TER General Board

You rang???
GaGambler 213 reads

One other thing to consider, if EVERYONE wrote reviews, TER would no longer be able to offer free VIP for writing them. Remember, "someone" has to pay the bills and if "EVERYONE" is getting free VIP from writing reviews TER would either have to quit offering free VIP or go out of business.

Every member here contributes in one way or another, whether by contributing content, paying membership dues or a combination of the two. Douche bags like STD can get off their high fucking horse, guys like him are no more important to this site than any dues paying lurker who never writes a single post or review.

At first I wrote them just to write them and get VIP days. Now I write them less and less, usually just to get VIP days.I got bored with it, plus I got a little bit of guff over some of them.  

Those that write a lot, what makes them worth writing to you? What do you get out of it?

1. VIP days
2. Many providers/agencies offer discounts for reviews
3. Access to the reviewers only board

...and, yeah. That's it I guess

JakeFromStateFarm340 reads

My reasons are my own.  But it was never simply about getting VIP days.  Now I have other means of getting VIP days and have nearly 900.

followme234 reads

You have been bullshitting about having hundreds and hundreds of free VIP days for years.

I know you report posts often so in addition to that you must be telling us that you troll the boards looking to submit problem reports etc.? at 2 days per report that is 450 reports to have 900 VIP days.  
Do you expect us to believe that bullshit?

You’re Welcome
2017 = 28

It is super easy to get VIP days two days at a time and many people here have several years worth, myself included.

GaGambler268 reads

but not this time and quite frankly Jake is a piker where it comes to VIP days. I know of several people who have accumulated thousands of days and I personally have around 1,500 days right now.

JakeFromStateFarm293 reads

Posted By: followme
You have been bullshitting about having hundreds and hundreds of free VIP days for years.  
 I know you report posts often so in addition to that you must be telling us that you troll the boards looking to submit problem reports etc.? at 2 days per report that is 450 reports to have 900 VIP days.  
 Do you expect us to believe that bullshit?  
 You’re Welcome  
 2017 = 28

JakeFromStateFarm330 reads

but I really liked the sound of it.  You don't mind it when your Lord and Master does it so you don't get to call me out on this without hearing me remind you that you're full of shit. LMAO!
Also, I went back and read swallowpee's post with which I agreed, and I've changed my mind. LOLOLOL!

-- Modified on 4/27/2017 1:45:04 PM

rando_mn302 reads

I have not written many reviews so far, because I did most of my hobbying before joining TER. But I intend to write more reviews as time goes on, for various reasons. Reviews may help a bit during the screening process. Reviews make this a better hobby for all of us, because before reviews, every session with an unfamiliar provider was like TOFTT. My current ATF has delivered some pleasant surprises during some of our sessions based on things she read in my reviews of other providers. And I appreciate that reviews by other folks here have helped guide my own choices.

John_Laroche213 reads

specifically of one provider who I had a great time with but had a limited menu. I just wanted to read that this applied to other mongers as well and it did.  

Then it was to build some credibility with providers who ask for board handles. I have no problem with giving my handle because I'm not a dick when it comes to reviews. I generally shop wisely, so I either have a pretty good time and can write a positive review, or I can keep my experience more private.

Then I wanted access to the RO board.

Now it's more rare. I haven't written a review since last October. partly because I don't see as many new providers and partly because the new providers I do see have enough reviews that mine wouldn't add anything.

I still have +6 months of VIP still in the bank, so I don't currently need it to maintain full (free) board access, but come November I may rethink that.

A number of my reviews were for ladies who were new or relatively new. They were looking to establish themselves and gain credibility.  

I won't write one unless I'm specifically asked  to and even then I'm hesitant to. Dislike they need to be so explicit.

OK , I don't have a prob with dudes  that don't want to write reviews.
All I ask , just don't check out the review the rest of us take the effort to submit.  Fly blind .Actually why don't you just stay away from TER and find other boards for the social interaction you seek.  I mean , after all this is The Erotic REVIEW Board.

