TER General Board

Your link is broken...but if it was a link to some moron in the State penitentiary
Bob.Sugar 508 reads

That would have worked.

This Hound handle is easily the biggest moron to have ever posted on TER.  There are others who are just dumb...this moron is dumb and dangerous.

I honestly don't wish harm to people...but in this case I'd make an exception.
Be nice ... he's obviously fucked in the head.

Listen I am no where near judging anyone that does it or provides it. I don't.  

Don't understand why would someone ask me, "um...you know I sleep with people for a living right? yea I have played babysitter and psychologist and travel companion but lets not sugar coat.... Sex is my profession" wouldn't that scare someone off? So I was of course mortified on this date.  

then reviews for services? "C'mon well I'm one of the highest reviewers on TER, I trust you, you look clean?" "One review from me and you'll have all this traffic, one bad review.... well"  

I'm not going to lie guys; fu*king broke out in a cold sweat.... actually thought was going to pass out. So of course I distract the situation and said NO but Not cool?  

so, If I don't bareback you'll leave a bad review.... okay see my career slowly declining in that case...

GaGambler998 reads

I wish I could say that you are the first woman that this has happened to, but alas some reviewers think their "power" will coerce women into doing all sorts of things that they ordinarily would never consider doing.  

My advice is to post this on the PO board and feel free to name names. The only way to kill cockroaches is to bring them out into the life, and this guy most definitely sounds like a cockroach.

The good thing is that you are well past the point where a single review, from anyone, will have much of an effect on your business, good or bad. So go wash the bad smell of him off of you, be thankful you are strong and smart enough to say no, and go back to the task of knocking me off the top of the blabbermouth list

It's crazy when I started out I was so happy I wasn't introduce to things like that because a pleaser i'm by nature. You know how many clients brought drugs and it was like "well this a fantasy to me" stupid me "yeah sure" 25 yrs of not doing and I just did! Never got addicted and well now i know better.

bigguy30709 reads

Also I am pretty sure your reviews will not take that big of a hit.

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Listen I am no where near judging anyone that does it or provides it. I don't.  
 Don't understand why would someone ask me, "um...you know I sleep with people for a living right? yea I have played babysitter and psychologist and travel companion but lets not sugar coat.... Sex is my profession" wouldn't that scare someone off? So I was of course mortified on this date.  
 then reviews for services? "C'mon well I'm one of the highest reviewers on TER, I trust you, you look clean?" "One review from me and you'll have all this traffic, one bad review.... well"  
 I'm not going to lie guys; fu*king broke out in a cold sweat.... actually thought was going to pass out. So of course I distract the situation and said NO but Not cool?  
 so, If I don't bareback you'll leave a bad review.... okay see my career slowly declining in that case....  

Bigguy it is what it is. I am who I am. I stepped into the dark side but time passes and you get older. Tomorrow I'll talk about that. :) I hope my reviews don't take a hit but if they do how much is your soul really worth? f*ck that I do what I do for a living I sell sex.... a fantasy an amazing one, an experience no one else can give Guarantee it. But just because I sold that part of my sanity doesn't mean that everything is lost, easily it can be...I always tell people don't respect me for my looks or what I offer respect me for my honesty I'm an escort but if you think you will ask me a question and I won't be honest because it's going to discourage you from seeing me I'll tell you now it isn’t me I'm honest. So I hope you are right if not f*ck i

Dear Foxy Roxy:
The first thing in this business is the medical consequences and ramifications of your actions.  Your in a business that is not monitored and has not official imprimatur due to the fact that it is illegal in all but one state. With that said, I am sure that this is just a phase for you so do what you have to do to protect yourself.  Thus demand the protection for yourself or maybe you have arrived at a point to where you need to start to contemplate about using a FC.  That way you have reverse protection.  Keep in mind at some point I am sure that you might want to get married and your actions now will have far reaching implications as your life continues.  Thus do what is right for you now and forsake the money.  If you do entertain BB there will be a pandora's box of issues that you don't want to open.  After all I know reviews are important but you are even more important.  Not to mention that you will have multiple dates and the like so perhaps you should even go to CVS and get an HIV kit from time to time to ascertain where you are with contractiing the virus.  Point blank don't deal with anyone who doesn't have a scintilla of respect for you.

