TER General Board

Yeah, tell your client you'd rather be blowing & lick him than talking
TeacherTeacher 3485 reads

that will shut up 99% of clients

saynothing5569 reads

i don't like it when guys ask me personal questions like where i live, whether i own or rent, how much i make, if i have a boyfriend. i try to change the subject. for a while i told the truth. then i took up lying saying i live somewhere i don't. sometimes i tell them i'm married when i'm not just to get them off my back. i don't want to piss them off but i really hate it when guys ask me personal stuff. once i told a guy i wasn't gonna anwer personal questions and he got mad and left.

Sex is personal. You stick your toe in the pool you are going to get wet. Catch my drift?

Michelle, you saying you like guys to use their toes?


hotlipps2240 reads

Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies! No, really you don't have to answer any question you don't feel comfortable with. I only tell a person what I want them to know and nothing more.

Just tell them you would prefer to talk about them since they are paying for your time.  Plus, its none of their business.  Some might be stalkers so they really do not need private information.

Uhmmmm...I'm a newbie here and haven't had much experience as a "hobbyist" or with "providers" but I have been reading various threads and I've noticed a certain amount of ambiguity that could be confusing for both hobbyists and providers.  For example,  this thread suggests that the provider has no obligation to divulge personal information (which I agree with) yet many other messages in different threads go on at length about the importance of honesty and trust between the hobbyist and provider (which I also agree with).  I just had an experience with a provider and I was completely honest with her with regard to all sorts of personal information....I could be wrong, but I think she was also being honest with me about her personal information.  What's the answer?? Ya gotta do what ya gotta do...if your intuition tells you that it's okay to share personal info with someone...then go ahead.  If there's even a hint of "red flags" then have a prepared story that sounds plausible but has no reference to the "real" you.

Just my two cents.


else that distracts them!

I don't think most mean anything bad by it - most are just trying to make conversation and relax.

I love what my one friend has done though: She told him to shut up and said she had other things in mind for his mouth to be doing! LOL!

What you gotta remember is that 99% of the guys are just asking the usual 'let's get acquainted' questions (well, except about how much you make).  Most of us don't want to just f___ a mechanical doll, no matter how hot the doll.

Of course you really can't answer those questions.  There's that 1% who could be real trouble.  I'm not suggesting otherwise.  But why hate it?  Just accept that it's one of the ways this business is different from 'normal' social interatction and deflect the questions nicely.  In the long run that'll be better for your soul and better for your business as well.

IdleObserver2358 reads


As for my two cents on this subject.  I think guys are purchasing a fantasy.  And I'm not certain that the truth is relevant, except where health and safety are concerned.

They want to feel like they are "Making Progress" with you.  The personal information you offer doesn't really need to be true to life; you're just painting a picture, allowing the fellow to believe he is getting into your mind as well as other places.

Nobody, particularly a paying customer, wants to hear that they can't get to know the person providing the whole GFE.  It isn't the whole GFE without seemingly learning something about the person with whom they are spending time.

Be deceitful but give them only bizarre answers to see how smart they are or just to amuse yourself.  For example:

Yes, I'm married...I'm a polygamist actually, but its ok, I'm from Utah.

Actually, I don't rent or own...I sleep at my friend's Chinese restaurant.  I eat a lot of fortune cookies, lemme tell ya!

Honesty is for dullards!

How about "I was married for 8 years. I buried him when I felt it was time to move on. Next question."

I do have some lines I don't cross.  I've never asked about marital status or children, your real name, or where you live.  But being  curious is sexy to me.  I can't help asking some questions.

But I've found that with providers, if you ask something too personal, they just won't answer it.  And I'm comfortable with that.  I don't push it any further.


DATYForever2987 reads

I called an indie and she said she wanted to meet me in her apartment (it was my first appointment), but I opted to meet her at an incall hotel location. She was fun and very comfortable to be with when I finally got to meet her. She actaully lives 7 minutes away from me. Not only do I know where she lives, she also told me where she works (her day job). Now the thing about her workplace is that I frequent that area and park in front of her office building. Now, it reminds me of her. I will have to call her soon for another rendezvous.

Several ladies that I am comfortable with (and they comfortable with me) have given me that type of information.

I certainly would never share it with anyone and am flattered that they would trust me enough to give it.

It is a more personal thing...after all the hobby is a very personal pursuit.

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