TER General Board

Whatever. I am far more excited than you
AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 193 reads

and a gal who is sure of herself and not full of it.... is priceless. You seem pretty cocky about that #2 position, what is the line on that? I think you know me rather well (2nd to her) and you known damn well I may even knock you out of #2. Not like we didn't ever have that "war" before...and guess who won? I will give you a hint, the one that looks better in a skirt.

Could you handle having two gals on top of you?

PS I have a better butt than you :D

The Brewers may suck and Mc(pretend)Dreamy might have died.... but I live on. Aren't you proud? You can have Thursday nights, since I am busy with Grey's Anatomy. Aren't I thoughtful???? (PS the lesbians are much better to watch than MerDer, although I sure miss McSteamy a lot. McSteamy was a big manwhore but he looked sexy as hell anyways)
Posted By: GaGambler
Which means I can sit comfortably in the number two position. The other half is, well I think the other half is pretty easy to figure out. lol

Just read an article about the proliferation of Herpes in the provider industry and to some extent within the general public. I do realize that, if we worry consistently about all of the diseases out there that one might possibly contract, none of us would ever have sex again. Most of the STD's can be avoided if using proper protection and otherwise living a healthy lifestyle to keep your immune system at an optimum level. However, my understanding of Herpes, which is incurable, is that you can use all of the protection in the world and still contract it. Really don't know whether it, like a lot of things you read, is just a bunch of hysterical jabawocky or if it's a real threat. I've had my share of encounters down through the years and have never even gotten Mono much less anything else. Would appreciate knowing what other hobbyist think about this and if you have ever gotten Herpes from an encounter?

With that being said, HSV1 which is usually referred to as oral herpes but can be transmitted to the genitals and eyes is one of the most common STDs on the planet and most people do not even know that they are infected.

The same holds for HSV2 which is usually referred to as genital herpes. HSV2 is also often asymptomatic.  

Also, you can only infect others when the virus is active which is not often, specially if you have been carrying it for a long time.

STD clinics usually don't even test you for herpes unless it is requested by you.

There are over 100 strains of HPV that you can be infected by some of which are known to cause cancer yet there are no testing methods that have been approved for men. They only test women fora couple strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer as it is the number 1 leading cause.

The 2005 Nobel prize in Physiology and Medicine was given to two scientists who discovered that the Bacteria H. Pylori cause stomach ulcers but you don't see many hobbyists holding back from burying their tongue deep inside of an escorts rosebud haha.

So it's generally safe to assume you are a vector for some virus of which you are clueless of that can kill someone by causing some terrible form of cancer lol.

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-- Modified on 4/26/2015 12:19:42 AM

My understanding of health is that the body's immune system fights off thousands of viruses 24 hours every day. Since there is no cure or other defense against viruses the immune system is the only true defense. With bacteria the immune system does fight off most and repairs damage done. However, some bacteria is so prolific that the immune system may never stop it. Thus there is antibiotics to help. Unfortunately, antibiotics does nothing against viruses. I have always believed that a healthy and strong immune system keeps many of us from hospitalization and even death.  

That being said I am wondering:

* Are most independent providers smart enough to get regular testing for all STD's?

* Providers, that are a part of an agency, do they demand testing for the providers?

* Since many hobbyists do all sorts of things with providers, including some pretty nasty stuff, are they honest about getting themselves tested and taking precautions if they do have an STD?  

The only reason that I am going into this depressing subject is that I am planning a vacation on my own. My wife is visiting relatives and I will be free to explore for the first time in quite a while. So, I am trying to gather as much information as possible

VOO-doo725 reads

The flippant answer is that there is no answer. I mean, even if there was a statistic that said 99% of escorts test regularly and are clean...if you get a member of the other 1%, none of that matters....

