TER General Board

When you're in San Diego, come see Goldie Knox or me...regular_smile
Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 646 reads

You'll find open doors.

After reading some of the crap I've read on these boards, I would strongly recommend letting ladies know upfront that you're African-American.   You don't want to see somebody who doesn't really want to see you, anyways.  Even if they agreed to see you, but they're not totally into it, that's a waste of your money. Forget them.  There are plenty of ladies in this country who do not judge people based on the color of their skin.    

I've been discriminated against for doing this kind of work. It sucks. Even when i know the other person is small-minded and rude, it makes me angry and hurts my feelings.  It seems like African-Americans in the US must have to find a way to deal with the prejudice for their own sake, to rise above it somehow, though it can't be easy.  Whatever reasons people are giving for not seeing AAs, it's still discrimination.

I don't understand the "hate" on AA.  I'm one, and I've sighted on many different adult entertainment sites providers stating this.  Of all the ads I've seen, AA is the only race hated on.  Am I missing something?  I've paid and tipped all but one provider (I paid her but didn't tip. She was the worst).  This is new to me (no AA). I haven't to hobby for a while until recently but the struggle is real. It's 33-50% of the providers say no AA. Please help me to understand!????

FatVern798 reads

Nobody should apologize for having a preference, if you are "struggling" you have your priorities mixed up. Also, the majority of black men I know, actually look down on tricking, explain that one.

Posted By: ttownfinest
  I don't understand the "hate" on AA.  I'm one, and I've sighted on many different adult entertainment sites providers stating this.  Of all the ads I've seen, AA is the only race hated on.  Am I missing something?  I've paid and tipped all but one provider (I paid her but didn't tip. She was the worst).  This is new to me (no AA). I haven't to hobby for a while until recently but the struggle is real. It's 33-50% of the providers say no AA. Please help me to understand!????

Let's be real about the "preferences" thing.  We all have them - but we aren't including most of them in our ads.  Random examples of common preferences:

Preference:  "I prefer clients who tip"
Preference:  "I prefer clients who are tall with a fit body."
Preference:  "I prefer clients who are one and done."

Racial profiling is not a "preference".  It's prejudice, plain and simple. That said, if I were an AA guy I'd be happy to have the "No AA" ladies screen themselves right off of my radar.

FatVern716 reads

I still don't think it's a major cause.

Vote! for Clinton, if your world is all racism and sandals.

do you mention those "Preferences" in your ad, or do you wait till he's dropped the envelope before telling him only one pop and by the way because you're short and fat I expect a big tip to polish your knob?

You sound like a lot of fun.

Lol!  Anyone who knows me would cry laughing at tie thought of me turning down a second pop!

But I think you have effectively reiterated my point from the back end.   A "preference" is not a demand or a rule - it is merely a personal favorite. I prefer vanilla ice cream, but I will happily eat almost any flavor!  So stop calling racial profiling a preference, please.  It is anything but

Stop calling anyone who disagrees with your point of view a racist. Very unseemly.

I have heard this before. It usually experience dealing with a bad client or maybe they just don't like African American. I mean, we can't say racism isn't out there. The GOP has an open racist for a candidate. I would say you should actively find women who don't care about race. I think it's silly that they generalize all people together from one race. BP days yeah that would make sense but it's not too smart to generalize. If I did, I wouldn't have the amazing black clients I have today.

Kudos to you Chanel!  I like the way you think.

souls_harbor582 reads

Ha ha.  No.  I think the guy is a jerk (only superseded in jerkiness by Hillary.)  But a racist, no.

Posted By: Chanel72014
The GOP has an open racist for a candidate.

He is racist towrads hispanics and Muslims. Racisim is hate disguise as ignorance. He goes around calingl hispanic rapist and murderers and Muslims radical islam, Some of ISIS aren't "muslims", just confused kids on twitter. I can go on all day about how racist he is and possibly how he doesn't know it. I know jerks and been with jerks. You can be a jerk and don't bring race to it. Louis C.K is a Jerk. Trump is a racist. Dont forget my black people, we are lucky enough to his "friends".