I write reviews to share info with other gents who enjoy this life. I rely on review from others before making decisions concerning who I book time and spend $$$$ with.

I guess there are those who contribute and those who simply chose to be takers.

If you were in the hobby prior to TER I think you'd have greater appreciation of the value of info exchange.

-- Modified on 4/26/2017 3:24:00 PM

Many guys have paid memberships and they have every right to read reviews. Saying "why don't you just stay away from TER" to the gentlemen who choose not to write reviews but are VIP members and contribute on the board is rude and over the top IMO.

So if you consider yourself " gentleman" (your word) try not to be so snarky to guys who don't review.



-- Modified on 4/26/2017 10:59:43 AM

-- Modified on 4/26/2017 12:42:18 PM

I love you Steph! Thanks for defending us.  

Back in the day, at the old place, I wrote hundreds of reviews, and posted to almost every thread, including many of the underground forums. It was so much fun. I really liked writing reviews. I always tried to include the nuances of a session, not just the wham bam. But then poof!! That place went away.  

That would have been fine, but my underground sources told me that the Bobbies were visiting the homes of higher profile gentlemen, pumping them for information. That scared the bejesus out of me. I sat on white knuckles for weeks, but no one came. Whew! Thank the hobby Gods!! So when I found TER, I made a conscious decision to not write reviews, and only participate in the forums sporadically, when I thought there was something important to say. The only other thing my low profile personality does here is wait for Steph to post her gorgeous pictures.  

I wish I could write reviews, and post more. I truly miss those days!

Of course my reviews are greatly appreciated, however I don't like it when someone makes comments like STP did to he extent he did (he's usually more mellow than his post indicates). I've met some really great guys who do not review and are members here. They have every right to be here just as the reviewers do. Different stokes for different folks.  

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 4/26/2017 4:51:53 PM

paid for the first 7 years because I was writing my reviews on another site.  They went bust in 2015 and I lost about 260 reviews.  I should have posted them here, too, but it seemed like too much trouble at the time to post the same review in two places.  

I always felt my paid VIP membership entitled me to all of the perks of being VIP here even though I wasn't posting my reviews here.  I mainly just used it to read reviews.  I didn't participate much on the boards because without showing reviews, I felt there would be a credibility problem, plus a lot of the guys here seemed like assholes.  But as I got more experience and became an asshole myself, I realized I have a lot in common with most of these guys.  

GaGambler214 reads

One other thing to consider, if EVERYONE wrote reviews, TER would no longer be able to offer free VIP for writing them. Remember, "someone" has to pay the bills and if "EVERYONE" is getting free VIP from writing reviews TER would either have to quit offering free VIP or go out of business.

Every member here contributes in one way or another, whether by contributing content, paying membership dues or a combination of the two. Douche bags like STD can get off their high fucking horse, guys like him are no more important to this site than any dues paying lurker who never writes a single post or review.

GaGambler284 reads

Why don't you GFY, and in case you aren't smart enough to figure out what that means or have a problem using the work FUCK on a fuck board, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!

I will put up my contributions to TER over yours any day of the fucking week, so climb down off your high fucking horse.

and yes I was fucking hookers long before anyone thought to sugar coat it by calling it the hobby. Now get over yourself.

Yes indeed , your volume of post far exceeds mine. Or most other people for that matter. However with exceptions relating to third world countries I'm not sure if you've been of any help to individuals looking for info concerning local  or touring Providers or agencies.
And yes , not being a misogamist I do not relish in selecting he most demeaning terms I can get away with.  
I actually respect the  ancient and honorable profession.  

OK , you are above doing reviews . Or as I suspect really don't have anything to submit.
But the point is......this is a review board. Without reviews it's of no value.
I've witness other boards taken over by blowhards. Lots of BS to post. But shunned the review function. Those big boards are  now in doggie heaven.  Hate to see that happen to TER

I understand your jealousy . But I have the right to express an opinion.  Fuck me ? OK , if it makes you feel important . At least you get to add to your daily post.

