TER General Board

You rang lol.
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 134 reads

Posted By: One-Man-Gang
"She can't read your mind and she sure as hell has no idea what your expectations are. there is a fine line and balance"

WTF! Of course she knows what his expectations are. He just laid down an envelope for sex and it doesn't take a mind reader to figure it out either.

Where is hooker-on-phonics when you need her?

Jibber-Jabber like a real GF or SO all session long.  WTF?!  Yickewty-Yackety-Yippitee-Yap.

Now, I don't mean the "intelligent conversation" that I'm sure that every Provider who reads this post provides ;-)  but rather, the constant broken records of the bills that can't be paid; the car that needs fixing; the things that the kids need; the assholes they've fucked in and out of the hobby; and any other blather that comes forth.

Seriously, isn't part of the fantasy that at some point during the session, unlike our real SO's, just bend over and Shut The Fuck Up?

So, I've learned over the years not to raise an issue without proposing a solution.  Here you go:

I propose that TER adds a Blather field to the Profiles.  It could have just 3 values:  Low, Medium, or High - OR in the alternative - Helen Keller, Chatty Cathy, or Drove Me Fucking Nuts.  

That way, guys can weed out the blatherers according to their taste.  If they are normally Momma's Basement Shut Ins and need the constant contact, they can go for the High Blatherers; or if they just like the background noise, they can choose the Chatty Cathys; and, of course, if they just need a break from the Jibber-Jabber that they have to listen to in their real lives, they can go with the Helen Kellers, who just moan and grunt at the right times.

What do you Super Duper TER Troopers think??

.... if you're going to talk away half the session .... put something in your mouth as in my tongue or a tit lol.  Just put your tongue in her mouth or stand up and gesture her mouth should meet your meat ... problem solved.  Yaaaaayyy.

Posted By: DC.
Jibber-Jabber like a real GF or SO all session long.  WTF?!  Yickewty-Yackety-Yippitee-Yap.

Now, I don't mean the "intelligent conversation" that I'm sure that every Provider who reads this post provides ;-)  but rather, the constant broken records of the bills that can't be paid; the car that needs fixing; the things that the kids need; the assholes they've fucked in and out of the hobby; and any other blather that comes forth.

Seriously, isn't part of the fantasy that at some point during the session, unlike our real SO's, just bend over and Shut The Fuck Up?

So, I've learned over the years not to raise an issue without proposing a solution.  Here you go:

I propose that TER adds a Blather field to the Profiles.  It could have just 3 values:  Low, Medium, or High - OR in the alternative - Helen Keller, Chatty Cathy, or Drove Me Fucking Nuts.  

That way, guys can weed out the blatherers according to their taste.  If they are normally Momma's Basement Shut Ins and need the constant contact, they can go for the High Blatherers; or if they just like the background noise, they can choose the Chatty Cathys; and, of course, if they just need a break from the Jibber-Jabber that they have to listen to in their real lives, they can go with the Helen Kellers, who just moan and grunt at the right times.

What do you Super Duper TER Troopers think??

Usually our fellow hobbyists will mention that a provider is a Chatty Cathy, when I read tha,t I usually steer clear. Otherwise, if confronted with a Chatty Cathy takes Mocha's advice.

There's a couple of issues with that.  I honestly believe that some of them would just keep right on talking and chomp my pepe' in half (and I can't afford to lose too much of it).

Also, there's the issue of timing.  Picture this: "... so I get the car to the shop and the guy says that its going to cost... Ohhh, hmmm, gluggg, oohmph, so I guess you want me to suck your dick now?"

Now, is that the way to keep a mood up? She's either going to be offended, or she's going to get pissed and field strip my cock with her teeth.

Somebody, I think it was my Grandaddy, once told me that if I was going to stick my cock in a woman's mouth, make sure she's in a good mood.

..... sometimes things just aren't that deep.  Find a way to gesture her to stfu ..... 9 times out of 10 (don't hate me girls) a chatty kathy knows what she's doing in chatting away half the session. If you feel bad about hinting she should get the sucking just start kissing on her and start rubbing something preferably on her. I'm not saying ATTACK hell no lol but NOW if she for whatever resists or gets offended which is f*cking absurd imo then she's probably trying to yank your crank  and not the crank you want yanked.....  yeah.

providers love to yap..it breaks the ice..you get to know each other..makes them feel at ease..you will know when the chatting has been enough..a mouthful of manhood will solve the problem..they will then concentrate on the task at hand and stop rambling..conversation is fine..concentration is better..

To deal with them.  I've been doing this for 28 years, I know how.

I was proposing a way to AVOID them (and maybe just a little rant along the way).  LOL

But I appreciate the advice and time you all put into the thread.  :-)

It is never a good idea to tell any woman that she is too verbose, and for a man to do so, doubly so.

I was once at a meet-and-greet where one provider told another provider that she talked too much.  The fur went flying and I had to act as special UN peace negotiatior for the rest of the evening between the two - and these two gals were bosom buddies, at least at the time.

I will admit being with gals who could have been a bit more taciturn, but in retropect, it wasn't all that bad given the limited amount of time together.

Sometimes there are some things that can't be fixed.  This is one of them.

One-Man-Gang224 reads

If I am paying $400 an hour, NFW I am letting her run her mouth for half the session. I am there to have sex, not to be her therapist.
I hate to shove my dick down their throats just to shut them up, but it has happened.

Besides he never said he didn't enjoy doing the negotiating, perhaps those ladies spoke in tongues?

I think it was a set up...

