TER General Board

You seem to always have something to prove.
JohnyComeAlready 987 reads

I just can't figure out what it is.

I was having a nice lunch with a gal pal of mine today...in case anyone cares it was at Cheesecake Factory...I had the lunch special (pepperoni pizza and small caesar salad) and my gal pal had the lunch special of meatloaf (the smaller size).  I felt compelled to begin this post announcing my early afternoon plans since it seems that another certain poster is giving the board his daily happenings.  Thanks Rod  ;)

So after lunch I had a rare large Grande from Starbucks...and as I told my gal pal I rarely drink coffee after 9:00...so I was a tad buzzed this afternoon (caffeine...whew  LOL) and I told her I couldn't be responsible for my ramblings on here later today.

I've gotten a few PM's over the past few days from other members "disappointed" that I didn't wholeheartedly agree or support some post they made.  Shit...as if my approval fucking matters?  WTF is with some of you people?  And you know who you are.

Anyhoo....my reply to a couple of dudes who lamented their disappointment in my replies...I simply believe that there are usually 3 sides to every story.  This seems to confound some who insist that their version is the "truth".  And I reply to those folks as "it's your reality...hence it's your truth".  Some react with severe pounding on a keyboard trying to force me to acknowledge that their truth is the reality of all.  

Seeing the post below from some WK saving his Summer (assuming that TER hasn't moved the OP to the Porn Star board  LOL)....I ask what are the most visible attributes of a GREAT WK?  Not just the run of the mill knee walker...but the stoic dude who is clearly "in the right" for protecting and saving that "damsel in distress"?

I've always admired her mouth, and when I see that photo my thought is that she will be using that gorgeous mouth to reward her rescuer.

By the way, what's a WK?

Since I didn't pm you lamenting your lack of support for any post of mine, I'll just hope Turdwell hasn't taken to pm'ing you incessantly about 'doing lunch.' I haven't heard from him in about a week and I trust he hasn't moved his affections in your direction?  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I was having a nice lunch with a gal pal of mine today...in case anyone cares it was at Cheesecake Factory...I had the lunch special (pepperoni pizza and small caesar salad) and my gal pal had the lunch special of meatloaf (the smaller size).  I felt compelled to begin this post announcing my early afternoon plans since it seems that another certain poster is giving the board his daily happenings.  Thanks Rod  ;)  
 So after lunch I had a rare large Grande from Starbucks...and as I told my gal pal I rarely drink coffee after 9:00...so I was a tad buzzed this afternoon (caffeine...whew  LOL) and I told her I couldn't be responsible for my ramblings on here later today.  
 I've gotten a few PM's over the past few days from other members "disappointed" that I didn't wholeheartedly agree or support some post they made.  Shit...as if my approval fucking matters?  WTF is with some of you people?  And you know who you are.  
 Anyhoo....my reply to a couple of dudes who lamented their disappointment in my replies...I simply believe that there are usually 3 sides to every story.  This seems to confound some who insist that their version is the "truth".  And I reply to those folks as "it's your reality...hence it's your truth".  Some react with severe pounding on a keyboard trying to force me to acknowledge that their truth is the reality of all.    
 Seeing the post below from some WK saving his Summer (assuming that TER hasn't moved the OP to the Porn Star board  LOL)....I ask what are the most visible attributes of a GREAT WK?  Not just the run of the mill knee walker...but the stoic dude who is clearly "in the right" for protecting and saving that "damsel in distress"?

I trust that Rod is still trying to figure out what holding some woman's umbrella (or whatever it was) has anything to do with anything.  Let alone some gal at the office stares through him.  

I can't wait till tomorrow's episode..."In Rod We Trust"...On most ABC affiliated networks...9:00 EDT, 8:00 CDT

I think that means the west coast is spared of this drivel.

Posted By: USGrantlover
Since I didn't pm you lamenting your lack of support for any post of mine, I'll just hope Turdwell hasn't taken to pm'ing you incessantly about 'doing lunch.' I haven't heard from him in about a week and I trust he hasn't moved his affections in your direction?  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
I was having a nice lunch with a gal pal of mine today...in case anyone cares it was at Cheesecake Factory...I had the lunch special (pepperoni pizza and small caesar salad) and my gal pal had the lunch special of meatloaf (the smaller size).  I felt compelled to begin this post announcing my early afternoon plans since it seems that another certain poster is giving the board his daily happenings.  Thanks Rod  ;)  
  So after lunch I had a rare large Grande from Starbucks...and as I told my gal pal I rarely drink coffee after 9:00...so I was a tad buzzed this afternoon (caffeine...whew  LOL) and I told her I couldn't be responsible for my ramblings on here later today.  
  I've gotten a few PM's over the past few days from other members "disappointed" that I didn't wholeheartedly agree or support some post they made.  Shit...as if my approval fucking matters?  WTF is with some of you people?  And you know who you are.  
  Anyhoo....my reply to a couple of dudes who lamented their disappointment in my replies...I simply believe that there are usually 3 sides to every story.  This seems to confound some who insist that their version is the "truth".  And I reply to those folks as "it's your reality...hence it's your truth".  Some react with severe pounding on a keyboard trying to force me to acknowledge that their truth is the reality of all.    
  Seeing the post below from some WK saving his Summer (assuming that TER hasn't moved the OP to the Porn Star board  LOL)....I ask what are the most visible attributes of a GREAT WK?  Not just the run of the mill knee walker...but the stoic dude who is clearly "in the right" for protecting and saving that "damsel in distress"?
-- Modified on 7/25/2014 7:27:55 PM

Whew. Ok now I can retire for the evening.............