JakeFromStateFarm436 reads

Not exactly. It's now approaching 1.5 million reviews with 6,000 new ones.  So obviously more than enough people are writing them.  In other words, there's no problem at all.  So why do you care if some people prefer to lurk, others to post and not review, or contribute in some other way?  Get over yourself.

175 reviews and this is the first time I've seen you say something here?  I don't write reviews.  I have my own reasons.  But don't attack someone who is trying to help.

I'll concede my initial response reads harsher than my intent.
Point is , I don't want TER to become primarily a message board. There are other venues for that.
I've seen good review boards destroyed before. Hate to see that happen here.

And I would be a hypocrite if I claimed I did not benefit directly or indirectly from your reviews and other's.  I have flown blind during times when a burner was a pay phone, and yes it is much better now.  However, there is still some value in the discussion boards, and some of us only contribute there, and try not to be as much of a taker.

GaGambler306 reads

You have posted a bunch of reviews here over the years, good for you, this is a review site.

I have been here just about as long, I don't write reviews, but lets look at my contributions versus yours. I have been an unpaid moderator here, I have moderated at least a dozen different boards over a period of a few years, my only payment for all that time being the same free VIP that you get for writing reviews. One of the boards I have moderated was the Newbie board where the new members go for help, I have close to two THOUSAND posts on that board alone, the vast majority of them answering questions posed by the newest members here.  

Lets move on, I also have not only attended, but I have hosted M&Gs at my own expense, not charging the attendees even a single penny to cover expenses.  

Forget about my board posts for a moment, let's talk backchannel, I have close to a thousand PAGES of PM's from both men and women either asking advice or wanting confirmation about something they read on one of the boards.

I guarantee you, if we were to conduct a poll on TER's "most helpful" members, I would make just about everyone's ballot, even the people who can't stand me. I doubt ANYONE would even think to mention your name, so yes Please Go Fuck Yourself. I will put my contributions up against yours anytime.

I'm a little confused. Is this aimed at me? Because I write reviews, as I said. Often enough to entitle me to read them.  

In any case, I don't really see the connection between reviewing and being allowed to use TER. Aside from the fact that people pay for the privilege, non-VIPs can't post, read ads, or do anything on TER, why? Because "review" appears in the name of the site?

local guys with specific questions about certain girls I have seen.  (Example today was a guy asking about round butt vs. flat butt.)  With my answer, I can ask for a quid pro quo about any girl they have seen, i.e., who's hot, who's not, and who would they recommend based on the kind of looks and service I like.  You get yourself a network of local guys sharing information, and it makes it more likely you are not going to see anyone that is not a good match for you, resulting in a bad session.  I haven't had a cluncker in about six months, and considering my volume, I think that is a great result.  

-- Modified on 4/26/2017 4:27:57 PM

JakeFromStateFarm386 reads

We all know about the many ways the review process has been compromised.  As a result, reviews on their own are not worth a great deal.  So you need to have a network of reviewers you can rely on to tell you what she's REALLY like.  Quid pro quo.

Senator.Blutarsky276 reads

I'm old and if I don't write it down, I'll forget. 😎

For the guys, we get steered to the right gal.

For gals, they get to be acknowledged for superior service and all have a reason to try harder.

It's win-win every which way you look.

At first, like you, I did it for the VIP days.  Then I did it because, well, its a review board, duh, I should contribute.  Honesty was my catchword.  I will subjectively splash my humble opinion across any hooker I see.  Then I got the backlash.  If it wasnt an 8 or higher I was being lambasted by the girls.  (To be perfectly honest, to me a 7 isn't bad at all, a 7 means I had fun and might even repeat at a low price point.  Then I simply made a new rule for myself to save myself grief.  I would still only write the truth, as I see it, but would never write a review again for any gal I considered less than an 8.  The date would happen IRL but TER would never see it.  Unless of course it was fucking awful and a rip off, which thankfully I have not had yet in TER, because I do my homework.  Oh I still see 7's on occasion,  not recently, but... you'll never know.  Its not worth the grief.  Now if you give great service you get a great review, simple.  Average gals, you might get my money and my cock, but a review, nah.  No thanks.