GaGambler731 reads

Then lets not forget to include such notable racists as Al Sharpton, Michelle Obama and the good Reverend Wright.

and yes, women with No AA policies are by and large racists too. Not in all cases, but the overwhelming majority of women with an NBA policy are racist. All the sugarcoating and "explanations" in the world aren't going to change that fact.  

That said, racism is hardly a new thing in this world. People have been killing each other simply for being "different" for millennia  

and lastly, organizations like BLM and the NAACP are inherently racist themselves if we are going to be quite honest about it.  I am of Asian ancestry and I most definitely do NOT support any organization that is devoted to promoting Asian interests above all others. All I have ever wanted is "equal" rights, not "special" rights and that's exactly what I have. A level playing field is all I have ever asked for and in spite of the occasional dumb redneck that hates slant eyes and charges me double what he would charge a "white man" a level playing field is pretty much what I have.

Ha this guy.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Then lets not forget to include such notable racists as Al Sharpton, Michelle Obama and the good Reverend Wright.  
 and yes, women with No AA policies are by and large racists too. Not in all cases, but the overwhelming majority of women with an NBA policy are racist. All the sugarcoating and "explanations" in the world aren't going to change that fact.  
 That said, racism is hardly a new thing in this world. People have been killing each other simply for being "different" for millennia  
 and lastly, organizations like BLM and the NAACP are inherently racist themselves if we are going to be quite honest about it.  I am of Asian ancestry and I most definitely do NOT support any organization that is devoted to promoting Asian interests above all others. All I have ever wanted is "equal" rights, not "special" rights and that's exactly what I have. A level playing field is all I have ever asked for and in spite of the occasional dumb redneck that hates slant eyes and charges me double what he would charge a "white man" a level playing field is pretty much what I have.

souls_harbor633 reads

This may come as a shock to you, but Mexico is not a race and nether is Islam

Sikhs isn't a race either but they get stopped in airports because of what they look like. I never said Mexico. Hispanics are ethnics and face oppression because of what they look like to. Their are brown Hispanics out there who can vouch. Stop being a Trump aka ignorant.  

Posted By: souls_harbor
This may come as a shock to you, but Mexico is not a race and nether is Islam.  

Posted By: Chanel72014
Sikhs isn't a race either but they get stopped in airports because of what they look like.
Observant Sikhs carry a knife or sword called a kirpan. This has caused problems in many high security situations, including airports. Because observant Sikhs also wear a turban, it's kind of a beacon to security professionals to check anyone wearing a Sikh turban for the kirpan and make sure that it is ceremonial only, safely secured in the scabbard or taken and secured by LE for the duration of the flight.

Sikhs LOOK LIKE they are carrying a weapon as part of their religion beliefs, therefore they get stopped at airports

souls_harbor445 reads

But Trump did.  His comments were about Mexico, particularly the Mexican government.

Mexico is not a race.

Posted By: Chanel72014
I never said Mexico.
Posted By: souls_harbor
This may come as a shock to you, but Mexico is not a race and nether is Islam.  

Posted By: Chanel72014
He is racist towrads hispanics and Muslims. Racisim is hate disguise as ignorance. He goes around calingl hispanic rapist and murderers and Muslims radical islam, Some of ISIS aren't "muslims", just confused kids on twitter. I can go on all day about how racist he is and possibly how he doesn't know it. I know jerks and been with jerks. You can be a jerk and don't bring race to it. Louis C.K is a Jerk. Trump is a racist. Dont forget my black people, we are lucky enough to his "friends".

That will see a gentleman regardless of skin color.Theres really nothing to understand.People have preferences

Posted By: LondonBay
That will see a gentleman regardless of skin color.Theres really nothing to understand.People have preferences
Only it isn't simply preferences. If I saw ads that said, no fat guys  or no guys with facial hair I would buy the 'people have preferences' Its racial bias pure and simple. Now people have a right to have racial bias, but other people also have a right to call them on it, white knights notwithstanding.

