Washington DC

LowProfileGirl See my TER Reviews 1663 reads

My link was placed on my post as a reference, considering my site goes into detail as to why I do not see more than one visitor a day.  Those reasons are in direct relation to the original post.

The question is about this board.

I recently arrange to see a visiting provider. I asked that I could be her first apointment when she came to town. She agreed and I book way early.

The thing is when we met, she was a little late in calling me up to the room.

Well she was as promised. Or at least would have been, had she not been, how do I say, been on overtime it seems.

I specifically asked that I would be her first for that very reason. The company was pleasant, but the experience was obivously for her like a double shift.

I suspect I passed a previous customer on the way up. Actuall I know I did. He posted here about his multiple hour experience right before my appointment.

The problem is she asked that I not do a review.

But I use this board to find out exactly these things. I feel a bit decieved. And why should I pay full price for less then the agrred upon full service.

Should I mention names?

anon5566442175 reads

Absolutely, you should. That is what this board is for, IMHO. You asked for something special, and she agreed. You didn't get what you asked for, and I, for one, would like to know misled you. Private PM if you choose not to post.

I Agree....but be prepared for the White Knights that will charge to her defense.

I really don't believe you have a valid complaint.

If you want low volume you can't possibly expect a touring lady hosting incall who sees men by the hour to be that exclusive.  

It's possible that you were the first appointment until someone else emailed for an earlier time slot. You have to understand that some women earn their living by the volume of men that they see.  And they are only in the city for a few days and have to book as many appointments as possible. Sorry hun but you were just another number at the deli counter to her.

OH AN ALIAS. ok, well, I do expect to be a number "HUN", but even at the deli counter if I ask if the cheese is a week old I expect honesty

I believe if you ask for a particular service..and it is agreed...you honor it...I know when a Gent asks for me first..he gets it...NOT all touring ladies operate by VOLUME...They do not go hand in hand....I tour all the time..I operate on QUALITY..not QUANTITY...
In time the Gentlemen will be able to distinguish this..I do many other things in each city besides operate a deli counter..I attend ballgames, ballets, enjoy fine dining..sight-see
I think you have a valid complaint, but naming names will not change anything...You will find a provider that will accomadate your needs...even one that is called "the first appt of the day"

Many quality providers are starting to see only one visitor a day, including me.  Not only are you guaranteed that you are the first, you are also the only one.  What are wonderful concept.

Low profile girls dont post on nationally acclaimed message boards and THEN add their site to it as well.

That's hysterical.

My link was placed on my post as a reference, considering my site goes into detail as to why I do not see more than one visitor a day.  Those reasons are in direct relation to the original post.

Al Giordino1974 reads

and chimes in on important topics every now and again....

So, no.  It's not all that funny.

And, no, I have never seen her

-- Modified on 9/2/2005 4:05:10 AM

no dont mention names. We are escorts. Of course we see many names.. Take Providers advice and see a high dollar hotty or someone with a lower profile. If you want to be the first, dont see an agency girl.

But right from the start you mention having passed someone that booked multiple hours. Sorry, but what happened to me on more then one occasion was not as bad I guess, but being bumped for the multi hour payout is common and if planned right, as in your case, they roll from one to the next and never skip a beat.

It is more the agency fault then the one you were seeing even though you think they have a right to refuse or at least me honorable and offer you an apology or compensation of some form. Others have had less then expected service and when they complained the agency worked out a deal or admitted their wrong.

But until you at least contact the agency and voice your complaint, don't out the provider or agency, have a little more respect then you feel they had with you or consider yourself no different then them.

I would like to know if you did call the agency or provider and voice your complaint. And if you were sure that another client had just left, consider walking away.

So, other then not being first, having a session with Ms Marathon, was it a satisfying session for you? If not, consider being fair in your review, post your impression of her appearance and performance. I'm the type that while it would disappoint me much in the same way, I feel bad for those who visit and how difficult it is to manage not only seeing so many client, but the travel problems, time changes, hotel accommodations, and finding time for themselves. Even worse for those who travel, when clients book and cancel after they get here..

