
Run On Sentence Follows...
Horizononfire 3 Reviews 3993 reads

You know the BF just did that so he can tell Jennifer how he had you shaking in your boots.  He's hoping to score pussy points to ensure he gets a free lay if he is even her actual BF.

The lesson to be learned here is, "Avoid Jennifer.".

Ecstatic6495 reads

Some escorts seem to have zero respect for the guys who are willing to drop $$ to see them, and treat us like dirt. I had a really bad experience last week and thought I would share it with the board as a caution. I did try to post a review, but apparently (since I never actually got to see the girl as my story reveals) I had insufficient detail for a review.

I was really looking forward to seeing Jennifer last week when I saw her ad on Eros because she was staying not five miles away, just down the Interstate from me. Given that I usually have to commit to an hour and a half round trip into Boston, I was thrilled that I could see a hot tgirl just minutes from home. But it wasn't to be. She kept me waiting nearly an hour (twice telling me to wait 20 minutes for the main to finish cleaning the room), then invited me up, only to cancel by calling my cell as I was literally feet from her hotel room door. As I left, I saw another guy, with a rose in hand (I had just tossed the rose I had brought for her in the trash), heading up as I came down. I understand things can come up, and cancellations happen, but these circumstances were extreme, and she hadn't even the courtesy to tell me to my face when I was on the other side of the door.

Here's what happened: I called her after seeing her Eros ad. She sounds wonderful on the phone, feminine, intelligent, and easy to talk to. We set a time for 2 pm at her hotel. As I exited the Interstate, I called her to let her know that I was minutes away and to confirm which hotel as she had not specified, but I got her voice mail, so I proceeded to the most likely hotel. A few minutes later I tried again and she answered; I was at the wrong hotel, but only three buildings down the road, and would be there in about two minutes. However, she said the maid was cleaning the room, could I call her back in 20 minutes and she would guide me in. That sounded reasonable, so I agreed. 20 minutes later, voice mail a couple of times, I went into the lobby thinking she would give me her room number, called again and got her. She asked where I was, and I said at the hotel. OK, the maid is still cleaning, can you wait 15-20 minutes? I was getting a tad impatient now--my time is valuable too, girl--but I said OK.

So I went back out to my car to wait. But she called back in 10, and said come on up, I'm in Room #xxx. Cool; it was now 45 minutes past our appointment, but I'd let it slide. But as I was walking into the hotel (again), my cell rang and I saw Jennifer's number. "Who's this?" she asked when I picked up; she obviously was replying to a received call and hadn't realized it was me, who she had spoken to not two minutes before, and sounded disappointed. My supposition is that she thought she was calling back another scheduled appointment. I gave my name. "Oh, OK, come on up."

Out on the second floor, down three corridors, and not ten feet from her room my cell rings again. It's her. "Where are you?" Was she impatient? "Almost outside your door," I said, approaching her room as I spoke. It was now 10 of 3.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry, but I have an emergency and have to run to my aunt's house. Can you come back later?" Biggest red flag yet.

"No, this is my only time today. That's why we scheduled for now."

"Oh, sorry, call me tomorrow to reschedule."

"Sorry, I don't think I can make it tomorrow," I replied, hoping she would reconsider. "Call me," she says, then hangs up. Meanwhile, I'm on the other side of her door--she couldn't open the door and address me in person? Not good.

So I walked away, tossing the red rose I had brought for her in the trash. As I left the hotel, I saw that other guy, with a red rose like mine going up, with the look of someone who had never been in the hotel before. Her 3 o'clock, I assumed, as I drove off. Now maybe this was just a bad turn of events, and maybe he wasn't going to see her, but putting me off twice with the maid story (making me wait 45 minutes) and then cancelling as I was approaching her door with the old chestnut of an emergency, and seeing another guy with a rose in the hotel lobby...well, you do the math.

I'm sorry to read about your experience, Ecstatic. That did sound pretty chicken-shit. I had an experience that was similar once. Her loss is the way I saw it.

