The Erotic Highway

Great response!
junglegym25 19 Reviews 241 reads

Lotta good pearls in that last post. Totally true about the girls who take pics from a downward angle and only show their face. That is a DEAD GIVEAWAY that they are chunkier that they want to show.  

Also spot on about the girls who take pics with their hotter friends... or worse, with another guy! WTF!!!

So, 6 months into the SD/SB world and I am continuing to have a ton of fun.  Of course, for me, this board is also a part of the new "hobby."  One of the comparisons that I regularly make as I navigate both the escort world and the sugar bowl is the role of photos in the selection process.  In the escort world, a common phrase is "her pictures don't do her justice." We have all seen it in reviews, and have probably experienced it ourselves...with blurred out photos, or even those escorts that show there face, my experience has been that they are MORE LIKELY  to exceed the beauty of their photos (or the perceived beauty of blurred out photos) than to disappoint. Disappointment happens, but infrequently.  

Now, for me, the SB story is completely different.  I have not once said, after meeting 40-50 women, her pictures "do not do her justice." Not once! The best I have come to hope for is that her pictures DO do her justice.  A MAJORITY of the time, the pictures are an overstatement. "Beautiful" often shows up as "attractive." Not a bad thing, but nonetheless short of expectations.  "Attractive" photos have shown up as "cute." Again, not bad, but short of expectations. "Cute," or what I like to call the category of "there is something about her I like," OFTEN disappoints...majorly.  The women is this category often, I have found, list body type as "average." For me, this has been the most abused description as many have shown up "curvy" or "a few extra pounds." Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate women of all shapes and sizes, but I have come to conclude that "slim" is the only truly reliable category.  That category, from a body standpoint, has never disappointed.  

Was wondering what you guys have found on the topics of photos and descriptions? Similar experience to mine? Dramatically different?  Of course, I have adjusted my game plan and factor in my experience to my decision on whether to reach out to a woman.  I currently see three SBs and rotate them in a way that works for all of us...what a world!

-- Modified on 12/29/2016 1:48:09 AM

I have found that hookers with with professionally laid out websites tend to substantially embellish their own representation whereas most SBs are just GND types who post up photos in many natural settings or mostly just selfies!  

If one's taste is too see a woman with full on Mac Force Field (heavy makeup in other words) airbrushed photos, dimmed lighting when entering the hookers den; then the Hobby would be a safer way to go. The physical description part can be quite disappointing in both realms but I have come to find out that in the SB world, it is not unusual for the POT SB to show up having gained a few lbs. since the photos! The beauty of it is that you are not committed to it like you would be if you had booked a session with a hooker and you can decide to ghost on the POT SB after your disappointing meeting, without the repercussions and the reappraisals which are trepidation part of this Hobby!

AsianManNOVA326 reads

For me, the pictures of escorts are often out-dated. Many are taken 10 years and 20 pounds ago. Plus almost all of them are photoshopped to make them look glamorous (glam shots). "Her picture doesn't do her justice" is a rare exception as most of them do not look as good as their pictures. This is especially true for high-end providers (maybe it's because of the rate they charge).

On the other hand, most of the SBs' pictures are either selfies or taken in casual environments (vacations, parties, etc) so they are real. I have met about 40 SB's and were only disappointed a few times. However, I do agree with you that "slim" is probably the safest body type to go with.

Interesting topic. Thanks for starting the thread.  

My observations on photos:  

1. SB pics are generally of the "real life" candid shot type (at a party, bar/restaurant, concert, beach, etc.) and not staged, pro, or specifically taken for their profile as a providers often use
2. Too many bathroom selfies. Don't know what the fascination is with bathroom mirrors.
3. Often, SB's who are not comfortable with their body image (i.e.: Fatter than they want to be) will use face-only pics shot at an oblique angle (held the cam up high or tilted, etc.) and generally obscure or don't show torsos well.
4. Too many pics with another person:  
- With a guy! Or cropped with a guy's arm showing around their shoulders or waist.  She could not take 30 seconds to take a selfie?
- With another woman (who is not in the sugar bowl). Did they get permission? Is the other woman more attractive?  
- With a dog/cat. I don't want to fuck your dog.  
5. Pics are generally in three categories of "modesty":
- Conservatively dressed, possibly formal attire  
- Casually dressed, typically outdoors.  
- Highly revealing, lingerie, tight, or partially open/lifted pants/tops, etc.  

