Washington DC

I don't like this. Sorry.confused_smile
Dreamcatcher 498 reads

Here is a nice looking young lady out and about enjoying her evening who (unbeknownst to her) is being ogled by you as being a possible provider. (OH NO! The horror!) a regular civie girl who is out enjoying her night. I think it is insulting and ridiculous for you to assume anything about any woman who is out enjoying her evening. Couldn't you just admire her and then leave it at that?  

There are so many gorgeous providers here on TER for you to see. Yet you still find the need to press the issue and post this ISO here. :/

Were any of you ladies enjoying dining at a French restaurant in Old Town Alexandria on Sunday night?  I saw a young lady whom I would like to meet if she is available.

Please explain to me how this is not discrete? The OP did not give any physical description, location, time or ANY HIT of anything that would REMOTELY give away exactly who this lady may or may not be.  
I will agree its a 1000% shot it the dark and its not really the place for ISO but your reaction is way off the mark.

He didn't.. And I probably overreacted a wee bit.  Anything that has slightest security implications gets me a little riled up from time to time..

If a guy wants to book with a provider, saying he saw her off hours on a public board is prob. not the best way to go. Contacting her through her website is. Providers deserve privacy too. Even him not saying who it was...on the boards...so what? if I were her, I would be majorly creeped out by a post like that. Maybe she was and maybe she wasn't...point is...we are entitled to relax and be civvie when we want to. I mean, there are boundaries. And the reverse would never happen. If a provider made a post like that about a client, it would be seen as quite indiscreet, I believe.

Dreamcatcher499 reads

Here is a nice looking young lady out and about enjoying her evening who (unbeknownst to her) is being ogled by you as being a possible provider. (OH NO! The horror!) a regular civie girl who is out enjoying her night. I think it is insulting and ridiculous for you to assume anything about any woman who is out enjoying her evening. Couldn't you just admire her and then leave it at that?  

There are so many gorgeous providers here on TER for you to see. Yet you still find the need to press the issue and post this ISO here. :/

!!!!!435 reads

When one spends so much time and energy in this "hobby", if not obsessed with it, one will see and think in terms of it.

Posting a "lost connection" on this board is a bit much, but I don't think he is serious

BTW, I often do just admire a good looking young lady.  But this time there were several indications that she might not be a regular civie girl out on the town.  I did omit those in the interest of discretion.

Though yes most likely a shot in the dark the OP was out and saw a woman he found extremely sexy. I call this a case if wishful thinking. ;-) He isn't stepping over any lines of crazy.  

  Hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend!

 Sidney Starr

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