Now I'm a middle aged white guy so it doesn't directly affect me.  but sex workers who say 'no black guys' are to be frank, fucking idiots.  Simple screening would alleviate the problems they are trying to fix.

I find that men of Indian decent have this issue as well, though to a lesser degree. Racism is deeply rooted in our society giving birth to concepts like "preferences" (let's be real here it is racist, but I'm not going to argue over it lol).  

There are so many beautiful and amazing providers who would love to see you, so long as you are respectful and kind. You surely are not missing out by not seeing girls who state "no AA"

P.S. Is BP your main website to search for companions? Possibly looking other places may lessen the frequency of running into the "no AA" types.

Another AA hobbyist with many, many reviews of elite Providers mentioned that he has showed up at a door, been spied through the peephole and only then been told that she would not open the door to do business with him. The guy was not a thug wearing his pants down around his knees but a suit-and-tie well-to-do business man. In his post, he was kind of pissed, to say the least.

At least if she states her position in the ad, you can avoid wasting your time.  

I'm not certain that it's always a hater; sometimes it's fear, based on stereotypes or news stories. (I am thinking of Providers being robbed or worse as reported on TER; the ones I'm remembering were all black guys EXCEPT for the Boston Med School guy: see link.)

Some Providers have rules about "no one under 40" or "no one older than 50" (Hi, TT!). A younger guy who can make the case that he has the required maturity to be an exception might be allowed in. I would guess that some but not all "no AA" Providers might agree to meet an AA gentlemen who passed her screening.  

Another common restriction occurs in cities with Koreatowns or Chinatowns. Many K-girls or Chinese girls will not meet with K-guys or C-guys on the chance that they will know the same people in the close knit communities.  

One more point that has not come up yet is that there are even some AA PROVIDERS who post restrictions on seeing AA men. I'm not going to psychoanalyze but I'd lean more towards explaining it by fear rather than hate.  

Can't we all just get along

Senator.Blutarsky614 reads

I can understand your frustration, but I don't think any of them 'hate'. It's just some gals are uncomfortable with certain ethnicities and give you notice up front so you don't waste your time & money. Would you rather they see you and cringe the whole time? Doesn't sound like an enjoyable experience to me, but then what do I know.  

Focus on the ladies who enjoy your company & don't waste your time worrying about who won't see you. There are still plenty who will. Solo mis dos centavos.

What's to understand beyond that there is racism (amongst other prejudices in the hobby)? Don't pay the ones who wouldn't want to see you any mind. There are too many great ladies out there that like all colors, green above all. :-)

There are some that wont for whatever reason. But there AA lovers too. Women who only see black guys. And I seen some only see forgen guys so a xxxA is bad. Then I seen one that won't see forgen guys. Many way that been brought up liberal or concertive.    
i going to list pro in con not saying all AA are in this group and some Ideas are wise tails.
PRO:1. since many provider say no aa ,black are less likly to be a cop. 2.Aa have a bigger dick to enjoy. 3Her AA boy friend and other aa men treet her right. 4. The AA men will hit it off with her pimp.
Con:1.AA men Big will make her never want a white guy again.2 fews AA men will rip her off she cant change this much with out a Pimp mostly so only end reject the honest AA men. 3. She few white men make her more wet. 4.Aa men are smarter and less likely to fall fo BS.  

 Just fine some will be happy to make you dick wet.  

Posted By: ttownfinest
  I don't understand the "hate" on AA.  I'm one, and I've sighted on many different adult entertainment sites providers stating this.  Of all the ads I've seen, AA is the only race hated on.  Am I missing something?  I've paid and tipped all but one provider (I paid her but didn't tip. She was the worst).  This is new to me (no AA). I haven't to hobby for a while until recently but the struggle is real. It's 33-50% of the providers say no AA. Please help me to understand!????

