The Erotic Highway

Re: I only do it in the shower after a thorough cleaning. Some men...
SlavetoLust 1232 reads

however; I would avoid grabbing the loofah and trying to scrub her asshole. Might give her the wrong impression.

exit94565 reads

I have never done this to a woman (or anyone else).. But am interested, I think.. need some tips about do's and don'ts.. I suspect that one should be somewhat careful about bacteria speading.. also, when I have come close to doing this, even with very clean providers, there is a faint scent that frankly turned me off.. Just get past it and go to town?  
I see this constantly mentioned in reviews and yet .. I have to think that there are good things about it and bad things . Just asking to see what I can find out..  

-- Modified on 12/23/2013 7:47:01 PM

-- Modified on 12/23/2013 8:27:20 PM

You won't be doing her any favors if you do.

Some people react differently to the scent of a woman, and a woman's scent will be different from gal to gal.

Try it and see.  

As long as you don't have any open sores in your mouth and she is good in the cleanliness dept., that should not be a big concern.  If it is, then that's another reason to forego this delicacy.

exit91424 reads

I didn't say I didn't enjoy it.. I want to find out if I do enjoy it and you never know until you try.. It wasn't the scent of a woman it was the barely discernable scent of her anus.. she was clean but there is so much you can do.. I love the scent of a woman. I'm not into scat too much is all..  Idifferentiate DATO from DATY (which I love)

-- Modified on 12/24/2013 5:55:40 PM to have it done because that's the male G spot.  Other men think letting anything near your ass means you're gay.  I don't think women really care for it one way or the other.

There's very little risk of contracting an STD;  if you were to contract something, you'd be more likely to get an intestinal parasite such as Giardia, treatable with antibiotics.

So it just depends how much you want to do it and if think you would enjoy doing it.

... Many won't do it because of their hair and makeup, but if the shower has a handheld shower head it shouldn't be a problem.

SlavetoLust1233 reads

however; I would avoid grabbing the loofah and trying to scrub her asshole. Might give her the wrong impression.

That's a good reason too, I guess, not to do it.. Buzz kill.. I just figured her body was a wonderland.. Guess not..

That's a HUGE no no. Every time I read a review where a guys said he went from licking and eating a woman's ass and then went right back to DATY I want to puke. It so unsafe for a lady and it's a UTI just waiting to happen.


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