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Bigguy it is what it is. I am who I am. I stepped into the dark side but time passes and you get older. Tomorrow I'll talk about that. :) I hope my reviews don't take a hit but if they do how much is your soul really worth? f*ck that I do what I do for a living I sell sex.... a fantasy an amazing one, an experience no one else can give Guarantee it. But just because I sold that part of my sanity doesn't mean that everything is lost, easily it can be...I always tell people don't respect me for my looks or what I offer respect me for my honesty I'm an escort but if you think you will ask me a question and I won't be honest because it's going to discourage you from seeing me I'll tell you now it isn’t me I'm honest. So I hope you are right if not f*ck it  

Bob.Sugar880 reads

I know you've been busy trying to gain that coveted # 1 posting spot here, but I know you've received the complete works of Hookernomics (send from the headquarters of the Bob.Sugar Foundation in the Hamptons) that I had FedEx'd to you the other day.

Please turn to Chapter 6...."How to deal with BBFS requests, and the threats made by guys".  Also, make sure you complete the quiz at the end of the Chapter for CE credits.  You can use those CE credits to try and coerce Columbia to use them to get that Bachelors of Basketweaving degree.  

Good luck to you.

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Listen I am no where near judging anyone that does it or provides it. I don't.  
 Don't understand why would someone ask me, "um...you know I sleep with people for a living right? yea I have played babysitter and psychologist and travel companion but lets not sugar coat.... Sex is my profession" wouldn't that scare someone off? So I was of course mortified on this date.  
 then reviews for services? "C'mon well I'm one of the highest reviewers on TER, I trust you, you look clean?" "One review from me and you'll have all this traffic, one bad review.... well"  
 I'm not going to lie guys; fu*king broke out in a cold sweat.... actually thought was going to pass out. So of course I distract the situation and said NO but Not cool?  
 so, If I don't bareback you'll leave a bad review.... okay see my career slowly declining in that case....  

I've got your limp number.
We should call you Mr. Softee..
The ice cream man.. Drive your truck old man:  

As I told you when I started here..
Your time is over... It took only 5 years...
I thought it would take 8.

Thank you baby that's really sweet some people are the way they are and I won't even argue. Nothing bothers with trolls or haters lol it's ok let make them happy

I would guess I do fit the term Troll.
There is a point to my bullshit though. It's not just to break your fun up.

The guys you are talking to were the worst bashers when I came here..
They treated every new person like shit... Yes.. They have money, but they are still assholes.
Since TER kicked their stupid were out? They re created themselves as the puke I see on this screen.
So? I think it's fun to fuck with them:)

Does that make me a Troll

ROGM683 reads

That most guys would like to go BBFSCIP. I'm no going to lie, I go BBFSCIP with the provider I'm seeing. It's been great so far. No problems or issues.

Roxanne, we know you are new and you don't know ROGM's history here like some of us do, but I don't see how even just based on your OP in this thread, and his reply in this thread, you can "respect" him! Good grief.

Roxanne is the raddest chick to come on here in a long time.
She doesn't really give a crap what anyone else thinks...
She's doing her. And seems to be enjoying it.
So why feed in to anything.. I'm pretty sure she recognizes the trolls and just lets them troll, lol.

Go Roxanne! We could all learn a thing from this "newbie" and do us more often.

BernardShakey521 reads

BBFS is your idea of a cool time too?

bigguy30523 reads

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
Roxanne is the raddest chick to come on here in a long time.  
 She doesn't really give a crap what anyone else thinks...  
 She's doing her. And seems to be enjoying it.  
 So why feed in to anything.. I'm pretty sure she recognizes the trolls and just lets them troll, lol.  
 Go Roxanne! We could all learn a thing from this "newbie" and do us more often.  

-- Modified on 10/11/2015 8:35:25 AM

I respect everyone. People are going to have that opinion and that's fine. I never let little things bother me.

Just tell us where to send flowers
Just kidding ... go fuck yourself.


Posted By: ROGM
That most guys would like to go BBFSCIP. I'm no going to lie, I go BBFSCIP with the provider I'm seeing. It's been great so far. No problems or issues.

