
Yep fur sure....... Back in the day.....If my memory serves me right....
LATSDog 538 reads

I boned her in the fanny around 2003 in San Francisco. While I would never venture into that area now, she was a very pretty TS new to the scene and should never have had anymore surgeries.  She had an attitude then but nothing like I assume it is today.  Her rate back then was $100 but you had to venture into San Fran's Tenderloin district, go into a hotel that charged rates by the hour, and walk through a hotel hallway full of tweakers.  I'm not sure if anyone here has ventured into the historical older hotels in SF but they are basically small dorm rooms with the shower and restroom down the hall for everyone to use.  Today they are meth dens full of tweakers and now that I think about it, I was not thinking clearly venturing into that environment.  If you needed to go pee pee, its either hang it out the window and pee on one of her friends below and/or pee in a cup and then pour it out the window and tell her friend, incoming, duck :)  

If I recall my experience, it was all of 20 minutes but not at the 3xx rate either.  I recommend anyone thinking with the head below the shoulders to reconsider.

I have seen her ad several times and can't find info on her.  She's in Chicago now.  Any info is appreciated.

LATSDog485 reads

don't forget to ask about her Presidents Day 5 minutes special.

LATSDog539 reads

I boned her in the fanny around 2003 in San Francisco. While I would never venture into that area now, she was a very pretty TS new to the scene and should never have had anymore surgeries.  She had an attitude then but nothing like I assume it is today.  Her rate back then was $100 but you had to venture into San Fran's Tenderloin district, go into a hotel that charged rates by the hour, and walk through a hotel hallway full of tweakers.  I'm not sure if anyone here has ventured into the historical older hotels in SF but they are basically small dorm rooms with the shower and restroom down the hall for everyone to use.  Today they are meth dens full of tweakers and now that I think about it, I was not thinking clearly venturing into that environment.  If you needed to go pee pee, its either hang it out the window and pee on one of her friends below and/or pee in a cup and then pour it out the window and tell her friend, incoming, duck :)  

If I recall my experience, it was all of 20 minutes but not at the 3xx rate either.  I recommend anyone thinking with the head below the shoulders to reconsider.

The closer you approach the uglier and loonier it appears. Sorta like Jack Torrance drawing closer to that attractive woman in the bathtub in room 237.  LOL

LATSDog317 reads

One has to be brave but some of the most beautiful TS girls I ever met are on the corners of the Tenderloin in SF.  One would think that this might occur more in LA because they are all Latin TS providers and that much closer to the boarder, but I found the TS scene in SF to be pretty happening when I lived there.  You can hit the BP or Eros any day for SF and the options are very limited.  If you are up to it, go have a few drinks around Polk and Post and then walk around after 1AM and the quality and volume hanging out on the corner is much higher than anything online or in the local paper.  If you are in SF, its worth a lap around the zone if you are staying in the area.  :)  

I have taken in that 'Tranny Times Square of NorCal' a few times on foot just to gaze at the many girls hangin' out --- with skirts so short that it almost does hang out.  Never hooked up with any of the sidewalk chix, due to health concerns, but you're right --- they're way better quality than the usual pack of streetwalkers.  I did get a free blowjob once in a restroom at Diva's --- well, the start of one before I managed to end it for fear of being caught, but that was all.  Given the scarcity of streetwalkers on Santa Monica Blvd, it was surprising to see the brisk business venue of Polk & Post.  Quite a contrast!  I guess S.F. law enforcement's policy is hands off as long as these damsels are not doing their business right on the street.

LATSDog465 reads

U nailed it my friend.  I moved away for a few years before I visited SF and forgot about all of the street peeps tweaking and bouncing around all night, the open containers, the crazy crazy stuff that occurs there.  At first, I thought it best not to venture out and get into trouble but realized very soon that me walking around was nothing to worry about considering the overall environment :)  The scene started around 1am and went to daylight if I recall :)

asnlvr258 reads

I wonder if the legendary Pinky is still topping tourists?  I really had a thing for her.  She yanked her condom off a couple of times when we dated (without telling me.)  She has the full blown bug and wants to share her gift.  Careful.

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