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SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 393 reads


mlsnet1361 reads

And why do so many of his reviews stand as the sole review for the provider?

My spidey sense is tingling.  What do other folks think?

-- Modified on 8/26/2014 5:17:14 PM

There are plenty of ones where the gal has multiple reviews..  

Perhaps the guy likes to TOFTT.. I don't see anything odd.

mlsnet819 reads

Dude, this is a discussion board.  You offer a potentially valid reason for his reviews, but I'm sure other clients on this board would like to know if there is someone potentially conspiring with escorts to give artificially high first reviews.

I truly appreciate the irony of someone posting on a discussion board EXPRESSLY DESIGNED TO DISCUSS ESCORTS AND THEIR REVIEWS that others should mind their own business.  If we all minded our own business, this board would have zero reason to exist.

So lighten up, pal.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
There are plenty of ones where the gal has multiple reviews..  
 Perhaps the guy likes to TOFTT.. I don't see anything odd.

They curry up favors in return for a good score.  Been seeing this since I got here. Nothing new there. Been opponent of the scoring system for a long time....

So what exactly were you insinuating by saying your "spidey senses are tingling". Lets here it

mlsnet613 reads

In this particular case, given a significant (and highly unusual) number of reviews where it is the only review submitted, my "spidey sense" is simply that this provider has created a number of fake accounts with which to submit fake reviews.  That's all.  I posted this on this discussion board to see if anyone could confirm/discredit that theory.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
They curry up favors in return for a good score.  Been seeing this since I got here. Nothing new there. Been opponent of the scoring system for a long time....  
 So what exactly were you insinuating by saying your "spidey senses are tingling". Lets here it

with the pattern of hobbying. But I guess, you are either new or not a very keen observer.  That pattern bears uncanny resemblance to what we have seen in the past for many many years. Lets just leave at that.  The reason why I said that we should "mind our own businesses" is because there is no reason to dig up shit that is irrelevant right now.  

I ran the numbers and following were the only providers I found where there is only one review as of RIGHT NOW. All someone has to do is go see the gal, and it invalidates your theory.

Blair Woodson
Kourtney Chase
Chloe Longoria
Summer Chase

Now, there were others on the list who at one point did have their first review by HenryWilson, but again there is absolutely NO rule against TOFTT.  

Also your logic is flawed in the sense that there is no reason for the provider to submit multiple fake reviews of different providers  She has all the reason in the world to do it for herself, but doing it for gal after gal after gal has a high nuisance value and very little to gain.. To tackle this problem, and nip it in the bud, TER no longer allows brand new guys to submit their first review of brand new gal.  

Hope my explanation helps..  Oh its so good to be sick sometimes, and sit home and post on TER, and not have to work...LOL

-- Modified on 8/27/2014 8:12:47 AM

Dudes - rather than bore everyone here by sissy-arguing, how about taking it offline and meet somewhere and duke it out? Your mutual insults don't really serve much of a purpose other than to take up space. And why do some people on here insist on considering themselves judge and jury and just be nasty and insulting to anyone who posts something they don't consider perfect? It's getting tiring. I think I'll just go talk to a barracuda, it would be more fun and probably more interesting.

Very lame comeback w/o really debating my post on the merit of the argument.

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 5:47:10 AM

Ok, now I am curious what you thought the OP was impying....

I'm not new, but maybe I am just a very keen observer ... :)

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
with the pattern of hobbying. But I guess, you are either new or not a very keen observer.  That pattern bears uncanny resemblance to what we have seen in the past for many many years. Lets just leave at that.  The reason why I said that we should "mind our own businesses" is because there is no reason to dig up shit that is irrelevant right now.  

-- Modified on 8/27/2014 8:12:47 AM

There could well be some guy conspiring with escorts for good reviews, Lord knows it happens every day.  If it's their very first review though, my guess is that the girl is so new to the business that she really wouldn't know who to reach out to or how to reach out to find this character, I remember how little I knew when I first started.  

I think if anything nefarious is going on, it's more likely that he's just leaving his 2 or 3 review minimum every month so he can get free membership, because a girl isn't really going to call him out on a fake review if it's excellent.  If he was popping up giving fake reviews with low scores, he wouldn't be able to get away with it.

Just my POV, not the gospel.  

Also, the irony is thick up there lol



Why are people so quick to jump to the negative here? Why can't I just be a guy who likes to TOFTT? Maybe I should just quit writing reviews altogether to avoid this nonsense. (in reference to the OP)

wrps07422 reads

Please don't stop writing the reviews. Learn to ignore useless posts.

