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You so have this POS number. e.
hbyist+truth=;( 1760 reads


Do you think all the previous talk about "rape" could encourage decietful women to do deceitful things?

GaGambler1389 reads

which would be much more entertaining than beating some poor dead horse.

I'll bring my stick, as a contender yourself, you are going to need to have some one else take the bet.

TalkToTrees1566 reads

... stick with the topic of this thread!!

Stop attempting to redirect your posts away from the stupidity that you are showing.

The Forest Waits

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I'll bring my stick, as a contender yourself, you are going to need to have some one else take the bet.

You can reference that post for my original argument that didn't want to be discussed rationally.

JCA sure does know how to shoot himself in the foot.... ROFLMAO!!!

But remember, guns existed before foot existed.  What if guns don't sell?  
Should we find out the name of our foot and file a restraining order against our foot?  

No further comment on the stupid SPOTY troll.

Instead of being immature?

I don't think "rape talk" would encourage a deceitful woman to commit a deceitful act. However they might think they will garner some support from the community, that isn't actually there. Therefore the talk actually played a role in her conscious decision to make false allegations.

Posted By: 89Springer

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 6:45:18 AM

... as long as I'm here, and as long as the topic comes up I will address the topic.

and ask questions at face value, about the posts I have read

Somehow that is a little tough to believe since you are the top poster in the the boards. No reviews, no whitelists, I guess you are just reading your own blather.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
and ask questions at face value, about the posts I have read.  

TalkToTrees1535 reads

Really? Are you that stupid, Johnny boy?

Rape is a major felony and not to be marginalized. Rape has destroyed many women's lives along with others who are close to the victims.  

You need to do a spellcheck while you are at it, too. Misspelling deceitful shows your IQ level when it comes to posts like this.

The Forest Waits

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Do you think all the previous talk about "rape" could encourage decietful women to do deceitful things?

and away goes the pile of sawdust.

CoffeeBreak1792 reads

What was the point to this thread again?  Oh, that's right, to beat a dead horse.

Would a handle like JohnyRapeADeadHorseAlready serve you better?

Should we have a lesson on what the differences are, and how false accusations nullify real claims of rape?

Posted By: CoffeeBreak
What was the point to this thread again?  Oh, that's right, to beat a dead horse.  
 Would a handle like JohnyRapeADeadHorseAlready serve you better?

CoffeeBreak1889 reads

Sure why not have a lesson.  Hell, you've come this far, go ahead and lecture away.  Either way, you have already put yourself in a bad light before trying to super analyze the psyche of the rapist and his victim.  You keep bringing up the subject of rape to the point of appearing obsessed with it.  That was the point of JohnyRapeADeadHorseAlready.  

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 3:21:05 PM

Trying to super analyze the rapist and his victim? You can't even remember what happened in the story from that OP. Which BTW I have know way of knowing if the actual event ever took place

CoffeeBreak1940 reads

I have a good idea which one you are talking about.  If you are B--Vern, then I remember you diving head first into the pot of hot water.  Listen, if the providers on this board are trying to tell you to back off because you are seeing it wrongly, then that should be your clue that you are either not understanding or are interpreting the events of that OP incorrectly.

I will let you have the last word here Johny, because at this point I see no end in sight to our little disagreement.  Good luck to you, looks like you're gonna need it.

Yeah that one. You can't tell someone else how they interpret what a person writes. Whether that person happens to be right or wrong. What you are describing is an impossible feat.

I take all posts at face value.

Posted By: CoffeeBreak
I have a good idea which one you are talking about.  If you are B--Vern, then I remember you diving head first into the pot of hot water.  Listen, if the providers on this board are trying to tell you to back off because you are seeing it wrongly, then that should be your clue that you are either not understanding or are interpreting the events of that OP incorrectly.  
 I will let you have the last word here Johny, because at this point I see no end in sight to our little disagreement.  Good luck to you, looks like you're gonna need it.

This should be entertaining.  And I love the way you put the word rape in quotes...but I'm not surprised.  The idea of "forcing" women to perform "sexual acts" doesn't really bother you, it's their fault for being there, right rapie?

You sensationalize rape(I don't condone rape) the issue is false accusations/allegations of rape.

Posted By: thehumanist
This should be entertaining.  And I love the way you put the word rape in quotes...but I'm not surprised.  The idea of "forcing" women to perform "sexual acts" doesn't really bother you, it's their fault for being there, right rapie?

And you can't seem to understand that the way you write makes it almost impossible for anyone to understand what you're getting at.  Idiot.

until the topic was brought up, since then it's been a topic of interest to me. The nightly news mentioned rape on campus... Rape is apparently a dinner table topic.  