Would you prefer a girl to be Naked on the bed and say "come on big boy.. get it over with?
ok. Now your done time to go"

where is the balance????

she is only talking because someone is listening.  lol

In providing there needs to be balance. some providers may talk too much, and just drop the clothes, and lay on the bed.

While you also have some clients who want to spend 30mins mins taking a shower, brushing their teeth, shaving, drying off, putting on loition, want a massage..then expect their 60min session to start when the providers start cbj/bbbj....after they finish banging want to take another shower..after getting dress want to talk for 10 - 15mins. spending close to 2hrs in a providers room.

Both sides need to show respect for the others time.

I totally agree with you Jessica..:)  a good mixture works well for me.

But I understand the original poster to say he  prefers something else..or maybe just a bit less chatting. And I think that is why reviews help a bit...of someone really gets carried away with her own "issues", and you expect that....look elsewhere. I love women...and I respect them, and I feel like there are occasionally guys on this board for whom it is all about them. I get the compensation part, but I am in sales myself, and just because I am selling something does not mean I have to be totally involved in my client's disenchantment with me, the product or the world. He is getting a service, I get paid for providing that service, and while I do try to keep the personal chat to a minimum, I also attempt to develop a relationship of sorts that will make him/her a repeat customer and a TRUSTING customer. I realize the product is different...but..to me anyway, the concepts are similar..

I would guess there are some guys that welcome, lots of talking.  Everyones tastes are different.

A short conversation is always nice at the beginning to break the ice a bit but complaining through the session about bills and miscellaneous things not good.When this happens no need to even tell her she is talking too much just say enough of the chit chatting let's get down to some hot fun.
If you wanted to hear all of that you could just stay home and keep your money in your pocket.
If the provider has reviews and she is that chatty I am sure eventually a guy is going to say so in his review.
I have read reviews where the guy said she chatted almost the whole time then when it was time for fun their time was cut very short due to no time being left.If she is talking too much a mouthful of something else will handle that problem.lol

-- Modified on 3/6/2012 11:28:21 AM

I've found some chatty ladies.  I have also found that applying my tongue to their clitoris changes the conversation considerably!

That you lead like a gentleman..
I agree, she should have consideration for your time and needs and she should not tell you all about her.. whatevers! But you also have an opportunity to lead the conversation in another direction..

She can't read your mind and she sure as hell has no idea what your expectations are. there is a fine line and balance. show her!

Posted By: DC.
Jibber-Jabber like a real GF or SO all session long.  WTF?!  Yickewty-Yackety-Yippitee-Yap.

Now, I don't mean the "intelligent conversation" that I'm sure that every Provider who reads this post provides ;-)  but rather, the constant broken records of the bills that can't be paid; the car that needs fixing; the things that the kids need; the assholes they've fucked in and out of the hobby; and any other blather that comes forth.

Seriously, isn't part of the fantasy that at some point during the session, unlike our real SO's, just bend over and Shut The Fuck Up?

So, I've learned over the years not to raise an issue without proposing a solution.  Here you go:

I propose that TER adds a Blather field to the Profiles.  It could have just 3 values:  Low, Medium, or High - OR in the alternative - Helen Keller, Chatty Cathy, or Drove Me Fucking Nuts.  

That way, guys can weed out the blatherers according to their taste.  If they are normally Momma's Basement Shut Ins and need the constant contact, they can go for the High Blatherers; or if they just like the background noise, they can choose the Chatty Cathys; and, of course, if they just need a break from the Jibber-Jabber that they have to listen to in their real lives, they can go with the Helen Kellers, who just moan and grunt at the right times.

What do you Super Duper TER Troopers think??

One-Man-Gang175 reads

"She can't read your mind and she sure as hell has no idea what your expectations are. there is a fine line and balance"

WTF! Of course she knows what his expectations are. He just laid down an envelope for sex and it doesn't take a mind reader to figure it out either.

Where is hooker-on-phonics when you need her?

Posted By: One-Man-Gang
"She can't read your mind and she sure as hell has no idea what your expectations are. there is a fine line and balance"

WTF! Of course she knows what his expectations are. He just laid down an envelope for sex and it doesn't take a mind reader to figure it out either.

Where is hooker-on-phonics when you need her?

Amen...and to the guy who differed, that is fine, but for me, and I believe MANY on this board...it is not about laying down the envelope for specific acts. It is about the experience of being with a woman who we can have a "connection" with....if not, we can get the other for $50 on a street corner, or for nothing on youporn.com and a hand...

..... he wants to know what to do when yeah yeah connection got it good and it's awesome check great but now she won't shut the hell up.

And I do like the conversation, but when she finishes that thought just touch her face or chin.  She will get the idea. She can continue after the session.  I will listen.

The GFE is different for every guy. Some want to chat, some don't. I would never discuss my personal issues and/or problems while with a Client.

I think what providers should do is give a guy the HME (Honeymoon Experience). Which means no nagging, complaining, whining - you are thrilled to be with the guy and that is all that matters!

gent won't let up about it, and even then there are areas I am not going to discuss. It is supposed to be a relaxing time and about pleasure, so why anyone would want to dredge up things that make them sad, angry, or stressed is beyond me. On the flip side, many guys are the ones who won't stfu! I mean seriously...an hour is an hour dude, so do you want to get off or not?

I talk A LOT, but normally not before his first cup lol. I prefer to save the chit chat for when he is recovering and can't really process what I am saying at that time anyway. Drinking and dinner, are the times for serious conversations...not in the first 15 min. of a date. I rarely talk much at the beginning because I am rather shy until after the clothes come off...after that, you can't shut me up.

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