The Erotic Highway

Re: Grats and welcome to the Suagr Bowl
Roberto46 12 Reviews 572 reads
1 / 4

I joined ER to see provider reviews.  Those are still great, but I have also found the community to be very supportive and helpful.  I follow this board and the over 60.  I was the one who emailed Herbcat a couple of weeks ago about whether SA was worth the bother.  He gave a very thoughtful answer the he subsequently posted.  What I got from that was" forget about what others are doing.  Decide what you want and stick to it."

I decided to experiment and joined SA [for free}.  Of course, when the messages started coming in I joined so I could read them.  Almost all were the same, as you know.  However, one was from a married lady who lives very close to me.  I met her for coffee this morning and we leveled with each other.  She simply wanted to spice up her life.  I brought her back to my house and we fucked, cuddled, fucked again, and cuddled some more.  She was only here for a little over an hour.

She never mentioned money, but was appreciative when I gave her $200.  I'm looking forward to seeing her again.

I'm posting this to say thanks and offer encouragement to those who haven't been as lucky as I was.  The internet is a big place.  Stick to your guns and you will find what you are looking for.

I would have never done it without this community.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 282 reads
2 / 4

Well done, Roberto46.  

Now stay humble and focused and you can build on your initial success.  

Up to you to decide if you want to double down with your married and bored SB and make her a recurring regular, or add one or more new SB's to make a rotation, or take a break. No rules here - just a function of your budget divided by your libido.  

Have fun!

sweetman 93 Reviews 283 reads
3 / 4

I've received a lot of worthy guidance here and consider it a privilege to give back and share my thoughts when I think I have something pertinent to offer.  This forum continues to offer a wealth of information and entertainment!

asiantantric 163 Reviews 188 reads
4 / 4

"No rules here - just a function of your budget divided by your libido."


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