TER General Board

Yep! And think of it this way - if I am getting no returning clients after 3 dates,
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 513 reads

I need to check in and see if there's a reason for it and fix that reason.  

Also, if I'm getting mostly returning clients after many many dates, and they're upping their time with me, then his theory is not absolute.

I'm willing to do stuff and mix it up, but if they start acting like little cry-babies because I can't read their mind yet, it's going to kill the mood a bit. lol

That does happen even a few dates at times, and it definitely affects the mood and the invisible ambiance and feel of our sexy space, for sure.

horsebang2332 reads

There are many providers that after you see then two or three times they think that you are hooked with them and you will be coming back  no matter what,they will lower the quality of service and in some cases one day they will tell you that they don't feel well and performed a very poor quality session because they feel comfortable enough with you  and believed that you will understand it.Sometimes providers confused us because we give them a good tip,bring them flowers or a nice gift in appreciation for their effort and they think that we are stupid or ease to manipulate instead of being appreciative when they have a good client and they end up losing it!,be aware providers,when you have a good client treat it nice and if you don't want to see him again after he is being treating you nice,he deserves to know the reasons why,please don't lie or ignore us,treat others the same way that you been treated!

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 5:03:41 PM

You know, it may be that the lady involved gets bored with or tired of us and our lack of imagination, and stops trying so hard.  It's seldom one single cause, I think

JakeFromStateFarm460 reads

Ever heard of the expression, "familiarity breeds contempt?"  As for myself, I've been doing it for a while and this problem hasn't happened to me.  And I don't tip or bring flowers either.  Get the picture?

MOST of my reviewers have seen me at least five times, if not 10 or more. They're hooked, but I'll also do stuff to keep things new and exciting... if we click at least. If not, yeah, it dies.

BUT. You also have to remember YMMV days. I've had some crazy experiences, and then the make up sex was phenomenal.

There are also guys who's attitudes change after a couple of dates, which also has an affect on the woman. Maybe if you can push past that third date and see, then she will perk back up.

If everyone is doing this, maybe take a look inward and ask yourself these questions:
Am I changing as a client?
Am I demanding something?
Have I begun to respect her less? (That shows even if you try to fake it.)
Have I even once asked her for a discount for being a faithful client?
Did I stop washing my balls? (Believe it or not, after date #3 - not lately - but it has happened that they stopped thinking having a clean package was mandatory for an enthusiastic blow job.)

When something keeps happening over and over again, but others aren't experiencing the same thing, you may want to see if you're the common denominator.

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 8:09:23 PM

GaGambler433 reads

I know it's not nice because that is not only exactly what I was thinking, but it's the same thing Jake just said, and you KNOW that neither one of us are "nice". lol

I agree, when a problem seems to happen over and over to the same person, but not to the rest of us, it's time to look inward for both the solution and the source of the problem.

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 8:40:00 PM

I need to check in and see if there's a reason for it and fix that reason.  

Also, if I'm getting mostly returning clients after many many dates, and they're upping their time with me, then his theory is not absolute.

I'm willing to do stuff and mix it up, but if they start acting like little cry-babies because I can't read their mind yet, it's going to kill the mood a bit. lol

That does happen even a few dates at times, and it definitely affects the mood and the invisible ambiance and feel of our sexy space, for sure.

I haven't been on in a while, but I had the flu last week and relapsed a bit in my board addiction lmao!

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 8:55:16 PM

Posted By: horsebang
There are many providers that after you see then two or three times they think that you are hooked with them and you will be coming back  no matter what,they will lower the quality of service and in some cases one day they will tell you that they don't feel well and performed a very poor quality session because they feel comfortable enough with you  and believed that you will understand it.Sometimes providers confused us because we give them a good tip,bring them flowers or a nice gift in appreciation for their effort and they think that we are stupid or ease to manipulate instead of being appreciative when they have a good client and they end up losing it!,be aware providers,when you have a good client treat it nice and if you don't want to see him again after he is being treating you nice,he deserves to know the reasons why,please don't lie or ignore us,treat others the same way that you been treated!

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 5:03:41 PM

problem is.  This link should help.


-- Modified on 4/18/2016 6:44:50 PM

I have had the opposite experience.

Notwithstanding the "second date syndrome", where my expectations of how great things would be on the second date were over-optimistic, any provider I have seen more than a few times has gotten better and better every time.

This is just common sense, or human nature, or whatever you want to call it. When two people have sex multiple times, it naturally gets better and better every time.

How did you manage to edit your post and still make 31 grammatical errors? No small feat. LOL  

Now look, I am sure you are very hurt bc the hooker in question gave you your walking papers bc you reached stage 5 clinger status. Shit happens.

You sound like one of those guys that gives a gift then sticks it up the girls ass every chance you can.