-- Modified on 4/26/2017 8:12:04 PM

I was surprised by the backlash, personally. I know girls are sensitive about their bodies, so I wasn't caught off guard when that snapped back at me a bit. But there were others who told me I hurt their business, literally because of the difference between a 7 and an 8 or a 9. Frankly--though I'm not out to hurt (or help) their business, and I do temper my reviews not to be harsh--I don't give a crap if I lower their average score a tick.  

After a few back and forths, I decided never to repeat with any provider who brings up reviews. After the fact, that is. They can ask me to write one, which I'll usually accommodate. That's one reason I don't review as often as I used to.

Posted By: Fridays117
At first, like you, I did it for the VIP days.  Then I did it because, well, its a review board, duh, I should contribute.  Honesty was my catchword.  I will subjectively splash my humble opinion across any hooker I see.  Then I got the backlash.  If it wasnt an 8 or higher I was being lambasted by the girls.  (To be perfectly honest, to me a 7 isn't bad at all, a 7 means I had fun and might even repeat at a low price point.  Then I simply made a new rule for myself to save myself grief.  I would still only write the truth, as I see it, but would never write a review again for any gal I considered less than an 8.  The date would happen IRL but TER would never see it.  Unless of course it was fucking awful and a rip off, which thankfully I have not had yet in TER, because I do my homework.  Oh I still see 7's on occasion,  not recently, but... you'll never know.  Its not worth the grief.  Now if you give great service you get a great review, simple.  Average gals, you might get my money and my cock, but a review, nah.  No thanks.

-- Modified on 4/26/2017 8:12:04 PM

1. To help the sort of guys who helped me by writing reviews. Without their reviews I'd have a difficult time knowing what to expect, who to see, not to see, etc. I'm trying to help guys in the future.

2. To help the provider. If she was good, I'd like to help her with a good review. If she wasn't, that's a drag, but I feel other guys need to know.

3. To maintain credibility with providers who want to see reviews as part of their screening.

if the lady asks that I not write a review, I do not write a review, simple as that. Providers have their reasons.

Back when I started in P4P, I relied in the reviews to help choose who to see. One review in particular, saved me from seeing a ROB. I sometimes wonder if I would have chosen the ROB without reading reviews, would I have continued on to see provider #2, or #3, etc.    

I write them for fun , experiences are similar to CDL I get PM's from all over the country and even from overseas, inquiring info from ladies I have reviewed, I wonder some of these guys really reads plenty of reviews and often times has "When Harry Meets Sally" effects on them...and few ladies admits to me that they get so wet and masturbate reading my reviews, quite a compliment even they're just pulling my chains...yep, yep, yep compliments, compliments and also points of course...

The reason members write reviews range from making sure no one gets ripped off to making sure that you get what you assume you would pay for.  In this business we don't have Zagat's or Car and Driver magazine or other sources or reservoirs of information that will state how she would usually behave and perform during the course of the time that she would entertain us.  Thus we rely on each other on websites such as this.  Also it goes into detail what she would do on a date and give us a reason why we should or should not see her. The review is the first element of information that would elaborate on the provider. The second is the reviews only board where we can share other relevant information that can and will sway our opinions and our fiduciary choices on whom we would gravitate towards.
 Also providers use them as a way to verify and to confirm the behavior of prospective hobbyist before they see them. They use this in conjunction with the information they would get from verification sites as well as information from references themselves. Thus one can say that the information from reviews themselves serve as a guide with whom to engage to the propensities, preferences and tendencies of clients and hobbyist alike.  However when one has a bad experience with a provider I always say things you need to know before you see a pro.  
  Finally this is the reason why we prefer woman from her and not from other sites that would not have this vast compendium of information.  Because after all both parties want to walk away happy, and not suspects of LE.