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I trust that Rod is still trying to figure out what holding some woman's umbrella (or whatever it was) has anything to do with anything.  Let alone some gal at the office stares through him.    
 I can't wait till tomorrow's episode..."In Rod We Trust"...On most ABC affiliated networks...9:00 EDT, 8:00 CDT  
 I think that means the west coast is spared of this drivel.  
Posted By: USGrantlover
Since I didn't pm you lamenting your lack of support for any post of mine, I'll just hope Turdwell hasn't taken to pm'ing you incessantly about 'doing lunch.' I haven't heard from him in about a week and I trust he hasn't moved his affections in your direction?    
Posted By: ChgoCPA
I was having a nice lunch with a gal pal of mine today...in case anyone cares it was at Cheesecake Factory...I had the lunch special (pepperoni pizza and small caesar salad) and my gal pal had the lunch special of meatloaf (the smaller size).  I felt compelled to begin this post announcing my early afternoon plans since it seems that another certain poster is giving the board his daily happenings.  Thanks Rod  ;)    
   So after lunch I had a rare large Grande from Starbucks...and as I told my gal pal I rarely drink coffee after 9:00...so I was a tad buzzed this afternoon (caffeine...whew  LOL) and I told her I couldn't be responsible for my ramblings on here later today.    
   I've gotten a few PM's over the past few days from other members "disappointed" that I didn't wholeheartedly agree or support some post they made.  Shit...as if my approval fucking matters?  WTF is with some of you people?  And you know who you are.    
   Anyhoo....my reply to a couple of dudes who lamented their disappointment in my replies...I simply believe that there are usually 3 sides to every story.  This seems to confound some who insist that their version is the "truth".  And I reply to those folks as "it's your reality...hence it's your truth".  Some react with severe pounding on a keyboard trying to force me to acknowledge that their truth is the reality of all.      
   Seeing the post below from some WK saving his Summer (assuming that TER hasn't moved the OP to the Porn Star board  LOL)....I ask what are the most visible attributes of a GREAT WK?  Not just the run of the mill knee walker...but the stoic dude who is clearly "in the right" for protecting and saving that "damsel in distress"?
-- Modified on 7/25/2014 7:27:55 PM

I was planning on watching some older episodes of "In Rod we trust".

Did you ever see the one with macdaddy as the guest?  

Damn coffee!

I thnk so. Was that the one where MacDiaper aka MacDaddy ran out of coconut oil while giving Turdy a rubdown?  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I was planning on watching some older episodes of "In Rod we trust".  
 Did you ever see the one with macdaddy as the guest?    
 Damn coffee!

Last time it was to gurgle about how one of his posts got several "likes." It's really quite sad.

Better do some catching up on the threads here!

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 11:37:00 PM

89Springer1398 reads

If you're asking about visible attributes, I'd say perhaps an enlarged nostril from being pulled around by the nose.

If other, then the determination to defend his lady against all attackers, even when the WK doesn't know anything about what really happened with his lady and the "attacker".

1) Always defends a woman in distress on the board, even one he does not know, no matter what her rep may be as a BSC drama queen.  His instinct is to curry favor with any and all women, regardless of merit.
2) Always gives 10/10 reviews, just because at that moment it seemed like the decent thing to do.
3) Always responds to ISO posts with suggestions on women to see, even if he's never seen them and has no clue as to what they actually look like.
4) Fervently believes any male questioning what a woman posts has a fundamental lack of respect for women and requires correction.  Failing that, his posts need to be reported to Admin.
5) Never lets himself be confused by facts or lack of knowledge of same.  Same thing for lack of experience.
6) Has a compulsion to change his environment in order to make it conform to his preconceptions about how men and women must behave.
7) Not only does he relentlessly post his opinions on the above subjects but he also relentlessly PMs men and women to propagate his views.  There is a messianic, Moses-like passion here.  He has boundless energy in the service of his mission.
There is more, but I grow weary.  And bored.

Responds to posts asking about WK

did you notice you just responded, too(l)?

There is a difference.

Not that I'm shunning CPA.

He already plagiarized me in his post to Tid, close to the bone

He who has to incessantly plead and convince others that he is NOT a WK

Posted By: inicky46
1) Always defends a woman in distress on the board, even one he does not know, no matter what her rep may be as a BSC drama queen.  His instinct is to curry favor with any and all women, regardless of merit.
Nick, you respond to more of Tobi's post then I do.

I'm far too lazy to actually check but I defy you to follow up on your assertion and see.  The way you've been relentlessly stalking her, I bet you're FOS.
Thing is, Tobi doesn't need me to defend her from a weakling like you

I'm not white knighting, I wouldn't even enter the hotel room she was staying in...

don't want an lethal injection. Like I said the popular girls won't be seeing me.

Yes I know they are ecstatic.

PMing you to bitch about an opinion?  The sewing circle has officially gotten out of hand...I can't even conceive of caring enough about someone's opinion on a TER board that I would send a PM to debate it.  Though I have gotten several, and you'd never guess from who!

by which I mean that at one point a helluva lot of hookers here knew me rather well and I would get it with both barrels if I did not support a point of view they liked or if I showed too much attention to someone else or wrote too good a review for someone else or any similar bs

I enjoy the banter but don't plan on getting my ass back into that situation....

instead of defending what he thinks is right.

Ironically, doing the latter will impress a gal more than the former.

I would look for the opportunity to be a WK. now I just want a good shag and a nap.

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