
Re:Retraining, Requalification and a New Beginning
cruiser1 7659 reads

After studying the "accident report" , I have committed to a program of study, retraining,  and requalification to get my GG and TS Operating
Certificates re-instated in good standing.

I am having a problem.

I need a minimum of two "sessions" with a qualified TS Provider to get my TS Operating Certificate "signed off" and put back in good standing.

Here are my qualifications:

I have over 30,000 hours total flight time
with 700 hours total time in TS, with 640 hours
operating under a BF type endorsement with TS Christy Delight.

I am good at the "social" as well as the intimate aspects of t-girl aviation and my specialties are dinner dates (and afterwards) and Romantic Getaway Weekends all over the
United States... all first class.

I have performed the required 30 hours of classroom and individual study time, moved to a newer and more luxurious "hangar", made a large investment in technological improvements, and taken delivery of a new "aircraft".. a 2006 Infiniti M45 Sport with EVERYTHING.

I am flying the new "vehicle" to LV this weekend
to get both my "Civilian" and "Provider" GG type endorsements "signed off", thus fulfilling the requirements for a new GG Operating Certificate.

But I still need a gentle and loving TS Provider
to assist me with my TS re-qualification work.

Interested T-girls can PM me or EM me at
[email protected].

My former (and still much beloved) co-pilot has graciously agreed to provide a reference...

I am located in SoCal.


TS Star9005 reads

I don't know about anyone else... but I only understood about 65% of that post.  

oh well.... have a good, safe trip.  Sounds like a lot of fun.


BigTimeTSFan9586 reads

I think what he meant was......he's looking for a new TS girlfriend..... but then with him, you never know.

TS Star8679 reads

"I am flying the new "vehicle" to LV this weekend
to get both my "Civilian" and "Provider" GG type endorsements "signed off", thus fulfilling the requirements for a new GG Operating Certificate."

"But I still need a gentle and loving TS Provider
to assist me with my TS re-qualification work."

So... the way I read this is; Aviator, you are going to Vegas this weekend to hook up only with GG escorts (and also a GG girlfriend?), but still wanting to see TS girls in the future, or just hook up with some TS girls after you get there.

Very foggy conditions.  Unable to see clearly... may need radar assistance with this.  lol


Here's the skinny. I am going to Las Vegas to see Christy's predecessor. She is a GG who is between boyfriends and, while she and I have not yet patched things up to be "back the way we were", we enjoy each other's company socially and of course sexually.

She knows that I am in need of some "TLC" right now so she has set up a threesome with a friend of hers who "provides" in LV part-time. "B" as I will refer to her is also bisexual so she will enjoy this as well.

Be that as it may, I enjoyed my relationship with Christy immensely and once we transitioned past the pure "provider/client" relationship
I considered her as much my GF/Sweetheart/SO as anyone I have ever been with. Plus, I got to appreciate the special dimensions of sexuality that come from a relationship with a very feminine and classy t-girl.

So, I have made a decision. In seeking "new love", the right T-girl is as eligible as anyone else. Because there are, as we all know, some very special and crucial differences between the
GG and TS female types, some "retraining" work is necessary so that some "relationship"  qualities are present.

Besides, as everyone knows, I'm still a nice guy
(and not THAT bad looking)......


Felicia Katt7725 reads

So, you aren't just looking for another provider? Thats good, because that would have been filing the same flight plan that led to your last crash.



Just finding another "provider" won't solve the problem.

Christy was SPECIAL. "Providing" was just how we happened to meet.

We made a decision at some point to move past the traditional "provider/client" relationship to something more. In handling the situation, I know now I made some mistakes. Ultimately, this led to the end of the relationship.

As a result, two very decent people are hurting and having to move on. Christy has already found "new" love...I have yet to. I am hurting,
but I hurt more for her and hope that she will come out of this better for the experience.  

I miss her fiercely..and would give almost anything to have her back. But, in my heart I know that's not going to happen.

All of this is not to say that you shouldn't get into a "relationship" with a provider or that you should. Everyone's situation is different and
there are enough anecdotal examples out there of successful  "provider/client to relationship"
transitions to say that it IS possible, given huge odds against.

I knew the risks going in. I accepted them. I took a "soldier's chance". It didn't work.
I paid the price. I'm OK with that. I'm not OK with the fact that my actions, however unintentional, may have harmed someone else.
That is probably why I won't do this again.

But, I will look for a "provider" in the meantime to do nothing more than keep my spirits up until I find that 'special' someone again...

Thanks Felicia for all your help. I hope we meet sometime.


Though it is not my intention to run your life, my suggestion is that you wait for quite a spell before even seeing a provider, let alone look for another girlfriend.  Reading some of your posts I see you are still horribly aching from your recent tragedy.  From my personal observation this is the worst time to interact intimately with someone you are sexually attracted to as they assume the role of a surrogate for the beloved ex.  You may find some unscrupulous provider who can read this situation and assume full advantage literally enslaving by virtue of your need to 'atone' for the collapse of the previous relationship.  Secondarily carrying your emotional baggage to a provider makes an awkward situation for her.  Dating on the rebound is a horrible idea even if it negates an overwhelming sense of lonliness.  Give your recent wound time to scar as wounds of this nature truly do not heal


Thanks for your advice. It is well taken. My take on this is that "I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair".

The whole episode has led me to a great deal of introspection re: should I find a new girlfirend right away, should I find a new provider, or what should I do?

The consensus of opinion is that I should work on myself. Become less selfish...more open and honest, especially with myself, and especially with respect to values, goals, beliefs and outlook.

Losing some weight, getting in shape, doing some re-equipment, reducing personal debt, and building up an "operating bankroll" are the priorities now. Plus, I am getting some spiritual and psychological counseling..I am attending Mass again (after a 30 year absence)
and an old friend (A RABBI of all things) has
re-appeared in my life and he has graciously made himself available to "talk to", just to re-assure myself that I was still SANE.

The end result? Basically I'm OK. Just been through a stressful but NORMAL experience that happens to almost everyone. Prescription?
Understand the lessons to be learned. Work on what you (and others) perceive to be the areas where you "need improvement". Discover and embrace your STRENGTHS. And then, when you feel you are truly prepared and ready, go forward confident in what you "bring to the table" and
what your limits are.

Right now I am looking at re-commissioning and re-deployment by end of summer.

Stay Tuned. The adventures of The Aviator are not over. The best is yet to come.

From "The Hangar"


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