The Erotic Highway

Re: If you're paying 45K tax on 100k income.....
sxfiendpark96 2 Reviews 416 reads

From a Fed/State/FICA perspective, someone pulling in around $100K in income would pay around $29K all in in taxes.  

Sales tax is a consumption tax, you can reduce it by buying less. Health insurance won't run more than $2-3K if employer-based, more if SE (the $ above cover both sides of FICA/Medicare).  

So someone pulling down $100K probably takes home around $65K. And that's in high-tax CA. YMMV, especially if you bought the high-end car/home/both.  

But I agree with the underlying point - $100K DNE $2K+ per month for the SB.  
Posted By: herbtcat
That's an aggregate for convenience, not just exclusively Federal Income Tax.  
 Add up Fed, State, City (sales  tax), property, medical insurance, etc. and 45% could be a fair representation of the amount routinely deducted from your paycheck.  The point is making $100k a year does not mean you take home $100k in cash a year. (Yes, self-employed, contractors, and others do it differently...)  
 Plus, as I mentioned, feel free to adjust for your specific situation.    
 Some people pay zero taxes. We call them President Elect. :p  

Plenty of recent threads about budget, negotiating, and "direct" sugar vs incremental expenses paid to facilitate a sugar session.  So I thought I'd create a sugar budget strawman model for consideration.  My expectation is that almost all SD's will have done this based on their own income/assets, and that most SB's simply do not think about sugar from this point of view:  

1. SD's Gross Income = $100,000 per year  
2. Assumed Aggregate Tax Rate (Fed, State, Property, etc.) = 45% (of gross income)
3. Monthly Nut (Rent/Mortgage, utilities, food, vehicle payment+gas, misc.) = $2,500
4. Savings/Investment goal = 10% of Gross
Note: Feel free to adjust any of these as each item will vary based on career, state of residence, relationship status, etc. The point is to create a model for informing a sugar budget.  


Annual income:         100,000
Less Taxes:                 45,000
Net Annual Income:     55,000

Monthly Income:          4,583
Less Monthly Nut:         2,500  
Less Savings/Invest         833
Discretionary Cash*:    1,250
 * potentially available as sugar

So if you plan on having one SB at a time, you could sugar that adds up to $1,250 a month, all in (i.e.: includes facilitation sped like hotel, meals, gifts).

On a per session basis, this could be  

Weekly:        $312
3x a Month:  $416
2x a Month:   $625

If you want to maintain a rotation of 2, 3, 4, (or in GaGa's case, 9 :p SB's then you will need to spread the sugar by reducing the per session spend, the number of meets, or a combo of both.  

Alternatively, you will need to increase income by:  
1. Better/additional job
2. Divorce (long term increase, short term decrease)
3. Cut your other expenses. (Do you really need to eat, or that Beemer to get around town. Fuck YES, I do!)
3. Fraud, theft, robbery, extortion, embezzlement, etc. (Not recommended or condoned. Just being thorough.)  

To come back to my starting point, my experience is that my SB's hear "$100k a year, so why not give me $2,000 a month? You have $2,000 and I'm worth it!"  

Thoughts, errors, suggestions

Thats why I  laugh at yhe ladies that throw out 2 to 5k a month. Very few guys are willing or able to pay those numbers.

then you need a new accountant.  Even if you lived in California or NY, you couldn't get to that kind of tax rate.

That's an aggregate for convenience, not just exclusively Federal Income Tax.  

Add up Fed, State, City (sales  tax), property, medical insurance, etc. and 45% could be a fair representation of the amount routinely deducted from your paycheck.  The point is making $100k a year does not mean you take home $100k in cash a year. (Yes, self-employed, contractors, and others do it differently...)  

Plus, as I mentioned, feel free to adjust for your specific situation.  

Some people pay zero taxes. We call them President Elect. :

From a Fed/State/FICA perspective, someone pulling in around $100K in income would pay around $29K all in in taxes.  

Sales tax is a consumption tax, you can reduce it by buying less. Health insurance won't run more than $2-3K if employer-based, more if SE (the $ above cover both sides of FICA/Medicare).  

So someone pulling down $100K probably takes home around $65K. And that's in high-tax CA. YMMV, especially if you bought the high-end car/home/both.  

But I agree with the underlying point - $100K DNE $2K+ per month for the SB.  

Posted By: herbtcat
That's an aggregate for convenience, not just exclusively Federal Income Tax.  
 Add up Fed, State, City (sales  tax), property, medical insurance, etc. and 45% could be a fair representation of the amount routinely deducted from your paycheck.  The point is making $100k a year does not mean you take home $100k in cash a year. (Yes, self-employed, contractors, and others do it differently...)  
 Plus, as I mentioned, feel free to adjust for your specific situation.    
 Some people pay zero taxes. We call them President Elect. :p  

he amount of sb, some of them good looking but not model material, that tells you that her last arrangement was $4-5 k per month.  If that is true, then there are a lot of guys with a big amount of disposable money on SA

I just call bullshit on the $5k claims.  