Posted By: ripmany
There are some that wont for whatever reason. But there AA lovers too. Women who only see black guys. And I seen some only see forgen guys so a xxxA is bad. Then I seen one that won't see forgen guys. Many way that been brought up liberal or concertive.    
 i going to list pro in con not saying all AA are in this group and some Ideas are wise tails.  
 PRO:1. since many provider say no aa ,black are less likly to be a cop. 2.Aa have a bigger dick to enjoy. 3Her AA boy friend and other aa men treet her right. 4. The AA men will hit it off with her pimp.  
 Con:1.AA men Big will make her never want a white guy again.2 fews AA men will rip her off she cant change this much with out a Pimp mostly so only end reject the honest AA men. 3. She few white men make her more wet. 4.Aa men are smarter and less likely to fall fo BS.  
  Just fine some will be happy to make you dick wet.  
Posted By: ttownfinest
  I don't understand the "hate" on AA.  I'm one, and I've sighted on many different adult entertainment sites providers stating this.  Of all the ads I've seen, AA is the only race hated on.  Am I missing something?  I've paid and tipped all but one provider (I paid her but didn't tip. She was the worst).  This is new to me (no AA). I haven't to hobby for a while until recently but the struggle is real. It's 33-50% of the providers say no AA. Please help me to understand!????

You'll find open doors.

After reading some of the crap I've read on these boards, I would strongly recommend letting ladies know upfront that you're African-American.   You don't want to see somebody who doesn't really want to see you, anyways.  Even if they agreed to see you, but they're not totally into it, that's a waste of your money. Forget them.  There are plenty of ladies in this country who do not judge people based on the color of their skin.    

I've been discriminated against for doing this kind of work. It sucks. Even when i know the other person is small-minded and rude, it makes me angry and hurts my feelings.  It seems like African-Americans in the US must have to find a way to deal with the prejudice for their own sake, to rise above it somehow, though it can't be easy.  Whatever reasons people are giving for not seeing AAs, it's still discrimination.

You are looking in the wrong places.  This does happen, but it's not as rampant as you state in your post.  There are many ladies in this business who will see AA clients. Do your homework.

I can definitely sympathize with clients that are African American that encounter providers that specify that they won't see them upfront due to the color of their skin. I find this message absolutely appalling.   I will see clients from every nationality, race, age, physical disability etc. .  Just as I am very open minded to people fantasies and fetishes I am also open mined about  seeing Asian, Indian, Europeans and African Americans, etc.. I don't care what color their skin is as long as their money is green;)  I do NOT discriminate.  If a client is respectful and follows protocol, there is no valid reason to not see them.  I have never had any problem with my African -American clients. Of the African Americans I've met, one works for an investment company, another is a firefighter, one works for the department of defense another for an IT company.  All upstanding citizens and a pleasure to work with. I came to the city of brotherly love to share love with people and wouldn't dream of endorsing such a negative message.  

Posted By: ttownfinest
  I don't understand the "hate" on AA.  I'm one, and I've sighted on many different adult entertainment sites providers stating this.  Of all the ads I've seen, AA is the only race hated on.  Am I missing something?  I've paid and tipped all but one provider (I paid her but didn't tip. She was the worst).  This is new to me (no AA). I haven't to hobby for a while until recently but the struggle is real. It's 33-50% of the providers say no AA. Please help me to understand!????

African American Clients:  There are a lot of wealthy and successful African American men.  Seriously, for a provider to say they wouldn't see a dark colored man is closing the door to the possiblility of potentially doing business with multi-millionaires in the sporting, entertainment and businessworld.  I personally will keep that door open. I think that people that have worked hard and achieved a certain level of success should be able to enjoy the pleasures that their money can afford them.

GramParsons516 reads

I have see AA providers post their preference "no AA men" along with "I ❤️ White Boys get over it".  It is also common for providers to have an age preference and sometimes a weight limit as well. I'm sure there are different reasons why these woman arrive at their preferences.  Doesn't a woman have the right to choose especially when it comes to her body ?
Nobody is asking you to sit on the back of the bus they just don't want to have sex with you for money. Your money is as green as anybody else and there are plenty of providers that will be more than happy to take it.

