
He's probably a Trump supporter :)
LATSDog 497 reads

If you are ever not sure about something, there is this website.  I think its called something like Goodle or maybe Google.  

It really helps me get through life :)

While we know that there are a of gurls catfishing.  

I've wondered why even the greatest reviewed Tgurls don't have their own personal website.  
Most ggs have their own site. When I see an add for a gurl with no sites automatically skip.  
Feedback from any providers would be great.

Not sure where you're looking but many tgirls do have their own websites. Also, skipping a girl because she doesn't have a website seems a bit foolish. Do you think having a website is in some way a guarantee the girl is real....?

Ok so you got with that term? Can I ask what catfishing is?
Also, it does seem to me that having a website would be beneficial for any provider.

LATSDog772 reads

Catfishing is a relatively new term either/or it resurfaced with the influx of social media.  This is when the person on the other side misrepresents themselves.  It happens a lot on dating sites and social media sites where new introductions are common.

About half of the websites for TS girls are fake so if you fell for it and set up a session I guess you just got catfished.  

The most valid is a youtube video with something in their hand that proves its them.

Thanks for informing me. I learned something new today.

Sorry I used the term Cafishing.  What I meant was bait and switch.  Didn't mean to offend anyone.  I do see girls that don't have a website but was wondering why a lot don't seem to.  Just seems it would be beneficial.

Ya'll have a good day.

Posted By: Autumn Breeze
Ok so you got with that term? Can I ask what catfishing is?  
 Also, it does seem to me that having a website would be beneficial for any provider.

Check out the documentary sometime from 2010-  

Catfish (2010) - IMDb


Posted By: Autumn Breeze
Ok so you got with that term? Can I ask what catfishing is?  
 Also, it does seem to me that having a website would be beneficial for any provider.

not familiar with the term?  what rock have you been living under??

LATSDog498 reads

If you are ever not sure about something, there is this website.  I think its called something like Goodle or maybe Google.  

It really helps me get through life :)

AllThat555 reads

This term has been pretty popular the last several years.  I thought it had entered the general lexicon.

Not in here their not! Term is at least 15yrs old. "We only read TER".....🎶my life my life my life🎶 lol

Posted By: AllThat
This term has been pretty popular the last several years.  I thought it had entered the general lexicon.

Welcome back! We missed your negative attitude and your one dimensional, awkward comments!

-- Modified on 8/23/2016 6:05:02 PM

Here you go again! A lonely old Tgirl lover.Its the best I can do at this stage of ones worthless life. Go Away! Stop harassing people.

Posted By: timotl
Welcome back! We missed your negative attitude and your one dimensional, awkward comments!  

-- Modified on 8/23/2016 6:05:02 PM

Who cares? You obviously care about the language people use here since your post was about how important it is to know ghetto slang like "catfishing". I just pointed out your deficiencies in your use of language. If you don't care, why post about it...? Someone who *actually* doesn't care just ignores it and moves on...

some of the ad sites like E*os have partners that offer us tgirl advertisers "just add water" websites for free. upload a couple of pics and add some text in a step by step and voila, official site! that was my 1st and i liked it cuz with ads like BP that don't permit enuf space for too much info, i could direct clients to the site. and yeah, is was also additional indicia that i was for real. no, of course not something that you hobbyists should say, "oh wow, she has a site so she must be ok!" lol

but when you start getting into a more substantial site like i have now, it is a lot of work and so i understand why it could be daunting to some tgirls. heck, even when i had the freebie one i was always concerned that i wasn't keeping the pics and the info fresh. for you hobbyists, my 2 cents is that you can look at the totality of a tgirls online presence (site, TER, twitter etc) and prolly get a feel for if she's real or not. not saying she'll absolutely be the quality of provider you desire, but you'll learn what she's about from that stuff.

And from a self interested perspective, when a 1st time potential client balks at a deposit and gives me the "how do i know you're not a scam?" shuffle, I respond that my bonafide ass is all over the web but all i have for you is a hotmail addy or google voice number. lol

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