You have to know not ever experience will be perfect, not every provider will be honorable, and there are no guaranties in this business for satisfaction or your money back...

Try contacting them first then get back to us with your results or chalk it up to a lesson and move on. If it is an agency and they deny your claims even when you know of the other that posted his multiple hour session, it probably wouldn’t be like, but letting others know which agency it was would be only fair for those who want to be the first in and might be treated to the same conditions you were. If it was me, I would drop it after letting them know how I felt (in a polite way) and then not use their services again, unless the compensation was too good to resist and then I would hope all my appointments got bumped – might get a bunch of free flights – LOL – not happening to me I’m sure..

If you didn't agree to do a review or you were non-comittal, I think you should do a review.  Now I've seen some do it and knock off an uncharitable amount of appearance and performance points.  I think that's unfair.  I think if you will downgrade, do a little on performance.  You can mention in your review how she made a promise but then broke it.  

You also didn't mention if she was apologetic.  Did you express your disappointment to her politely?  Did you ask for an explanation?  It's quite possible working for an agency that she agreed with your terms but then someone screwed up in booking and scheduled an appointment before you.  Did she offer to make it up to you or did you ask for some consideration were you to see her next time?  When you went up a little late did she let you stay a little late so you had your full time?

If you know the pains of scheduling (from work, major events like wedding or charity events etc), you know that stuff is bound to get screwed up from time to time.  I don't think it's fair to expect a lady to be perfect everytime, but it is always fair to ask if she's gracious enough to make up for not being able to fulfill her promise to you.

Regarding the full price, full service point:  You pay for her time.  All you are owed is one hour if you're paying for one hour.  Anything beyond that fair exchange of time for money, such as being the first appointment of the day, is a privilege.  You don't pay extra to get it and she shouldn't get paid less for not giving it to you.  

On the point of not keeping a promise, it is entirely up to her discretion on whether she wants to make it up to you to maintain a GFE reputation and perhaps have you as a returning customer.  But she is not required to, and as an agency girl, there's really not much motivation to do so like with an independent.  The agency is suppose to worry about bookings and such while she focuses on her appointments exclusively.

If you want to post her name, there's no stopping you.  Although if I were you in your shoes, I'd try to handle it privately with her or the agency prior to announcing anything publicly (sometimes that way burns bridges).  But, I've also seen the public board posting be used effectively, so it is up to you.

dragoon71999 reads

to make him her first appointment.  She's only obliged to do it if she promises to.  Having taken on that obligation (voluntarily, I might add), she then needs to do it - just becasue she said she would.  It goes without saying that she shouldn'tr sa it if she's not going to do it.  And having said it, she should make good on that promise in SOME way if she can't come through.

However, there's no "enforcement" option available to him other than to put it out there in the form of a review.  Why shouldn't he?  The only reason the hobyist community continually gets jerked around by some of the women and agencies is that we're too emabarassed/chicken  to publicize their practices.


-- Modified on 9/1/2005 6:38:04 PM

As I said, in this hobby you pay time for money.  Unless he paid more to be the first of her day, she's not obligated in the same sense as offering her time for a fee.  Look below at Jeop's post and you'll see he essentially says the same thing.

Just as if you say, promise to show up with a bottle of wine to a session but don't end up bringing it, a provider is hardly going to cut her time or expect you to pay more for not following through.  You might consider that an unfair comparison but I think it's more than fair.  It takes 15 mins and what, $20 for a bottle of wine.  To skip on a multi-hr appt, maybe because that's the only time the other guy can book, costs her at least $600.    

Giving a civie comparison, let's say you're having something at home that needs repair and the repair guy promises to show up at your house, first appt of his day.  But turns out he's a little late (not really late, just a little) because he stopped by to do another repair instead.  You might get irritated, but if he spends the time and does the job, you have to pay his fee.  If he's nice he might give a break in his price for service to keep a good rep and keep you as returning customer, but he's not *obligated* to do so.  A court of law would support the repair guy's side, just as they would with a provider...were it the kind of service you'd want to talk about in front of a judge. ;)

dragoon71878 reads

she should have said that at the time the appointment was made.  She basically just let him think he was getting her fresh that day.  She mislead him.  If she doesn't have control over that, then she should say so at the time he called.

