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When I got married the sex only got progressively better
PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 535 reads

In fact we had sex after the divorce.  That of course ended many years ago.

that you wish someone had told you about long ago, before you had to figure it out on your own?

For me, it would have to be that it's perfectly OK to talk about sex and ask for what I like or ask what my partner likes. We can't be mind-readers

Senator.Blutarsky351 reads

I'm sure there are quite a few here that still have sex, just not with their spouse. šŸ˜Ž

of a year or more for most married guys where they just go without until they discover this or other options.  At least that has been my experience in talking to my married friends that have finally embraced the hobby.

In fact we had sex after the divorce.  That of course ended many years ago.

I guess that's one of the things I wish I'd known years ago - that sex is only exciting for me at the beginning of knowing someone :/

GaGambler330 reads

Actually most don't even hold my attention for more than a few days.

The best pussy is always the "next" girl I am going to meet. That's why it is so unlikely I will ever get married again

Posted By: mrfisher

Better in bed. You geeks are my people šŸ˜‰

Posted By: MasterZen
that you wish someone had told you about long ago, before you had to figure it out on your own?  
 For me, it would have to be that it's perfectly OK to talk about sex and ask for what I like or ask what my partner likes. We can't be mind-readers.  

1) Most people have some sort of insecurity or anxiety regarding their bodies and sex.  

2) Although it often stems from fear and/or intimidation: No matter what they say, 99% of folks are judgmental of others' sexual preferences, desires and habits.  

3) Even though a lot of men can come off as selfish lovers, the vast majority actually DO want their partners do enjoy themselves and absolutely will do what she asks (within reason) when given clear guidance.  ;-


Isn't that why we have reviews?  So we can be judgmental about who we might want to see based on the experiences of our brethren (including Lopaw)?  I've also known some providers who would not take certain customers based on things the customers said in their reviews.  I agree that many hobbyists and a few providers suffer from fear or intimidation when they are seeing someone new, but I don't think there is anything wrong with being judgmental when a hobbyist is deciding who they might be a good match with and vice versa for the provider.

The OP did not specify sex within this realm, and thus my response was regarding what I've experienced and observed as a whole.  

It had nothing to do with selecting companions based upon reviews or any other criteria.  

But since you brought it up.... yeah, people here are judgmental in ways that used to really bug me.      
Clients and providers alike sneer at ladies who are "high volume" or look down their noses at "backpage girls" or outright laugh at those touting themselves as "elite", "luxury companions" or whatever.    
Although I was actually thinking back on experiences in my personal life, those are sort of things that would fall within what I meant in my post,  which IMO smack of a judgmental attitude.  :-)

Debra (why can't we all just get along?) Hollander (formerly DebbieNoonerGirl

you later regret after sex than when trying to get it. Post-coital rush.

VOO-doo411 reads

Don't put pussy on a pedestal.  

It's not meant to be perfect. It's human, and as such... awkwardness, indecision, insecurity, and all sorts of "human" emotions are not only "normal" but actually what makes sex beautiful and intimate.  

Also, that you really can't do it "wrong" as long as you are honest w/your partner, desire to please him/her (rather than worrying about ego), and are genuinely receptive and responsive to feedback.

it's not only about having kids after the blessing of marriage? ;-)

Yes,  since most of my pleasure organ is inside of me,  
it never occurred to me to masturbate to figure out what I needed for pleasure.

I wish I had been told that Masturbation is the only way to get to know and love myself completely.
Only after I learned exactly what pleases me, was I able to articulate what I need to a partner for my pleasure.

No, a partner is not a "Mind-reader" . It is my responsibility to know and voice exactly what I want for My Pleasure

I wish Iā€™d known just how much pleasure it would be to have sex with so many different types of women. Not only body types, ages, and responsiveness, but all the wonderful nationalities, and races. It truly has been an incredible run. Had I known this, there's no way I would have gotten married

In 2016, I decided to let guys know when things felt weird, and/or didn't feel right with my body. No more having to fake moans and fake orgasms. I am not shy in telling you that what you do/did with your wife or girlfriend doesn't feel good with me. All pussy is not created equal . . . and that's a good thing! That means you have room for some hands-on exploration. Knowledge is power my dear!  

Also, I've discovered my best sexual experiences have included honesty. I squirted for the first time this year, and me and my partner had a long, tearful, and joyful conversation about how it was actually just piss. We laughed about the fact that we had so much good sex, that my breaks off of my pussy must've fell off . . . or maybe it was because I didn't use the restroom after we went through two bottles of wine.

Posted By: MasterZen
that you wish someone had told you about long ago, before you had to figure it out on your own?  
 For me, it would have to be that it's perfectly OK to talk about sex and ask for what I like or ask what my partner likes. We can't be mind-readers.  

If I had been told that casual sex is OK and you don't need to wait for marriage...or that there's nothing wrong with gay people...basically, anything the opposite of the religious bullshit that was shoved down my throat from childhood.  If I'd known better, I could have had wonderful experiences with many women.  Not only could I have been swimming in pussy, I might have even discovered my love of transsexuals earlier in life.

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