TER General Board

You type like a Borreby, am I right? -e-
skarphedin 905 reads


god damn i would pay good money to do a 5some with these dutch quadruplets. probably the best looking quads i know of (solid 7/10's). they all have nice eye areas, short philtrums, strong chins/lower thirds, broad skulls. so robust yet pretty and feminine. looks like they also have broad shoulders and i'm sure they are probably fairly tall too, as most dutch girls are. their sons will be legit slayers/models if they marry decent men. the dutch are so legit

because I'm not a pedophile.

Posted By: andrewww12
god damn i would pay good money to do a 5some with these dutch quadruplets. probably the best looking quads i know of (solid 7/10's). they all have nice eye areas, short philtrums, strong chins/lower thirds, broad skulls. so robust yet pretty and feminine. looks like they also have broad shoulders and i'm sure they are probably fairly tall too, as most dutch girls are. their sons will be legit slayers/models if they marry decent men. the dutch are so legit.  

if so then those are some fucking robust little girls. they look stronger than the average adult american male LOL.

damn dude, if people are missing in your neighborhood I've a pretty good idea in whose basement their chopped up remains will be found.

what about their skin elasticity?
ears to nose to eyes ratio?
are those scarfs covering up turkey necks?
lottsa hair, perhaps lottsa lice?

I mean, come on, we don't even know if they have Innies or Outies! (I'm referring to belly buttons of course)

Send your crack team to measure, poke, and prod, and to report back to us when you have more complete data.

must compile more data. if they have outie belly buttons then they're automatically sub5 looks. lol joking obv, but outies are honestly pretty gross.

Anything in Africa is probably a good bet.  

Posted By: CubaGoodingJRsMama
Humor us and name one.

DamienScott987 reads

Uh oh

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Anything in Africa is probably a good bet.  
Posted By: CubaGoodingJRsMama
Humor us and name one.

CubaGoodingJRsMama1030 reads

Dutch is a nationality and you said the Dutch are so legit. So again, man up and tell us a nationality that you think is not as legit.

You didn't say those Dutch girls in the photo are so legit. You said "Damn the Dutch are so legit". If they are so legit to you. Name a nationality that isn't. You started this thread, you made the comment about the Dutch, so answer the question.

Or don't you have the balls to do so...

stop trying to race bait. you irritated cause i'm posting pics of girls that prolly looks and skullmogs you?

CubaGoodingJRsMama1122 reads

as opposed to what other nationality? Spill...

!_!1051 reads

But isn't it the almighty's day off? It never made much sense why  people pray to their Lord on his day off? ;)

Posted By: !_!
But isn't it the almighty's day off? It never made much sense why  people pray to their Lord on his day off? ;)
Because the Almighty has a sense of humor. He wants people to pray on his day off so he doesn't have to listen to their silly prayers! He's out golfing or fishing. He ain't listening.

You gotta do it, for the story!  Just like the cute midget bartender I saw at bike week last year.

I need to consult my phrenologist to be sure we would be a suitable match.

Ah ok. So you just do weird evaluations of women to determine what kind of breeding stock they'll be then. Can't fault a man for being passionate about planning ahead I guess.  

No sir, you are not gay at all. Oh no ho ho.

Or andreww is the same guy who wrote that on the other site.

I mean, the guys that talk about my skull size always seem like such nice, well adjusted people.

"sluthate" LOL

anyway not me. just found this pic earlier today tho, it has been posted on a couple different websites recently. similar sentiments about their aesthetics.

Must be awkward that people are all over the internet stealing your pickup lines.  

They are hot though ;-)

hotplants1070 reads

with catchy topics like: ‘measurements of the most attractive faces’, and ‘post your favorite picture of lord gandy’.

prolly just a coincidence....lol...

And they're just better at the double life than Andrew?

CubaGoodingJRsMama986 reads

And that shitty advice part on the site is a fucking hoot! It's all about picking up women-OMG I have tears in my eyes from LMAO!

hotplants987 reads

But, since my first glance at that site, it's become abundantly clear that the weird-ass lord gandy nonsense is the least of the problem.  