GaGambler359 reads

Some useless posts should not be ignored, they should be called out for what they are.

but I do agree that there is no reason in the world he should stop writing reviews unless he wants to do so for some other reason on his own choosing. Certainly not because some douchebag doesn't like the fact that he likes to TOFTT

!!!!!519 reads

One does not make public accusations based on spidey sense.

Unfortunately, it's not just you, it's not just this thread. It happens all the time in this forum.

mlsnet421 reads

With all due respect, is it even possible to make "public accusations" when every single person on this board is operating under an alias of some sort?

I asked a question about a particular reviewer's odd review history.  I am quite surprised that people somehow consider it a slander.  If Henry Wilson would like to make an appearance on this thread, I welcome his perspective.

Posted By: !!!!!
One does not make public accusations based on spidey sense.  
 Unfortunately, it's not just you, it's not just this thread. It happens all the time in this forum.

I, for one, have seen several of the people that he has reviewed and a couple even before he posted his reviews based on his recommendations.
I can't verify who he is, what his motive is, nor why he likes to TOFTT: But I am glad that he shares when he does.  
To me his reviews are accurate and I have never been disapointed.  
I might just have the same tastes or likes.  
I know when the first of several one only reviewer appeared, I checked his past reviews and there were some  of the people that  have multiple reviews and they also seemed inline with other reviewers.  
I think we should not  kill the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs..  IMHO

tries to set everyone straight and/or put them in their place? I swear it is one of the best reasons for reading the board.

Curly is my hero. Go Nats.  

Posted By: Boricualover
tries to set everyone straight and/or put them in their place? I swear it is one of the best reasons for reading the board.

mlsnet401 reads

Thanks for this constructive feedback.  This type of comment was what I was looking for when I posted the OP.  

I'm not necessarily sure why someone decided to jump down my throat for the post, but in the future I will submit all posts to him for his approval pre-publication since he clearly is the Lord of the TER DC Discussion Board.

Posted By: enjoylife9134
I, for one, have seen several of the people that he has reviewed and a couple even before he posted his reviews based on his recommendations.  
 I can't verify who he is, what his motive is, nor why he likes to TOFTT: But I am glad that he shares when he does.    
 To me his reviews are accurate and I have never been disapointed.  
 I might just have the same tastes or likes.  
 I know when the first of several one only reviewer appeared, I checked his past reviews and there were some  of the people that  have multiple reviews and they also seemed inline with other reviewers.    
 I think we should not  kill the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs..  IMHO.  

And I can't and shouldn't say much. I have nothing against you..

I am very flattered that someone created an entire post about "lil ol me."

I had no idea when I signed up here, that I had to get permission from Peter Parker and the Marvel Universe before being able to submit a review.

To jump on here and accuse me of conspiring with escorts to give high reviews is ridiculous. I have seen my fair share of providers and the ones I have reviewed deserve the score I have given them. If you don't agree, then you can always wait for someone else to review them. It won't bother me one bit, I promise!


Did you bother to ask the provider about whether or not the review is legit?

Did you ever stop to think that maybe I enjoy seeing new girls and TOFTT? I prefer not to wait for some of you to run through the providers, leaving them jaded and jilted, before I make my move. I personally feel that I don't have to wait for a provider to be reviewed before seeing them! I know what signs to look for and don't mind seeing a fresh face.

And as far as giving out high scores, if you follow the other reviews that each girl has, it falls right in line with the other reviewer scores for the most part.  

As far as me being the only person to have reviewed certain providers; maybe she quit because she couldn't drum up enough business because of guys like you who aren't willing to see someone who hasn't been reviewed. Only she would know why.

So if I meet a new fresh face and I feel the hobby could benefit from having this girl around, of course I am going to write a review. I would hope some of you would appreciate it. Its funny how someone can just sit in front of their CPU and attempt to stir up drama about someone they have never even spoken a word to. You could've just as easily sent me a PM asking about this. Why post on a public forum in an attempt to smear my name? How about focusing your time on better things, like getting laid....

I think it is great that your willing to put yourself out there to TOFTT, and post a review afterward.  

I am honestly more wondering where you keep finding these from? Care to share your sources?

Upon seeing his review of a Russian provider I decided to check her out myself.  His review of the girl performance and looks was spot on.

As someone who has been reviewed by HenryWilson, I can vouch that he is a very sweet guy. Thats at least my point of view. I don't know about the other girls.

Posted By: mlsnet
And why do so many of his reviews stand as the sole review for the provider?  
 My spidey sense is tingling.  What do other folks think?

-- Modified on 8/26/2014 5:17:14 PM

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