This was a recent topic in this discussion board.  There are a pletra of options you can choose from.  First and foremost, your comfort and safety is paramount.  Secondly, some girls have outstanding reviews and then all of a sudden one dud shows up.  Logically any client is going to see this and raise the bs flag, so no need to worry about your business taking a hit, thats even if this a-hole follows through and writes it.  In prevention of said review even coming out, you can be proactive and contact TER admin and alert them to the problem and take it from there.  But coming from a client, and having the advantage of TER itself, we know bs when we see it (and read it).  IMO you have nothing to worry about, your previous reviews speak for themselves.  

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Listen I am no where near judging anyone that does it or provides it. I don't.  
 Don't understand why would someone ask me, "um...you know I sleep with people for a living right? yea I have played babysitter and psychologist and travel companion but lets not sugar coat.... Sex is my profession" wouldn't that scare someone off? So I was of course mortified on this date.  
 then reviews for services? "C'mon well I'm one of the highest reviewers on TER, I trust you, you look clean?" "One review from me and you'll have all this traffic, one bad review.... well"  
 I'm not going to lie guys; fu*king broke out in a cold sweat.... actually thought was going to pass out. So of course I distract the situation and said NO but Not cool?  
 so, If I don't bareback you'll leave a bad review.... okay see my career slowly declining in that case....  

Thank you so much I didn't even know I could do that :) You are right. i hope so

Saying no was the right decision falling for that type of bullshit would do nothing but give people like more power. I hate guys like that.

My two pillars that are always to be considered before anything else in this profession. Simply put, having sex without protection is never worth the risk for either party; it is both unsafe and not very sane.  

Kudos for you for refusing this attempt at extortion

with partying I found out the hard way, this is not worth it. You are right!!

Be sure he doesn't pass any more screening.  

Report him to the providers who vouched for him, and report him to black lists.

Mr.Fisher, as always are right. It was just mind troubling and of course I was afraid but you are right

You have more "options" as a provider then he does as a client. I'm not saying to "blacklist" the guy as I'm sure some of our "brilliant" readers will infer, but certainly let other providers know about this A holes game. It's wrong and he's only trying it because he thinks you are new and can be taken advantage of. Fuck him! He deserves whatever comes his way.

I've been through that before with these idiots..
They called me stupid..

See. Guys who fuck hookers a lot? Also jerk off a lot .  
They don't use a condom when they jerk off.. So. Many have trouble with bagged up sex...
It's overstimulation... When I had trouble like that. I started jerking off with a condom on..
It worked perfectly..

So many guys are embarrassed that they may loose wood, that they want raw dog sex to keep them hard.
That's the truth.

Bob.Sugar574 reads

You should consider that when people have called you "stupid", there is a reason.

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I've been through that before with these idiots..  
 They called me stupid..  
 See. Guys who fuck hookers a lot? Also jerk off a lot .  
 They don't use a condom when they jerk off.. So. Many have trouble with bagged up sex...  
 It's overstimulation... When I had trouble like that. I started jerking off with a condom on..  
 It worked perfectly..  
 So many guys are embarrassed that they may loose wood, that they want raw dog sex to keep them hard.  
 That's the truth..  

After I broke up with a girl I was having unprotected sex with?
I had a hard time getting a good nut.. Bagged up? Was tricky for me...
So instead of asking girls to fuck me raw?  
I started jerking off with a condom on. It took about a week before it felt normal.

After that? I had no trouble in any type of sex..
My dick was very happy:)

So I try to make jokes..
Not hard round here!!  No wonder they hate me.

GaGambler485 reads

You do make it VERY easy to fuck with you though, and sometimes your posts read like you are on acid.

BTW jokes are supposed to be funny. "Trying" to make jokes is not quite the same thing as doing so. If you are the only one laughing, then the joke is on you. Keep trying young grasshopper, I am sure you'll get the hang of this posting stuff eventually.

It gets mean around here. So it's fun to add some Acid enduced levity.
That's all...
BTW.. I make a mean Grasshopper... You will be loaded;)

ound has told this story as many times as scoed has told his rape story

Stay out of this Storm! I have a point to prove!

GaGambler579 reads

It's to o late for the SPOTYs though, fat girl has the competition all sewn up, but good to see you. Have you been staying out of your dads liquor cabinet?  He gets kind of testy when he finds his vodka replaced with water you know

Maybe I would be a candidate for your childish award.. Give it to me..

