TER General Board

What women think.
HootOwl 48 Reviews 2438 reads

I think a good chunk of why men wonder how women could become providers is due to what civilian women think about providers.  To go further, what enables the provider to the see the business as a viable option as opposed to the (oft-given) knee-jerk "Ewwww!" response that comes from civilian women.

(I personally don't wonder about it too much anymore -- people have their reasons for what they do and that's good enough for me.)

I am very curious because I see many reasons why a woman would choose to be a provider.  If I were a woman, I would probably provide too.  I think there are a spectrum of reasons:

*  Need money desperately to support certain habbits.
*  Need the extra money to provide a good life for the kids.
*  Hate conventional jobs, and want something interesting.
*  Need the attention and companionship of men.
*  Horny as heck by nature, and get paid for doing it.

Are there any other reasons? I'd like to explore the psyche of a provider and find out why they are in this business.  This would allow me to understand the human side of this industry.

I have ADD, my attention span is dead if I am at the same job for more than a day. Employers love the way I come up w/ creative ideas and teachers love me and I make high grades but my mind wanders when I have the same job for more than a couple days and I get dismissed for being too hyper and pacing the workplace and I can't do sales b/c most products that need salespeople have something wrong w/ them unless it is cars and no one should buy a car the first day they see it esp used ones so I have problems there.

this is easy, I date the guys and we have fun and I am very attractive

DickBead3148 reads

Sure you are? Self-promotion is nothing. Where are your pics and reviews?

del griffith3759 reads

A girl that I've known for a couple of years has a regular job  but had always had a dream of owning her own home. She worked part time for a while, got the money for the down payment, and then got back out of the business. She's the most amazing lover I've ever had and I'm afraid she's ruined me as far as other women are concerned. I wish her only the best!

cowboyzup4522 reads

Hi I,m a provider I ACTUALLY USED TO OWN A LARGE ESCORT AGENCY IN LOS ANGELES, After the fall of Heidi I decided to drop the girlz and become an escort myself, I,m well educated and have a Phd, why am I not practacing in my field is simple.... It's boring!!!!!!!!! Being a provider is not only exciting but very rewarding as well,financial as well as mentally.,The gentlemen are from all over the world, all different walks of the finer life [dependig on what you charge]
And you feel like a goddess,, There to take the strong,ever so fierce man and turn him into a pool of liquid pleasure the eyes glowing skin sweaty and hot,he will alway's remember that love making even as time passeshe will remember it.... It's wonderful....... And you're thanked given a nice tip and you have a business contact depending on his profession,to accelerate in your own,,,,, Then theres the trip's and the gift's and the secret charge card's...But overall the best part is my family is very well provided for, My elderly Mother is able to be at home,comfortable and in her own space... I like what I do and I like doing it .{for you The Gentlemen]
         Sincerly CB

SirPrize2395 reads

"Everybody needs money, that's why it is called MONEY".

JulieWild2967 reads

This is a great question.  I am 39 and decided to become a provider after writing a weekly column on swinging and offering phone sex coaching for about a year.

I am happily married and find my work very rewarding. Both financially and mentally.  I became a provider because I love meeting new clients and the intimacy I can share. I love to bring an hour or two of complete bliss to my clients.  

I can't think of a better job for a lady.  I have been into the alternative lifestyle for years, so the only difference now is I am getting paid for what I do.

Julie Wild
Atlanta Georgia

Abbey Marie2075 reads

*  Hate conventional jobs, and want something interesting.
*  Enjoy the attention and companionship of men.

These two just about cover it for me. I'm currently a college student so this allows me the flexibility to plan my schedule around my studies. Also, it's a very rewarding business to become a part of and I feel the experiences I've had so far have taught me a great deal about myself, my personal needs and wants, and about others in much more depth than I might have hoped to discover in any other profession. The opportunity to experience mutual pleasure and make a living at doing so is obviously very appealing.

This industry has always intrigued me, partly due to my sexual nature but also due to my intense curiosity about those around me. So, for me, perhaps one of the greatest motivating factors for entering into this is due to my love for sociology and gaining a better understanding of why we are as we are. Of course, the only reason I become involved in just about anything is because of my insatiable curiosity. Human sexuality endlessly amazes and fascinates me...why wouldn't someone wish to delve into such a gratifying occupation?

Abbey Marie

"Much of our highly valued cultural heritage has been acquired at the cost of sexuality."
-Sigmund Freud

I have discussed this with quite a number of women, so it is a reasonably sized but somewhat biased sample.  Most women will discuss this quite openly, but some are a bit uncomfortable, and I immediately back off and apologize.

Anyway, the reasons vary considerably and are generally complex.  I don't think you can easily make a short list that captures why someone would make such a decision.  I will say this, most women have really given this some serious thought and did not act impetuously.  One more reason to be impressed with providers.



Thank you for identifying with me, provider-woman.  Since you Preface your question by explaining that if you could, you "probably" would "provide too."  I believe your question is sincere and meant to be reassuring, I will try to answer it in the spirit it was asked.

First, I need to say that yes, there are lots of other reasons than the ones you listed that people choose this craft.  We are individuals with individual stories.  We are all different.  We have all arrived here on different but equal paths.

I can break my experience down into generalizations but I prefer not to especially to a complete stranger.  To me this is like asking someone you are sitting around the campfire with with everyone listening why they became a Teacher or a Dog Groomer or a Body Guard or an Optometrist.  They can give you an honest answer but most likely it's not an answer that can ever really satisy your intent/question/curiosity/.  Not unless your intention is shallow.

My surface answers are that providing is an emotional/intellectual challenge that offers me freedom and the chance to experience things I need to explore at this moment.

Don't get hustled by his inane questions... not sure what his gig is, but he come's off like he's some newbie who stumbled on the profession and found paradise. He is a scary mutha F@#$@er if you ask me.

Then again, maybe it's actually fun and intellectually stimulating?  People readily accept that to be successful in your chosen profession/job/role/career you need to genuinely enjoy it.  I often wonder why people have such difficulty accepting that we do this because we love the work.   Sure, there are some women (and men) in terrible circumstances who do it because they believe they have no other choice.  But isn't that true of any job?

I'm curious, would you ask you proctologist why they do what they do for a living?  Or a fireman, or a police officer, or a marine?

Emma, I checked out your website; you are very beautiful intelligent  woman, and I'm sure you had other choices for your life. Everyone should be free to choose. This isn't about making judgements

I think a good chunk of why men wonder how women could become providers is due to what civilian women think about providers.  To go further, what enables the provider to the see the business as a viable option as opposed to the (oft-given) knee-jerk "Ewwww!" response that comes from civilian women.

(I personally don't wonder about it too much anymore -- people have their reasons for what they do and that's good enough for me.)

Let me know when you come to Chicago.... not interested in porn stars or women who love anal cream pies... too much bad publicity coming out of LA these days... agree?

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