You can generally infer a lot about the SB from the photos. Of course, YMMV.  

1. Conservative dress pics usually equates to conservative personality. Don't expect these to be overtly sexual in chats, face to face or even BCD.  Doesn't mean you won't get BCD, but she may really need to see you are a nice/fun/trustworthy/etc. guy before she gets naked. She probably needs to rationalize you as more of a BF than a trick.
2. Casual, day to day life shots usually means comfortable with who they are, generally easygoing, and fairly pragmatic about what they want/will do.  
3. Overtly sexual, sexy, skimpy dress shots are probably a good indication of straight up p4p intentions (and therefore not looking for a lot of non-BCD experiences).  Note this does not necessarily indicate amount of required sugar as either "high" or "low".  See the "Lifestyle Expectation" field for this, though these should not be taken literally either. (Probably good discussion for a new thread: Does Substantial really mean $10k a month?)  

About Body Type. In my experience:  

- Slim = slim. Usually means "looks good naked." At last to me.  

- Athletic = Does not have to mean muscular, not fat, but not necessarily thin. Usually HWP. In general usually means "looks good naked". At least to me.  

- Average = probably the most abused or misunderstood. Could mean anything from slim to fat. But when compared to the photos can be insightful.  I have seen profiles marked as Average where the pics clearly show a HWP attractive body. I have seen profiles marked as average where the pic show love handles, muffin top, boobs flopping out of a poorly fitting bra, and full to puffy cheeks, ass, etc.    

The truth about "Average": As in most other aspects of life there really is no such thing as an "average" body. BUT this could be an indication of how the SB sees/feels about herself; where her self-esteem levels are.  Bigger girls calling themselves average could mean a high level of self-esteem. Smaller, fit girls calling themselves average could mean a low level of self-esteem.  Use this as you will (channeling my inner Tom Leykis here) but at least spend some time thinking it through before you start to dialog and certainly before you start to negotiate.  

Final tip on photos:  Do a Google image search with all photos for any profile that interests you.  Generally, no hits (or a FB or IG hit) is a good thing.  If you do get a hit, it usually means the pic has been published somewhere (like on backpage, so hooker) and is probably stolen. (i.e.: a model, porn star, fashion site and you are being catfished)

Lotta good pearls in that last post. Totally true about the girls who take pics from a downward angle and only show their face. That is a DEAD GIVEAWAY that they are chunkier that they want to show.  

Also spot on about the girls who take pics with their hotter friends... or worse, with another guy! WTF!!!

AsianManNOVA298 reads

Talking about taking a picture with a friend who is hotter than you, bad idea. An SB showed a picture of her and her friend who is hotter than her in her profile. I messaged her and she brought up the idea of a double with her friend right away. She said they always do a double the first time with an SD for safety reason. I wasn't interested in a double so I asked for her friend's number under the false pretense of getting to know her friend better. I texted her friend and went straight to the point of seeing her alone. I offered her 400 (they wanted 600 for a double) and she accepted it right away. I have seen her friend a half dozen times since then. She offers rimming, anal, and CIM with swallow.

Posted By: AsianManNOVA
Talking about taking a picture with a friend who is hotter than you, bad idea. An SB showed a picture of her and her friend who is hotter than her in her profile. I messaged her and she brought up the idea of a double with her friend right away. She said they always do a double the first time with an SD for safety reason. I wasn't interested in a double so I asked for her friend's number under the false pretense of getting to know her friend better. I texted her friend and went straight to the point of seeing her alone. I offered her 400 (they wanted 600 for a double) and she accepted it right away. I have seen her friend a half dozen times since then. She offers rimming, anal, and CIM with swallow.