That site is beyond the trifecta of fucked-up sociopathic shit. There's everything from the white supremacy/eugenics bile that andy has been posting here, to gay bashing, to necrophiliacs, to closet rapists and serial killers in training.  

I'd post a link but I already feel icky enough having looked at it as much as I already did.

CubaGoodingJRsMama960 reads

Looking at skull shapes, sizes, lips, eyes looking at the dissection of someone face a body parts for "aesthetics".

You are the creepiest weirdo on here. I can't imagine you can even enjoy yourself during a sexual encounter. You'd be too distracted sizing up her (OR HIS) facial structure, eye symmetry, nose measurements, SKULLS, torso, the list is endless. You need some kind of total rewiring/

And answer the damn question, what features aren't LEGIT???

LOL i'm from the misc.

-- Modified on 11/2/2014 5:23:39 PM

Like how you fantasize about raping, stabbing, and strangling a woman (as long as she's at least a 7)?

If posting PMs here is grounds for banishment, posting them elsewhere should be banishment in spades.

No shit, I'd link to it, but he posted SCREENSHOTS of his PMs with me, then proceeded to post this whopper:

"just fucking lol, after we exchanged a few more PM's that dumb sloot must have looked at my profile since she messaged me out of no where to tell me she will be touring los angeles next month and that we should meet (for money obviously).

i just replied with "lol, no thanks you're not really my type." probably just crushed her lol, let's see if she replies. not seeing her after that stupid whore disrespected Gandy like that, no way in fucking hell. not really though, she's a cutie but there's dozens of other escorts out here that are just as hot or hotter than her for the same rate ($400 an hour) or cheaper."

That lying little pig. First of all, I'm not touring LA. Never have, never even considered it. Second, why in the fuck would I EVER subject myself to this creepy dipshit? Notice he didn't post any screenshots of that part of the conversation?? Yeah, because it never took place.  

Looks like this "stupid whore" was smart enough to find this shit. Unfuckingbelievable.

this shit is even sicker.  It will simply amaze me if this kind of behavior is tolerated here.  What a weird fucking world this is.
The dude seriously needs to crawl back under whatever rock he slithered out from.

CubaGoodingJRsMama1062 reads

and ladies on the regional boards he's likely to be cruising on.

I'm not sure if banning is the safest thing here but this ass wipe needs to be put on every BL site out there.

the stupid posters are fun, we secretly love being outraged at ROGM, pimpathy, neg and the like, they're highway accidents and we all slow down for a peek. This guy is a different sort, gives me the willies so I can't even imagine the chill he'd run up a provider's spine...probably exactly his intent, gets off on creeping girls out. I truly don't get how someone gets broken like that.

The guy should be banned from TER. In fact he should be banned from humankind. He is a sick dangerous twisted MF.

CubaGoodingJRsMama1119 reads

It's official this nut job needs his own award for 2014.

SPOTY is too normal for Andrewww.  I don't know, I'll have to confer with the usual suspects to come up with something for this freakazoid!

Sickest Poster of the Year.

Wtf, and who's Gahndy? That false god he makes up?

This to me is neither funny or entertaining. This guy is seriously ill, seriously dangerous and seriously a threat to the well being of women. I suggest until he's banned nobody respond to any of his posts…at all. Not to say you're fucking nuts or anything. Ice him out. You can't argue with sociopath…  

Tobi you did call that shit though…Buffalo Bill indeed.
Fuckink wanker...

Threads like this remind me it is no time to bring children into this world, lol

*** as always no offense to those with patience and energy ***

I had a chance to browse your favorite site and read some of your posts there. "Would you kill a woman?" for example. You said you would, and that you'd rape her first but not torture her.  On that site, your pathetic lack of a desire to torture your victim probably makes you a mangina.  But here, it's safe to say you are a pariah and, if Admin doesn't ban your toxic ass you'll be a piñata for a few of us.  But maybe you'd like that?  Mommy must be so proud!

and I still picked up a serial killer vibe just from the oddness and tone of the OP....sick fuck indeed

It's from the diary of that nut-bag Elliot Rodger, the one who went postal in Santa Barbara earlier this year and killed several people before having the good sense to off himself.
I wonder if Andy-boy's parents have any idea of what a twisted little POS they raised?

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