Also when I read message board posts, I pick out similar topics and try to hypothosize the situation, if the negative out weighs the positive, I look for avenues to prevent the situation from happening.

Easier said than done.

Posted By: inicky46
And you can't seem to understand that the way you write makes it almost impossible for anyone to understand what you're getting at.  Idiot.

TalkToTrees1770 reads

This little quote from you implies that you trying to avoid situations that would tempt you to rape a woman.  

This "looking for avenues to prevent the situation from happening" sounds something like from a Sex Offender's meeting. (if there is such a thing)

The Forest Waits

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Also when I read message board posts, I pick out similar topics and try to hypothosize the situation, if the negative out weighs the positive, I look for avenues to prevent the situation from happening.  
 Easier said than done.  
Posted By: inicky46
And you can't seem to understand that the way you write makes it almost impossible for anyone to understand what you're getting at.  Idiot.

Posted By: TalkToTrees
This little quote from you implies that you trying to avoid situations that would tempt you to rape a woman.
Actually, he thinks that it's up to women to prevent their own rapes. Rapists bear little (if any) responsibility for their crimes as far as he's concerned. He's made that abundantly clear many times.

Do you have first hand knowledge that young women were raped?

Do you have first hand knowledge that the young women were coerced by a pimp?

Do you have first hand knowledge, that the events in HOC's thread actually took place?


Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: TalkToTrees
This little quote from you implies that you trying to avoid situations that would tempt you to rape a woman.
 Actually, he thinks that it's up to women to prevent their own rapes. Rapists bear little (if any) responsibility for their crimes as far as he's concerned. He's made that abundantly clear many times.

Obviously, no one knows if the rape really happened as described.  Which is obviously not the point.  The point is, even as a hypothetical, your comment in sympathy with the pimp and seeming to blame the girls is what turned everyone against you.
The fact that you don't get that, or want to evade it makes you even creepier, if that's even possible.

Do you remember the story?  

House of guys

Two girls

One pimp

I know every on hates a pimp(til you need one) I'm not advocating, or trying define a pimp.  

...so yes in this hypothetical a thought the pressure might be on the pimp to deliver. That dose not justify beating people to perform sex acts. Did I ever feel real sympathy for the "pimp"? No

Only his position in the form of a business transaction.


at the time of the thread I wanted to look into the various aspects, of all parties involved. Mainly because I don't want to be in the position of any one of the individuals in that thread.


Posted By: inicky46
Obviously, no one knows if the rape really happened as described.  Which is obviously not the point.  The point is, even as a hypothetical, your comment in sympathy with the pimp and seeming to blame the girls is what turned everyone against you.  
 The fact that you don't get that, or want to evade it makes you even creepier, if that's even possible.

"Did I ever feel real sympathy for the "pimp"? No  
 Only his position in the form of a business transaction."

Bottom line, you are an idiot who's trying to slice the salami too thin.  Give it up.

or strawman, how can any opinion formed from an fictitious story have any merit

Why, I think it was you, I could be wrong, Blame me for the plane crash?

That seemed really unrelated to that thread.

They would grasp quantum physics before this guy gets anything.

TalkToTrees1625 reads

You may hate me for whatever reason, at least there is one thing that we both agree on... this Johnny is 100% stupid and quite possibly a sex offender himself by the way he posts his shit in the forums.

If Johnny thinks that women are responsible for rapes, he's got another thing coming.  

The Forest Waits

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: TalkToTrees
This little quote from you implies that you trying to avoid situations that would tempt you to rape a woman.
 Actually, he thinks that it's up to women to prevent their own rapes. Rapists bear little (if any) responsibility for their crimes as far as he's concerned. He's made that abundantly clear many times.

TalkToTrees1913 reads

That's not what your original post came across to me.  

Nothing was mentioned about "false / allegations of rape".

The tone of the original post was more of sensationalizing rape.  

I'm calling you out as a complete nuckin' moron.  

The Forest Waits

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
You sensationalize rape(I don't condone rape) the issue is false accusations/allegations of rape.  
Posted By: thehumanist
This should be entertaining.  And I love the way you put the word rape in quotes...but I'm not surprised.  The idea of "forcing" women to perform "sexual acts" doesn't really bother you, it's their fault for being there, right rapie?

That'd give you a whole new reason to condone rape, wouldn't it? Get some fucking therapy, man.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Do you think all the previous talk about "rape" could encourage decietful women to do deceitful things?

Once again..... as I posted a few months ago....

The scorpion & the frog.

