The Erotic Highway

# is a pro.
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 468 reads

It's all numbers.i usually have ongoing conversations with 5 to 10 at a time.

I have completed 30 days at SA and would like to share my thoughts and welcome others to comment freely.

My first one I got BCD in a couple of hours, and she made no unreasonable demands.  It was too easy.  All I had to do was smile, nod and not crap my pants.  She was from out of town, said she was returning in June.  I am hoping we can reconnect at that time.

Another was very promising.  She was so responsive, but I had to let her go due to a very unpleasant odor.

Another one didn't look as good naked as she did clothed.  May not see her again.

A lot of women want me to name a price before we have even met.  Does anyone do that? I declined.

A lot of women was to just come over and "get started". I even had one, Foreign-baby, who messaged me late one night.  Her profile showed a beautiful young woman, who claimed to be a virgin! She kept pressing me for a late night meeting. I toyed with her for a while, then I wrote, "I'm tired and have no cash in the house. Plus, I prefer experienced women."  When I clicked on her again, she had blocked me.  

When I knew my month was running out, I messaged several ladies with my number so they could text me. So far, only one has.

I'm still getting messages and favorited, tempting me to ante up again.

Again, please comment away.

As for mentio9ning a dollar amount before meeting,. you'll find a wide variety of opinions here on that subject.  Some guys do it all hte timer, others don't and advise against it.  See what works for you.

My experience has been...OK. I certainly get a lot of attention, and a lot of messages, but I also get a TON of favorites and messages from women who are a) obvious fakes (California, Californa - dead giveaway) or b) foreigners (with the Philipines being the most popular, but not the only locale).

In recent weeks, I've been ghosted by three women after arranging meetups. Two of the three arranged dates/times, then did not sign back into SA until after the appointed meetup. They also did not respond to confirmation e-mails. The third wanted $500, then agreed to $400, then blocked me. Apparently one she saw me, she was horrified. Never knew I was that fugly.  

I'm meh on the site so far. I have 1-2 who are actively talking to me and trying to set up something. The others? Well, I guess they have high expectations, and when I don't immediately offer them money (or look like an Adonis), they drop off the end of the earth. Lots of talk, little action...


Few suggestions...

1. If you are concerned your looks are scaring some away, try exchanging pics first before talking $$. If your ego can handle it, you could include some self-deprecating comments to say "hey I know I'm not the best looking guy out there but I'm a nice guy who will treat you with respect and can take care of you in the Sugar dept."... or something to that effect. You need to get their focus off your looks and what you can do for them. The key will be to get them to meet and then win them over with your charm. Sooner or later, you will hit a few that are not as concerned with looks and just want to be treated well or want to deal with someone who is not a creep. Remember, these girls get inundated with messages. Just being respectful and polite will get you in the door with a few hotties who have gotten rude or disrespectful messages from other SDs.  

2. You may be talking to the wrong types of women. Also, is there anything about your approach or the types of women you are reaching out to that could be tweaked or optimized?

3. If you get someone willing to meet for coffee, do it ASAP... like within 1-2 days or sooner. Strike while the iron is hot and you have their attention.

Like anything else, it gets easier with repetition. Personally, I usually like to go at least 30 days once my subscription expires to let the crowd of hotties refresh, but being that it is your first go round, I think you would be safe to pony up for another 30 days until you can at least have 1 or 2 or more regulars you can see once your next 30 days expire.  

You kinda cockblocked yourself with the "I prefer experienced women" comment. She may have been a little too pushy with wanting to come over, but you're not obligated to answer every message that arrives. You could have just not responded until later when you were ready to deal with her... maybe she was a virgin, but doubtful... not on SA. You probably could have fucked her if you had played it differently, but I have also made similar mistakes in my earlier days of SA too so I'm not judging... just saying.  

I remember my biggest hurdle when I was a newbie was trying to navigate the feast or famine aspect of SA. I would message multiple SBs at once, and then be juggling 3-4 girls at a time who wanted to meet and eventually most would flake and I would be back to square one and have to repeat the cycle of messaging multiple women again. Now that I've done this a few times, I now have more of a first come first serve approach and try to score with what is presenting itself to me at the time. My current SB... I messaged her when she was brand new to SA, she responded back that she was interested and we chatted briefly before I got distracted by some other SBs that I thought at the time were hotter or of "higher value". Well of course all of those other girls fell thru or they flaked and about a week later, the POT who I was originally chatting with (who is now my current SB) texted me out of the blue saying that she was sorry that she ghosted (not that she did) and that she really wanted to meet me. We met the next day for coffee, clicked immediately and have been seeing each other ever since.  

I'm glad to hear that you are kicking some to the curb too. Always remember one of the old monger adages... Never pay to fuck someone that you wouldn't fuck for free. Wise words and it's true for both pros and SBs.  

Good luck

It's all numbers.i usually have ongoing conversations with 5 to 10 at a time.

Definitely a numbers game, and patience is absolutely required.  When I first got single I was working it like a mad man and it was almost all consuming of my time, but a lot of fun and learning lessons.

You will get all kind of really weird ones, I certainly have, as well as several that looked nowhere near as hot as their pics or just were boring and lame in bed.  Throw them back, always another flock of talent coming your way.

