The Erotic Highway

Your experience is unfortunate and surprising
sweetman 93 Reviews 282 reads

I will acknowledge that I had one SB treat me like an ATM but she was a little bitch and treated me like shit from day one so nothing changed over time! The others seemed to really appreciate the extra gifts and it seemed to enhance our arrangements not the opposite.  One 23yo SB who was my most precious Unicorn needed a new computer so I bought her an iPad Air which was way over our normal budget.  It had nothing but good effects on our dating!  Another is a 19yo hippie chick I still am seeing.  I often give her gifts over and above our agreed on $$ per visit.  One time she needed groceries so we went shopping at the supermarket.  Cost me an extra $125. Another time her old backpack wore out so I got her a nicer new one.  Another time she needed an extra $100 for an expense that came up.  I believe she enjoys my generosity and she has never abused it by continually asking for more.  And she always says YES! when I ask her for another date. There have been many other small extravagances with SBs such as costume jewelry and nice dinners and I've always felt these small investments reaped major benefits with them.  Just my $.02

To keep this thread on topic , I would like to limit the discussion to those who have given gifts or who have been overly generous to their favorite providers.

Ok, so far in my years in this hobby, I have met 3 special women that i felt necessary to tip an extra 15-20% or sometimes jewelry ranging in the hundreds just to mark the occasion because I feel that good after a meet.  

I have noticed in those 3 times, the more nice and generous I became, the more cancelled appointments would happen, there would be limited dates available almost like they are placing me on their low days.  I mean, the point of being generous  is not always expecting anything back, but I think it's well within reason you're supposed to give preferential treatment to generous ppl.  

I let the first slide, but then it happened a second time, then a third each resulting me telling them that ain't cool, but yet get resistance they were busy have lives etc.  

Guys I'm not talking like I call her up at 5pm and expect 6pm to be ready... I'm talking week preparation then they message thu can't do it this day and want to move me to another.  It def feels like they are moving me for a new client and hey me  being Mr. Reliable she thinks... "I'll move his ass to another day cause he worships me "

Can anyone tell me their experiences doing this?

that these ladies mistook your generosity for being a chump and thought they could bump you back instead of bumping you ahead like you probably thought you deserved. It kinda goes both ways tho, right? You should be giving gifts bc you appreciate the effort (whether in the SB or escort world), not bc you think you are going to get something out of it later. I agree that you certainly shouldn't be penalized for it tho lol.  

I think giving gifts can potentially send the wrong message. With escorts, you are paying for a service... sounds crass, but honestly it's no different than a bartender, or a server, or the guy that works on your car... if they do a good job, then you might throw them an extra as a tip with the hopes that when you need them again, they will make time for you bc you compensated properly in the past.  

SBs are similar I think... You want to SOMETIMES gift them to show them they are appreciated and you wish to continue banging them, but it can backfire/escalate quickly and turn into an expectation rather than a gesture and they can start taking your goodwill and start thinking you are their personal ATM... fuck that!

I think it's probably counter-productive to gift any SB or escort any more than 15%-20% of your per meet or session rate. Any more than that would put undue expectations on both sides that would lead to misunderstandings and butt hurt feelings in the future imo.  

Word. Cheers.

Never had that experience but it's probably because I rarely "gift" all that much. But when I did, they were always very appriciated of the thought and we never had a problem.. This is new to me..if I may ask, what's the age group of these girls/ladies?

2 were in their twenties and another late 30'swhich I see what you are getting at... maturity.   I think if they ever held a real job maybe they would have more respect for people's time.  It's not all providers mind you.... just 3 in my past where yes I tried to impress early so I could see her often..instead it had opposite effect.

I will acknowledge that I had one SB treat me like an ATM but she was a little bitch and treated me like shit from day one so nothing changed over time! The others seemed to really appreciate the extra gifts and it seemed to enhance our arrangements not the opposite.  One 23yo SB who was my most precious Unicorn needed a new computer so I bought her an iPad Air which was way over our normal budget.  It had nothing but good effects on our dating!  Another is a 19yo hippie chick I still am seeing.  I often give her gifts over and above our agreed on $$ per visit.  One time she needed groceries so we went shopping at the supermarket.  Cost me an extra $125. Another time her old backpack wore out so I got her a nicer new one.  Another time she needed an extra $100 for an expense that came up.  I believe she enjoys my generosity and she has never abused it by continually asking for more.  And she always says YES! when I ask her for another date. There have been many other small extravagances with SBs such as costume jewelry and nice dinners and I've always felt these small investments reaped major benefits with them.  Just my $.02

Thanks, I think it's time to check the SB route.  I would like to PM you about getting started or any direction you can point me me to.

I don't expect anything special in return.  I give the gift because I wanted to give the gift.

It's unfortunate that any gal let's her service slide.  On occasion a gal will have to cancel, but it is pretty rare.  Also on occasion I've gone out with gals where things like cancelling and worse become common.  Those gals are in my rear view mirror now.

I suggest you put gals like that in your rear view mirror

Newto1000383 reads

Since this seems to happen repeatedly, it might be that you are spooking these woman and they are subtly telling you to back off - that you are just a disposable client like all the other guys they see.

Oh please, I am a bleeding heart Liberal and this kind of mindset is even way over the top for me! Please note that I do not wish to bring politics into this, but I had to make a jarring statement to draw attention to the fact that if you truly think that these women are trying to hint to the OP to back off, you are almost 1000% wrong!

It is human nature to fall into the trappings of complacency. I am of the opinion that when respect is not established equally in a 2 way direction, which i think was the essence of the OP's argument, the beneficiary of the benefactor's kindness and generosity has fallen into the some sort of self-possessiveness and feelings of entitlement. Dump her, and move onto the next one who may be more deserving of one's generosity once she "earns" it!

It does feel like complacency and they all do not seem to know the value of a dollar or have any respect for people's time.  Otherwise, why do things like "running errands" when we had an appointment I showed up for but she's not there.  Oh well her loss cause I did not re-schedule.  Wish I could find a true upscale professional that can keep appts.

The search goes on..

Newto1000248 reads

Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year.  Can't figure out what politics has do with this but you may be one who believes that sexual politics is part of every encounter.  In any event, keep the psychobabble and other misguided commentary coming - it does make for a good and humorous read.

Not in the mood to have stated it in a flowery manner as you had. You requested no more psychobabble, right? ;)

aw hell no... that's not possible, I am the sweetest guy in the world.  Haha.

Except I thought I'm the nicest, sweetest, sexiest, kindest guy on the planet.  Can't figure out why every single woman is not dying to jump into bed with me.  Can't think of any logical explanation for their behavior...lololohaha

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