The Erotic Highway

If I was 27 and in decent shape I'd be on Tinder. E
John_Laroche 304 reads


I cannot for the life of me get a meeting set up. I usually get a response from my initial message but after a dozen or so exchanges they stop responding.

I've looked back and there doesn't seem to be a very good pattern as to why they stop responding other than giving them access to my pictures. But before you jump my shit let me say this, I am young 27, look about 21 not ugly. I'm not saying I'm a 10 but I certainly am not a 4 either.  

Does the fact that I'm young and not overweight come across that I don't have money and don't want to pay to play?

I understand your frustration. If it helps, I am older (50s) and thin and it still takes a while although I am getting more picky on where I should even spend my efforts.  Perhaps some of the ladies shy away from younger ones but I would expect you would see that from the get go and they wouldn't exchange messages with you.  Stay patient and in time you should see better results.  Good luck!

GaGambler438 reads

If you haven't at least suggested getting together in person well before a dozen exchanges, many POT SB's will think you are a time waster. Try to avoid long "online romances" The women interested in that are not likely to ever fuck you and the ones interested in meeting will ghost you just as soon as they get the idea in their head you are a time waster.

I exchange no more than five or six messages at MOST before at least broaching the idea of getting together, usually within the first two to three exchanges.  

Or maybe you really are ugly and no one has had the heart to tell you?  

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. lol

I'm still trying to get over the shock that Goofy will be leaving us, so you better be nice to Princess during this time of grief!

He's too fooquing young to be in the realm of sugar "dating"! . During my travels as a fake SB, I have come across profiles of these young whipper snappers and all astute POT SBs know that these types are either there to game the system to get free p*ssy as opposed to competing on Tinder. Match, POF, etc... Or there's something inherently and seriously wrong with them. And yes, being fugly could be one of them.

The tell tale sign with this fella is his inability to close the deal as evident by his own statement of communication by volumes (dozen or so) on SA. If I do not have a number by the third message on SA, that lead is pretty much considered as dead and buried. Furthermore, I have also stated my dislike of telephone conversations (shot myself in the foot too many times doing this method) and I try to limit text messages prior to a meeting because I do not wish to come across as too needy. The ones who only wish to communicate via private email are usually a no-go red flag type of deal for me.

In any case, I plan to remain in my SA short term retirement till late Jan or early Feb.

GaGambler380 reads

He works for a buddy of mine, (also on SA), He's German, met my buddy while both of them were living in Colombia, and he has a serious taste for chocolate. He has been just tearing it up when in places like Detroit and Atlanta, but he has no lack of game. He can get laid without SA, but with SA it's like shooting fish in a barrel for him. He hardly has to pay any "allowance" at all, but has the means to show the girls a good time and that usually about all it takes. FUCKING FUCKER. lol

As for myself, I don't mind a text mail exchange, but VERY early on we need to start talking about getting together in person. I met a brand new POT SB yesterday and I just went back through our text message exchange and it was on my sixth text that I asked her to meet for drinks, we got together a few hours later. Since it was such short notice, I knew in advance it was going to be a rather short meeting as she said she only had about 30-40 minutes before she had to be somewhere, we ended up spending about an hour and a half together, and I hope to see her again tonight. We agreed on no specific amount of allowance, just that she'd get a "gift" every time we got together unless we ended up seeing each other multiple times each week and that we would simply "play it by ear" So far, so good.

hphp266336 reads

Maybe there not looking for a sugar brother but a sugar daddy! They may be concerned that you don't have the financial capacity that they are looking for

I know what you meant as a 27 yo to get free hookups. But it works as a SD profile too. You could try it as an older guy and see what happens. Never know. It's fun to swipe right and left. Really good pics and some nice text in the profile might get hits. It's all a numbers game. You might get lucky. A pic with a puppy really helps! Maybe say you like fancy dinners. Lol

The reason I haven't and won't try Tinder is it requires me to use my Facebook credentials to create a Tinder account and log in.  Not going to happen and I really don't want to be bothered to create and maintain a fake FB account.

GaGambler357 reads

I am one of the few people on this planet who absolutely refuses to open an FB account.

I had thought briefly about joining Tinder as a lark, but I can only imagine what kind of beasts would be responding to a 57 year old guy like me on Tinder.  