The real point is. Guys like you want to coerace women into having unprotected sex.
Obviously you, and your friend are the type. So?

Explain to everyone as to why you like to deflect the subjec?

Everyone is different those that are guilty will know it why put him on the spot

So because Gambler is Old, Rich. And clean?
It's okay to fuck him raw???
Way to justify it Lady.

YOU guys are so cute ...are we still playing here lol

You are fun, and cool

Like a smart wind washing you.
Feet. Toes tell you are interesting  

I'm sorry I was mean to you

Backem up all you want.
My point stays true....
Does you hand touch your dick? You know it does.
Put a rubber on! You will have fantastic sex!
Hound Rules!

Bob.Sugar525 reads

Still not either.

Wasn't the Hound handle the one that watched as his friends raped a woman in his apartment?  Or am I mixing up handles again?

Posted By: perfectstorm
 Hound has told this story as many times as scoed has told his rape story!  

I won't deny my faults..  
My mistakes were severe.. That's why I go against prices of shit like you:)
I am trying to help.

Bob.Sugar659 reads

I have NO sympathy for peons like you who would just watch a vicious attack.

Claiming to now "care" and "help" the world is pathetic.

Frankly...a little POS like you would run from men like me.  You always have.  And you better sure hope you never meet me.  You won't like the outcome...however it would be well deserved on behalf of all the women who have had assholes like you get off on hurting them.

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
One day? I'm gonna meet you.

I never implyed physical violence..
I just made everyone see how easily that Tool will result to such.

Just goes to show you the weak little monkeys that post here.
Disagree with me all you want. Maybe you will get angry too

Bob.Sugar475 reads

You never cease to amaze the board you sick POS.

And you bet your ambivalence to your physical violence towards women angers me.  Any man that has a molecule of self-respect feels the same.  How you can get up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror is a question for all time.  POS like you simply sickens me!


Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I never implyed physical violence..  
 I just made everyone see how easily that Tool will result to such.  
 Just goes to show you the weak little monkeys that post here.  
 Disagree with me all you want. Maybe you will get angry too.  

Bob.Sugar509 reads

That would have worked.

This Hound handle is easily the biggest moron to have ever posted on TER.  There are others who are just dumb...this moron is dumb and dangerous.

I honestly don't wish harm to people...but in this case I'd make an exception.

Be nice ... he's obviously fucked in the head.

Read again.
I like you guys? I can tell you don't like me;)

I'll go

Bob.Sugar542 reads

However, agreeing with Hound who is a rapist might be a bit of a stumble.

Try and follow the boards and actually read...and comprehend what someone posts.

Or are YOU suggesting that it's OK for someone to just watch a rape and do nothing to stop it?  If that is your position....you are clearly as phucked up as Hound.


Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
me too

There's nothing pretty about rape (first one to say that) but I am not familiar with his post and also I question the credibility of someone actually admitting to that knowing they would get abused. See that's just the way I see things. I don't know the truth so I'll yes you to death its ok. In order for me to dislike you I have to meet you so many are so big online or so snooty and when you meet them they are putty in your hands. It's ok.

ROGM548 reads

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
I can't finish with a condom on. That's why I asked the provider I'm seeing to go Bareback. She agreed. I've been having a fun time with her for over two years.

Homey don't play.  Period.
They can take their passive aggressive bs somewhere else!

At the end of the day, it's about everyone's safety. No matter what a client claims, BB puts you and everyone you both know at risk. And anyone with big enough ego to claim to be a 'top reviewer' likely also believes the consequences don't apply to him, which of course is completely ridiculous.  

As to your reviews, think about it. Would you want it known you engage routinely in unsafe practices? Really??!! Next time someone suggests such a thing just give them a little practical sex ed. And if condoms are inhibiting, there are always alternatives that don't involve such risks.

A bad review is not really a problem for someone who has been doing it for a while and consistently gets good feedback. But I do often wonder how often people will leverage their status as a reviewer (top 100 or something similar) to someone who only has a few reviews under her belt.

What I wonder is when this board became The "Way past 60 and reliving their 2nd Teenage Fantasies"

That's something i often question too especially when a reviewer states that because he is at a certain review status level that his review could impact your career. So I don't know....it's a great question.

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