Some girls test regularly, and are very cautious (or at least informed) when it comes to their health. Some are the opposite, and think that if they drink exactly 6.5 ounces of Red Bull, pop a listerine stip, and do vigorous pushups for 15 seconds right after sex (or some other silly ritual/urban myth) it kills all germs. I've heard 'If he looks clean, chances are he is clean' expressed by a 15-year 40+ y/o veteran of the business, who regularly engages in bare services. She was serious...it wasn't a flippant comment. That was her attitude toward STD risk management. But yes, some girls are 'smart enough' (your words...condescending! Just sayin...) to test regularly...and, if they do take risks, they at least acknowledge that there are risks inherent in the specific acts they do.  

Same goes for johns. Some guys would NEVER think of even asking for a BJ w/o condom. Some are explicitly searching for BBFS. Whether or not they get tested...nobody knows that but them.  

Ultimately, the only two people who matter to you, are yourself and the girl you choose to see.  

Since you don't know her status (and even if you did...she could have seen somebody 2 hours right before you who gave her chlamydia or something), the only factor you can control is yourself.  

Decide what level of risk you can personally tolerate. If you can tolerate NO risk...then do covered EVERYTHING, use dental dams for daty, etc. Or maybe even just get a covered BJ. Massage is also an option. Or, stay in your hotel with a steak dinner, a tube of lotion, and a nice porn video from the hotel pay-per-view

Most people here are adults and have been in the hobby for while. Goes for women and men. 99.9% are rational, intelligent beings who knows what is what.

Since, no one else has seen anything about herpes being prevalent. YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT!

Perhaps while you and others were watching that riveting interview of Bruce Jenner...a "breaking news" alert came on......

"NASA has determined that a comet is making a bee line for Planet Earth.  The collision is expected to destroy the entire planet.  We apologize for this inconvenience and will tell you that McDreamy was really just a dream segment"

The White House released this shortly after....

"We cant' confirm nor deny that Bruce Jenner is going to launch his/her own reality show.  Nor can we confirm/deny that McDreamy is dead/alive"

And lastly the CDC has confirmed this...

"Since the end is near...who gives a shit

Most people are very poorly educated when it comes to STDs and the only thing they worry about is HIV. Idiots will assume that just because they are asymptomatic that they are not carrying a virus.

Your best bet is to draw a set of pretty eye lashes on your right hand and jerk yourself off. If that won't do it for you, the next step is to see a safe provider who's probably a bit more cautious than the provider who'll stick their tongue up your ass and swallow your load. I start to worry a little when the back of the provider's throat seems to serve as a trampoline for cock. lol

Believe me, girls who are safe don't give CBJ because they enjoy the taste of condoms.

If you are planning to go all out, then try to minimize risk by:

1. Don't floss for a couple of days
2. Brush your teeth a few hours ahead of time
3. Don't shave your face and make sure you don't have cuts
4. Make sure you don't have cuts on your fingers and cuticles.
5. Trim/Shave your genitals 5 days prior.

Remember that your skin is your first line of defense.

Note that there will be some sharp TOOLS who will make sarcastic remarks and make a failed attempt at humor. Ignore.

This is your health and you decide how much risk you are willing to take

This way when the sky does fall...I'm protected.

Why everyone isn't using this method baffles me.

I was afraid I was a carrier.
I have been tested through, and through. They say I'm not a carrier.
I have never even had a cold sore...

Once. I had a swollen lip after getting the chicken pox at 23 years old.
I had a 103 fever, and was beginning to hallucinate. My body fought it off, and I got stronger.

They say. That many people contract H-1 through mommys kisses.
Everyone in my family gets cold sores when they get sick. I don't. I kiss my family every day.
BTW... A carrier is a person who has a virus, but never displays symptoms..

I know you are talking about H-2. The genital shit.  
I still think it's an immune system thing....
Weakness in the body.

After all of the strange sex I have had.. I must have been exposed..
Either I'm the luckiest person in the planet? or immune. There is no other possibility

I think actually, lol, for once, I agree with you.

