TER General Board

You always did get it...others not so much
Dr Who revived 822 reads

It's the dudes that seem to not get what this gig is about have the hardest time accepting that "we" are just people.

The negative and needy ones I don't need to hang with.  The positive and pragmatic gals are the ones I most like hanging with.

Seems to work from my POV.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Guys I have seen and have proven to be really good guys are clients,  the rest are johns or tricks.

Over the years many of the gals that I've befriended have lamented the various gifts some of YOU dudes (aka mangina...err gentlemen callers) have given my gal pals.

So please keep in mind the next time you want to bring her a gift...that it may end up in my hands.

With that in mind...consider these as gifts going forward:

1)  Fannie May mint meltaways  (I really like those and the gals won't eat the whole box...I hope)
2)  Golf clubs (most gals have little experience with these...I do like putters and drivers)
3)  Tickets to Broadway shows (Please be considerate and get me some nice box seats...no obstructions..and a damn parking pass)
4)  New car (I prefer Lexus)
5)  Lingerie (I can regift that one to someone else...no real interest here)
6)  Sex toys (please include the sales receipt...some gals don't want to be bothered to return that shit)

Now many gals have also expressed their displeasure with you fellas that have this insatiable need to bring flowers...it's not a fucking funeral you guys.  And if she's hosting at a hotel, can you be any less discreet?

Lastly...are you OK with my sending you a personalized thank you email when she regifts that stuff to me?  I would guess that this is the proper etiquette.

At one session I was asked if I was going to watch the game. I said I'm not into following football nor do I own a TV. She invited me over to watch it on hers. I arrived with a 12 pack and she reciprocated by picking up the tab for the pizza. So that was kind of a gift and a regift. But I'm sure if you grill her she'll tell you all about it. I'm still not a football fan, but it was a nice time.

JackDunphy976 reads

Never even opened in many cases. These gals always watching their weight.  

I had one girl i see often tell me she told the guy she was dieting and he STILL brought her candy. lol. Cursed him out as she gave me the box! I scarfed a few of those that fkers right down. It was the expensive shit too.

I almost feel sorry for some of these guys. They have NO idea what goes on bcd in many cases. But you cant keep a john from his illusion. Or is it delusion

Some guys have great taste and others well it is the thought that counts but you won't see me wearing any of it.  To be perfectly frank, I would prefer a tip if they are going to buy shit I can't use or wear. I think the gifts seem way more personal and more girlfriendish to them but they have no idea of my style.  

I thank them but in the box it goes.

VOO-doo986 reads

The best gift IMO is a book. Those I always enjoy and rarely ever return/regift....

Altho if someone gave me a car (nobody has yet), I wouldn't complain....even if it was a Toyota. In fact, that is the car I most desire (used, of course). I also wouldnt complain if someone gifted me Tiffany jewelry. However, that sh** would be on ebay the next day. Don't guys know how many classes/months of rent a Tiffany necklace could pay for?

My only issues with gifts are as follows:
1) Guy blatantly lies about value of said gift with the express intention of burdening me with an undeserved sense of gratitude
2) Guy assumes a quid-pro-quo mentality and assumes that any gift given earns him 10 years of free sex

90% of gifts given to me have met those last two conditions. Interestingly, the ONLY gidts that are exempt have been...you guessed it...books...

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Over the years many of the gals that I've befriended have lamented the various gifts some of YOU dudes (aka mangina...err gentlemen callers) have given my gal pals.  
 So please keep in mind the next time you want to bring her a gift...that it may end up in my hands.  
 With that in mind...consider these as gifts going forward:  
 1)  Fannie May mint meltaways  (I really like those and the gals won't eat the whole box...I hope)  
 2)  Golf clubs (most gals have little experience with these...I do like putters and drivers)  
 3)  Tickets to Broadway shows (Please be considerate and get me some ni
ce box seats...no obstructions..and a damn parking pass)  
 4)  New car (I prefer Lexus)  
 5)  Lingerie (I can regift that one to someone else...no real interest here)  
 6)  Sex toys (please include the sales receipt...some gals don't want to be bothered to return that shit)  
 Now many gals have also expressed their displeasure with you fellas that have this insatiable need to bring flowers...it's not a fucking funeral you guys.  And if she's hosting at a hotel, can you be any less discreet?  
 Lastly...are you OK with my sending you a personalized thank you email when she regifts that stuff to me?  I would guess that this is the proper etiquette.  

