
That's totally understandable, and things happen. On both ends.
TS_Allison See my TER Reviews 713 reads

But you handle it like a gentleman.
The trip wasn't a bust. It was profitable and enjoyable. But I've learned not to depend on people's words. Like the verification, I think a lot of TS girls will start following GG's with deposits etc...
 I don't travel much. But the nice thing is I'm based in DC, and normally will meet a gent that travels here as well. So from that perspective he knows I'm real..and reliable.

...or don't bother following through on appointments once you're in their city?
 I see gents ask all the time...but I think I went on my last traveling trip.

-- Modified on 6/4/2014 5:04:31 PM

I think Allison's comment "Karina! Dumb spell check" had to do with her mistyping, when she mistakenly typed Parian rather than Karina or autocorrect turned Karina into Parian, rather than trying to imply anything about you.

I don't know either of you, but I've only heard good things about both and I just think Allison was commenting on her error (or autocorrects error) and not trying to infer anything about you, Karina.

Just my 2 cents.

-- Modified on 6/4/2014 11:53:34 PM

Posted By: sexykarinasecret
Hi Allison Thanks for taking the time to read about me, I know there are some misspell words, on my website and some of my posts, English is not my first language so Im still working on it. I’m studying website graphic design so I did my own website and I still working on the spelling, even tho I speak French, Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian I can’t write everything correctly, is hard when you know 5 different languages. My misspelling has nothing to do with clients prebooking and not following through on appointments, Thanks that was very rude and that probably why you get a lot of no shows.

I've made appointments and then had to cancel them. Each time it was because work called and had some emergency that had to get dealt with immediatley. Each time I saw the girl later and tipped her well to make up for the missed appointment. Prebooking a travelling girl and then not showing up is a jerk off move though. Especially so if you based your trip on seeing those prebooks. Hopefully you can make up your travelling expenses and not feel too burned...

But you handle it like a gentleman.
The trip wasn't a bust. It was profitable and enjoyable. But I've learned not to depend on people's words. Like the verification, I think a lot of TS girls will start following GG's with deposits etc...
 I don't travel much. But the nice thing is I'm based in DC, and normally will meet a gent that travels here as well. So from that perspective he knows I'm real..and reliable.

Good to hear that it was a good trip. I don't like buffoons giving my city a bad name!

Many of use gents are impulse buyers and some with families have to wait for the opportunity. This activity is not like making a dentist appointment. If the provider is an 9-10 you will not have to worry about business, a good reputation will carry you thru those cold winter months.

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