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Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 527 reads

I use something similar. It makes sense that sweaty balls are going to be funky. Go lite or skip it on days you have an appointment because it does have a scent.

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
this! should i have this on hand? these summer months sure can do a little bit of damage for the twi and berries and down there..... ;)

this! should i have this on hand? these summer months sure can do a little bit of damage for the twi and berries and down there..... ;)

I use something similar. It makes sense that sweaty balls are going to be funky. Go lite or skip it on days you have an appointment because it does have a scent.

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
this! should i have this on hand? these summer months sure can do a little bit of damage for the twi and berries and down there..... ;)

i had never seen it before, but it sure stuck out like a sore thumb!!  i guess thats marketing well done! ;)

i should have picked up a tube.. hmm maybe later today. maybe i will place a few around the incall. hahaha.

I would much rather take a shower than go this route before playtime.  

I could see this being of value to a guy on those hot days when he may be active outside.

Soap and water works just fine, don't need any other products.

Seeing as the marketing worked for me in cvs.. Lol.
It's just my sense of humor.

I may regret only just kidding about it. Many times we ask a gent, "would you like a shower" and the excuses of why they want to start. But this post was supposed to be lighthearted, not another one of those "been whined about countless times before" posts. ;)

expertiamator419 reads

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
this! should i have this on hand? these summer months sure can do a little bit of damage for the twi and berries and down there..... ;)

Most guys don't like to use any more hygiene products than is absolutely necessary to get laid.  So freshballs has an uphill battle to climb.

The marketing of this thing sucks.  They should market this as a tough as nails, manly product to have any hope of it catching on.  Ever wonder why men's deodorants and razors use F18s and names like Mach III?  

They need to change the name of the product to something more masculine, less funny, and use the schtick of attracting women.  Like the axe body spray commercials where the women are following the guys around like bloodhounds.  If women think it's cool, guys will be more receptive to buying it.  And why is it in the family planning aisle???  It should be next to mens deodorant.  Easier said than done, I know.  

-- Modified on 7/5/2015 11:00:24 AM

It's the ladies that will buy this when they are buying the essentials like condoms, lube, etc...
I see it more of a gag gift then anything.


Edit: heck, wouldn't shock me if a female sex worker is the person behind it! Lol

-- Modified on 7/5/2015 9:37:05 AM

Women may buy the stuff for their guy, but the guy will scoff and not use it.  It's totally a one time gag gift.  But I did some reading and even the giants, Proctor and Gamble, unilever etc with their big budgets have had a hard time getting similar male hygiene products to catch on.  I read about one that was an absolute flop, understandably.  An adhesive male urine pad that's designed to soak up the extra sprinkles a guy leaves after going to the bathroom.  What guy would walk around wearing a pad in his underwear??

I know, "BIG BALLS" would have been smarter. LOL

Posted By: Lila Aubrey
Most guys don't like to use any more hygiene products than is absolutely necessary to get laid.  So freshballs has an uphill battle to climb.  
 The marketing of this thing sucks.  They should market this as a tough as nails, manly product to have any hope of it catching on.  Ever wonder why men's deodorants and razors use F18s and names like Mach III?    
 They need to change the name of the product to something more masculine, less funny, and use the schtick of attracting women.  Like the axe body spray commercials where the women are following the guys around like bloodhounds.  If women think it's cool, guys will be more receptive to buying it.  And why is it in the family planning aisle???  It should be next to mens deodorant.  Easier said than done, I know.    

-- Modified on 7/5/2015 11:00:24 AM

20 years ago on a summer road trip, I came up with an idea for a similar male product called "Umpire" -- to help men fight off "foul balls." I developed a baseball-theme marketing campaign with pitch lines like, "Don't strike out, use Umpire," with TV ads with a hot lady signaling a guy "safe" at her home plate after he used the product. Alas, I wasn’t able to get funding for this idea.

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