The Erotic Highway

Guys"date" women all the time and have a great time
GaGambler 392 reads

Then they go getting married and fuck up a good thing.

Are you SURE you want to risk fucking up a good thing?

That said, I would not rush right in to giving her a monthly allowance, but I would ease into it. Very few women (people) can manage their money well enough to make money last an entire month. What do you do when she is dead broke and needs money halfway through the month.

My suggestion is if you just have to go trying to fix what is not broken is to give her a week or two worth of "allowance" not a month and see how it works. Maybe couch it in a way like this "Hey babe, I had to go to the bank today and picked up some cash, how about if I give you xxx, will that take care of your needs until yyy? Then see if she sees you more, less or remains the same, the same with her attitude. She may start thinking of herself as your GF, not your SB, which might be a good thing. OR she might start acting like a wife, which would NOT be so good. lol

Do you guys think she's a unicorn or is this normal or not good. My experience so far.  
1. Met quite a few times. Sex is great.  
2. Expense much lower than rates in the area
3. Had our first over night which was great
4. Says she'd like to get other girls to play with me and her. Wants to try it out
5. She's a mom. Maybe single has a day job
6. Not asked for extras but sometimes talks about things that she needs to get. Not sure if it's a hint that I get it for her. That's the not good part. When her TV broke I mentioned some deals at BestBuy without sayin explicitly that I'll pay. She never brought the topic up again.  
7. Wants to travel with me. Never spoke or asked about extras for travel.  

I wanted to switch to a monthly from per visit as it's much easier for me that way and want to establish trust and lock her in. If she's a unicorn or normal I want to switch to monthly. What do you think?

But sometimes life is good.

I'd ride it out and see where it goes.  In the meantime, enjoy the ride.

It's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do

GaGambler393 reads

Then they go getting married and fuck up a good thing.

Are you SURE you want to risk fucking up a good thing?

That said, I would not rush right in to giving her a monthly allowance, but I would ease into it. Very few women (people) can manage their money well enough to make money last an entire month. What do you do when she is dead broke and needs money halfway through the month.

My suggestion is if you just have to go trying to fix what is not broken is to give her a week or two worth of "allowance" not a month and see how it works. Maybe couch it in a way like this "Hey babe, I had to go to the bank today and picked up some cash, how about if I give you xxx, will that take care of your needs until yyy? Then see if she sees you more, less or remains the same, the same with her attitude. She may start thinking of herself as your GF, not your SB, which might be a good thing. OR she might start acting like a wife, which would NOT be so good. lol

I agree I will ease into the monthly. About fucking up a goood thing most guys are afraid to lose it so they go get married. Speaking from experience 20 years ago Lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Then they go getting married and fuck up a good thing.  
 Are you SURE you want to risk fucking up a good thing?  
 That said, I would not rush right in to giving her a monthly allowance, but I would ease into it. Very few women (people) can manage their money well enough to make money last an entire month. What do you do when she is dead broke and needs money halfway through the month.  
 My suggestion is if you just have to go trying to fix what is not broken is to give her a week or two worth of "allowance" not a month and see how it works. Maybe couch it in a way like this "Hey babe, I had to go to the bank today and picked up some cash, how about if I give you xxx, will that take care of your needs until yyy? Then see if she sees you more, less or remains the same, the same with her attitude. She may start thinking of herself as your GF, not your SB, which might be a good thing. OR she might start acting like a wife, which would NOT be so good. lol

Finally, FFS :D

Had another lackluster overnight BCD which became a rushed process in the AM. This was the second one in the row which didn't lead to any fun in the AM. Fcuk it, I'm done with this SB as it is evident to me that she is no longer as enthusiastic as she was in the beginning. To tie it up with the thread down below, major complacency and self-entitlement has set in and giving her the benefit of the doubt has been dispelled.

I try to look at things from a much more positive perspective rather than seething in misgivings or regrets.  I look at the first couple of months as a great period of togetherness time with much musings and absolutely a gainful experience, triumphant over the last couple of months which had become sub par. There are always more layers than what one would like to admits to on a n open forum, but for the sake of anonymity to protect the guilty, those shall remain secret because quite frankly it will not surprise me if a past daddy or a future daddy trolls TEH. It is a small World after all and I have discovered that many pro SDs are also long term mongers ;)

I don't understand that.  Keep on giving her a cash gift per meeting!

Getting cash every week is a hassle. I like to do all the undercover finances in one shot which include prepaid cards for booking hotels and dining out. I do agree per week is better than per month.  

Posted By: sweetman
I don't understand that.  Keep on giving her a cash gift per meeting!

I keep forgetting that most of you guys are so interestd on security, discretion, not leaving a trail either paper or electronically.  I guess my life is easier and less complicated  in  this regard. My wife knows and approves of my activities and I have no reason to hide it from anyone. So I just use cash for SB gifts or credit card for other dating expenses like gas or dinners out,  and get more cash from the bank accounts whenever I run low. Your methods may be necessary for your situation, but they are not easier than cash.

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