I have found no correlation whatsoever between conservative photos and conservative behavior as he suggests, or with sexy pictures as a good indication of sexy behavior either.  In fact, the opposite has been my experience as often as not.  Two extreme examples: One girl's pics were not only totally clothed but she was wearing a high neckline outfit that showed zero skin. She met me the next day BCD, no coffee date needed, immediately got naked and proceeded to fuck my brains out.  Another girl had attractive photos posted and then started texting me nudes! Unsolicited!  I figured "game on" and suggested we should meet BCD.  She went all BSC on me and accused me of being a bad guy and how dare I make such a suggestion and what kind of girl did I think she was, etc.  Talk about mixed signals! Anyway, as much as I love the bikini pics, I don't let them influence my expectations one way or another any more.

One funny thing I have noticed is that AA women seem to thing that as long as they are not as fat as a house, they can describe themselves as slim.  Funny shit

would expect a lady to look her absolute best in her advertisement photos. She is selling her services. If she looks better in person than in her photos, then frankly, she is failing in marketing herself. When I look at photos, I assume that they may be a little out dated or a "few years/ or pounds ago" As long as the ladies look "as expected" in person based on their photos (and that is the majority of ladies I have come across), I am perfectly content.  

I haven't experienced the SB scene yet...though based on the flood of recent commentary, it might be tempting to explore at a later date.

I've only had 2 SBs but for both, they looked exactly like their SA pics. I did have 3rd more recent SB lined up but I bailed on her when she sent me a recent selfie of her from a Halloween party and she was definitely thicker than her SA pics let on (plus I back channeled and found out other guy said we're seeing her for less than I had negotiated so I let the whole thing drop).  

Escort pics are sometimes less accurate I find since due to the nature of the biz, the girls often have to blur their faces. I e had a few times with escorts that when I finally met them, they were less attractive than their pics or looked nothing like what I thought they would.  

The "Average" category on SA can really be a crap shoot. I stick with Slim and Athletic, and then sometimes when prospects are low or I'm not seeing anyone who I think I would like, then I might search Average and you can sometimes find a few cute girls who are under-rating themselves or are a little thicker but still doable. YMMV obviously.

My experience is that SB pics are more accurate than hooker pics. As far as body type descriptions, I like curvy girls, but on SA this can mean anything from a thin shapely model to Nicki Minaj (my preference) to morbidly obese (I've unfortunately met a couple of these).  I'm not sure what average means.  A few extra pounds generally means elephantine.

Especially on TER where there seems to be no accepted standard by which the body types are applied.  I often do a search for "skinny", for example, and find very, very few ladies in my search results who I would consider even remotely skinny.  It really makes it hard to find what you are looking for.  I mentioned this once on another board here and got scolded for being unrealistic, that body types were too subjective to be applied uniformly.  Well I don't accept that!  TER could easily add some descriptive text that would at least attempt to establish standards.  For example, skinny means clinically underweight.  Slim means built like a runway model.  Average means height and weight proportional, etc.  As for the SBs, I too find that slim is the safest, most accurate category, but have found some average and curvy to be attractive as well.  And to repeat what others have said, the SB photos are much more likely to be a good representation than the escort photos, in my experience.

GaGambler225 reads

You will almost always get scolded by the loads of chubby chasers that don't want to hear that their Orcas and baby hippos are FAT.

That doesn't mean you're wrong about them, it's just a fact of life around here.

SA is also very interesting in the body type department, but in fairness to SA, it's not they in charge of filling in the profiles, so while "slim" might be the safest, I have found some rather hefty girls whose profile listed them as such. Just like on BP Average, Athletic, Curvy, other, and a few extra pounds all seem to be euphemisms for FAT.

I will say that optimist that I am, I only exclude "a few extra pounds" and "full/overweight" from my searches. I have found a few "other" and "curvy" girls to be quite nice. It's rare, but keep in mind I am NOT in a target rich environment and I don't want to let any of the "good ones" slip through the cracks.

I guess I can explain it this way. On SA, some of the ladies lie about their appearance, big surprise, right? On TER, it's not just the ladies who lie, it's their chubby chasing BSU's doing it for them as well. Any guy who rates a girl who is 5'2" and 160 as "average" in body type and then goes on to give her a ten in appearance, should not only have both his man card and his reviewing privileges revoked, but should be fed what's left of his own balls to him through a straw.

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