I can't fathom the psychology behind gifting a mistress weather she be a stripper, provider, or civilian.  

What's the difference any way?... a woman is a woman.

The whole picking out the gift seems rather silly to me. Some, and I would expect the numbers are higher than I could imagine don't remember whom they've seen before.  

If  I recall correctly the ladies only want their gentlemen callers to show up clean and on time

Mostly it is candies the gal doesn't want on account of trying to control their weight.

So guys, if it's all the same to you:  Chocolate covered cherries and please no caramels.

Do you feel  foolish exiting the hotel with all the flowers the dumbasses leave?

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Over the years many of the gals that I've befriended have lamented the various gifts some of YOU dudes (aka mangina...err gentlemen callers) have given my gal pals.  
 So please keep in mind the next time you want to bring her a gift...that it may end up in my hands.  
 With that in mind...consider these as gifts going forward:  
 1)  Fannie May mint meltaways  (I really like those and the gals won't eat the whole box...I hope)  
 2)  Golf clubs (most gals have little experience with these...I do like putters and drivers)  
 3)  Tickets to Broadway shows (Please be considerate and get me some nice box seats...no obstructions..and a damn parking pass)  
 4)  New car (I prefer Lexus)  
 5)  Lingerie (I can regift that one to someone else...no real interest here)  
 6)  Sex toys (please include the sales receipt...some gals don't want to be bothered to return that shit)  
 Now many gals have also expressed their displeasure with you fellas that have this insatiable need to bring flowers...it's not a fucking funeral you guys.  And if she's hosting at a hotel, can you be any less discreet?  
 Lastly...are you OK with my sending you a personalized thank you email when she regifts that stuff to me?  I would guess that this is the proper etiquette.  

Is there a better way to make a buck?  

I pay some folks to work the stands..."we" sell the poor fools flowers on their way in....I then have my people collect the flowers from the gals at the end of the day and recycle for the next day.

Hey...it's a living  ;)

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Is there a better way to make a buck?    
 I pay some folks to work the stands..."we" sell the poor fools flowers on their way in....I then have my people collect the flowers from the gals at the end of the day and recycle for the next day.  
 Hey...it's a living  ;)

...providers?  The ones you befriend are "gals" but the others are just "hookers," right?

I guess you've not gotten any regifts....is that about right?

I have a few gal pals that know you...and they have told me that you are a cheap dude.  But you seem to not be such a negative soul when you visit them....just when you post here.

Cheer up....smile  ;)

Posted By: BigPapasan
...providers?  The ones you befriend are "gals" but the others are just "hookers," right?

...GaG.  It's a good technique - refer to "a few (non-existent) gal pals that know (me)" without mentioning their names.  Never let facts stand in the way of spreading rumors.

And a guy who brags about accepting regifts as well as negotiating a provider's fee is the epitome of cheap.

Many of those gal pals of mine just like to chat...break bread and have fun with dudes like me, GaG, Nick, Pan, DA, JackDunphy to just name a few.

Yep...you are the epitome of bitter (I can add angry if it makes it more meaningful).  

I'll ask if one of my gal pals will regift you something next time you see her.  Do you prefer white or red roses?

I do also thank you and your ilk for paying rack rates.  The gals also appreciate that.  Allows them more time to just pal around with others  ;)

Posted By: BigPapasan
...GaG.  It's a good technique - refer to "a few (non-existent) gal pals that know (me)" without mentioning their names.  Never let facts stand in the way of spreading rumors.

And a guy who brags about accepting regifts as well as negotiating a provider's fee is the epitome of cheap.

Guys I have seen and have proven to be really good guys are clients,  the rest are johns or tricks.