By the way, I would have gone for the beautiful Rachel. She seems to have one incredible figure, even though her best picture isn't listed on her ad currently.

juslukin5998 reads

That really sucks.  But it seems like it's not that uncommon with TS providers.  This post might be of interest to you:

Whoa, Rachel looks a lot like Jennifer Garner to me in that first pic.  Too bad Boston is way out of driving range.  :)

tshard14735 reads

I remember reading that post a few days ago. It's true, and it could be that her 3 o'clock was someone who has seen her before, so she blew off the guy she didn't know. Oh well. Live and learn.

Ecstatic6202 reads

Sh*t! I think I just did it again, and forgot to use my alias rather than my registered username. Is there anyway to make that change permanent? It's a pain to try to remember all the time to select an alias, especially when all the dozens of other forums I participate in allow you to set an alias permanently. I don't want to be posting as two people!

Ecstatic4521 reads

Rachel does look nice. But as I posted, one of the major draws to me was the idea that here was a girl not five minutes away, one town over, who seemed really nice on the phone (and maybe she is, if you see her: I have to admit, she sounded feminine and pleasant to talk to), and who would save me the hour-and-a-half in and out of the city, plus gas, tolls, parking: all worth considerable $.

Ah well, SaraDC is here next week and Yasmin (nee Jasmin) is here the following week, so I'll make up for it.

ritchie5698 reads

Welcome to the world of TS providers, where 90% of them are rude, obnoxious and think they are Gods gift to the world!

Ecstatic4230 reads

Oh yeah, but I've been lucky these last few years, mostly meeting nice girls and getting to know a couple of them quite well. I'd much rather see the same girl who I have rapport with a dozen times than a dozen girls just once (of course, that doesn't help with TER reviews, lol).

ritchie6032 reads

Thats what I say also. Find one or two that you have chemistry with and stick with them because TS providers are a crap shoot.

jaidee5327 reads

Had a similar experience with this girl last year

Called at noon - asked for an afternoon appointment at her place in Manhattan - she says "what time is good for you?" to which I replied "as soon as you are comfortable..."

Her reply "call me from 49th and 8th in an hour" was welcomed as I has work commitments later in the afternoon

After a cab ride across town to call from the corner at the appointed time, no answer

With a favorite restaurant inthe neighborhood, I killed an hour with lunch and the newspaper - with still no reply after 90 minutes and three VM messages, I threw in the towel and went about my day

You can imagine my surprise when she calls 20 minutes later - sonme two hours after the agreed appointment time - to say "I'm ready"

My reply of "So was I two hours ago, but I am back at work now - sorry, perhaps another time" was met with a torrent of invective and obscenities that would make a sailor blush

As I finally hung up on her, I counted my blessings that I had not shelled out $$$ for company with such a rude and inconsiderate individual -

To my surprise, it only got worse after that as - not 10 minutes later - her BF calls and threatens to track me down and kick my ass

Hung up on the prick only to have the phone ring with a dozen times more before he (apparently) got frustrated and quit hitting the green button

I of course sympathize with the girls who have to tolerate the crank calls, no shows, flakes, etc who make their job more difficult than it has to be

Having held up my end of the 'deal', however, I saw no reason for the BS that followed - let alone the nonsense from her 'over the top' BF

A real disappointment as her reviews suggest a good time - but I will not tolerate such erratic and inconsiderate behavior when I am paying for the privelege of her company

Suggest you give this one a miss

Ecstatic4932 reads

Hooboy! At least I didn't have a run-in with her boyfriend. Thanks for sharing your tale as well.

Ecstatic, he's a sabre rattling wuss.  Just call his bluff, ask him to step outside, then put his head through the nearest wall.

Ecstatic4367 reads

I'm sure, Horizononfire. But I never even knew there was a bf--or even if there is. But I'm certainly avoiding Jennifer from now on. Sara, Yasmin, Venus: who needs that shite with good girls around? I learned my lesson. I'd much rather be a regular with a girl I know and care about.

You know the BF just did that so he can tell Jennifer how he had you shaking in your boots.  He's hoping to score pussy points to ensure he gets a free lay if he is even her actual BF.

The lesson to be learned here is, "Avoid Jennifer.".

kevin O7256 reads


Probably the one who was north of Boston on August 10th.  That's what I determined by reading the post.

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