I was wondering about the same thing ,  
and at first I  was thinking,  is it because they have huge dicks or what ???

anyway , I spoke to few providers and they all pretty much said the same thing .

Most black men are trying to pimp those girls , in some cases they come in and rape them  
or beat them up , this is according to number of providers including couple of black providers  
I was with.  

Is it true or not I couldn't really tell you , but none of these women knew each other,
and they all had the same story to tell. So take it for what its worth

Imo would screening not have helped ?? A gentleman can be in any color and so can a douche bag. So if a provider screens wouldn't that alleviate this kind of behavior

I think there are some ladies and guys where it's just a preference, being friends or coworkers and wanting to fuck are 2 very different things

Other than that, I've found that people are people where ever you go. I have to be reminded that two of my colleagues are AA, they don't ask for nor expect any extra consideration based upon the color of their skin, nor are they treated any differently amongst other colleagues in my organization. This is primarily because they have developed skills and training which make them assets to our team and organization. As far as I know, they studied hard in school, worked their way up the ladder and gained valuable experience along the way, just like the white, Hispanic, Indian etc. people in our organization.  

That said, if I ever read an ad which said "no 50ish white men", I would be grateful as I wouldn't waste any more time or energy on that ad or provider. There are so many providers whom I want to see in different areas of the country, so a provider who doesn't want to see me helps me narrow my search.

We can't do anything about. You can't help being black and I can't help being old. Some providers don't want to see older guys, but I'm not going to call her prejudiced over it. It's her preference. Personally, I would rather know if my age is an issue up front than to have her hide that fact out of fear of being stigmatized, and then the session turns out to be a bad time for both of us. I'm here to have fun and I want my providers to feel the same way. You're black and I'm old. Some providers don't want our business. Get over it. I have.

And if you make it to San Diego, I highly recommend Fraya.

This is one of the most common questions on this board. If you searched or looked back you would see this has been asked hundreds of times. The answers are all over the place. Why worry about it? There are many many ladies out there who will see you. Book with them and don't worry about the others.  

One more thing: Don't you rather know up front by reading their ads that they won't see you, so that you don't waste their time? Isn't that better than booking with a lady, and showing up for an appointment and then being turned away? Or standing in the hallway knocking on the door, but the door never opens because she saw you in the peephole? I have heard of this happening and I feel terrible for those guys. At least the girls who are upfront about it don't waste your time.

JakeFromStateFarm810 reads

If you had a "no Slavs" policy, that would be racist.

but AA is a race? By the way, this library or data center in Iowa claims that Black and AA is the same. I just thought that blacks living not in Africa still adjust to some ( we have black Russians for instance, very few but we have) group as AA or African-British or etc.. Oh don't tell me everyone that I am completely out of my mind. It's seems that races are about 6 of them.

GaGambler751 reads

and yes, that means if you are from Ghana, or Jamaica, or Brazil or anywhere else on the planet, some dumb white person is going to call you African American.

Yes, you proved yesterday that you are most definitely "out of your mind" but on this subject at least you are correct.

there are a lot dumb people. A couple of days ago a was a bit in different mood, so probably I said something extra. For this, my apologies. And if you'd like to be friends with me, then feel my vibe. If I am in bad mood, I am baaaaaad. So it is good that I am baaad. I have instances when people initially view me as White, but finding out I am Russian, were slightly disappointed.

Well, a person in Papua New Guinea for instance for sure won't tell you that he's African-American. So basically it has something to do with territories and the law. It looks like we have millions of radio news and video broadcasts just to choose from. For every region, country, continents. And sometimes they look a bit different. In different language, dialects, whatever..
At the same time they are all alike. I have a hard time to adjust to this load of information, so I definitely would think of "anti-Slavs" policy. No one did see it existence yet. Wow! That's ok to blame Russians, but Slavs for sure make a big difference.