It's the dudes that seem to not get what this gig is about have the hardest time accepting that "we" are just people.

The negative and needy ones I don't need to hang with.  The positive and pragmatic gals are the ones I most like hanging with.

Seems to work from my POV.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Guys I have seen and have proven to be really good guys are clients,  the rest are johns or tricks.

...takes pride in getting so close to providers that they become 'gal pals' which makes him a mangina, as in - "They like me, they really like me!"  You still keep guys at arm's-length by calling them 'clients.'

You also need to make up your mind.  On one hand you berate me for using terms of degradation and allude to being a misogynist.  Now here you do a complete 180 and suggest I'm a mangina.

You're also evading my persistent question....red or white roses?  You know now that I can make that happen.

I've heard that you like to be spanked.  That's OK...I just think that asking gals to do diaper play is a bit much.  It is play...not that you really need Depends?

Posted By: BigPapasan
...takes pride in getting so close to providers that they become 'gal pals' which makes him a mangina, as in - "They like me, they really like me!"  You still keep guys at arm's-length by calling them 'clients.'

Gonna seem kinda weird though, but I'm sure she'll understand and appreciate that she won't have to change the engraving before regifting.  So congrats!  And no need to thank me with a personalized email; laughing at your original post was enough.

We get rid of one Fidiot and five more pop up in his place.  (Or have we?)

First off maybe you can name names?  Who are the "we" got rid of Fidiot?  Are you suggesting that you somehow got him banned?  Talk about a ego!  LOL

And then you reply to my OP suggesting that "five more" are here.  Five...five???  Seems like you haven't done any research as to my handle. (hint...put my handle in the search bar and it will all be quite obvious genius)

Any time you'd like to take your foot out of your mouth and want to comment on the OP...feel free.  I know you have never gotten a gift (or regift as the OP was suggesting) from a gal....maybe someday you will.  Keep on keeping.

And for God's sake...quit using this "we" shit.  At least consider that your opinion is just yours...or you should get BigP to attach a laugh track to your posts so that the readers will know when they should be laughing at you.

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
We get rid of one Fidiot and five more pop up in his place.  (Or have we?)

More like insulted that you would think any of us are dumb enough to believe your BS.  Sure re-gifting happens and not just in Hobbyland.  Its still considered cheap, but has become slightly more acceptable.  Your post makes it seem like you and your "gal pals" somehow own the concept.  

Do you really think there are people who don't enjoy giving and receiving gifts?  Even NEG sort of says he likes getting gifts, although God knows what kind of gifts that miscreant likes getting.   A gift of road kill maybe.  But who am I to judge?

And what red blooded girl from any country doesn't like gifts?  Sure some of it gets used, some of it gets thrown in a box but not thrown out, flowers always get thrown out eventually, unless its a plant.   And yes, genius, some of it gets re-gifted.  But all normal girls  still like the moment they get a gift.   It's like an involuntary reaction - endorphin release moment.  Unless its road kill or its bad taste in gifts equivalent.  Or maybe...  Nah, who am I to judge.

Most people are a bit put off if they know its regifted (ever see the Seinfeld episode?).   But apparently you revel at the scraps your gal pals throw your way.  "Gal pal" indeed.  This all sounds like something a "Mangina" would say and think.    

No your BS story just doesn't pass the smell test. Your trying to brag and just aren't very good about it.

As for the Fidiot issue, no names will ever be named on a public forum, but those that know, do and those that don't know,  like you, don't.

**Edited to correct iPhone typing.***

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 11:57:09 PM

Of course I'm not bitter he says before banging out a 6 para screed in retort. Too funny.  

