lucky enough to find with an occasional visit to a top rated girl to find someone to round out the line-up.
I am truly blessed!

In the past, when I've ignored the bad review, I've found that the bad review was accurate and the rest weren't so they definitely influence me.

With that said, I will ignore all other reviews if I see one from an individual whose reviews I've come to respect.

It really won't mean much. The details of the review should really point out that it was a chemistry issue, or that the guy was just being a jerk.

I would not be focusing on the *scores* - I would just as soon that we abandoned scores as they are not reliable and the least informative information about a review, and lead to all kinds of problems and distortions....

So I would read what the gentleman had to say and compare the review to his other reviews to see if he is bringing negativity to his hobbying or is a problem child.....

Probably the average "score"  of providers I have seen is upward of 8.5 and in every case I think they are / were deserving.  But I run across the occasional negative review.  Just reading them I find that many exhibit negativity,  weird or inappropriate expectations,  childish communication skills.   I've seen negative reviews of providers of certain ethnic or other "types" where the review stated that he did not like that "type" - so why did he book with her then?

but sometimes the review is from a trusted reviewer and rings true.  

In that case if it is a rarity in her profile I consider it a case of YMMV -  there are many reasons why on a given day a provider and client just may be out of synch - I've had that happen with the very very few regulars I've visited over the years myself.  It happens.  

Then there is the issue of fake reviews.  There have been traveling providers who would either have someone do a negative fake review or set up a dummy account and do it themselves,  targeting top providers in a market, before their arrival,  in order to try to steer business toward themselves.  This has happened to a few favorite providers whom I've gotten to know well.  Or sometimes this is directed at "rival" providers, or sometimes at providers who visit and get a lot of business, and some of the locals are threatened by them.  (There is also the issue of they themselves under fake accounts or of their "followers" making bookings with visiting providers that they have no intention of keeping in order to dissuade  them from future visits....)

Lastly there is a way in which this can make a providers profile look more "real" to me -  

I am hoping that I am not divulging a "secret" when I note that there are providers who practice "review management".   Sometimes this is as simple as the request not to write a review if you can't give a certain minimum score.  Sometimes this is laced with subtle suggestions of retaliation or outright black listing.  Sometimes certain providers have their followers who will pressure a reviewer as well.   If I see the occasional negative review that reads to me as though the provider was not BSC but it was just not a good day for her and her client,  that rings true, and gives her profile more reality and trustworthiness in my estimation.....

...if she only (mostly) has 10/10's then I'm inclined to research a bit further. The reviews and reviewers usually reveal if the 10/10s are shills or well-earned. Any reasonable client will not hold an occasional moderate or even bad review against you - we're aware that all providers at some point encounter some really difficult clients. It's all about the aggregate.

Personally, I read the review and compare it to a few recent ones.  A tell tale sign for me is 3 bad reviews in the last 10.  Does it show a decline in service, burn out or other issues like alcohol/drug dependency.

Everyone has a bad day or the chemistry just doesn't click.  One bad review means that everything didn't sync and there was a communication breakdown between both parties.  I'd look at it as what could I have done differently, adjust (or not) and move on

It may hurt a newer provider with few reviews as compared with someone like yourself (overall 9 rating). Notice how I said seasoned provider instead of older provider.   Peace NB

don't sweat it TC, you are DaBomb!

Content of what actually happened can sway my decision to see someone.  If it is even borderline legit sounding then I will check the other guys reviews as well as the provider's reviews.  If the guy seems to have problems with a number of the women he has seen, then I figure it is just him and I will give the provider a chance.  If the provider has a ratio of one bad review for every ten, I figure that it is something she is doing and I stay away.  

Considering you have nothing but good reviews Miss Tamsen, I was surprised that you posted the question.  I have never met you, but the impression I get from your profile is that you provide very good service.

to see a new (to me) provider, I usually look at a couple of her best reviews, and always at any that are very out of line with her norm.  I'll read the bad review to find out what the problem(s) were, and will also look at the Reviewer's body of work to see if he is new (handful of reviews), consistently way below average for the ladies especially any whom I have also seen, etc.  One usually wouldn't deter me if the provider has a ton of excellent reviews; but if it was one low one on a lady with only a handful of reviews, or from a reviewer with a long history of good reviews, I would probably look elsewhere.  There are many fish in the ocean!

by a simple numerical score. In those cases, it is very, very easy to spot a review that is an outlier and represents a special case and not the provider's normal level of performance. Many times, the details of a review explain very clearly why a reviewer scored lower than other reviewers - and that can make the reviewer look bad. Here's a recent one like that from the ATL board:


We can also spot the fake reviews and liar reviews. Here's a recent one from Chitown:


I'd suggest you don't want all 10/10 reviews, either. No where to go but down in that case. Is a 9/9 a bad review? ;)

The impression we get of a provider is based upon the weight of her reviews as a whole.... not often from a single review.  

Relax, have a glass of cabernet, and I'll take that kiss now.

I always ignore one or two bad reviews amongst countless good ones for the very reason you mentioned, everybody isn't a match for everybody. I look at multiple good reviews to determine the consensus about the provider, looking for those characteristics (personality, approach, enthusiasm, eroticism, etc.) that are a match with my preferences.

DamienScott638 reads

Posted By: TamsenC
.... and she has tons of fantastic ones, how seriously do you take that 1 bad review? Its bound to happen.... be it bad chemistry, 2 clashing personas, stress factors, ect. Its gonna happen, we are human. Just curious as to if guys are going to overlook the dozens of fantastic reviews and focus on that one negative?  
      I ask this because I think its human nature to do so. I find myself, at times, focusing more on 1 or 2 negative things(whatever they may be)than the countless more positive things sometimes. Even with reviews and I notice girls sometimes do that as well. We'll get all flustered over a bad review or a bad encounter when we have so many other awesome encounters/reviews.  
      Just wondering. Thanks for input. Kisses all.  

The reviews tell you more about the reviewer than the one reviewed

jonpeabody767 reads

If its your review, a bad review doesn't mean a thing.  If you were to have a string of three reviews or more that were bad, it would raise a red flag.  Even then I would have to read the reviews.

The only reason I haven't visited you, is that it would be like taking out a Ferrari and driving it around the parking lot.  I would feel my vanilla tastes would be a waste on such a great provider - missionary kind of guy and all that.

e hobbyists so often forget that the providers we see are just as human as us. Haven't you ever had a bad day at the office--didn't have energy---felt cranky all day, etc. Sometimes I wonder if a string of great reviews puts even MORE pressure on a provider to "live up" to the hype. I guess what I'm trying to say is from time to time we might have the misfortune of catching a provider who's not at her best for whatever reason. Which raises a very good question---on the day of the appointment should a provider who's not feeling like her normal self cancel the appointment or try to "tough it out."

I appreciate what you're saying as she is a dom.  But, I am pretty straight up in my tastes and have had many great experiences with Tamsen.  She's sexy as hell, great fun, very spirited and yet sweet.  Do not think twice about spending time with her.  Go. Now.

To answer Tamsen's original question, I look for patterns.  I ignore the bad review if there are a tone of good ones.

As far as Tamsen goes, she is awesome :)

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