Some people's immune systems are by far stronger than others.  
Then again, our bodies are like our vehicles.
Some people maintain theirs, and some people don't.
You can't keep putting crap in it forever, and it treat it poorly, and expect everything to run in tip-top shape, now can you?

The main difference is this though,
We don't get to trade in our bodies! We only get ONE.

Along with what other people mentioned in this thread,  
Proper REST
a GOOD diet (vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, essential nutrient oils,  and a bit of fat.)
Enough water to stay hydrated properly (I am bad for this...)

I think when people eat crap & don't get enough rest, not only are they exhausted, their bodies seem to "break down" a lot more quickly. Poor little ol bodies can't take but so much abuse....

Not to mention how we treat it, I think some people are more resistant/weak due to their particular genetics.

Another big lie they want us to believe, we are all unique; we are not actually all created equal (shrugs

As for the herpes... you probably already have that or some form of HPV at the very least. Have you been with more than one person in your entire life and had unprotected anything? Then, you're a walking germ farm already ha ha ha ha ha. Just saying. You can catch anything from anyone, but hookers... ahem, I mean companions lol are the most likely to use protection over 90 percent of the time here. You are far less likely to catch something from a professional ( I mean those of us who actually DO use protection properly) than you are with some skank you unload in the first night you get her drunk at Hooters.

But I'm sure that you'll succeed.

Welcome back sweetie.

Posted By: London Rayne
As for the herpes... you probably already have that or some form of HPV at the very least. Have you been with more than one person in your entire life and had unprotected anything? Then, you're a walking germ farm already ha ha ha ha ha. Just saying. You can catch anything from anyone, but hookers... ahem, I mean companions lol are the most likely to use protection over 90 percent of the time here. You are far less likely to catch something from a professional ( I mean those of us who actually DO use protection properly) than you are with some skank you unload in the first night you get her drunk at Hooters.

Love you too motha fuka! I have maybe 2 days a week I can go nuts on here, then back to the grind... in more ways than one lol.

I'm sure that 2 days will be plenty.

Posted By: London Rayne
Love you too motha fuka! I have maybe 2 days a week I can go nuts on here, then back to the grind... in more ways than one lol.

He could never keep up with her. Always fun trying :D

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I'm sure that 2 days will be plenty.  
Posted By: London Rayne
Love you too motha fuka! I have maybe 2 days a week I can go nuts on here, then back to the grind... in more ways than one lol.

GaGambler258 reads

Which means I can sit comfortably in the number two position. The other half is, well I think the other half is pretty easy to figure out. lol

and a gal who is sure of herself and not full of it.... is priceless. You seem pretty cocky about that #2 position, what is the line on that? I think you know me rather well (2nd to her) and you known damn well I may even knock you out of #2. Not like we didn't ever have that "war" before...and guess who won? I will give you a hint, the one that looks better in a skirt.

Could you handle having two gals on top of you?

PS I have a better butt than you :D

The Brewers may suck and Mc(pretend)Dreamy might have died.... but I live on. Aren't you proud? You can have Thursday nights, since I am busy with Grey's Anatomy. Aren't I thoughtful???? (PS the lesbians are much better to watch than MerDer, although I sure miss McSteamy a lot. McSteamy was a big manwhore but he looked sexy as hell anyways)

Posted By: GaGambler
Which means I can sit comfortably in the number two position. The other half is, well I think the other half is pretty easy to figure out. lol

If that is all you have to look forward too in life then I truly pity you.

I am guessing you don't read my posts and see there is A LOT more to me.

Why the hell are you so bitter?

Posted By: balljointnut
If that is all you have to look forward too in life then I truly pity you.

I am surprised there is not a service that can verify that men and women are STD clean, at least  
as of the day tested.   It would narrow the odds considerably.  

All you would have to do is get tested and send the results to the referee's email.   You would have to give permission for the referee to share your information.  

On a smaller scale, I wonder if a girl would get tested and send the results to my email?

I would pay for the test and her time at the clinic.

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