If she really was getting $5k a month from (at least) one SD, she'd staple her lips to his dick to make sure he didn't bail.  

As I have mentioned before, when confronted with that argument I try to refocus the issue to my budget and not her "worth".  If it really goes to hell, I take the nuclear option and tell her "You should probably go back to him, because there's no way I'm going to do that."  If I'm feeling especially asshole-ish, I add "Please make up your mind quickly. I have x other women who are patiently waiting to hear from me this week, and it's only Wednesday."  

Fun times.

NEVER get into the discussion of what a woman is worth.  If need be, say she's "priceless."  But worth is a very personal concept and something that is a losing proposition to discuss.  

Absolutely, make it about YOUR budget, not her worth.  We can say among ourselves that a particular experience is not worth a certain price or that a certain woman is not worth some price, but it is something you can't discuss with a woman without being on the verge of WW III.

If you live in CA, and you're paying under $2K for rent/mortgage, you're most likely living in a hovel, since even divey apartments in bad neighborhoods charge $2K+ for a 2BR. Live someplace upscale, and you're looking at $3-5K/mo.

the sad reality is that the vast majority of these women do not have the financial knowledge to understand it. They have never been wealthy, have not spent a lifetime building and nurturing a personal fortune like we have, and have zero concept of how complex and costly it is to maintain even a modestly affluent lifestyle. All they understand is that seemingly huge $100k income number and their fantasies get fueled up.  It is, and will always be a constant struggle to adjust their fantasies to our realities.  It's one of the biggest reasons that Sugar Dating is way more challenging to navigate successfully than Hobbying.

Well said. They are clueless about finance


Posted By: sweetman
the sad reality is that the vast majority of these women do not have the financial knowledge to understand it. They have never been wealthy, have not spent a lifetime building and nurturing a personal fortune like we have, and have zero concept of how complex and costly it is to maintain even a modestly affluent lifestyle. All they understand is that seemingly huge $100k income number and their fantasies get fueled up.  It is, and will always be a constant struggle to adjust their fantasies to our realities.  It's one of the biggest reasons that Sugar Dating is way more challenging to navigate successfully than Hobbying.

John_Laroche358 reads

Yes, $100k is more than any of their loser RL boyfriends have ever made, but they know how much their rent is. They know how much shoes and purses cost, they know how much their vegan-organic groceries cost.  

They also know they can't earn that kind of money via hard work as a college student or recent grad or assistant sales manager, or single mom. Thus they need a daddy. The fact that you earn much more than them or their old BF just means you have more to give.

If they're just average looking they might adjust their expectations downward rather than continue to search for a SD. If they're really hot, they know there is a SD out there with more disposable cash

At times, I come across SB profiles who look extremely hot (grading on a curve) who are asking for "moderate" or "substantial" allowances. These POT SBs seem to be on 24/7 on that site (SA) but most often they are just holding out for the right SD with a lot more disposable cash than the average 300-500 PPM player like yours truly and almost 100% of the mongers on TEH!

Then all of a sudden you notice that these girls have vanished so one would immediately assume that was most likely due to attrition and the fact that the super hot POT SB got tired of all the older creepers hitting on her, badgering her to get into her panties for a fistful of Benjamins. The reality is that most often this type in deed finds someone who is prepared to offer them an insane (by our definition on here) monthly allowance which constitutes about 1K per meet for a handful of meetings per month plus a very nice perk package. I have come across truly DDG potential SBs when I have stretched my search to Los Angeles whom I thought would be a great arm candy for an older wealthy punter! Some of these girls also hook up with a younger single SD who has tremendous upwardly mobile trajectory potential, so they do not mind to be GF'ed up to that type of suitor, if they are GF material.

Thanks, sweetman.  

You have captured the essence of my post. Well done.

Something I've never worried about. Btw, I stopped reading your post she. I read "all SDs would have done this"

John_Laroche327 reads

A) this is Personal Budgeting 101. Anyone who needs this primer shouldn't be playing in the Sugar Bowl.
B) your POT SB already knows this and EXPECTS you to choose Alternate 1, 3, or your other 3. She doesn't really care where the money comes from.