People talk about half your age +7 as the minimum age they will see, I consider it my absolute MAXIMUM, which translates into about 36. I can only imagine all the fifty somethings filling up my inbox with pictures of their kids and grandkids. Ok, I have no idea how the site actually works, but I am sure you get the point. lol

I had heard from two legitimate POT SBs in the past that someone had turned them onto SA while they were on those traditional dating sites, drawing their attention to SA as means for dating "generous" guys. It would be smart of SA to troll traditional dating sites to recruit POT SBs onto their site and by the same token, nothing is wrong with directly implying your SD'ing agenda to a civvie woman, by cutting out the middle-man, as long as you do not overtly proposition P4P.

I had also toyed with the idea of joining Tinder (I would definitely shave off 5 years age-wise if on traditional) but I am also devoid of FB and this method of "Tinder'ing" is way too Millennial for me. My unicorn had also told me that while she was on Tinder, she did get approached by older men (10-20 years older) who were making certain promises on their profile vis a vis financial aid, trips, shopping, etc... Perhaps we could be missing out?

by another website called tinder.getnaughty.  It took me a while to realize I wasn't looking at the actual tinder website.

There is lot of demand out there for young guys. If you are hung even more so. Fucking is free. Membership is $80 a year. But there is a lot of junk on the site. So a lot more work to find the right person

I had joined in 2011 when I had al;so come across SA for the first time, but I never hooked up with anyone since most women on the site were married and that playing field in not my preferred forte.

I had a hockey player friend (amateur) who was in his late 40's then (a few years older than me) who was on that site who ostensibly was getting poon left and right! He was in great physical shape, of Nordic genetics (from MN) and was purportedly was well hung. Plus he mainly reveled in slaying brown and chocolate p*ssy so he was a gawd sent to those ladies with the darker shades of rind!

To the OP; sorry to hijack this thread, but I am curios about others experiences with Adult Friend Finder. I first found AFF before I ever discovered TER, let alone SA.  This would have been back in 2001 or so. I paid my money, wrote my profile and got nothing, nada, zilch.  I was persistent, but the more I tried to mine that site, the more convinced I became that none of the profiles were real.  I am an articulate, well read, well educated guy.  I think I can tell when several profiles are all written by the same person.  The "voice" is the same, the syntax and spelling the same, etc.  I became utterly convinced that AFF is a total and complete scam. ( just like Ashley Madison too) Has that changed?  Can you actually find willing women who are worth dating on AFF?

I tried AFF last year.  I felt it was a waste of money and time.  Got little to no responses.  Talent pool was very limited.  My favorite was getting a scathing e-mail from a woman whom I tried to contact, chastising me for being married and looking.  Lots of cam scam girls too.

I was very skeptical of SA before I joined based on my experience with AFF, Ashley Madision, and few others that I tried.  GaGa assured me that SA was for real.  He was right and I am thankful that I listened to him.  I am having fun with SA and found a nice young unicorn that I can't wait to get back to on my next trip.

that in my case it was a provider who told me about SA! She assured me it was for real and that she had put a profile on SA for a while and had gotten lots of attention and several dates from the site. I tried it and have never looked back!

I've met about a dozen girls from SA. At least half of those, we never met again. One f---in stole my heart (see below). But SA has been great overall for getting me laid by the hot chicks I can't pick up on tinder.

I can get all the fat chicks on tinder I want. For the hot babes, I still have to pay. but I'm working on it

I list myself as practical and say on my profile, I can't match the higher allowances, but I still get a fair number of messages. So I'm not sure what the difference is. I am handsome, but definitely overweight. It has definitely helped me that I overtly state I'm 420 friendly as almost every girl that has reached out to me has been like minded and wanted to do that together. So perhaps it really is just the lack of common interests that's hurting you.

It also clearly must vary based on the market, etc. So I really don't know. Sorry to not have been much of a help....

Kissmyazz299 reads

I am a person that truly believes that looking at things through other people's eyes can truly help.  

Have you ever thought about having a lady evauluate your previous responses to see where maybe she thinks you went wrong?  

If interested pm me.  

I also know a few ladies in your area that might be right up your alley based on your reviews.

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