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
More like insulted that you would think any of us are dumb enough to believe your BS.  Sure re-gifting happens and not just in Hobbyland.  Its still considered cheap, but has become slightly more acceptable.  Your post makes it seem like you and your "gal pals" somehow own the concept.    
 Do you really think there are people who don't enjoy giving and receiving gifts?  Even NEG sort of says he likes getting gifts, although God knows what kind of gifts that miscreant likes getting.   A gift of road kill maybe.  But who am I to judge?  
 And what red blooded girl from any country doesn't like gifts?  Sure some of it gets used, some of it gets thrown in a box but not thrown out, flowers always get thrown out eventually, unless its a plant.   And yes, genius, some of it gets re-gifted.  But all normal girls  still like the moment they get a gift.   It's like an involuntary reaction - endorphin release moment.  Unless its road kill or its bad taste in gifts equivalent.  Or maybe...  Nah, who am I to judge.  
 Most people are a bit put off if they know its regifted (ever see the Seinfeld episode?).   But apparently you revel at the scraps your gal pals throw your way.  "Gal pal" indeed.  This all sounds like something a "Mangina" would say and think.    
 No your BS story just doesn't pass the smell test. Your trying to brag and just aren't very good about it.  
 As for the Fidiot issue, no names will ever be named on a public forum, but those that know, do and those that don't know,  like you, don't.  
 **Edited to correct iPhone typing.***

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 11:57:09 PM

I was replying to a four paragraph post and added commentary.  I get that you lack the ability to process more than two or three words at a time, but do try to keep up there, honcho.

Ok, will do. Thanks for the help. You're always top notch in that regard. Thanks again!

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
I was replying to a four paragraph post and added commentary.  I get that you lack the ability to process more than two or three words at a time, but do try to keep up there, honcho.

Donkeys ears I went home with a bonsai the lady didn't want. But that was years ago. A new pastime for me. The tree eventually died. I was going to bury it, but...you know...it was just a tree. A dead little tree. Which reminds of other pertinent musings I  could ramble on about in whimsical digression, but I won't. I'll just ask if you ever in your life had a gal pal who wasn't a "hooker" as you say. I know I have. They're old now, and no longer so exciting. Ailments and pans. Need things done for them. Rides to and from hospitals. Thank God for the 10 or 12 years He gives a few women each generation. Ever had anybody like that in your life? Just wondering. Bet a lot of the guys here missed that aspect of life completely. Wives don't count.

You've professed to know posters here.  Guess you really have no idea what the person behind the post is really all about.

That's OK....you never fooled many with your psychobabble.

I'll give you 100 more guesses...and I doubt you'd still get any of this right.

Posted By: WickedBrut
Donkeys ears I went home with a bonsai the lady didn't want. But that was years ago. A new pastime for me. The tree eventually died. I was going to bury it, but...you know...it was just a tree. A dead little tree. Which reminds of other pertinent musings I  could ramble on about in whimsical digression, but I won't. I'll just ask if you ever in your life had a gal pal who wasn't a "hooker" as you say. I know I have. They're old now, and no longer so exciting. Ailments and pans. Need things done for them. Rides to and from hospitals. Thank God for the 10 or 12 years He gives a few women each generation. Ever had anybody like that in your life? Just wondering. Bet a lot of the guys here missed that aspect of life completely. Wives don't count.

...if after all the gifts we hobbyists have given to providers, how many ever reciprocated and gave us a gift in return.

But the Doctor means, how many of us received a gift from the provider that SHE had gotten from another client (I assume both the first gift giver and the final recipient are clients). Like the bonsai.

I wonder why the Doctor thinks anybody would take this post seriously, as were it true, the gifts would probably stop going his way after babbling about it on the board.

I think he has never received anything of real value as a gift from anyone. And that's okay. But I also doubt he's ever given it away to anyone either, but that is a double doubt. I wouldn't put whiskey on it.

One provider I saw a few years ago opened her fridge and offered me a drink and it was jam packed with beer, wine, wine coolers, etc.  there was also a shelf with a full bar with everything from a dozen types of vodka to whiskey, gin, scotch, etc, etc.  when I remarked upon it, she said: I don't drink, this is all gifts from guys.  Take anything you want, I need more room anyway.  I left with a smile, a great session under my belt and a Bottle of Johhny Walker Blue Label.

If I bring a gift, it's only alcohol to share. If she doesn't imbibe, then I'm happy to finish it off myself during the date!

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