1- As John_Laroche has already alluded above, I wholeheartedly concur with him that a POT SB does NOT care whatsoever as to what your source of "allowance" or its relationship to your over all gross income is. Simply put, you could be pinching from your kids' college funds, driving for Uber to make ends meet, stealing from your wife's 401K, etc; it doesn't really matter to them! Whether as to they are purely uneducated/undereducated ignoramuses or very sharp and devious money grabbers / gold diggers' it really doesn't matter because they are in this foray to pad up their own bottom line. In fact, the OP's reverse argument holds true in some cases whereby the POT SD tries to "justify" his budget in the 1-1.5K per month and then the clever and astute POT SB can work things backward in her mind to nail the POT SD as an "entry level" wannabe SD, simply because she can suss out that the POT SD is a 100K earner as opposed to his lofty profile claim of being a 500K per annum earner.

2- The 3-5K or at times the 5K+ per month POT SDs do exist in all walks of life, but for the sake of simplicity let's confine these "elusive" types to the realm of SA (there are more of these types IRL than we would know of who would never ever get onto a site like SA to expose themselves to potentially disastrous hacking and exposure scandals). Just like we had always thought that all guys on SA must be old, fat and fugly type of fellas (a theory which I dispelled on here by creating a fake female profile) there are also guys on SA who did not really pull themselves up by their own bootstraps from the ground upwards in order to fully appreciate the value of money and as to how hard it can be to accumulate true wealth. Those who are truly wealthy and who can be considered as the true captains of industry (I had mentioned Larry Ellison of Oracle in the past who used to be the biggest whale on SA which was not so much of a secret among the in-the-know people) would very unlikely dish out exuberant sum$ over what their own dotting and completely devoted PAs would earn! No that is not how it works with those guys! The SB will most likely get a pittance amount just to grease the squeaky wheels of their finances but will benefit from HUGE perks such as Micheline winning & dining, private or 1st-Class jetsetting, exotic vacations, glamorous galas and events, etc.

Then there are the guys who had been mid level management at some of our largest Corps such as Home Depot (I just pulled this name and I have no association with this or anyone from there who is or has been as SD!) who retires after putting in 20 years of unfloundering service, gets a very handsome retirement package, decides to cater to his midlife crisis by "leasing" himself a young hottie! He has never played this game before and this is the exact type of guy who also pays hookers 5K+ for a weekend of companionship before he learns the ropes. You find these mid level "wealthy" guys in all walks of life in these US of A, be it from the corporate sector, entertainment (say a guy behind the camera for instance), financial, legal, etc, etc...  

Those of use who have been in the grindstone of life ans have found our way into the vestiges such as TER, have most probably become way too wise to blow 100K annually on hookers, SBs and other paramours, but perhaps I'm just speaking for myself!

Newto1000408 reads

"Mid-level management types that get a very handsome retirement package".  I don't consider Rex Tillerson to be a mid-level manager.  Otherwise, I don't know what planet you live on but mid-management folks don't give lucrative retirement packages from any companies these days.  The only generous retirement program is the freaking U.S. Gov't (80% of your top pay if you started prior to 1984 and approximately 35% after 1984).

Your other remarks are pure speculation and more your fantasy on how you think people behave.  You have no idea if the SD you stalk with you phony profile are real since you never met any of them.  The scuttlebutt I hear from SB's is mostly the opposite.  You are no better than a fake news site.

You dunce c*nt sh*t:

I've been on SA since 2011 with a multitude of SBs and what is you eff'ing claim to fame? I don't need to justify anything to you so stalk as much as you like. The fake SB profile was a 2 day experiment and that was that. Now as I have told you on a couple of occasions: GFY!

P.S. WTF is talking about Rex Titison?!

I've been on SA as an actual SD since 2011 and have had a multitude of LT SBs. I have listened to their personal stories and I believe that what I could extract from the usual embellishments were truthful in essence. Whether you like it or not, there are guys who pay 3-5K, albeit not for long term to one SB exclusively, the same way that there are guys who pay hookers 3-5K for a weekend companionship. The fake SB profile was shut down after 2 days because I was not interested in communication with anyone, but I was interested tin finding out first hand about the reported (mis)characterization of most SDs.

I have no fantasies as to how people behave in the same way that I have no fantasies of you being an actual arschloch. As stated before, GFY and if you don't get the acronym, ask me in your next stalkerish response ;)

I to hear from SBs that it's difficult to get a regular guy for SD. Many are wierdos promise the moon and disapper after a couple of BCDs

Posted By: Newto1000
"Mid-level management types that get a very handsome retirement package".  I don't consider Rex Tillerson to be a mid-level manager.  Otherwise, I don't know what planet you live on but mid-management folks don't give lucrative retirement packages from any companies these days.  The only generous retirement program is the freaking U.S. Gov't (80% of your top pay if you started prior to 1984 and approximately 35% after 1984).  
 Your other remarks are pure speculation and more your fantasy on how you think people behave.  You have no idea if the SD you stalk with you phony profile are real since you never met any of them.  The scuttlebutt I hear from SB's is mostly the opposite.  You are no better than a fake news site.

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