I have been trying to build a "stable" as one monger put it.  I have two independent escorts, three sugars and one civie in it now and it's been almost a year of working it to have a nice collection of ladies I can see in every aspect of possible relationships.  

The independents are able to outcall to suburbia which is rare for where I am at.  They may give me a extra 15-30 minutes but normally it's a pay per TIME PERIOD and they are a 1-2 hour meeting.  The sugars are MEETING based and spend from 2-4 hours and once in a while I get lucky with an overnight.  About the same price but truly feels more like a relationship with with a pay for time.  I have one civie that is also not looking for any commitment and we get together when it works for both of us but no expectations.   I REALLY wish I could find more like this but most want to get too serious.  She is a "friend with benefits" by definition and the only one I have found so far.  Wish I looked like Brad Pitt and had a dick like Ron Jeremy and I'd have these ones lined up to the top of the driveway :-)

They ALL do come and go, or go crazy on you, so I'm always looking.  

Definitely a numbers game, and patience is absolutely required !!!

Happy Hunting

in_vino_veritas440 reads

Aside from a few BSC/GPS types, most women ask about $ just to make sure you're not going to low-ball them after a long discussion. Just like for us a SB who doesn't want to discuss intimacy can be a bad sign, so it is for them with a SD who doesn't want to discuss $.
Generally, if I've seen at least face pics (ideally full body pics) and exchanged a few pleasantries, I'm ok with giving at least a range. It hasn't happened to me yet, but if her pics turned out to be deceptive or just fake, I would have no trouble backing out entirely. But, remember that it can cut both ways as well. Some of the women on the site who have real jobs and are worried about someone finding out will go to some lengths to disguise themselves. Last week, I had a M&G with one who only had partial face pics on the site. She sent me a full one on email which looked pretty decent. Even then, the scenery kind of made her look like a good looking GND, nothing special. When I met her in person, OMG, she almost knocked me off my feet. She's an 11 on TER looks, absolutely the best looking woman I've met either in Sugarland or hobbying. I was glad we had already agreed on $, otherwise she would've taken me to the cleaners. We had agreed that BCD was an option following M&G, but I had already scheduled a date immediately thereafter with one of my regulars. So, it'll have to wait until next week. Lesson there was naming a price before meeting can actually save you money sometimes.

This is totally true, except that even when you have named a price she can still try to upsell you when you get BCD. This happened to me once with an 18 yo hottie.  We had agreed on $300 but when she showed up she claimed that was just for company.  Intimacy would cost $600. She was hot, and I was horrny so I paid up and had a really wonderful time in bed with her.  But I hated the upsell and never went back.

in_vino_veritas368 reads

maybe she would only do CBJ and generally suck (no pun intended) BCD. So after the M&G, over chat, I inquired about things she might enjoy in private. She confirmed specifically that she liked all my favorite activities. So far, so good.
I agree upsell is a huge turnoff.

I am 6 days away from my premium expiration so I can understand the temptation to pay and keep going. I have enough pool to keep myself busy and generally I can stay without premium for a couple of months but some of the hot chicks I am still in communication with make me stay premium. I wonder if there are at least some bots on SA site, cause there is this SB that is too hot and always online and always reading messages with in messages, I wonder if humans can even do that.

But yes, I am too guilty of trying to play too many cards at same time, once I had to call off a meeting cause I had my hands full with meetings, on one day I took the hotel for day use and saw one chick before lunch and one after lunch. Both met the first time and got into bed after some wine and chat. Both wanted to be regular but I have not seen either again cause I met another one who was much nicer company.

There is this one girl who wanted me to give her a monthly allowance for just dinner dates and no intimacy saying she will consider intimacy once mutual attraction grows. I had to say NO even though she was smoking hot, gotta not make decisions from under the pant, been there, done that.

Latest SB I found is willing to come from out of town to see me as long as I pay for hotel and is asking for reasonable $$$ for spending a couple of days with me, crossing my fingers, sometimes the pictures can be deceiving.

in_vino_veritas486 reads

to try to locate some SB's for an out-of-town trip. Did not work that well due to the fact that I started too late for a weekend trip that was jam-packed anyway. Of course, once back home, I still had plenty of time left on the membership and I found out (again) that I have no self-control. Before long, I was chatting with a dozen women at a time, having to set up multiple M&G's in the same week. I just kept finding hotter ones and flaking out on the earlier ones. And that's in addition to my regular rotation. My membership is expiring soon and I can't wait to take a break from chatting up any new ones. Also, after I got back, several of the chicks in the city I had visited got in touch. So, I now have about 5-6 strong email/text contacts there for my next trip.
My advice to you is to take a break before you break something. For the good prospects you have now, just take it to email or text. If they're good prospects, they should be willing.

Yes, I do have emails and phone numbers for some girls I have not seen yet so even without the premium, I can meet some new girls. But then there are ones who have not switched to email/phone yet that are so tempting to make me renew.

I was going to take a break but I decided at the last minute to renew for a month. It turned out to be a great decision because I received a message a couple of days later from a TGTBT model who was in town for a day. We met at her hotel for $350, her asking price. It's those rare opportunities that make me reluctant to take a break even though I probably will at some point.

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