JakeFromStateFarm698 reads

New Guinea isn't in Africa.  It's in the Pacific, just north of Australia

Someone from Zimbabwe would call himself African-American? And what am I supposed to do with your explanation it is in Pacific?

JakeFromStateFarm493 reads

I mentioned the Pacific and Australia so you would know where it was and why it didn't work as an example. Comprendo?

And that Zimbabwe works. Does it mean that all Zimbabwean can be called African-Americans?

JakeFromStateFarm662 reads

Then if you move to America you are African-American.   At this point I don't know why this needs to be discussed.

i have on Khakis but my balls still itch..

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
New Guinea isn't in Africa.  It's in the Pacific, just north of Australia.  

JakeFromStateFarm675 reads

Now go scratch your balls.  Then I think it's lights-out at the nursing home for you.

I know a Slavic gal and she's very nice.

Besides, they have the best music:

you are constantly using a logical fallacy ("logic chopping" or smokescreen) to derail, slow down or otherwise disrupt the arguments being made here.

of course there's a technical difference between religion, region, country and race, but overall most people use the term "racism" to actually mean "undeserved prejudiced against a certain set of peoples."  convention allows informal discussion to accept this technical misnomer without the main point being brought into question.

the logical fallacy of logic chopping appears -- and i stress the word "appears" -- to refute the previous point, even though all  you are doing is correcting a grammatical technicality.  

(to give you your due, you are not the only debate school drop out here to use this approach.)

your constantly reminding everyone that one type of prejudice is not technically racism adds absolutely nothing to the conversation.

so, at least you're consistent in your posting here

Not the real scope of the providers he reviews, not how may times he indulges  in it, says nothing. But he is first to throw any kinds of kinds of shitty arguments. Xo

This topic always makes me wonder what would happen if prostitution was legalized. Could a lady be sued or even prosecuted for refusing service on the basis of race and thus violating someone's civil rights?

Besides the prospect of that being some form of state-sanctioned rape working against it, there’s also the mindset of the men who bother to complain about this.  

I don’t hear in their complaints some hurt or anger over not being able to be with any particular woman, what I hear is shock. Shock that this is still happening in 2016, shock that someone who’s broken through so many taboos and worked past so much society-dictated bullshit to actually do this for a living is still clinging to some of the creakiest, silliest, fakest, nastiest society bullshit of all.

If that’s how a woman feels about it, I have zero interest in giving her my money. I have less than zero interest in making her come or her making me come. I wouldn’t even want to touch her, frankly. So while I find the “No Black men” policy insulting as other guys do, if they’re thinking like me, suing is the last thing on their minds. I’ve lost nothing. I’ve been denied nothing I actually want to have. I don’t think I have a right to anyone’s body because I have some cash. You vent your outrage and it’s on to the smarter ones

I have heard this before. Unfortunately I don't seem to attract AA up here in Toronto. I've seen maybe 2 in my career. However, I don't see any issue and I have never had a bad experience.

wrps07592 reads

It use to not be that way. Unfortunately way too many incidents of few making hard for the rest. You should not be surprised given the current state of affairs in the US on race relations. I have found in my experience that things are much better above the mason dixon line than below it when seeing caucasian providers. The further you go north the better things are. I remember in 2003 in the upper midwest I had not problems getting a caucasian provider to do an overnight with me.  

Alot of what you are seeing is due to the pimps they are working for today. The black pimps are jealous of black clients. They are afraid the providers will fall for them or that you are another pimp to take them away. Lets not forget about all the robberies and guys trying to negotiate.  

I have talked to black providers and they tell me about black guys putting a 20 on top of a bunch of ones. These are from guys they have seen multiple times.  

It gets to the point that they don't want to deal with the drama. The good thing is that if you are older providers of all races are more willing to see you.

NumNumMan594 reads

... because you guys set the bar too high. A provider who sees AA guys is spoiled.  

Your cock is too big.  
You last too long.
You give her the best orgasms.  
Your body is ripped.
You probably look like Denzel Washington
Your voice is as smooth as Usher's.

And TTOWNFINEST......YOU TIP. Damnit. You are making us palefaces look terrible.  