If you have chocolates, next time just give them directly to me as that will cut out the middleman or in this case, middle woman. LOL  

One last thing.

Stop fucking horses, will ya

If you see him, please tell him Jack said hello.

And that he still owes me 20 bucks.

GaGambler431 reads

and he can keep the twenty bucks.

Jack, it's not like he was going to pay you any fucking how. lol

If he were a provider and missed that many periods, he would be wondering who was the father.

Posted By: JackDunphy
How did you manage to edit your post and still make 31 grammatical errors? No small feat. LOL  
 Now look, I am sure you are very hurt bc the hooker in question gave you your walking papers bc you reached stage 5 clinger status. Shit happens.  
 You sound like one of those guys that gives a gift then sticks it up the girls ass every chance you can.  
 If you have chocolates, next time just give them directly to me as that will cut out the middleman or in this case, middle woman. LOL  
 One last thing.  
 Stop fucking horses, will ya?  

It happens to me not to long ago and it is not very nice when you think you have a good chemistry and all of it sudden without any explanation they do that to you. Bad experiences with providers like that are the reasons why we may  not repeat with the same girl or be less friendly with them like not leaving any tip like many do.

I think repeating for me would be to help retain the memories to savor in the off hours.  In my recent newbie experience I've been with three different escorts (in order to build up whitelist/okays.)  It's difficult for me to recall much about the experiences even though they were literally only days or weeks ago.  In particular I can't remember the details of their faces or the silhouette of their bodies.  

But right now I'm a kid in a candy store and am sampling around.  It's possible I may narrow it down if I can't manage to extract some long term memories out of the current approach

The moment I feel taken advantage of, is the moment I've decided not to see her again.

Anyone can have a bad day, but taking advantage of me, or trying to do so, is malicious.  

You don't get a second chance to disrespect me.

ROGM443 reads

I've repeated many times with the providers I see. I like consistency over meeting a new provider. My ATF is still great after three years. I know what to expect and so does she. Is it boring? Um Hell No. She's a sweetheart and always treats me very well.  

Recently I've been seeing another provider. She's a little younger than my ATF. Super nice and oh so adorable. I've got a session set up with her next week.

If girls are doing that then it will rebound on them because nice guys start to feel taken for granted, like they do at home already, and won't repeat business. I've had clients at home in Oz that I've seen once a month for years. They may see other providers too sometimes but they keep coming back to me because I treat every visit from a client like it's the first one.
It's the regular clients who keep things ticking along and the bills paid when it's quiet. Apart from that I take pride in my job and I'd hate to think anyone ever left me feeling ripped off.

of 3 or 4 Favs.  I'm in a bind right now because I didn't find new when others retired or were dropped.

Repeating is interesting to me. I will usually give someone who was a good to great experience two times. First, everyone has off days including me. Second, the second time will confirm to both of us whether the chemistry is there. Recently repeated with a young lady and the second time, while a very good fun time confirmed to me that it was not exactly what I wanted. Meantime, I have repeated with others and it was only better.  

Variety is great and exciting. But sometimes familiarity is a very good thing

I have a lot of repeat clients and in Atlanta thats saying something because the competition is pretty fierce here but I treat everyone how I would want to be treated and I want to make sure it reflects well on myself.. I am after all running a business here...  

Every provider isn't the same, but there are some of us who do enjoy building relationships with clients and making each session better than the last..  


Hallie B

but, punctuation nazi aside, i think you are projecting too much onto the provider.

everyone has an off day.  it's alright to say to somebody, "hey, you don't really seem to be into this, are you ok?  something going on?"  to let them know YOU know they aren't up to 100% of their game.

then if they don't respond or are still not too into it the next time, move on dude.  it's a business.  plenty of fish in the sea.

personally i've never had that problem with the people i see several times.  i will say i've had a few sophomore slumps; ladies who weren't as fabulous the 2nd time as they were the 1st, so those girls i shine on and find someone new.

but the ladies i've seen more than 3 times have always brought their A game, otherwise i wouldn't come back.  that's all there is to it.  i have 4 atfs that i've seen 5 or more times, they all love to give me their best.  the worst that has happened to me is that the lady i've seen longest no longer gives me extra time on the session; whereas she used to let me stay 10-15 minutes over the clock, now it's out the door right on time.  however she still gives me dynamite attention during our session.

i'm thinking you have a crush on a girl.  maybe she purposely gave less than adequate to discourage you; this is a business, not a dating site

have multiple ATF's including myself.  I repeat with them all the times, and they never faltered on the service...

most ladies on this board are happy to see their regulars, and never faltered their standards.

When in session, I work on excitement and giving my clients what they need (within my boundaries) as much as possible. I've gotten many repeats as a result and it works out fine. I would never get to a place of being sloppy. I treat every encounter as if it is the first time (and yet some!)  

/|\ ∞ ♡

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