The Erotic Highway

Re: Some more exposé...
herbtcat 6 Reviews 262 reads

Wow, that site is messed up.  

Who is Nik and why do we care about him?  

BTW: Glad I'm not on it. (Yes, I searched.)

Who is paying these women $8-$10k/month+?

I mean maybe its SoCal culture but some of these girls not only want it, they claim to have received it before...

Then there's the woman who want less but want to tell you how much it means to you like the woman last night who'd blown me off for 4 days, saying "I need $1800/month which isn't a lot at all"  I told her "its easy to say its not a lot when it isn't your money, you say you want a business mentor... well here's some free advice... when an "investor" contacts you about an appointment respond immediately"

Bitches be crazy yo

First search filter I set is lifestyle; Minimal, Practical, and Negotiable are all I use.  

I would never even consider a High or Subst POT SB.  No need.  There are 227 profiles within 10 miles of me who don't smoke, no kids, non-AA, slim/athletic/average body, and who drink.  No need to even start with unrealistic expectations.

Newto1000330 reads

Make a lot more money and have orders of magnitude more wealth than you do.  Guys who can easily afford 50-60K for a 4-6 month fling.  Do such guys exist.  Of course.

Of course they exist but not in numbers proportionate to the women seeking them on SA.

Posted By: Newto1000
Make a lot more money and have orders of magnitude more wealth than you do.  Guys who can easily afford 50-60K for a 4-6 month fling.  Do such guys exist.  Of course.  

My favorite provider told me about getting flown out to spend a night with a guy who turns out to be a well known billionaire!  But more often, they are NOT getting this much money even if they claim otherwise.  I had one SB tell me her last arrangement lasted a year and her SD gave her an allowance of $5000 per month. Seemed fishy to me.  If she just got $60,000 why was she so damn broke?  Turns out she had shaded the truth just a bit.  She wound up telling me he promised her $5k and gave her a pittance.

Larry Ellison of Oracle was on SA for quite a while but reportedly he was very cheap in regards to allowance and was also reportedly into BBFS. However, he also was in the habit of flying POT SBs (he's a pilot himself) mostly on his private plane plus perks up the ying-yang.

Speaking of other SA whales, a few of these have been reported to The Dirty:

I could dig up some more if I had the time, but I've seen some of these Tech billionaires being exposed from time to time. Another one who was exposed recently was one of the original founders of Skype... So yes, there are some really super wealthy guys on that site but over 95% of the POT SBs who seek astronomical $ums are  also super delusional.

Larry Ellison is exactly the billionaire my provider friend went to meet.

For your eyes only:

Wow, that site is messed up.  

Who is Nik and why do we care about him?  

BTW: Glad I'm not on it. (Yes, I searched.)

That sleaze ball's real name (which he legally later changed to Nik Richie) is Hooman Karamian a U.S. born person of Iranian-American heritage. He was a club scene loser back in the days who had started his salacious and vile website as Dirty Arizona as his means and ways to get back at girls who had done him wrong (probably) by not f*cking him and his fugly face when he was residing in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area.

In the era of Internet bullying and keyboard commondoism, lots of losers like him started propping up and patronizing that site to get back at nobody type "celebrities" who had no ways or means of defending themselves against slander. When Perez Hilton (the former blogger of the same namesake blog fame) came onto the scene, Hooman quickly flipped a scenario on the Perez Hilton pseudonym and made himself into Nik Richie. The origin of both names come from Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie who were BFFs and the pioneers of reality based sh*t shows of the past decade or so.

He has been sued on multiple occasions (look it up) but then again our wonderful 1st-Amendment protected a scumbag like him. Of course when he stepped on some people he ought not have messed with in the past, he was quickly slapped with the cease and desist from juggernaut law firms which made him sh*t his pants and removed many salacious posts about really rich and famous people he did not wish to tangle with.

He has made himself millions of $$$ through his dissemination of filth and smut under the guise of freedom of speech and evidently has a comfortable lifestyle. He is currently married to Lorenzo Lamas's eldest daughter (who use to be on the Bachelor) and his website and "celebrity" had earned them a spot or two on various reality based TV programs plus club scene promotions, etc. He has been ramrodded in the past by the likes of Dr. Phil and Anderson Cooper for being an Internet bully. He's truly a vile and ugly little man. Have I now fully answered your question? :D

P.S. Yes, we do NOT wish to end up on that site so Y'all be very careful as to whom you may wrong on SA as many Millennials know about that site ;)

Thanks for the briefing... and the warning.  :)

Kissmyazz413 reads

I met one when I was younger. He used to come into my job twice a year and leave me a tip so big it covered my books in college. He was a great guy. What I didn't know at the time was that he was grooming me to be his SB. I was young. I graduated high school at 16. The day I turned 18 he was at my job asking me out on a date. I figured what the heck, why not.  

Through my experience I figured out really quickly that no way in hell would I have another substantial SD. He made me feel as if he owned me. He wanted my class schedule, wanted to know who I was with at all times. The life of luxury and excess was just not worth it to me. After getting away from him I started providing a few years later. I am not sure if he gave me the allowance that he did because I was pretty pure at the time or because he wanted someone he could control. The joke was on him though, I left college with zero debt and some great stories.  

Today I prefer the more practical guys. It's like a relationship with out the relationship. No one demanding me to stop what I am doing, speak a certain way. It's like heaven on earth. I am greatful for all the things he taught me, but on the other hand I am glad to be able to control my own destiny.

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