...to contribute to our community and do my part for the "Consumer Reports" aspect.

I don't review every encounter and there are some encounters that have been so-so (usually because I didn't perform my due diligence in researching a provider and seeing how well we might "click"), and they don't get a review either.

I try to do my part so that I can participate in the important back channel aspect, as well.

If not for the review board I would not have found the two dolls that I see repeatedly. Both are  a commutable distance from me and their rates are client friendly. Both had terrific multiple reviews all 8/9's and  all reviews were spot on. I asked each one if they wanted a review from me and both did. Both later thanked me for my reviews and both said they got new clients as a result of my reviews. They each asked the new clients why they reached out to them and they replied specifically because of MY reviews. Made me feel proud as hell. Win win here folks.
 Thank God for the board.

For those of us with no game in the rest of our lives, being able to brag about what great lovers we are with some really gorgeous and talented women, is a big boost in self esteem.  
I don't care that I am paying to be the greatest lover. I care that I can make a beautiful heaux orgasm multiple times and be able to shout that to a group of people that all understand that my money is just as good as the handsome young guy who has game.

That, and it helps the other members decide if they want their egos, and other parts, stroked by these amazing women.  
Oh yeah, it also helps these beautiful ladies that treat me so well find new clients to supply their services to.

I never assume that my date wants a review written---some eagerly wish to be reviewed and some don't like the practice at all. Ultimately, if a provider wishes for me to write a review I always try to capture the experience we had as accurately as possible. Ultimately, if I do write a review my goal is for everyone to benefit as much as possible--the provider and the hobbying community.

I don't write as many as I used to. But I figure it's a review board so write some reviews. When I was toftt back in the day it was nice to help a provider out.  Also I'll write a review for a provider if she hasn't had a review in awhile.

for a variety of reasons. At this point, I'll only write one if I feel there is a compelling reason.  

I do acknowledge that reviews are important for new gals who need to establish credibility in the "reviewer" market.

whodatboy269 reads

I always give 9's and 10's. Mostly 10's. When I call, she cancels on you and jumps at the chance to have me come over so she can get those 9's and 10's. And while guys are on here whining about the review system, I'm getting laid!

They're waaaay too kiss and tell which is a turn off to me. (Especially knowing they're grievously exaggerated.) All that should matter is if they're safe or not, EVERYTHING else is going to be YMMV based on comfort level, personalities, the day, etc. I'm not sure why any guy would give any reviews with numbers less than 9 or 10 because if you don't have anything nice to say you really shouldn't say anything at all. Again as long as they were safe... there's no one you need to "warn others of" unless it's a safety matter too (because it makes you look pretentious).
I tend to see a lot of the opposite going on... A subpar review and then trying to coerce the girl to do something stupid for a better review!! Or getting angry she won't see you again!
It's also very very rude to just submit a review without telling the girl or letting her know prior to. That's not gentlemanly at all!... so don't get mad when the perceptive girls see this and won't see you.

JakeFromStateFarm247 reads

So the only kind of review should be a 9 or a 10?  I guess if the girl is a total fake, looks nothing like her pix or is a lousy performer that should be hidden from potential customers?  None of the above are "safety matters."
And since when is there an obligation for a reviewer to give advance notice?  Total bullshit.  This is a review site.  If you don't want reviews, delist yourself.

It's disappointing that some guys are abusing the review system, but overall the reviews have made this hobby better for everyone. Hobbyists can make more informed choices, selecting providers who are more likely to deliver the services they seek. Providers can get valuable feedback both from their own reviews and the reviews of other providers in their area.

