TER General Board

Why sorry? Rasha is more than deserving. -e-regular_smile
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 656 reads


nom_de_plume1747 reads

I didn't even have to read the text, all I saw was the photo and knew it was Rasha!  Great choice!

JackDunphy865 reads

Its nice to see a girl so worthy of that honor.  

Hot as hell, wickedly smart, entertainingly sarcastic and manages to play with "the boys" without getting all bent.

Great job TER and congrats Rasha!

bigguy30748 reads

She is a must see provider for a date.

JackDunphy710 reads

There's hope for you yet BG!

Don't get your hopes up TOO high though. I'll nail Rasha but not with you in the room!

No sword crossing for little Jack! :D :D :D

bigguy30638 reads

So it's clear you are another one that just does not listen.

If you are into that shit yourself, look somewhere else.

I am only into woman and she has more than enough with just me.

Just stick with the topic and try getting something right for a change dumb ass

Sorry I won't get to see you again for a while, as I'm leaving on the 17th for a trip to the Wild West and then it's right from there to Costa Rica until April.
If theres anything left of me  when I get back, it's all yours.
PS: Your new pictures are, of course, spectacular

How about this: join me in Costa Rica and see for yourself.  I'll even buy you a drink. Jealousy is very unbecoming, though I do understand it.  You have every reason to be jealous.

Still looking at her fantastic ass, lol.

I have always enjoyed this ladies post and regret never meeting her.

Need to pick up the pace PP.

I've got the over on this one  ;)

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
Love your butt :-)

I'm limiting myself to one suck-up post in this thread. Sorry buddy, you're gonna lose, you should have gone with Jack's number.

(I can always suck up BC, suck on that!)

Senator.Blutarsky749 reads

...are you a suck up because you're Polish... Or is it a Pirate thing?

I may have to schedule an appointment with her. I have references. lol


A giant 'thank you' to all for such kind thoughts. I am genuinely touched.  And now I finally have an excuse to wear that diamond tiara I bought on impulse a few years ago.

get your asses to New York.  She is as amazing as her pix and is great to be with in every way.  You will not be disappointed.  End of Suck-Up.

I was going to surprise you with the Diamond Tiara I bought on impulse, hoping to meet you on my  trip to New York.  
 It's not polite or a Gentlemen's way, to give duplicate gifts.
   What to do with an unused diamond tiara?  
  I'd take it to a  pawn shop in NY, if I wasn't sure the owner won't  give me  true value.  
   Many  Congratulations anyway, I'll change my plans and go to Miami, the land of sunshine, where diamonds bring more money and I'll escape  from this snow.  

Posted By: rrasha88
A giant 'thank you' to all for such kind thoughts. I am genuinely touched.  And now I finally have an excuse to wear that diamond tiara I bought on impulse a few years ago.

TER: Do you have a favorite type of music?
Rasha: While I enjoy many types of music, most often I listen to Bollywood Pop. I just seems to elevate my spirit.  

Rasha: Check out the Funzoa Bollywood songs (link). They're really funny.  

Wait a second. Funzoa = funny.  Rasha = funny.  And I've never seen Rasha and Funzoa in the same place at the same time. Is Rasha Funzoa???  Is Clark Kent Superman???


I just read your interview and it is just amazing, as are you!



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