Washington DC

BWI: easier parking and access. eom
joeking 5 Reviews 7426 reads


BelleDeJour.net7784 reads

I just wanted to know from the guys, how do you make a choice which is more convenient?

Kim @ BelleDejour.net

BWI hits both DC and Baltimore.  And easy parking there too.

For the guys coming from DC, BWI is closer, probably by 15 minutes. They're both a straight shot up Rt. 295. You actually have to go right by the BWI hotel exits on your way to the Inner Harbor if you're coming from DC. There's also an abundance of parking near each of the BWI hotels and it's free. BWI is more convenient for the DC guys.

All of the BWI hotels are what I'd call business-class hotels: 2 1/2 or 3 stars. Other than the hotel restaurants there's not much more than fast-food places. Also, the area empties out after 6:00 PM. Lots of defense-related companies and government agencies in the immediate vicinity.

Now, the Inner Harbor has nicer hotels, much better nightlife, and way better restaurants. On the downside, parking is a little harder to find, and usually costs you a couple of bucks an hour.

As far as making a choice, if I were going to make a 1 hour appointment, it wouldn't matter. But if I were going to make it a night on the town I'd rather be in the Inner Harbor.

The Inner Harbor is probably more convenient for your girls in the event that they need anything. The BWI hotel area is totally lacking in convenience, grocery, and/or drug stores. They'd need a car or a cab ride to get anywhere.

If you want more info, let me know on this forum and I'll get in touch with you.

I think BWI is better, quick in and out Plus you don't have to deal with the city traffic.

Hi Kim! Thanks for asking!
BWI is far more convenient for me, and for quite a few guys that now work within a 20-minute radius of that airport!
Happy Friday!

iceblu7952 reads

Definitely BWI for most people!!


I would concur on BWI.  It is by far the easiest to get to and find parking.  

The traffic down in the Harbour can get extremely bad during most of the day.  Parking is also going to cost a pretty penny anytime before 6:00pm.

kim ;)8297 reads

Hi DC Mann, long time no hear but thanks for the nice guys that have been calling for Jill and Chrissy, they are great guys..


It is very confusing to me, when I have a girl in BWI, the guys want Inner Harbor and then when the girls go to IH, they call for BWI... go figure.

Also I still don't know but what is the best area for DC incall in your opinion and also the other guys opinions for dc especially for easy parking?


Hi Kim! :)
Thanks for asking! Most of my work is in MD now, so BWI is a bit more convenient for me than DC?
But in DC, I have always had the best luck in the Dupont Circle area. There is good Metro access, and good valet parking at the different hotels there.
I am sure that the many other fine DC gents have good ideas for DC locations, as well?
BTW, in MD, you can perhaps try varying your locations between the Inner Harbor and BWI? That may at least partially please the gents that prefer either location! :)
Have a wonderful evening, and Happy Saturday to all! :)


Foggy Bottom near Georgetown is good too, as well as "downtown" or central DC. I don't know about everyone, but convenient Metro access is important to me. I live in Northern VA and don't drive to DC (learned that lesson the hard way when I first moved here), so if I can't get to a location by Metro, I have to catch a taxi, which is just one more hastle. I've done that to go to upper NW and upper Georgetown, but would rather not.


It is a toss up in regards to convenience for most Baltimore area gents.

However with tour expenses in mind, Baltimore's Inner Harbor properties are more expensive especially during the weekdays.

BWI Airport area offers a greater number of hotel chains in a large price range.

BTW, we're glad to have your group touring our location. Thanks and keep up the great work.

Vince in Baltimore

Thank you for asking. I would again allso like to reiterate what was said in the posts before.
Parking is a big issue.. Bwi has alot of nice new hotels and getting in and out is alot easier..

My vote would be BWI

Hi Kim.  First, I would like to compliment you on even ASKING.  I don't recall any other agency ever posing a question like this to us.  It's ironic that you ask this question because I was thinking about conducting an informal poll of my fellow teammates here concerning EXACTLY this topic.  Frankly, I'm glad to see that you have beaten me to it, because that shows that at least one touring agency CARES and wants to know.  I hope the others will be viewing this thread that you started as well.

 I'm a lifelong Bal'mer guy, born and raised.  When I was younger, I worked in Baltimore City.  If I did now, I might like the convenience of just walking to a hotel (during the work day).  However, for most of my career, I have worked in the Baltimore 'burbs or the Maryland DC 'burbs.  I think it is increasingly the case that the center cities are no longer where the majority of the jobs are.  IMHO, if you don't work in a city, why be bothered with driving into it with all the traffic hassles and delays, the crime, and the parking hassles and expense?  Even if one DOES work in the city, I don't think they would want to go into it for their hobbying at night. Hence, I don't particularly care for the fact that most of the touring agencies use hotels in the downtown areas of Baltimore and DC.  

 From the standpoint of the majority of the customers (myself included), I think the answer to this question should be a "no brainer".  Clearly the BWI area would be the overall winner.  Actually it's a little further from where I live than downtown is.  However, there is NO hassle comparison.  Over the years, all the major hotel chains have built large facilities (some chains more than one) in the BWI-Linthicum area.  Most are located in a complex of hotels which has been developed there.  

 Now as for the girls, I would tend to presume that after a busy day, they are not exactly in the partying mood at night, anyway.  This is not to mention that oftentimes appointments are scheduled for the late evening and night hours.  Even if the gals desired some spare time recreation, I would think it would still work at BWI even though the immediate area doesn't have that much (there are fast foods, a few good restaurants, and a multiple cinema complex).  However, the hotels at BWI are significantly cheaper than downtown.  Hence, the gals could easily use their expense savings to rent a car and get wherever they wanted, and not have any driving or parking hassles.

 Cheaper and less hassle on the customers and the gals.  Less crime.  Better central geography for our metropolitan area.  Gads, if I want to go to Harbor Place, I can go to Harbor Place.
If I want to hobby, let me hobby at the most convenient place.  I don't really need to do BOTH at the same time.

 Hope this helps Kim.  I'd love to see more touring at the BWI area.

I was a little confused during my earlier post in response to my friend DC MANN but I had a feeling that BWI WOULD BE THE BEST,I just looked at a map online and I saw the convenience of the location.Once again thank you for the lenghty and informative post it secured my ? with a strong answer that leaves no hesitation on where the girls are going to go from now on in Baltimore.

Kim :))

-- Modified on 11/6/2004 2:40:57 PM

BWI area would be great...avoiding all that Baltimore beltway and city traffic. Thanks for asking!

BWI - thanks for asking.

ps - Do you know if Summer will be making a trip to BWI in the near future?

Kim@BDJ8067 reads

When she is on break from school, I will send her back to DC after NYC,she really wants to go there first, but she loved her first city that she visited and that is DC!!!!!!

Yeah Kim - Really liked Summer. Just a sweet girl. To be honest, I have thoroughly enjoyed each of the ladies I have met from your organization. They have all been different, but all have been fun. Saw Marissa last week, can only say nice things. You may remember me as the Dutch guy, will leave it at that.

As Ponzone said, thanks for asking our opinion. Seems like common sense to find out what your customers want, but must not be since you are one of the few to do it. Really psyched about girls visiting BWI, although my spending habit will increase.

Take care and thanks again.

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