Before the internet became an important part of this hobby, providers needed an agency or a driver for protection, because there was no screening or blacklists. Hobbyists never knew what they were in for the first time they saw a provider, and providers often double or triple-booked and pushed back appointments hours after they were scheduled to happen.

There was screening via phone conversation though. To say: it was not COMPLETELY a blind date.
I have seen "good reviewers" who aren't good guys and "minimal to no reviewers" who were just fine.

Posted By: irishart
All that should matter is if they're safe or not...I'm not sure why any guy would give any reviews with numbers less than 9 or 10 because if you don't have anything nice to say you really shouldn't say anything at all.
I respectfully but emphatically disagree with this sentiment. Reviews are a godsend for clients, and I am so thankful for those who review providers honesty. Transparency makes this hobby better and safer for everyone

...can't you sort of tell by how a girl represents herself and ad verbiage though?

SketchySituation212 reads

Correct me if I am wrong, which I am sure that in one will have a problem doing, but anyone could review any girl including one that doesn't have a TER ID.   In other words, if I decide to TOFTT tonight and see a chick on backpage with 0 reviews, then I can be her first, right?

Posted By: darmody

At first I wrote them just to write them and get VIP days. Now I write them less and less, usually just to get VIP days.I got bored with it, plus I got a little bit of guff over some of them.  
 Those that write a lot, what makes them worth writing to you? What do you get out of it?

For both me and the provider. I do it all in good faith to let others know what to expect if they ever decided to see that provider, same as I would expect in return when visiting a new provider. But while so doing, I'm also simultaneously verifying my own authenticity by building a reputation through this virtual avatar which I hope will be a sufficient alternative to submitting to a screening process that may compromise my identity.

The biggest reason I write reviews is because I've so benefited from them I feel like I need to give back to the community.

Reviews also help me keep the experience fresh in my own mind. And as far as I'm concerned, when you spending the money our hobby requires you want want to preserve those memories as much as possible

Lastly, while I think I'm a fairly strict reviewer (my average score is a bit high because I only see ladies who, based I'm reviews I'm sure I'll like and usually I do), if I can help a lady who has who put her heart, soul and more important bits into pleasing a guest get rewarded for that effort by spreading the word, that's not a definite plus for her and for the community.

souls_harbor44 reads

I wrote reviews after my first several encounters.  I figured I'd benefited from the reviews and therefore sort of owed it to the team (though I pay for VIP.)  

But I now wonder if there was much value in yet another similar level review of a well reviewed provider.    I don't give out 9's and I haven't experienced 6's.  So my reviews are just sort of bland on bland -- nothing really new not in previous reviews.

I'm rethinking.  Perhaps not bothering to write reviews for ladies who have plenty of current reviews.   I might, instead, write reviews only if the provider doesn't have any recent ones -- or as I get more venturesome, ladies who don't have yet.

Reviews areva doubled edge sword. And I have too many cuts to justify participated.  

I use to write a lot and I kind of enjoyed sharing my experiences and for me it was nice to go back to relive the moment. So I wrote them for me. At first there were some who enjoyed them as well. Then the hate set in. PM threatening me and telling me I was a laugh stock of the community.  

It was not long and I was banned from a number of the boards. So now I do not write reviews. As I have been told my recollections of my events are not reviews but a recollection of my interactions. I have been asked to remove them by providers as her ATF clients do not want to read about what we did. So now I just record them for myself. I also ask my SPs to give me a recap of the events through their eyes. It helps me to know what went well and what I can improve on. If a provider can not take the 10 mintues then is itbwirthbme spending $5,000 to $15,000 on them. It think it is fair.  

Reviews are a real waste of time. Good or bad you take the heat fir them. So I hold off unless  the event is a big success.

If a lady has given me pleasure I write a good review as a thank you for her.
If she has been really good, I want to share that with others as I have benefitted from others' reviews  
Now, many years since I began, I can still read my long ago reviews and remember the person and my feelings and get pleasure out of this, like an old picture album.  
I can't think any other reason.

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