Bottom line is that this is an unrealistic request and one shouldn't believe a promise to do this - expecially in the case of a touring and/or agency girl.  It's sort of like expecting EVERY girl you see to REALLY cum hard - it might happen and it might not but don't count on it.

This is actually the interesting part of this question, to me at least.  I am not sure how most ladies are, but I am pretty darned sure that MOST will be fresh for your appointment regardless of the time you meet her.  

I have an entire ritual I go through after every appointment, from showering, shaving, brushing my teeth, hair, a bit of make-up, some time to lounge around naked, nap and regroup, maybe eat something, then dress up in some fresh lingerie and requested clothing.  

This idea that a good SP might be fresher for a morning date over a later one, is simply not true, we are as fresh and clean all day long.

And ooh, I cum easiest in the early morning!


dragoon72155 reads

the original post described the provider as tired and overworked (or words to that effect).  Clearly, that's something he wanted to avoid b y booking what he hoped would be her first appt of the day.

I've passed the previous guy in the hall.  One time I even had a drink with the previous guy.  Having the drink was fine as it gave her time to freshen up.  But I've decided if she's so stacked up that I'm passing the previous guy in the hallway, I'll cancel.  Because that gives her no time to shower.  And for the money I spend, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that she be freshly showered, on her time, before I walk in the door.

I hope if you guys out there are seeing girls that operate like a deli counter and don't have time to wash between orders....you stop...

That's interesting.  I once had a touring provider admit to me that her local boyfriend was coming up after our session.  That sure helped the spirit of things.  Sure enough, I passed him in the hall on the way to the elevators.  I know it was that guy because I discretely looked down the fairly long corridor to see that it was HER door he was knocking on and being let into (it helped that he had his back to me).  Clearly, she didn't refresh herself for HIM.

 About her request concerning that you not review her.  How did she even know you were a reviewer on a board?  Did you tell her so?  (These days, I am trying to not freely offer up that 411 to help make the session more representative.)  When did she make this request?  Did you agree to it?  Lots of variables here.  As a TER VIP member, I would not want to agree to anything which potentially shortchanges my ability to help my mates.  The very fact that she made such a request would have placed me on alert.  If she did it at the beginning of the session, I would probably say no.  If she insisted, I would say that I wouldn't go ahead with the session under that condition.  If she did it at the end, I would absolutely refuse if it was a poor session.  If it was a good one, I would ask why she wouldn't want it reviewed.  Then, her reason better be very compelling.

 Oh yes, I would probably ask why she thinks I am a reviewer and if applicable, how she found out (as if I would have to guess very hard these days).  Be interesting if she would give it up as to whether my suspicions were correct, though.

-- Modified on 9/1/2005 10:17:21 PM

I can not believe this thread...  We are talkin about a "provider" (short hand for prostitute)  Last time I checked this is illegal in this area.

My point...  If this woman promised to see you first for the day and someone called and asked to be first for the day and then someone else called and asked to be first of the day etc....  She would start at 5AM in the morning if she thought she could get more money.  If memory serves me providers do this to make money, as much money as possible so they won't have to do this activity when they are 50.  So IMHO I vote for GET OVER IT.  Then move on...  Write a damn review OR DON't.  

We "users" need to stop asking for unreasonable requests from the women who service us.  If you want to CUM first then PAY FOR IT.  DO an over nighter... Do not put the girl in the position to have to choose between her income and some promise that is to easy to break..  

As an aside I was with a provider the other day that said "I do this to make money and men come to me get their NUT off"  She made it clear she could care less about good reviews or bad ones.  I doubt I will ever go back again but I refuse to bitch about it.  I got my NUT off...

My 2 cents worth!

This site is the markletplace.  It makes us all more informed as consumers and providers.  We are able to sift through the information and make decisions.  

Tell the truth.  The "white knights" will complain.  The agency might react.  But most everyone will take it all in context and filter it through with all the other information.

Information is what makes this site so good.  Let it fly.