We cannot have providers being exposed to such high class gentlemen

Idk if it's really preference. This is our job, it doesn't matter if we're attracted to the clients or not. I think they just put that preference thing on there for something to put. Idk why others put no black men on their ads, but in my experience, I used to have a black pimp and he told me not to see black guys. So I just did what he said...now I'm independent and don't discriminate. But I think when girls put that on their ads, I think sometimes maybe it's because they have a bf or someone who is telling them to do that...other times it really may be a racist thing. I do personally find it to be racist though. But everyone has their reasons and they probably won't tell you what they really are

what's with the AA population's entitled attitudes?  I'm sorry but watching what's unfolded in the Nation with regards to all of the taking to the streets screwing up the employed populations commute with the gridlock of protesting in the streets, looting, burning down neighborhoods, and expecting to get something for nothing is enough for me to say NOPE. Don't even get me started with saggy pants and ass cracks. Pull your pants up or find some cute undies.  

Posted By: ttownfinest
  I don't understand the "hate" on AA.  I'm one, and I've sighted on many different adult entertainment sites providers stating this.  Of all the ads I've seen, AA is the only race hated on.  Am I missing something?  I've paid and tipped all but one provider (I paid her but didn't tip. She was the worst).  This is new to me (no AA). I haven't to hobby for a while until recently but the struggle is real. It's 33-50% of the providers say no AA. Please help me to understand!????
-- Modified on 7/14/2016 10:19:26 PM

Why would you want to play with a lady that doesn't want to see you?  There are plenty of ladies out there who have no problem with black dudes, particularly at the higher end of the spectrum.  Keep your chin up, man.  It is what it is...do your homework and due diligence, and you'll find what you seek.    

BTW, it isn't hate, but rather, fear.  We have our media to thank for that...

Hliter was considered "hate" no AA means they are not into that nationality nothing more....

To answer part of your question, ttown, it’s on the rise because we’ve been talking about race a lot the past two or three years. You said this is new to you and you haven’t hobbied for a while until recently, so you’ve entered a different hobby world than the one you left.

As we talk about it, people find out other people have the same beliefs that they do. They take this as confirmation their feelings were right and it makes them bolder, or at least it makes them feel safer, about saying what they really believe.

I’d bet a lot of these ladies already had a “No AA” policy, they just weren’t saying it

But in this game AA men are a gamble if they are younger than 35. Lets not pretend like you don't understand why when there are a lot of boards that explain why AA gentlemen aren't accepted, the news explains it too... The amount of violence inflicted on providers by AA men etc.  

To be completely honest... I don't see AA men unless they are 35 and older. My reasons are maturity level, financial level and to weed out thugs and robbers. For the most part, I do not like to see AA guys who are into the rap culture, pants sagging, or think, talk, act like these rappers do. I used to see them starting at 25 but they would mostly bring the donation a few dollars off or way off with excuses, attitude wasn't correct, and they were looking at the time making it known they were going to get every second out of... I hate that attitude.  

These are reasons I have an age limit on AA clients.

Cause the only place I ran into a lot of No AA providers while searching is Dallas? I live in DC, and have seen providers in ATL, Chicago, NY, Philly and Pittsburgh and I'll find an occasional no AA provider but it's not 33-50%.

dipstick50493 reads

This situation works both ways.  I have seen some ISO requests on TER and some of the responses from the ladies were by women of color and the potential clients either ignored their responses or just told them that they don't date AA, Hispanic or Asian women.  This particular guy was a real jerk about it and I called him out on the way he handled the situation.  The guy never excluded these women in his ISO but when they responded he shut them down and he was quite rude about it.

I knew a provider who didn't see AA because her baby daddy was and was trying to protect him from seeing one of his friends or something.  She also did have a bad experience with several and only sees the ones she's met in past.  I know racism is out there. Try not to let it in by reading into it so much.  Others I've heard just don't like the size either. I became good friends with her and she was far from racist.  Preference is not always racism.

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