The Erotic Highway

Sorry nothing funny about that I see...
jaydalee See my TER Reviews 1198 reads

you edited your post so who knows what you said at first.But I don't get the story.
I don't even see the reason why you posted this.It has nothing to do with the hobby at all.

Years ago while changing job, I was required to take a drug test.  I picked a test site from a list in the package mailed to me.  Once arrived there, I realized that's not an area that I would normally go.

The drug test facility was like staffed with all black females.  I was lead into a room with a black female staff and she handed me a urine sample cup and instructed me to go to the bathroom.  When I came back and handed over my urine sample (nice and warm), she suddenly shouted out and other black female staffs all came over to look at my urine sample as if it was an attraction of some kind.

-- Modified on 3/12/2015 9:40:04 AM

GaGambler1129 reads

If this was a bunch of white/Asian/latina women, would you still have felt compelled to post this?

and was there a punch line that I missed? I am still looking for the part of the story that is supposed to be funny.

you edited your post so who knows what you said at first.But I don't get the story.
I don't even see the reason why you posted this.It has nothing to do with the hobby at all.

I think he's saying that the ladies who work there never saw real piss in the cups, fresh, warm, etc.

Their race? Who knows why he said that? All black ladies are involved with drugs and faking drug tests?

bigguy301043 reads

Posted By: jaydalee
you edited your post so who knows what you said at first.But I don't get the story.  
 I don't even see the reason why you posted this.It has nothing to do with the hobby at all.

try to have a point.  

And remember, the women you are trying to hook up with have brains and feelings, not just body parts for your pleasure.  

Some of these women are black, some are Asian, some are Latina.... and your post portrays you as a racist jerk.  

WTF were you thinking?

You left your TER logged in.
Your wife found it.
She read your reviews of the amazing sex that you had with countless black women.
She has always wanted to be a black woman.
She's so jealous.
She tries to make a joke to make you look like a jackass.

Did I win???!!!!!!

I think it's funny that these women were having this perverted sexual pleasure looking at my urine sample.

I can appreciate what you were trying to do, but why was it necessary to bring race into it?  Was your story funnier because black ladies oogled your pee instead of (insert color here) women?  

Political correctness is bullshit and it prevents us from having real dialogue.  However, this is not a PC issue.  Stereotyping ANYONE of ANY COLOR is so 1950s.  

"Hey I got a funny story for you.  This Asian/Chinese dude came by the lab to drop off a urine sample, and his piss was soo (fill in the blank)..............."    

An anecdote that begins that way cannot end well in the 21st century.  

Let's not single out races.... let's just all get laid and have fun doing it

GaGambler1042 reads

but there was just nothing funny about the story, I was left waiting for the punch line and there wasn't one.

I personally LIKE racist, lowbrow humor, and you should hear some of my Jewish, Italian, Polish, Black, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican jokes, non of which are appropriate here most likely. The difference is, they are FUNNY, there's an actual punch line. There was simply nothing funny about the OP,

and yes, I single out races all the time, you should hear all the Jewish jokes I direct at Inicky, but what makes it non racist is that just like Matt and Trey of South Park, I pick on ALL races, not just any one or two in particular, which may still make me VERY politically incorrect, and even a bit of a prick, but it DEFINITELY does not make me a racist.

jliu123, hasn't had 15 plus seasons to prove he's an equal opportunity bigot, racist, ageist, sexist, creedist or any other ist or phobe you care to add).  

I don't disagree with you Gambler, and as we've discussed already, I am trying not to be so quick to judge the posts of others, but you my friend have the sense not to write a one-off anecdote about Jewish, Italian, Polish, Black, Asian, and/or Mexican ladies and then press "Post Message."  

It also didn't help that jliu123 didn't have a punchline - which makes the OP an easy target.  

If jliu123 wants to lose the "racist jerk" tag, he needs to tell the board what's funny about Jews, Christians, Australians, Muslims, Americans, Canadians and Mexicans.  (Especially if he wants to put his cock in any said groups.)

Providers MUST be thick-skinned to thrive, but I can't imagine why jliu123 would want to call out one single race of ladies in a post, call it funny, then fail to inject any humor.  Not cool.

GaGambler905 reads

but if I did it, I would make damn sure it was funny. lol

You can't be "sure it was funny" if you have no sense of humor.  This is certainly the case with Mr. Liu.

GaGambler1221 reads

"but if I did it" I didn't forget anything except perhaps that "some" of you don't comprehend everything you read.

but you are 100% correct in your assessment that Mr liu has no sense of humor. He and Fungus should get together.

You are a HUGE prick (and I do not mean your prick is huge, BTW).  That said, the rest of your post is correct.

even though they are at a clinic that does this kind of testing all the time, right?

You've got some explaining to do here.

bonordonor978 reads

So, it just relegates you to global "Jerk". BTW, WTF makes you think they were looking at your urine sample for "perverted sexual pleasure"? I think there's only one pervert here....and it ain't them or me!!!

-- Modified on 3/12/2015 6:01:34 PM

It's ok because I think we all missed your point.

Did you even have a point?

But I get it.

It's not like other posts are funny or erotic in the first place.  

More or less the GD board became information gather or question asking. Any other attempts are lame.

It's either another dick size thread or once awhile, one of these.

It's always nice to have a piñata and you'll do in a pinch.

-- Modified on 3/12/2015 5:01:18 PM

Posted By: jliu123
Years ago while changing job, I was required to take a drug test.  I picked a test site from a list in the package mailed to me.  Once arrived there, I realized that's not an area that I would normally go.  
 The drug test facility was like staffed with all black females.  I was lead into a room with a black female staff and she handed me a urine sample cup and instructed me to go to the bathroom.  When I came back and handed over my urine sample (nice and warm), she suddenly shouted out and other black female staffs all came over to look at my urine sample as if it was an attraction of some kind.  

-- Modified on 3/12/2015 9:40:04 AM

skarphedin918 reads

One time, on the fck board, this AZN dude wrote a post where he admitted that he has nasty weird bad peepee and tried to blame it on the lab techs being black women.  

And then he was all like "Whaaaaaaat? I'm AZN and Black women are FUNNY! HAHAHAHA! NO ONE MENTION MY PEEPEE IT IS FINE!!@@!@

Posted By: jliu123
Years ago while changing job, I was required to take a drug test.  I picked a test site from a list in the package mailed to me.  Once arrived there, I realized that's not an area that I would normally go.  
 The drug test facility was like staffed with all black females.  I was lead into a room with a black female staff and she handed me a urine sample cup and instructed me to go to the bathroom.  When I came back and handed over my urine sample (nice and warm), she suddenly shouted out and other black female staffs all came over to look at my urine sample as if it was an attraction of some kind.  

-- Modified on 3/12/2015 9:40:04 AM

This is dumb. What is your point really? Do you realize how stupid your post is.

Stupid people generally don't know they're stupid.  Crazy people think they're sane.  Liars, however, should know when they're lying.  But that's another story.

TwoMints969 reads

They where surprised that the sample was fresh?  Meaning that the taker didn't actually take drugs...  

It is a bit racist implying that all black ladies use drugs.... Though this one lady fit the stereotype. She opened the door and I thought it was Spicoli's van... I might have gotten a contact high but she was a fantastic lady :)

And by the way, did you read the top of this board?

This is a moderated forum dedicated to discussing the hobby, erotica, and sex related subjects.
where does your post fall under those catehories?

Just come back and report the results of said test.
That may be the ticket to understanding this post....

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