I do not think you have to encourage bad people to do bad things, not to do what it is truly within their nature/character.
People will do what people will do, no encouragement required

You are dangerous sounding. You systematize with a pimp that had his women gang raped. You don't get why seeing a friend raped and hurt bad would piss someone off. You keep bringing rape up but not once have you expressed an once of concern or sympathy for the person raped but you have for those raping them. You are scary. So are you a rapist or do they just get you off? I really want to know. So are you really hoping talk of rape leads to more rape so you can get off? If that is a theory of yours why else would you post anther rape thread? I think you are hoping it is true. You seem to get off on talk of rape. Maybe rape itself.

JohnyComeAlready, you make me sick.

Scoed that is too ridiculous to respond too.

Posted By: scoed
You are dangerous sounding. You systematize with a pimp that had his women gang raped. You don't get why seeing a friend raped and hurt bad would piss someone off. You keep bringing rape up but not once have you expressed an once of concern or sympathy for the person raped but you have for those raping them. You are scary. So are you a rapist or do they just get you off? I really want to know. So are you really hoping talk of rape leads to more rape so you can get off? If that is a theory of yours why else would you post anther rape thread? I think you are hoping it is true. You seem to get off on talk of rape. Maybe rape itself.  
 JohnyComeAlready, you make me sick.

as it keeps on braying.  

Every word you write on this topic is another stick to be used in the beating you are getting.

Did you really ask if we learn from our experiences in your last thread? Most of us do. You have clearly demonstrated your own answer to the question

Only to make jokes?  

Am I supposed to take sexually assault seriously(as adults should), or laugh it off as if "rapie" was a comical nick name?

MZ which should it be, I'm not a fan of indecisiveness.

I condemn the act of rape. I condemn tacit approval of rape through silence, inaction, or justification. I condemn blaming women for being raped.  

I have read your various posts on the subject. I have only read your words, and do not know with certainty what you truly believe. You have the opportunity to state what you believe, without ambiguity, with decisiveness:

 - Do you believe rape is ever justified or OK?
 - Do you believe tacit approval of rape through silence or inaction is OK?
 - Do you believe that rape can be justified?
 - Do you believe anyone is responsible for causing someone else to rape them?

Take a position, and stand for it with consistency. Clearly, we all take it very seriously.

I can answer all of the below with no

... so what's with the women who make jokes about rape?

it's my opinion that Tobi Telford dose not take the issue seriously. I could be wrong?

This is just the impression I get.

Posted By: MasterZen
I condemn the act of rape. I condemn tacit approval of rape through silence, inaction, or justification. I condemn blaming women for being raped.  
 I have read your various posts on the subject. I have only read your words, and do not know with certainty what you truly believe. You have the opportunity to state what you believe, without ambiguity, with decisiveness:  
  - Do you believe rape is ever justified or OK?  
  - Do you believe tacit approval of rape through silence or inaction is OK?  
  - Do you believe that rape can be justified?  
  - Do you believe anyone is responsible for causing someone else to rape them?  
 Take a position, and stand for it with consistency. Clearly, we all take it very seriously.

does not allow for dissembling or projection.  

I am quite certain that no one is joking about rape

Her feminazi obsession with me having an obsession with rape is beyond strange

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Her feminazi obsession with me having an obsession with rape is beyond strange.  
...says the maggot who started this thread ABOUT RAPE.

I'm not even going to dignify that shit with a rebuttal. That's how laughable it is.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I can answer all of the below with no  
 ... so what's with the women who make jokes about rape?  
 it's my opinion that Tobi Telford dose not take the issue seriously. I could be wrong?  
 This is just the impression I get.  
Posted By: MasterZen
I condemn the act of rape. I condemn tacit approval of rape through silence, inaction, or justification. I condemn blaming women for being raped.    
  I have read your various posts on the subject. I have only read your words, and do not know with certainty what you truly believe. You have the opportunity to state what you believe, without ambiguity, with decisiveness:  
   - Do you believe rape is ever justified or OK?  
   - Do you believe tacit approval of rape through silence or inaction is OK?  
   - Do you believe that rape can be justified?  
   - Do you believe anyone is responsible for causing someone else to rape them?  
  Take a position, and stand for it with consistency. Clearly, we all take it very seriously.

89Springer1785 reads

Some sharp barbs from you could cheer us up. ;)

Your joking in this thread gives me the impression that you don't.

And, yes, I do take rape seriously.  It's you I don't take seriously.  Please take me advice above.

I'm judging you by your actions, not your word.

... words on a fuck board have no merit.

ou and your rape fantasies have to stop. You are one creepy bastard and need an asshole slap.

Fight you? Now that would be like me punching the fat kid and dodging and weaving his lifeless punches, watching him wheeze with the slightest exertion trying to punch me back.  

Or in this case, "fighting" with a microcephalic. Just doesn't seem fair.

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