Ok, the response here was way more then I anticipated. First off, we do use the venue to make decisions on spending money. Quite a bit of money I may add.

Legal, I agree with you whole heartely. I am over it, if that can be the case as I was really never backed up on it in the first place. And that is not meant starcastically.

It seems to me this is where come to improve our odds of the best experience. I know the deal. I know "providers" like everyone else in the world are as much different as any other people in how they conduct business and their private lives. Even the same ones from one day to another.

The question was about, what is acceptable. What exactly is expected and what is frowned upon.

And the answer just may be as different as the people.

To clarify. I made the appontment way in advance. I was given the time of arrival, and requested to get the first avaliable appontment. To be honest I was expecting earlier. I wanted an afternoon. But being told she would not even be here until later, I took that spot.

In hind sight, me not being a complete idiot. I realize the time she gave me was not as she said, when she would arive. Instead it was her next avalable spot. Thats a big difference !

A simple, some gentlemen have allready booked earlier than you. I would have worked something else out.

In hind sight, I however see that I was not only misled on the time. But I believe she booked me after "closing".

Somewhere along the line here, I have been put into the complainning department. This is not a complaint, this was a question.

To clarify. This is not about the provider at all !!   This is about this board and what is expected here. I certainnly would not complain to the people here about, well anything. lol

I have been around the block ladies and gentlemen. I know myself, and I know when a woman is just plain worn out sexually. The idea becomes a stereo type of men, Just make them cum and they will be happy.

And folks, getting laid is not difficult. Getting laid by a pro is worth paying for in my opion. You paying for an agreed upon service, her expertise.

This line from a post needs to be examined.

"Giving a civie comparison, let's say you're having something at home that needs repair and the repair guy promises to show up at your house, first appt of his day.  But turns out he's a little late (not really late, just a little) because he stopped by to do another repair instead.  You might get irritated, but if he spends the time and does the job, you have to pay his fee.  If he's nice he might give a break in his price for service to keep a good rep and keep you as returning customer, but he's not *obligated* to do so.  A court of law would support the repair guy's side, just as they would with a provider...were it the kind of service you'd want to talk about in front of a judge. ;)"

Ok you call and set up an appointment. You fridge is broke. He runs late, lies, whatever.

But he works on your fridge. It's been a long tiring day for him, he just wants to get home. He see's the problem, ahh but he is so tired, actually doing the job right would require him to perform as if it was only lunch time, but it's allready after dinner in the evening. He simply is not operating at mean level of performance. But he has bills to pay and needs the cash. Instead of saying I will come back in the morning, he does a not so professional job. The fridge works, well sort of. It cools but not to the temperature require to keep food.

He did work, he did the agreed upon service. You paid for an hour of his time. And you paid for an hour of a professionals time, not an hour of say an apprentience's time.

So you just don't call him again. I get that

But my question was about here, the ter, not her

and to the women. For an hour of your time, I pay about what it takes me 3 hours to make.

In reality, you do not make as I don't that money in 3 hours time. That is an hour of actually working. Every professional has prep time. I know for an hours work it may actually become 2 or 3. Time for dressing, preparing and so forth.

This is getting long. Sorry

Just remeber, for the most part, us men will try and be honest and upfront. Probally setting us up as easy marks. But we are not stuip, like I said I am new. But I do learn. What do you want to teach me?

oh yeah. The guy who passed the providers boyfriend going to the room as he left.

Logic would tell me that a guy who has a provider as a girlfriend most likely goes both ways. You seen him as having seconds to you. He probally seen it as, he was with you also. Ewwwwww

Just a funny perspective

trimmagnet2824 reads

-- Modified on 9/2/2005 12:39:16 PM

you are right that is what thid board is all about, although I understand both of your positions it should had been made clear to you that your request may not be possible.

using names, of course other than the provider, will not help anyone.

If I am paying for a service and request a donkey in thigh highs and a garder and she promises this will happen I would be dissapointed if my donkey were not there,

I would be even more dissapointed if the donkey past me on the way up.

So your peach was fondled before you got there.
Agency gal right? Solution: Indie. Indie. Indie. Get it yet? And if still not virginal enough try dating.

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